DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur – 273009 TENDER FOR CREATION OF COLLEGE LOGINS, ONLINE SUBMISSION OF EXAMINATION APPLICATIONS BY STUDENTS AND PRE-EXAMINATION RELATED WORK WITH DATA PROCESSING WORK Tender Fees : Rs. 5,000.00/-(Including Tax) Bid Security : Rs. 50,000.00/- Performance/Security Deposit : Rs. 5,00,000.00/-(To be Rs. Five Lakh submitted after the award) Last date & Time of Submission of Bid : 15/02/2014 up to 3:00 p.m. Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bid : 15/02/2014 up to 3:30 p.m. I. Invitation for Bid 1. DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh invites bids from reputed software companies for creation of (A) College logins, (B) Online submission of examination applications by the students and (C) Pre-examination related works along with data-processing works under the two-bid-system. 2. The bids shall be accepted in the office of the “Finance Officer, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur – 273009; either through speed post or by droping-in-the box meant for the same up to the prescribed date. The tender details and name of the bidder should be clearly mentioned on the envelope. 3. The university will not be responsible for any delay in obtaining the tender documents from the university or the submission of completed documents to the university. 4. The bidders shall submit an affidavit that the bidder’s firm has not been blacklisted from the Government of UP/ India. The bids of the blacklisted bidders will be outrightly rejected. Incomplete tenders are also likely to be rejected. 5. The bids submitted by the firm/ Company should be valid for a minimum period of ONE year from the date of opening of the tender and the prices should be valid for a minimum period of ONE year from the date of issue of the work order or execution of the agreement. 6. The prices quoted in the financial bid should be inclusive of all the lavies and taxes. In case, the lavies and taxes are reduced or increased subsequently by the Government at the time of placing of the work order, then the same will be adjusted by either party on production of requisite proof. 7. The bid security (BS) of Rs.50,000.00 (rupees fifty thousand only) should be enclosed along with the technical bids duly signed and stamped by the bidder. The validity of BS should be for six months. The BS may be in the form of demand draft in favour of Finance Officer, DDU Gorakhpur University, payable at Gorakhpur either as Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee (BG) in favor of Finance Officer, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. 8. The tender must be submitted on the prescribed tender document issued by the DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. This tender document is also available on the web site www.ddugu.edu.in to enable the bidders to download the document for submitting bids in DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur against the tender notice. 9. In case of any ambiguity, the original tender document available in DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur or on the web site shall be treated as final tender document. The tenders submitted on downloded tender documents without enclosing tender document fee (non-refundable) of required amount in the form of Bank Draft shall not be accepted. 10. The technical bid should be accompanied by the tender form, detailed terms and conditions, bidder’s information, tender fee and BS. The envelope containing these documents shall be marked as ‘Technical Bid’. 11. The Financial Bid shall be kept in separate sealed envelope, marked as ‘Financial Bid. Finally, both enveope will be kept in another envelope and the details of the tender and the name the address of the biddershall be written clearly on the envelope. 12. The tender complete in all respect should reach the Finance Officer, DDU Gorakhpurt University, on or before the prescribed data and time. 13. The technical bid of the tender shall be opened on the prescribed date and time. The technical bids of those bidders who do not accept, sign and stamp all the terms and conditions of the bid, shall not be opened. If bids opening day is declared a Government holiday, then the technical bids shall be accepted and opened on next working day at the same time. Representative of each firm/Compay may participate at the time of opening the technical bids. 14. Bidder must have serviced or executed similar jobs for universities/ institutions of higher education for which the proofs may be required by executing the reference check and credibility details of the company. All details are required to be complete with name of the university/full address and the reference and credibility contact details with their landline and mobile numbers. 15. Technical evaluation of the bid shall be done on the basis of a presentation made by the bidders before a team of university authorities. No TA/ DA will be admissible for the same. 16. The successful bidder shall sign an agreement with the university after the acceptance of the tender. The successful bidder is also required to submit a bank guarantee for Rs. 05 Lakh (Rupees FIVE Lakh only) towards the performance of the work. The work order shall be issued only after signing of the work agreement with the selected fiem/ Company. All terms and conditions of this tender shall be a part of the overall agreement. 17. In case of tenderers, whose tenders are not considered for placing the work order the BS money will be refunded normally within one month of taking the decision. In case of the selected tenderer, the earnest money deposit may be converted into Bank Guarantee (BG) and will be retained till the completion of the work. If the tenderer is not able to complete the work within the specified period the BG will be forfeited in full in addition to the penalty. There shall not be any interest liability on the university for BS/BG by the tenderer. 18. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. 19. All the disputes or differences arising between the parties out of or relating to the meaning and operation of effect of the contract or breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules and regulations of arbitrator. In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction will be Gorakhpur Only. 20. The tender should NOT be SUB-LET to any other service provider and must be executed at bidder’s unit having all equipment & infrastructure owned by the company itself. Also, NO CONSORTIUM OF TWO OR MORE SERVICE PROVIDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 21. All of the above clauses and information provided shall be subject to an audit and validation by DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur at any point of time, before/ during/ or/ after the bidding process. If at all any information or feedback is found to be wrong or malafide, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur RESERVES the right to REJECT the bid without assigning any reason whatsoever and the bidder will have No right to claim any damages of any nature. Signature of bidder with seal and Addresh Finance Officer DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur II. Schedule of Requirements: Sl.No. Work Description 1. Software Module for Creation of College Logins for approx. 380 afflifiated colleges as scope of work mentioned at point no. (A) below. 2. Software Module for Online Submission of Examination Application by approx. 5,00,000 Lac Students as per scope of work mentioned at point no. (B) below. 3. Processing of Online Submitted Data and Pre-Examination Related Work for approx. 5,00,000 Students as per scope of work mentioned at point no. (C) below. III. Description of the Works: (A) Software Module for Creation of College Login : College logins creation for approx 380 affliated colleges for uploading of circulars, letters, admit cards, roll lists, verification (attendance) forms etc. issued by the university to respective colleges. (B) Software Module for Online Submission of Examination Applications: Online submission of examination applications by approx.5 lac students (regular, private, exstudent , single subject, back paper and improvement), auto generation of student registration number, auto generation of e-challan for payment of examination fee by private student and approval of submitted date by college through college login. (C) Processing of Online Submitted Data of Students and Pre-Examination Related Works: Roll No. allotment, exam centre allotment, printing of admit cards on preprinted stationery, printing of roll lists, printing of verification (attendance) forms, numerical returns (NRs) for each exam (course wise, subject/paper wise, date wise and exam center wise), generation of college wise fee reports and other MIS reports as per need of the unversity. Signature of bidder with seal and Addresh Finance Officer DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur Bidder’s Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. Name of the Firm Full address of Firm along with Contact Person Telephone No. Fax No. E-mail addresh: Local address of firm for communication, if any If Company/Product/Services is ISO certified (copies of certificates be attached) Annual turnover in last 3 finacial years in Rs. i. Year 2010-2011. ii. Year 2011-2012. iii. Year 2012-2013. Work orders for similar or relatated works as tender specification in last 3 financial years in niversities/Insttitutions of higher learning (In nos.) Trade Tax/Sales Tax Registration no. with place. Income Tax Registration no. with place. Description of Technical capabilities Facility specifications Capacity per day Security arrangements No. of Technical Personnel (Qualifications be also mentioned) No. of Supporting staff Any other Kindly enclose at least three after sales service Support certificates from your customers where you have performed similar works. Total no. of certificates enclosed. Any other information you feel necessary (Separate sheets may be used if required) Details of Bid Security attached. Bidder’s signature with seal Name & Designation Financial Bid FOR CREATION OF COLLEGE LOGINS, ONLINE SUBMISSION OF EXAMINATION APPLICATIONS BY STUDENTS AND PRE-EXAMINATION RELATED WORK WITH DATA PROCESSING WORK S.No. Work Description 1. College Login Creation Module for affiliated Colleges along with web infrastructure integrated with E-mail Model. 2. Software Module for Online Submission of Examination Application Forms for Regular, Private and etc Student integrated with E-mail Module and Fee Report. 3. Processing of Online Submitted Date & Pre-Examination Related Work for Regular, Private and etc Student Students. Approx. Qunntity Unit Rate (Rs.) Total Amount (Rs.) approx 380 College @ Rs. ----/-Per College Per Year ---- 5 Lac Student @ -----/ per Student per Exam ---- 5 Lac Student @ ------ per Student per Exam ---- 4. Sub Total ---- 5. Service Tax @ ----------- % ---- 6. Grand Total ----
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