Tutorial--Short Answer R.cwk (WP)

Tutorial: Short Answer Questions
01. There are four short answer questions on the exam. Two will contain a “stimulus”, i.e.
a document or visual.
02. To avoid confusion by the person who will score your answer, always label the question
number as it exactly appears and respond in order of the prompt.
03. You need NOT create and support a thesis statement.
04. Develop a response that is clear and concise. Incorporate historical information. To this
end, write no more than three sentences.
Example 1--Two Competing Positions On Welfare
01. Briefly explain ONE major difference between the author’s historical interpretations.
02. Briefly explain how ONE example from the period 1880 to 1920 not explicitly
mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support (x)’s argument.
03. Briefly explain how ONE example from the period 1880 to 1920 not explicitly
mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support [y]’s argument.
For 01), explain in your own words what is each author’s position. Next, list their
difference of opinion and explain why they each feel that way. For 02) and 03),
provide a specific piece of evidence to lend credence to each position and explain
how it is credible.
Example 2--Native Americans And Europeans
01. Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between these groups brought
changes to Native American societies in the period 1492-1700.
02. Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies resisted change
brought by contact with Europeans in the same period.
01. POOR--Native Americans died at the hands of brutal European explorers.
BETTER--Native Americans died by the millions after contracting illnesses that
Europeans were immune to.
BEST--Entire tribes were wiped out as a result of disease European settlers. For
example, the Shawnee and Delaware tribes in May 1763 were decimated by
smallpox as a result of increasing trade contact.
02. POOR--Native Americans fought to retain their identity.
BETTER--Native American tribes were upset over European hostility toward their
cultural practices.
BEST--Metacom, the leader of a confederation that included the Wampanoag and
the Narranganset, led an unsuccessful revolt in 1676 in protest of the loss of
tribal sovereignty.