VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE S.R.M NAGAR KATTANKULATHUR DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONCIS ENGINEERING ME POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING YEAR:FIRST SEM:II PS7204-Restructured Power System QUESTION BANK UNIT-1 INTRIODUCTION TO RESTRUCTURING OF POWER INDUSTRY PART-A 1. What is meant by deregulation. 2. What is restructured power system 3. Enumerate the need for restructuring 4. What is meant by market power. 5. Define spot market 6. What do you mean elastic and inelastic market 7. Give any difference between elastic and inelastic market. 8. What is meant by long run cost 9. What is meant by Market Clearing Price. 10. What are the different types of restructuring process. 11. What is meant by ISO 12. What is meant by competitive market. 13. Define the term power exchange 14. Give any four difference between vertical integrated system and regulated system 15. What are the different types of market model 16. What is meant by discriminatory pricing and non discriminatory pricing in electricity market. 17. What are the roles of ISO 18. What are the difference between consumer behaviour and supplier behaviour. 19. What is meant by unbundling in restructured power system. 20. What is meant by ancillary service in deregulation. PART-B 1. Explain different types of restructuring process in detail(16) 2. Explain with detail the reason for restructuring in power system(16) 3. Explain with neat diagram different entities involved in deregulation(16) 4. Explain different restructured process across the world(16) 5. Explain in details the consumer behaviour and supplier behaviour in restructured power system(16) 6. Explain short run cost and long run cost in restructured power system.(16) 7. Explain different types of mark models based on contractual arrangements(16) 8. Explain comparison of various market models in restructured power system(16) 9. Compare distinguish features of electricity with other commodity in restructured environment(16) 10. Explain different types of market architecture in restructured power system.(16) UNIT-II TRANSMISSION CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PART-A 1. Define congestion in deregulation 2. Define congestion management 3. What are the factors to limit power transfer in transmission line 4. What are the features for congestion management 5. What are the major classification in congestion management 6. Draw the different phases of congestion management 7. What is meant by OASIS 8. Define ATC. 9. What is meant by Total Transfer Capabilities(TTC) 10. What is meant by TRM & CRM 11. What is meant by PTDF 12. What is meant by LODF. 13. What is meant by inter zonal congestion management 14. What is meant by intra zonal congestion management 15. Define nodal pricing 16. What is meant by non market methods of congestion management 17. What are the difference between congestion charges and congestion credit 18. What is meant by capacity alleviation method. 19. What are the importance of congestion management 20. What is the significance to find ATC PART-B 1. Explain different types of congestion management(16) 2. Explain to calculate ATC using DC power flow analysis (16) 3. Explain in details importance and features of congestion management(16) 4. Explain to calculate ATC using AC power flow analysis(16) 5. Explain inter zonal and intra zoanl congestion management(16) 6. Explain briefly price area congestion management(16) 7. Explain different methods of capacity alleviation method(16) 8. Explain the features of congestion management (16) 9. Explain nodal pricing of congestion management.(16) 10. Explain difference between the inter zonal congestion and intra zonal congestion. UNIT III LOCATIONAL MARGINAL PRICES AND FINANCIAL TRANSMISSION RIGHTS PART-A 1. Define LMP 2. What is meant by congestion price 3. What is meant by FTR 4. What is meant by physical transmission rights 5. Define out of merit 6. What is meant by secondary market in FTR. 7. What is meant by FTR auction 8. What are the difference between congestion charges and congestion credit 9. What is meant by non market methods of congestion management 10. What is the necessity of transmission rights 11. What is meant price area congestion management 12. What is meant by secondary trading of FTR 13. What is meant by shadow price 14. What is meant by merchant transmission investment 15. What are the advantages of DCOPF 16. What is meant by ARR 17. What is meant by revenue adequency 18. What is meant by market power 19. What are the difference between DCOPF and ACOPF 20. What are the difference between FTR and FGR PART-B 1. Explain briefly to calculate nodal pricing using DCOPF and ACOPF methods 2. Explain inter zonal and intra zoanl congestion management 3. Explain briefly price area congestion management 4. Explain fundamentals of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) 5. Explain to calculate LMP using DCOPF method 6. Explain briefly about Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) 7. Explain briefly FTR and market power 8. Explain briefly Flow gate rights 9. Explain different methods of capacity alleviation method 10. Explain briefly to calculate LMP using ACOPF method UNIT IV ANCILLARY SERVICE MANAGEMENT AND PRICING OF TRANSMISSION NETWORK PART-A 1. Define ancillary service. 2. What are the importance of ancillary service in restructured power system 3. What are the different types of ancillary service 4. What are the different classification of ancillary service depending up the service requirement 5. What are the types of ancillary service depends upon restore the system after blackout. 6. What is meant by frequency regulation in ancillary service 7. What is meant load following in ancillary service. 8. What is meant by black start capability 9. How to control reactive power and voltage in ancillary service 10. What is meant by spinning reserve in ancillary service 11. What is meant by power wheeling 12. What ate the principle following while designing transmission pricing 13. What are the cost component to consider while designing transmission pricing 14. What are the different methods of transmission pricing 15. What is meant by marginal transmission pricing paradigm 16. What is meant by composite pricing paradigm 17. What are the different methods of rolled transmission pricing methods 18. What is meant by postage stamp in transmission pricing 19. What is meant by increment postage stamp methodology. 20. What is meant by MW-Mile in transmission pricing PART-B 1. Explain different types of ancillary service in restructured power system(16) 2. Explain load generating balancing in ancillary service(16) 3. Explain voltage control and reactive power support in ancillary service(16) 4. Explain black start capability in ancillary service(8) 5. Explain to obtain ancillary service in restructured power system (8) 6. Explain co-optimization of energy and reserve services in restructured power system(16) 7. Explain briefly rolled in transmission pricing (16) 8. (i)Explain different types of transmission pricing (8) (ii)Explain briefly marginal transmission pricing (8) 9. (i)Explain briefly composite marginal pricing (8) (ii) Explain different issues of transmission pricing (8) 10. (i)Explain different method of loss allocation in transmission pricing (8) (ii)Compare different method of loss allocation in transmission pricing (8) UNIT V REFORMS IN INDIAN POWER SECTOR PART-A 1. What is meant by CERC 2. What are the salient feature of electricity act 2003 3. What is meant by open access 4. What is meant by ABT 5. What is meant by NLDC & RLDC 6. What are the objectives of electricity act 2003 7. What are issues in Indian power sector 8. What are the different reforms in Indian power sector 9. What are the current scenario of power in Indian power sector 10. What are the salient features of the National Electricity policy 11. What is meant by regulation in Indian power sector 12. What are the reforms in Indian power sectors 13. What are authorities under central government in power sector 14. What are authorities under state government in power sector 15. What are the features of ABT 16. Compare existing tariff with availability tariff 17. Why we go for ABT 18. What is the role of CEO 19. What is the need for power exchange 20. What are the issues in open access PART-B 1. Explain reforms in Indian Power sector (16) 2. Explain different types of tariff in deregulation environment.(16) 3. Explain different Electricity act in deregulation environment.(16) 4. Explain briefly Electricity act 2003 (16) 5. Explain briefly Availability based tariff in restructured power system (16) 6. Explain briefly open access issues in Indian power sector (16) 7. Explain briefly power exchange in Indian power sector (16) 8. Explain development of the Electricity Industry in last 50 years (16) 9. Explain different regulation framework in Indian power sector (16) 10. Explain briefly future reforms in Indian power sector (16)
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