1) What is computer Graphics? List the application of Computer Graphics. 2) List various techniques used for display graphics in computer. Explain CRT display with the help of diagram. 3) Explain DVST. List merit and demerit of DVST. 4) Explain Plasma Panel Display. List merit and demerit of Plasma Panel Display. 5) What is frame buffer? How long would it take to load a 1280 by 1024 frame buffer with 12 bits per pixel if transfer rate is 1Mbps? 6) Consider a raster system with resolution of 1280 by 1024. What size of frame buffer is needed for given system to store 24bits per pixel? How many colors are possible in given system? What is the access time per pixel if refreshing rate is 60 frames per second? 7) Explain Odd-Even Rule and Non Zero Winding Rules. 8) Explain DDA and Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with example. Compare DDA line drawing with Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm. 9) What is region code? Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm with example. 10) Explain the Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl (NLN) line clipping algorithm. 11) Consider the line from (20, 10) and (30, 18). Use the Bresenham Line Drawing algorithm to rasterizing the line. 12) List and explain various 2D transformations (Translation, rotation, scaling, shear, reflection) 13) Translate a Square ABCD with the coordinates A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) by 2 units in Xdirection and 3 units in Y-direction. 14) Explain the property of circle and calculate the pixel position along circle path with radius r =10 centered on the origin using midpoint circle algorithm up to x=y. 15) Apply the shearing transformation to Square with A (0, 0), B (1, 0), C (1, 1) and D (0, 1) as given below: a) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Yref = -1 b) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Xref = -1 16) Explain the attributes associated with line and characters. 17) List and explain various character generation techniques. (Bitmap and outline). 18) Explain working of Touch Panel and digitizer. 19) Discuss mid-point circle drawing algorithm with example. 20) What is aliasing? Briefly explain anti-aliasing techniques 21) Explain RGB, XYZ, YIQ and CMY color models. 22) Write short note on Flood fill and boundary fill algorithm. 23) What is polygon clipping? Explain Liang-Barky line clipping and Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm with the help of example. 24) Define Concave and Convex polygon with an example. 25) What is view port? What is window? Explain window to viewport transformation. 26) Write a short note on Hidden line removal. 27) Explain methods for 3-D transformation. Derive equation for 3-D scaling, 3-D rotation and 3D translation. 28) Beam penetration and shadow mask technique 29) Raster scan and random scan 30) Back face detection 31) Write down short note on Depth Cueing. 32) What is Bezier Curve? Define properties of Bezier Curve. 33) List the advantages of the B-splines over the Bezier splines and explain the B-spline curves properties. 34) Define Visible Line & Surface identification. 35) What is Parallel Projection? Explain in details types of Parallel Projection. (Parallel and perspective projection with the help of diagram.) 36) Explain rules are used to identify interior regions of an object with an example. 37) Briefly explain Z-buffer visible surface determination algorithm. 38) Briefly explain 3D viewing process. 39) Explain terms Persistence and Resolution. 40) Explain Stroke method used of Character generation. 41) Define Ambient Light. 42) Define Gouraud Shading. 43) Briefly Explain A-Buffer Algorithm with its merits. 44) Define Phong Shading. 45) What is depth buffer method? Write and explain the steps of a depth buffer algorithm. 46) What is a polygon mesh? Discuss various ways to represent a polygon mesh with their merits and demerits.
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