First Name: Last Name: Supplemental Questions Financial Economics

First Name:
Last Name:
Supplemental Questions
Financial Economics
Please upload document to Supplemental Documents in application.
1.Briefly explain how your educational background provides you with the foundation required for MFE
coursework. (100 words)
2.Briefly outline any relevant work experience in the financial industry and why it has motivated you to
pursue an MFE degree. (150 words)
3.As a professional program, the primary objective of the Western MFE is to prepare our graduates for a
career in the financial industry. Please provide a brief outline of your short (i.e. first 3-5 years after
graduating) and longer term career goals in the financial sector, as well as why the Western MFE would
aid you in accomplishing these objectives. (300 words)
4.Briefly describe any extracurricular or volunteer experiences in which you had the opportunity to
exercise leadership skills. (100 words)
5.Please summarize why you are a strong candidate for the Western MFE program (i.e. tell us what are
your key strengths that will help you succeed both in our program and after graduation). (300 words)