Antigone Double Entry Journal

Antigone Double Entry Journal
Directions: Of the six statements below, please prepare TWO for a discussion that will be held the first week of school. Choose
a side of each argument, and support your side with THREE quotes from the text. Identify which side you are on by writing the
statement in the grey box so your teachers know which you are choosing. Good luck!
Statement #1: Antigone deserves to LIVE or DIE (choose one) based on her refusal to obey the law of Thebes.
Statement #2: It is more important to follow the laws of MAN or the GODS (choose one).
Statement #3: It is more important to support your FAMILY or the STATE (choose one).
Statement #4: (Wo)men should live in pursuit of HONOR or POWER (choose one).
Statement #5: It is IMPORTANT or NOT IMPORTANT (choose one) to care about the views of others when making a
Statement #6: Creon DESERVES or DOES NOT DESERVE (choose one) the punishment given to him by the gods.
How to write a Double Entry Journal:
CHOICE: This is where you write your statement of choice, indicating your position on the subject.
 Copy down the passage from the text that you
consider the most important or best support
for your position/stance.
 Quotes must be copied straight out of the book
and properly punctuated (with quotation
 Cite your translator by writing the name of the
translator and line number of the quote (see
example below).
 Give context from the plot so the reader understands what is
happening around your quote.
 Explain HOW/WHY the quote supports your argument.
 Be sure to reference the text (by referring to part of the
quotation as evidence)
 If possible, include any connections you can make with previous
incidents in the story or The Hunger Games.
 Conclude by referring back to your original position in order to
bring your argument to a close.
This is the answer column!!! All the important analysis in our
discussion will come from the information you write here! Be sure
to go beyond summarizing the quote and make sure your
response is 5+ sentences long.
Sample Double Entry Journal:
CHOICE: Creon DESERVES the punishment given to him by the gods.
“ And is Thebes about to tell me how to rule?”
(Fagles 821)
Context (1-2 sentences minimum)
Analysis (2-3 sentences minimum)
- Explanation of what quote means
- Reference to all or part of quote
- Personal response to quote or section of
- Connection, if relevant
Conclusion (1 sentence minimum)
- Explanation of HOW/WHY quote supports
Throughout the play, Creon justifies his decision to bury one
brother and leave the other’s body for the animals by reminding
everyone around him that he is the ruler of Thebes. As a ruler, he
maintains that allegiance to the state is the most important part of
being a citizen, even when it means defying the gods. Yet his words
show that he is not always acting for the benefit of the state. Creon
shows his anger at being challenged by the people when he asks,
“And is Thebes about to tell me how to rule?” This causes me to
wonder how he can say that the state is more important than the
individual when he is acting in such a selfish and self-interested
way. When his edicts and actions are challenged by others, Creon
fails to accept that he is not the highest power, and because his
actions do not take into account the traditional laws of the gods, he,
like Antigone, will be ultimately judged by that higher power. Creon
deserves to be punished by the gods because he makes decisions
based on his own preference, not that of his people.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
Post Writing Checklist
Position #1
____ Chooses one of the two sides
____ Clearly written in the grey box provided (can be read by your future teacher)
DEJ Entry #1
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread
DEJ Entry #2
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
DEJ Entry #3
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread
Position #1
____ Chooses one of the two sides
____ Clearly written in the grey box provided (can be read by your future teacher)
DEJ Entry #4
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
DEJ Entry #5
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
DEJ Entry #6
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread
____ Clearly supports chosen position (is relevant to position)
____ Properly cited using quotation marks, name of translator and line numbers
____ 1-2 sentences of context or plot to summarize what is going on at this point in the play
____ 2-3+ sentences of analysis that explains what the quote means, HOW/WHY the quote
supports the position, and any personal responses or connections to other stories
____ Quoted reference to all/part of the chosen quote introduced as evidence in response
____ 1-2 sentence conclusion that ties quote to position and explanation
____ Legible
____ 5+ sentences long
____ Proofread