Going Global, Starting Local
– Digital Student Data
2014 Heads of Student Administration
22 August 2014
Kathryn Blyth, Academic Registrar, Australian Catholic University
Neil J Robinson, Executive Director Academic Services and Registrar, University of Melbourne
In the beginning…
In 2013, HOSA Conference attendees were invited to
nominate themselves or others to participate in a reference
group, with other interested stakeholders, to consider an
Australian response to the Groningen Declaration. In
conjunction with Universities Australia the Digital Student
Data (DSD) Reference Group was formed.
The Group took as its purpose the exploration of digital
student data coordination across Australian universities. A
survey of institutions in late 2013 led to the development of
an initial response to the Groningen Declaration. This was
endorsed by Universities Australia’s DVC-Corporate group
on 27 February 2014 and subsequently by the DVCAcademic/Education group on 16 May, 2014
Looking Global
As a result, Ainslie Moore (Universities Australia) and Neil Robinson
(University of Melbourne and Chair of the DSD Reference Group)
presented the following statement of interest at the Groningen
Declaration Annual Meeting on 9 April 2014:
“The Australian Heads of Student Administration Digital Student
Data Reference Group supports the work of the Groningen
Declaration and wishes to participate in the global movement to
enhance student mobility. It is the Group’s ambition to sign the
Declaration once it is confident that it can deliver on the objectives.
Although the Group is not yet in a position to make this
commitment, it is currently engaged in a process of consultation and
ongoing work to ensure that the decision to sign is reached with due
diligence and commitment.”
Going Global…
A recap and link to our discussions yesterday…
• We are facing unprecedented change – in student
expectations, through competition, structural changes
(Federation University) and potentially funding change
• We are experiencing global mobility – of students, of staff
and of student data
• We are responding to demands for increased efficiency
and an improved student experience – but Commonwealth
changes may mean an additional administrative burden,
requirement for us to provide financial advice and more
complex student enrolment and retention patterns
Deciding an approach
Some acknowledgements: Kathryn Blyth for her
encouragement to keep going, Anthony Manahan for
his hard work and enthusiasm, the Reference Group for
their contribution and Tom Black for his inspiration…
more of that later (no pressure Tom!)…
At its meeting on 22 May 2014, four potential
approaches were considered by the DSD Reference
Group, which agreed on the following option:
Adopt an approach like the UK where an
established organisation becomes the facilitator
outsourcing the activity to a third party platform
Conceptualising the approach
A concept proposal Going Global, Starting Local: Digital Student Data Mobility was
prepared based on the agreed option and recommends a detailed feasibility study.
The following staff contributed to the Concept Proposal:
Mr Phillip Anthony, Manager, Assessment Services
Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
Ms Stella Birch, Senior Advisor
RMIT University
Ms Joanne Calmer, Manager, Strategy and Planning
Monash University
Mr Michael Dorman, Manager, Enrolments, Fees and Scholarships
Australian Catholic University
Ms Megan Huisman, Academic Registrar
University of Wollongong
Ms Catriona MacGregor, Executive Officer to the Academic Registrar
University of Melbourne
Anthony Manahan, Senior Student Services Analyst
University of Melbourne
Ms Alyson McGrath, HDR Manager
Griffith University
Mr Robert Morrell, Director, Student and Academic Services
University of New South Wales
Ms Victoria Norris, Intern, Academic Registrar’s Group
University of Melbourne
Mr Jon Stubbs, Director Student Services
University of Western Australia
Looking at what’s feasible
The DSD Reference Group endorsed the concept
proposal and the recommendation to proceed to a
detailed Feasibility Study at its meeting on 30 July 2014.
Managing Organisation
The suggestions for an existing
organisation are predicated on them
already representing the sector.
However, given the focus is not just
on admissions and nor is it
necessarily just on universities, the
creation of a new entity should be
considered. Options include:
• Universities Australia
• Australasian Conference of
Tertiary Admissions Centres
• Create a new organisation
A repository approach whereby an
external data store is provided which
can be accessed by students,
educational institutions, and third
parties who have been given
permission by the student (e.g.
employers) versus a broker
approach using EDI or XML with the
ability to support both data and
document management via both
machine-to-machine and machineto-person.
This is somewhat dependent on the
approach but some broker focussed
options include:
Emerging technologies should also
be monitored for potential
Let’s get started
So, we would like:
1. Endorsement of the Concept proposed
2. Endorsement to sign the Groningen Declaration
– Noting 1 and 2 are subject to DVC-Resources
and DVC-Academic/Education support
3. Endorsement to actively engage our NZ
colleagues in attempting an Australia-New
Zealand approach
Any Questions?
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