Controlling Biology with Light

November 28, 2014: NVBMB Fall symposium
Controlling Biology with Light
Bernouilliborg, Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen
Organizers: A.J.M. Driessen & M. Merkx
10.00 Coffee/Tea
10:25 Welcome and opening
10.30 Ben Feringa (Synthetic organic chemistry, University of Groningen)
Dynamic Molecular Systems: from light controlled switches to motors
11.15 Kim Bonger (Biomoleculalr Chemistry, Radboud University Nijmegen)
Methods to regulate protein stability in cells by ligands and light
12:00 Short presentation 1
12:20 Short presentation 2
12:40 Lunch; General Assembly of NVBMB
13:45 Lucas Kaptein (Cell Biology, Utrecht University)
Optogenetic control of organelle transport and positioning
John Kennis (Physics and Astronomy, Free University, Amsterdam)
Shedding light on the optogenetics toolbox
15:15 Introduction of the H.G.K. Westenbrink prize winner
15:25 Presentation by the winner:
15:45 Tea
16.15 Dirk Trauner (Department of Chemistry, University of Munich)
17.00 Drinks
Short presentations will be selected abstract (max 200 words) to [email protected]
before November 1st, 2014. Registration is free of charge. Lunch will be available for
participants who register before November 1st, 2014, by sending an email to Ms. Bea Zand
Scholten, [email protected]. Please write “NVBMB” in the subject line.