( *r 5Fi') a:.Y*Y l3** u+.rr-*.e pL! ar.b +l 15y'1 6r{r,. irL>.9 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Berween Al - lmam Muhammad lbn Saud lslamic University & Marmara Universiry Al-lmam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, む “ rり 1し い 場DL」 lヵ占J場 lt・ ^11免戸 ■■ υ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Marmara University, “ i3´ メ し 喝 ■ 九 ン │∼ recognize the mutual benefits from the establishment of めL」 │ン → 一 り “ international links, resulting in this memorandum of 1 _、 l λ h`ヽ た 1.^1ハ !し L'1■ 」│メ │キ LЧ 。 ユ」 ¥デ understanding (MoU). Article 1: The purpose of this MoU is to develop academic and educational scientific research cooperation and to promote mutual understanding between the two universities. Article 2: Both universities agree to develop the following collaborative activities in the academic areas of mutual interests, on the basis of equality and reciprocity and with available resources from both ユ 」し LЧ め口 1去炉 』 デ 。 亀ギ♪ゝ :決 Lひ ・ oい い 1´ 1浄 コ Exchange of faculty members: r . Mutual educational visits by faculty members, scholars and researchers. Promoting academic collaboration of continuing education and training programs ‐ │も の 日 │■ │タ ー 斃戸 3- め 一 oし リロい響oLら メ│≧ 」 1114・ Aツ '1■ …│‐ Ll^4ッ :ぼL甲 │キ こは │タ :3“ し,1_し も」 さ い 5- Exchange of academic leaming resources and げり :甲 DLLll‐ l.1・ 11‐ Collaboration in developing academic programs, curricula and courses. bb」 う い ―γ しちコ1学 ル ‐bb」 。 い・ ヴぇがヒギ 1ム■メ 学ル ‐bb」 。 い・ :凄刹 五`t_11“ Щ I■ め 口 │― Υ む回 │」 ぃ ■戸 ロ い・ ‐ り1」 さ 五.1_・ 11● │メ │を め国 │」 い 員戸・ Lら し■門。 し1:11ジ ‐│夕■メLし ‐1`1ス 111← ■墨 ―t '1‐ 4ル ユ│‐ り ス11メ 喝 =.:ス・1し ヽ■ギし 11≧ 」 こ =二 押 Ll‐ `“ ,│,ユ し ― access to digital libraries. 6- ―` ちも・ 11夕 手 占■ げ 事 1』 ^二 び い ■rJ^'1め 1・ ヽ ´i_ち 五 ´ 増 」 1び り しメ ユ│← 口 し ・ `1,ス '1ヽ “ 』 J111.A . . universities. 1 '│‐ r r 4- │ .■ _L」 し3“ し Students Exchange: Exchange of postgraduate students Exchange of undergraduate students. Collaborative Research Projects : . Conducting joint research projects Exchange of research materials. Exchange of researchers. Organize meetings, conferences and seminars in academic, scientific research and technical areas and otherjoint events at both J oЧ お国 」 L oL・ ハLJI.‐ スふ│:■ 口 │ぉ Lti for faculty members. 2- L出 専 1 ごLい │む J。 い │“ □ し`J■ し、 ■」し universities: l- 1ク │ ♂ Lユ 1り 1・ L出 し ‐ メよ1っ J・ ^4 JoL手 ―O ,1科 」」lJ゛ ・ ‐ こ メ1五 ・ “ ヒL'lL餞 ミ1lJこ ´│メ 1え 井ム3≧ め1・・11 ‐ 。 「 ■」 コ│‐ 1"ユ し 1・ 11 -ヽ 1リ ―`― ‐ ■メ “ "Lし らL 7- Collaboration in organizing cultural L■ Ц Iぃ 場 向 Ⅲ weeks and sport events and any extra-curricular 1 ■ ぃ い ビMJ 2・ ‐1・ ‖ こ じ■ Jlこ 戸 う。lA'¨ Mげ “ ・L響 bJjlに 卜い 1 L戸 1制 i伴■ 」い ・¨ 月 1“ ユu``i“ 出い出Y´ available resources from both universities and of メ び 鳳 1・ Lひ ・ .“ 一 ・ 1“ は し ・L・ :Ч 'lL l・ ^■・ "3♂ "¨ 2臨 :"4_颯 即 │ズ ごLユ 1“ り」 し■ユ珈,ご リ 1‐ 甲 │♂ じ ,.… the complainant's country and courts of that L■ `aギ K.学.摯 ハ 1・ written agreement signed by the '‖ Ⅲ .ldr.LiJl j. .rbi* o#d ojt 641 JKI .qaa; ;,5--9.C4;r.t+ll )15,r. LosL-l 6pE toss+ C.!.,-j,.r. !A t ",1r.!E;Yg copy. 5。 Ц l J.. ,r lrlgn Jrdtl a,JL ;J5.ill oj.o.;r.r-:i*,rt^*.tl 6.e 6rtll ;l"r:rl Lrir+|-,;r J.l+;JS.i.tl renegotiated by both universities. Article 6 : This MoU was signed in two original copies, each party was handed a genuine 1 `は L亀 rュ │・ 」■ ●!:こ 口 IJ1 representatives of both universities. renewed after being reviewed and り │“ L■ ごL,日 12^L:'い ・ country will have jurisdiction. years starting from the date ofits approval by the two universities. This MoU shall be . めLⅥ り。●1え '‖ 碑 :コ ロ 15● tti “=Ji_占 ギ ユl・ L… agree to carry out these activities with is valid for a period of five ごの国 1.ヽ の iJし J・ κ‖崚 out specific projects. The two universities Article 5 : This MoU ■ 」 コ │‐ 人 ・ Lり “ │“ 凛レユし韓メメしめⅢユlL喝 ‐ 1 スト亀^」 り岬 will carry Article 4:This MoU may be amended or modined by Lど │ separately negotiated and agreed upon a │‐ v の国 “ Article 3: The development and implementation of specific activities based on this MoU will be in accordance with the laws and regulations │♂ 珈 LL!ご 。 出 こ 層L“ ■」│●ョ2ス トニ:iコL■ρゝ activities between the two universities. 8 - Encouragement to take advantage ofthe scientific and academic expertise between the two universities. 9- Promoting care to the gifted and talented students and faculty members from both parties. l0- Collaboration in the field of Arabic language teaching between the two universities. between colleges or institutes which 国 り し 't;gret+tl a'r r-r .Ai+1.-i Od-iaj ir. ;JS.UI a.ia g+3E g :l*rL*ll 6rlll .\;l a*Ui ai4j bL 6 f+Li -t - C"r r-:-^ e4LE;,gi, ir.b_;*e dgbt+c,:,ib .lg.rJl sgt.:tt efy'l 6-r":. Vice President of a*.Y*y Uir4, Jh.c rr? -tr-*.c pLc! H.E. President of Islamic University Marmara University ― さ 。 Joい ■り。 i ABALKHAIL -r -eiJL-:.^1aU:;F!
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