FY 2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship
Special Re-entry System
In July 2012, the Ministry of Justice put in place a new “residency management system,” under which foreign
nationals who possess a valid passport and resident card may leave Japan and return within one year without, as a rule,
needing to apply for a re-entry permission. This is called the “Special Re-entry System.”
When departing Japan on leave, be sure to bring your resident card with you.
1. Persons having a passport with stamps that indicate their resident card will be issued at a later date and who possess an
alien registration card recognized as a resident card come under the Special Re-entry System.
2. If the valid period of one’s resident card is less than one year, the person must re-enter Japan before the card expires.
* As this system is subject to change, please be sure to check the latest information on the Immigration Bureau’s
webpage. (
2012 年 7 月から施行された新しい在留管理制度により、有効な旅券及び在留カードを所持する外国人(注1)
が日本を出国する際、出国後 1 年以内(注2)に日本に再入国する場合は、原則として再入国許可を受ける必要
(注2)在留期限が出国後 1 年未満に到来する場合は、その在留期限までに再入国してください。