Welcorneto Big Valley Woods 3270{0SIi Leervoocll.,ane Iloring, OR 97009 503-668-4443 If you have any questions,contact Community Manager All RV sitesare full hook-up All sitesare 30 day minimum stay or longer. RV rnust be 1995or newer. Marimum OccqLpancy per llV is 6 persons.No exceptions. All RV's must be fully self-contained.No Campers allowed. $20.00Applical,lionfee per adult payable in check or money order. Nq c?shor clebitcarrcls. Mqgthlv Rate: $450.00 Ref'undableSecrlrify Deposit $450.00with 30 day notice. lncludes: Water, Sewer & householdgarbage. Portland General Electric trills our residentsdirectly for all power usage. Residentshave il working days to have power changedinto their name. I.,aundryand shower facilities are availalrlein both RV areas. l,arger laundry facilify locaLted near office. IJtilities: Frontier Phone Service Luke's Propane Portland General Electric Direct TV Dish Nletwork 877-462-8188 503-759-4235 s03-228-6322 888-777-24s4 888-825-2s57 32700SE Lr:ewoodL,n.RV#_ (makesureyou are very Iear aboutthe sprace # yorunnustmakeit clearthat it is RV# whateversiteyou are in). Boring,OR 97009 GarbageServicr:Basic housieholdgarbageserviceonly. We pick up evely Friday morning. Placegarbagein heavy duty garbageba , (NO WHITE BAGS'WILL BE P'ICKED UP) and leaveat the end of your drivew y n o earlier than Thrrrsday evening. llags are not to ilbeany heavier than 30 LBS. Rent to be paid on the first of each month by Check or Money Order (NO Late fee of $25.010 will be charged if not paid by the fifth of each month. In caseof an emergencycall 911. ASH). BrCIllfitttyt[0005 ApplicationProcess: 1' Everyperson1Bor olderapplying forresidency mustfill-out a background apptication, qaythe$20 fee. Youmustpresetht andallowui to matea copyot oneot ttreiJto-if rorr" of identific{tion withy< addressand srgnature: a. b. c. d. e. Stateissuedldentification Card ValidDriver'sLicense Passportwith photo FederalGovernmentissuedMiritaryrdentification and priviregecard ataxp;y";li";ilfi&iolr-nirmo", :?,:*i:-.tS"H:S:?9.,1'j-l.rriircruoe jrienidentification anqoneor andissuins country, .rro nrrilpi'i l"]9::'!n:.1::.rryrt_numbe,r issued idenlification, which evidences resiaence Jilnil;;;ii; ff:I?:j,Hg:::j:,::T qr similarsafeguard. photo of the andissuing bearsa youmustprovide a sociarsecurity Number (ssN)or Indivlduar fgt 99 Individuals, r ldentifisation Number (lTlN).on yourapplication forprocesstng. Note:$choolor merchant identification'cards wilt n6tbe acce'pted. nffI":ll. includes: whoareresponsible rorrentrrii piouiJ" irl,Jilil[iriti t" 5r,-"",,Acceptfbte proor a' Priormpnth'sbankstatement including checking, savings,retirement or pensrqn accounts the applicant'sabilityto pay the renttiires three. b. Paystqbs:lf youarepaidby-weekry, youmustprovide rast2 mostrecentpayttubs.rf are paid monthly, youmustprovide rast2 m6nt'h's paystubs.commission oaseJ,younrustpro\ past12 monthsi . c. d. t. s yealstaxstatements or.prior wiilbeaccepted forailofthe 9:::l1L::l.-:ylql:jl"." Unemployment, SocialSecuriiy, Diiability, Veteran n#air.'cWJ;;;: Courtofdered income, suchaschildsupport or alimony. atsoinctude'a tetter fromthecontributor andtheirproofofi l,Tl,l,*ff:j,yll:f Most c{rrentWelfare,Trrt Unemployment & financialaid statemenl other - preasediscussany oitrertypesof income*iil.r G manager. $greeninq CriteIEE 1' criminal HistorylAny individual, who mayconstitute a directthreatto the healthandsafetyof an comptex,or the pfopertyof others,will be denied. are groundsfor rejection ?. Any crinhenot discrosedon the apprication b. Any sex relatedcrime. c. Any honhicide related,arsonrelated,burglary/breaking & enteringcrimes. d. Any felohyconviction. Any historyof domesticviolence, disruptive, malicious or violentbehavior. f. Any warrantis reasonfor suspensionof the apprication processuntirthe case ig resorved Any-crinlinal charges rerated to property oamile whichlncrudes criminit Graffiti, findotherproperty-relatea ofenses. ResidencyHistotl'y:lf one or moreof the followingevictionreferences are foundon the lpplicant,s report,you may be deniedresidency. 1 Any evicfionwithinthe past 7 yearswill be investigated. ? Any evictionsnot disclosedare groundsfor rejection. 3. OPENevictions or Unlawful Detiineraction. collectionfiledby a propertymanagement companyor a negativerentarreferenceby 1 5. Any currfnt noticeto terminatetenincv. Thankyou, PropertyManagement www.BigValleyWoods.com 503-668-4443o 32700SE Leewood Lane. Boring, OR 97009. fax $0 Attachod prootffiffiffi Y"",:ff il,{EiiFtLcnlo.ls lloving in with iurrent resident? n FA Application tD # otherStates:[] lf yes,tist: tl MI\NAGEMENI-CO: v"r [] tr lo , nirr*,iiiia yES sntei tho BG:.-- P A R KN A M E & A D D R E S S r" [] APPLICATIICNTO ]tENT MO\/E IN DATE=: Last Name First I I SPACERENT: $ NUMBER: t4iddte Soc. Sec. # Known Nartes/Alias/Miaiden: (lf Applicabler): Numberof Total Number: andsizeof pot(s) (lVIay requtredepor;its) of Birthol APPL CurrentAddress Name of Present Landlord APPL Mortgage Previous Address Name of !andlord APPLIC Employed By Address [4ortgage Co City State zip Apartment zip 0ity State Aprartment Comrnunity City Other State zip zip Addilional Income siuchas child support,alimony or sepa'ate maintenance need not be disclosed unless such Additional Income is to be includedfor SoURCE: Amount of $ p€rr _----source:==_-_ Ll iitt:i:!!sg!r1+r;sfig Auto # 1 (l\ilake Auto#2( & lvlodel) Olhervehictes (eoats,Vans,N/aorcyctetTvs,etc) t\AaGnodet, Licensepf aleLoans, Charge Accounts & Other owed to or Savings anrj Loan ri Ln$l:i.:;w Name of Phone mergency Contact Phone l H a v e y o u g i v e n l e g an lo t i c e w h e r e y o u n o w r e s i d e ? l Y e s ENo Haveyoueverbeenconvictedofacrime?EyeslNo Haveyouevrer evicted? lYes lN,: l3ysigningbelow,you areAuthorizing Investment PropertyGroupto obtaina consumercreditreportand/oran Investigative consumerRel w h i c h m a y i n c l u d et h e c h e c k i n g of the applicant'scredit,income,employment,rental history,criminal court recordsand may includeinformatron as to nislnerchal persona , generalreputatiort, characleristics, anclmodeol'living ln addition, if you requestseller-financing of a homesoldby BrianL. Fitterer, Inc.,you are aulho lnvestmenl Property Group to releaseyourconsumercreditReportto the Lender,BrianL. Fitterer, Inc.,andthe Loanprocessing company,Blackhawk capitalGroup itsAffiliates.You havethe righl Io requestadditional disclosures providedundersection606(b)of the Faircredit ReportingAct, and a writtensummaryof your rightr;pr. to Section6C9(c), You have or th: inJormll,onprovidedto Brian Fittererby the screeninscompanyor the jnl:::]"^:'.'jl::.:1": creditreportingagency w e l l a s c o m p l e t ea n C a c c u r a t e disclosureof the naturel:i]t and scopeof the investigation. The nameand addressof the screeningcompany:FirstAdvantageBackground I Corp.- Consurner Celnter P o Box 105108l\tlanta,GA 30348. I authorizeFirstAdvantageBackground servicescorp. to obtainsuch creditreports,chariacter verification of rental itnd elmployment history& any otherpertinentinformation it deemsnecessarywhenverifyinginformation set forthin the aboveappljcation; to an Investigatl,/ereport to the Llndersigned Landlordl furtherunderstand thatfalse,fraudulent or misleading information disclosed aboveshallbe groundsfor denialof o r s u b s e q u e r ret v i c t i o n . v.ve,r,vtsvrvUY svvrrv, Siigned How did you hearaboutour communitv? 1-heundersigned agenUmanager for the abovereferencedlandlordcertifiesthat the information soughtherernor In any consurner AdvantageBackground servicescorp. is for the purposeof evaluatingthe applicant's application for tenancyand for no otherprur It4anager Signed: Revised 02i20 14 Date: preparedby l:irst FA Application lD # t\/IANAGEMEI\T other stares: l-l t* Fl -; rfyes,rist: t___l l__] PARKNAME & ADDRESS: oritrFHifiE APPLICATTON TO RE:NT MO'VEIN DATE: LaslName _/--* S|PACE RENT:$_ N U M B E R#: DriversLicense# andGGG Soc.Sec.tt OInerxnownNarGfr tiasitvtatoon lTlN#(lf Appticablel Numberof Total Number: T y p ea n ds i z eo i p e , ( s ) (lilayrequiredeposits) Dalesof Birthof Additional ICANT'S Address Cell City Payrnenl t-andlord l\4ortga9e Aparlmenl State zip L a n d l o r ctt, l i q h F t ,hone ( ) Previous Address M o n t h l yo a y m e n i trlameof Previous Landlord $ At,arlmenl zip How Long? Address Stale --- Yrs. __ Mo's t,tonintytniorne@ixl;- Zip A D D I T I O N A LI N C Additional|ncomesUchaschi|dsuppon,a|imonyorseparatemaintenancenj".r^^'^.,,.^,^^^,*-% s'r"!v"r v' Ilrarnlenarlcenqed not be disclosed "":::."'" unless such Additionat Income is to be included souRCE: Amourlt of $ per ._-=.-=-_ Source [*Ts.wssmm*Mm'*#m:_ s hereunder Auto# 1(t4ahe&ModeD Payntenl Auto# 2 (Make ar paymenl made to v e h i c l e s( B o a l s , y Paynenl Mr)torcycles L o a n s ,C h a r g eA c c o u n t i Other owed to a n ko r Address Card & M o n l h l yP a y m { l n t ano Loan $ Account# Nameof AppL NearestRelative Phone Emergency ( ) Phone na o lt i c e w h e r e y o u n o w n e s i d e ? [ ] y e s lHaveyougivenleg lNo Haveyouevorbeenconvlctedofacrime?o"r;;;;;;l;; By signingbelow'y.u areAuthorizing Investment Pr'perty Group,to obraina consumercredit reportand/oran Investigative conrrfnu,.n"p w h i c h m a y i n c l u d et h e rc h e c k i n g inc.me, emprovment,renlar hisrory,ffiminar court recordsand may incrudeinforma i:l]:"^,::l]:::rts:reditr characteristics' and modeof living ln addition,if you requesr , generatreputation, pers0nal seler:financing of a homesordby Brian ,- ,,,,"rj'.01^1t ll^ T1H :l::: y.o|ni#ffT yourconsurnercreditReportto the Lender, Investment PropertyGroupto BrianL. Fitterer,Inc.,anJthe Loanproces$ing ]rerease company,,,;rll;; po requestadditional i t s A f f i l i a t e s .Y o u h a v r :t h e r i q h l disclosures providedundersection606(b)of the Faircredit ReportingAct, and a writtensummary of your rfghtspur risht to disputethe accuracyof the informationprovjded t o S e c t i o n6 0 ( t ( r : )y, c u i r a v e [he to Brian Fittererby the screeningcompanyor the creditreporting oi the glsclosure the nalure nalureand well as compleleand ai:curate and scope scopeor Slsclosureoi of the the invesrisaticin. invesligati'n.rhe lagerrcy The name nameand and address;t;'r"ff*fr:"#ffJr1,fffi::'j,'r"#H:|jr1"ji?J addressof the screeningcompany:FirslAcrvantage Bac(grourrd { Corp.- Consumer f o Box 105108Atlanta'GA 30348 1 authorizef:irst Advantase Center AdvantageBacksround Backgroundservices servicescorp. corp.to roobtain obtain such such credit credit reports, reports, [i;".1]ll-,11jjjT:i'."j, history& any otherr illt:^-'::'::::-;il dharacrer prnployment dharacler verification pertinent of renrlal information anil it dr Landrord. Irurther understand that,.,"", ,'.r,ill,l""ffilJffil.",:..,3l[fl::::i::;:JJl^:t|;;l].:i:inh:;]ff lndersioned ouuvE )ttd[ u, , Sirrned: an Investlgative r e p o r lt o i l t e o r s u b s e q u e n le v i c t i oI I --How did you hear about our communitrlt _-.agenvmanager for the abovereferencedlancllord lhe undersigned certifiesthatthe information soughtherein.r,. :;&;; $dvantageBackground servicescorp' is for the purposeof evaluating ";; -.._ _ appricant's rr,,vs,,rv sapplication yH,rvqlrvrr e the for t v t tenancy ttr,tdilu, and for no othjerpurpor I V l a n a a e rS i q n e d : I Fevised0212014 I preparedby Firs;t ffi$ffi w&trf,y wtr$ffi$ resident.It is theresponsibility of theRV residentto haveproperinsu"rance coverageon RV uni and any p'ersonal contentcoverage. RV'S,/VEHICLES| OCCUPANCY l. Eachsite is limited tc,one (1) RV and two (2) fully c perational registeredvehicles.I1'theRV site will accommordate more than two vehicleswithout obstructionof roadwaysand lkways, upon approvalof management,RV residentswill be lowed to have additionalvehicleson site with an additionalv hicle fee charge.(seeattachedadditionalfee schedule)Nc, ts allowed. No utility trailers or flat bed trailers are allowed rtosi on site. 2. Each adult RV residentmust be approvedto live in Woods.Visitors may stay up to 14 days,consecuti consecutivein any given year, if RV will accom Guestsmust have backgroundcheckif they stay days in any given year.No tentsmay be usedon RV time. PORCHES & DEC.KS 3. No porches, fences, or buildingsof anykindto b,e ig Valley or not e guests. than 14 stiesat any ted without prior permissionof Management.Decorativ fence shall not be more than 4 feet high and must be kept i good condition. Storageshedsare allowed with prior val. All decksmust be approvedby Managementprior tc building. No permanentstructuresto tre built on site. All struc musl be removableat the time the RV residentmoves fi SIITE /TPPEARANCIE 4. lBachsiteshallbekeptfreeof trash,litter,tall grass A]NIMII,LS 5. All animalsmust be kept inside the RV or on a leash with tenant.BARKING DOGS WILL NOT TOrL TED. All pet droppingsmust be picked up promptly by the wner & disposedof properly.All petsmust be approved. No locked up animalsin kennels. pet droppings.Unsightly items are not to be left under or round RV. Plantingof Shrubs,treesand flowers are allo as long as tastefullyplacedand maintainedproperly. RV,s n ustbe washedand buildings, if wood structure,must be pai ted as neededto keep neat in appearance. No clotheslin,es permitted.No Blue'farps areallowedon homesjite. o tarps are allowedon RV's roof at any time. No toys,bicyc E S , scootersetc. are to be left lying aroundon the site. All items abovemust be kept storedin unit or bikes neatly parkednext to the storageunit. www.BigValleyWoards.com o 32'700SE Leewood Lane o Bor;ing,oR 97009o fax 503-66 503i-6,68-4443 ffif6 tfffittfly wffifim$ I\'{OT0RBIKES, ETC 6. Therearedesignated commonareaswithin the COMMLINITY. Whererequrired unclerOregonllaw,all minors (residents/RESIDEN'fS andguests)mustbe accomp ied and supervisedby an adultRESIDENT. Use of the qo facilitiesis at your ovrnrisk. COMMLTNITystreets on alea I notbe usedfor playgroundor recreationalactivitiesby IDENTS or guests. COMMUNIT'Y sidewalkswhere existins or therwise rnarkedshall not be usedfor bicycle riding, ,"ooi.rr, ricycles, "Big Wheels"or otherwheeledmodesof transpoftati No lrick riding, rampsor skateboardingis allowed with t COMMLINITY. OR HtelmetLaw doesapply whilleri ing bikes. FIRES| I All fires must be in self containedfire rings or pits, p t t o a safesize and attendedat all times. No fireworks in e Park at anytime. No burning paper,trash or any other items other than firewood that is meantfor burnins. N OTSE 8 . Quiet hoursin the Park arebetweenl0 p.M. ancl7 Managementis calleclregardingnoise on your site be written up for disturbance.If three or more dirst issued,a Vacatenoticewill be issuedand your mont to month rental agreernentwill be terminated. ROADWAYS 9 . Speedingis againstcommunityguidelinesand will n tolerated.Speedlimit is 5 MPH in RV sectionand I in MH Community when you are enteringor exiting lf threeor more violations are issuedverbal or writte Vacatenotice will be issuedand your month to mon agreementwill be terrninatecl. GARB,{GE be MPH he Park. ) a rental 10. Householdgarbagewill be picked up on Friday rno ngs weekly. Bags are to be placedat site number for pick p . Bagsmust be placedin heavy duty plastic bagsa,nd not weigh more than 30 LBS each.No g,arbaseis to e placed out for pick up any earlierthan Thursdayeveninp:.W ldlife is abundantin Bie Valllev. R.VREiSIDBNTAGREES'THAT HE/SHE HAS HAD A FULL AI\,ID CIOMP-LETEOPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE GUIDELINES. H R]EAD'THEMAND AGREESTO ABIDE BY THEM. www.BigValleyWoods.com o 32'700SE Leewood Lane o Boriing,oR 97009o fax 503 503i-668-4443 1#0$$$ ffil6 b{fittf,y ,, ,r-sw= . t l . Tarpsareallowedto be placedon theroof only of your RV but mJst be brown,tightly attachedandmustfit only theroof. ih. tu.p cannotlhu.rg ou., the sidesof RV. resbelow: icturesbelow tharlare not 2 . fiach RV site irsallowed only one temporary garage.T'heternpoourl,{ garage canhaveone tatp that is brown in color overtheioof only to gi,relt better p'rotectionif needed.The tarp on the roof must be tight over the rolf of th. temporarygarageand cannothang over the sides. ved picturebelow: Seenot acce ble picturelbelow: Ctthersemi--permahent wood storagebuildings can be placedon sitelwith prriorapprovaliliom management.All iternsplacedonih" site must be removedfrom t,hesite when residentmovesunlessotherwiseappro.f,ed by mLanagement. I , www.BigValleyWoods.com o 32'100sE LeervoodLane o Boring, oR 97009o fax 503-668-4.143 NI6 llfittEY ltIOOD$ BIG VALLEY WOODS ADDITIONALFEESDISCLOSURE Two vehicleg are allowed on eachhomesite at no additional charge. The ve full operatlon and registeredto the resident.If there are more than in two vr is a $20.00pFr vehiclemonthlychargeif thehomesitewill allow additional parking.No $arkingon the streetis ailowed. mustbe les,there street RV storageis availablefor our residentsunlessstorageis full. The RV storag yard fee is $35.00per sife.If you havemorethanoneitemto be storedanda long siteii ilable, two itemsmalybeparkedin the samesitefor just onemonthlyfee or$]:s.oo. High speeditrrternet serviceis availableat Big valley woods.your computer to be wirel.ess^compatible. Themonthlyfeestartsui $+q.q3subjectto change,whicl is billed directlyfrom the companyprovidingthe intemetservice.it is not a contracta You arebille{ monthlyuntil you call to cancel.FrontierDSL is alsoavailabl communitycpnteruseis permittedfor all of the residentsat Big valley wr Thereis a.$50.00a:pq{lthat is chargedwhenusingthe communitycenterwhichis kitchen sideof the building.The depositis held andon.e the key is retumedandthe b ildingis inspected, the depositis givenbackto theresident.Theiesidentis responsible their guest'saction$andmustmakethemawareof the guidelinesat Big valley w Speed.limit inlBig valley woods is 10mph.Residents areto follow the speed it and stopsignsthe sameason anypublic roadi. If residentis speeding,they arein lation of the.gomSgritfisuidelines.written noticewill go out to resioent. if it i, of 1Err.n resident).Three reDr\reur/. rrugewritten wrlrlenvlotauons violationsror for speedmg speedingaregrounds groundsto terminate terminatethe te v. wildlife is abfndantandgetsran over andpeopte*utk utt overthe commur . There no toleratesto Speedingin the community. Theundersigned resi{enthasreadandunderstands the abovedisclosure: Resident Date Resident www.BigValleyWoods.com 503-668-4443c 32700 sE Leewood Lane o Boring, oR 97009 o fax GarhageCottectionGuidelines DearResidenfs, ': ,! effortto provide the residents of Bigvailey ' woodswittton gotng garbitgeselice we are asking ro, youi irtp. Mostof our residenfsarepracing tleir ggrbageoutfor pick-u1t i, the propev hI d"ai;; ;; ;; ; iesioe nrsput out si, thati iil,!,i,,f[;,Io^y s eitt\er impr::::;.y:!1 operty.conia:3_ in i' J," oi ; ;": ;:' r o ; Jn",-,ii|,i,rf X'r",:i,r for a normalgarbagepick_up, 'Asyou know, garhage rafes and residenfsto foilow the guiaelr'r""fuet continueto riseso we ir,ea king our tisted berowso thatw€ c€r, 'or tinue to l,?::y::!:we.ektycurbsiie pici-up of househotd garbasewithout fr tther tncree*esin expe,nseor exposing ou, niiiial"r^ memberst, ir, u r y . Garbagemu'stbe pracedby resident at the endof theirdiriv way or at ,Z:?.-.1, " c on c en tration p oi n t,, Ioc ated s ucn th at th e>ct w can 'dt'ive:::g,e-ct_ withiniafew feet(gei"ittv 3-5feet)or tnZ'n'J'f,i."'" Garbage mu:stbe placelin lwHlrE KlrctLtENBAGS wttfo,eE Dr-.'E^ , ,r, c^- ,,F a , ry.n , PrcKEDUp for HEMT\US FETY IpURPOSES. P/easedo nat ou".!!.9"!garbage.bags wiiyn t oi" nai<rr"fh"C ur crew,,",,I :,::r!!^u:.?:,?it\tifted into thetrucA:"overweightbigs wittbe tettanl ,iin"[r''#,il homeowner,$ s s them responsiOitityfdr disposat. I'lormalgarberyeseruice is-forthe rernovar of househotdgyarage only. y rni ture, constructi on debris, propan,eti l!a're 2*notr"consi'dered :::, :,X?=,,,househotd s, efc" he or {ubject to extra v"<tI! chars,s i the :i,y::::,,y:!:let !,ome.o.wner alis'cretionof tmanagement by prior arrangem"ii."a Pt C)A.RBAGE . No sarba put out for pirr * fis garbage and tnei'iir-p;;i;; ment ror sar rb pick, !id:":y'_?,! r7,? es ent mus! ;l t'c::@,rffi" ontact the ofrici. r i * ti i ;;;i ; ;; o ui',rooi" J, looks ;;' byt"l* attracts ioaents and other o,tl 2,,1!::,r!:^",?yry:nity r animals to tear it up in thenight hours. I!,tfri"'agement, Rer;ident Revised0l/01/.10 owners,and teamat Bigvailey woodsthank yo for your Date Resident tTOODS PETS l^1,-r"yjl"":):Ty*T T toth1e9 (3).registered,,domesti cated,, pets, notweighing rp.""r,;;i;;;;#; ofncepriorrobringin'g petintocovuuivrri. rhepet than 65 be signed ustnot be ::: one:::*:::i.":"?-YTfrry capableof causingdamageto personsor properfy.Fo. purpor"sof theprecedingsl , "a pet capableof causingdaryageto personsor properly"meansananimal that,because of the slzeor behavioral characteris{ics of thatparticularanimalor of thatbreedor typeof animuig;n".ul reasonable Personmigfirtconsider_to be capableof causingpersonalinjury o. prop",t! dun,,u rorrr4E including butnot limitedto, watFrdamagefrom mediumor largers]zed fishtanksor otherpersonalinj r yor propertydamagearisirtgfrom the environmentin whichthe animalis kept. Saidpermissionr llbecome a part of therentalagrsement berween theOWNERandtheRESFtiil rrff^"r'.j..0 notpermifted underanycircumsranc", *itt *t exception:chow,Rr *1t:^::i.^oo8.sane of the ler, Doberman, Pit-bull,or wolf breed,nor commercial breedingof anypet. No farm-classified imals are RESIDENTSareallowedto keepr"rpr"iuttytrainedseein!efe/her animal lSlTjjl;Y:ldicaRped as allowed by law. 9'2 No outsidedo4^1{1 doghouses, or petsliving outsideof a manufactured homearea mustbekepton theR4SIDENT'Shomesiteandur" notto be allowed to roamunattended on RESIDENT'ShomesitB, COMMLTNITYstreets, commonareasor otherRESIDENT,Shome shLall not be left leashed or tied up outsidea RESIDENT'shome. Pets 9'3 All petsshall!eattendedby ownerwhileplayingin commonareas and/oron a hand ld leash wlhennot insidetheRISIDENT'S manufactured ho-e. CafS MUST BE KEPTINDOORS T ALL TIMES LINLESSBETNGHELD OR ON A LEASH WHILE OUT WITH THE OWNER.IF ATS ARE FOLINDTO BE LEFT OUTSIDE,VIOLATION WILL BE WRITTEN AND $5O.OO FINE ILL BE ISSUED.PETSCAN NOT BE LEFT OUTSIDETINATTENDED. ALL PETSMUST BE NED U]?AFTER AND KEPI FROM BARKING WHILE OUT PLAYING WITH OWNER 9,'4 Noisy,unmanapeable or unrulypetsthatcausecomplaints will not be allowedto rern n in the COMMUNITY. RESIDENTshallreceiveonewrittenwarningregarding a complaintabout pet, Ifa ser:ondwrittennoticeiq required,the pet mustbe removedrroi ttr-e cofivrrNrrv plrrnun. ly within ten(10)daysof suchsqcondwrittennotice. 9.5 Excreta(petdrQppings) mustbe cleanedup promptlyby petowners. 9.Ci No petfood or dishesmaybe keptoutside 9'1' All petsin theQommunityrnusthavea tagor otherformof identification on its coll thenameandtelephone numberof theRESIDENi responsible for thepet. All petsmustha licenses andproofof cufrentrabiesvaccinations. showing valid 9'8 RESIDENT must.signa-p,etagreement and provide proof of liability insuranceto Co LINITY. RESIDENT shall also nlake COMMLINITY a co-iniured foi the purposeoireceiving notice i the caseof cancellationof the insurance. 9'9 COMMUNITY may chargeRESIDENT an amountnot to exceed $50.00for eachvio written pet agreementorfviolation of the COMMLTNITy guidelines relatingto pets. www.BigValleyWoods.com 503-668-4443o 32700 SE Leewood Lane o Boring, oR 97009 o fax
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