Quality in Ireland 2014 Operational Excellence October 21st Galway Third Annual Conference for Quality Management Professionals Conference Agenda 08:30 | Registration & Reception SESSION 1 09:00 | Conference Opening | Maurice Buckley, Chief Executive, NSAI 09:15 | What is Operational Excellence? Mike Price, Managing Director of The Manufacturing Institute, UK 09:45 | A Risk-based Approach to Quality Management Gerard Joyce, Co-founder of LinkResQ 10:15 | ISO 9001:2015 - What are the KEY changes being planned? Charles Corrie, Secretary of ISO TC 176 SC2 10:45 | Panel Discussion 11:00 | Break SESSION 2 11:30 | Squeezed by Regulations? Gordon Crowley, Director of Regulatory & Quality, Novate Medical Ltd 12:00 | Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Sean Paul Teeling, Lean Six Sigma Programme Coordinator – Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin 12:30 | Excellence isn’t easy but… Peter Dennehy, Director Corporate Services, Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann 13:00 | Panel Discussion 13:15 | Networking Lunch SESSION 3 14:00 | Advice on sustaining a successful LSS programme Colm Heavey, CI Programme Manager 14:30 | Achieving Operational Excellence Michael Tarrant, Business Excellence Manager, Abbott Vascular 15:15 | What about your most valuable resource? Fergal O’Byrne, Business Excellence Manager, NSAI 15:45 | Q&A Discussion 15:55 | Close conference | Dr Bob Kennedy, Institute of Technology, Sligo 16:00 | Networking coffee Quality in Ireland Conference Page 1 Agenda & Conference Speakers Quality in Ireland 2014 Operational Excellence October 21st Galway Conference Speaker Notes MikePrice. Managing Director of The Manufacturing Institute. UK What is Operational Excellence? The Manchester-based Manufacturing Institute is Europe’s premier partner for the prestigious Shingo Prize. It works with organisations to transform business culture and systems to deliver world-class performance. This year The Manufacturing Institute helped DePuy Sys in Cork and Abbott win the Shingo Prize. Gerard Joyce Co-founder of LinkResQ and is Enterprise Risk Management Director and CTO He is also chairman of NSAI Risk Management Committee. If we are to achieve operational excellence we must accept Shingo’s challenge and always be dissatisfied with the status quo. Continual improvement is the order of the day but this must never be reckless or stifled by unfounded fears of risks that must be managed if we are to remain competitive. CharlesCorrie Charles Corrie is the secretary of ISO TC 176 SC2 As the long awaited latest revision of ISO 9001 comes closer there is much speculation about what will change or what will remain the same. Nobody would doubt the important role an accredited Quality Management System plays in operational excellence especially as the latest revision moves further from control to risk based thinking. GordonCrowley. Gordon Crowley is Director of Regulatory and Quality at Novate Medical Ltd. in Galway He will share insights into the management of essential innovation in a risk-averse regulated environment. His paper “Squeezed by Regulations - Managing the Complexity of Medical Device Regulations and Requirements” promises to be engaging. SeanPaulTeeling. Lean Six Sigma Programme Coordinator - Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin Deming warned that spiralling healthcare costs would undermine the US economy. This is now a global concern and the ongoing challenge is to provide excellent healthcare at affordable cost. Mater staff members working in teams have undertaken projects throughout the hospital, utilising Lean Six Sigma methodologies to improve care, manage margins and facilitate compliance with national guidelines. In April 2014 they held a Masterclass with Professor Peter Hines, [Shingo] questioning 'What is or should a Performance Excellence journey be about?' Quality in Ireland Conference Page 2 Agenda & Conference Speakers Peterr Denne ehy Directo or Corporate e Services Bord Alltranais agu us Cnáimhs seachais na a hÉireann [Nursing Bo oard] and w was previou usly Director of the Road Safety Authority A [R RSA]. Where does one begin b on the e quality jo ourney in su uch comple ex and dive rse environ nments? Colm m Heavey y Colm holds a PhD in Six Sigm ma for UL a and will talk k to us about the pote ential six-sigma holds fo or any orga anisation pu ursuing ope erational ex xcellence. He will dism mantle the hype from th he reality an nd demonstrate how tto embed a six-sigma culture forr sustainable continu ual improve ement. Micha ael Tarrrant Busines ss Excellenc ce Managerr Abbott Va ascular Clon nmel Abbott Vascular Clonmel C is one o of two IIrish winne ers of the Shingo Prize e in 2014. Michael will tell us s the Abbottt story beh hind this gre eat achieve ement, wha at was the motivattion, the efffort require ed, the hop pes and cha allenges forr the future e? Ferga al O’Byrrne Head of Business Excellence Certificatio on at NSAI There c could be no o systems, no continua al improvem ment, no pursuit of ex xcellence if people did not have the skills, s comm mitment an d support to t do so. What W are th he human fa actors that are e essential for operational excell ence? Wha at are the impacts on this invaluable resourc ce and how should it be b protecte d? manages a wide Clien nt base of ccompanies who w typicallly are certiified to the Quality Fergal m Manage ement Systtem ISO 90 001 with inccreasing nu umber adding on Occu upational Health & Safety Certificatio on OHSAS 18001 1 and tthe Environ nmental Ma anagement System IS SO on also dealing with su uch issues as a Social Responsibilitty based on n ISO 14001. His Divisio 26000, the Human n Resource e Specificatiion ‘Excelle ence Throug gh People’ a and PEFC Chain C of Custody y. The Clien nt base ran nges from tthe very sm mall SME Se ervice comp panies to Irreland largest indigenous s and FDI companies. c The Busin ness Excelle ence Certifi cation Division consists s of a team m of 25 auditors based d throughou ut Ireland, with auditss taking place across all continen nts. in associiation with Quality y in Ireland Conference Page 3 & Agenda & Confference Sp peakers
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