HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 No animals allowed Please obey Police notices regarding parking. HKU SB RFC has arranged for festival participants to redeem up to 3 hours free parking at Cyberport public car parks (Car Park 1 & 2). Please note that for redemption you need to be accompanied by a child in a participating rugby uniform and present yourselves at the Cyberport customer service counter. With thanks to all our sponsors Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Official Festival Sponsor On behalf of the festival organising committee, we would like to extend a warm welcome everyone to our HKU Sandy Bay RFC Festival 2014. 本人僅代表組委會,歡迎各位參加2014年香港大學沙灣徑小型欖球節﹗ 我們高興地看到,近年來,小型欖球在香港得到了蓬勃發展。我們對出席今天盛會 的所有本地欖球會及國際觀光者表示熱烈歡迎。同時,我們要感謝很多家長來擔任 義工(巡場員、攤位管理員、教練、裁判員等),使今天的活動得以順利進行。 These are exciting times, with Mini rugby across Hong Kong continuing to grow from strength to strength.We are delighted to have teams from our local rugby community and international tourists participating in our festival.To make this event possible we are fortunate to have the involvement of our parent volunteers (pitch marshals, stall handlers, coaches, referees etc) who ensure the festival runs smoothly. 我們還要感謝港大運動及潜能发展研究所(IHP)为我们提供場地和設施,我们期盼来年 繼續得到IHP的大力支持。 同往年一樣,今年的小型欖球節我們準備了豐富的活動。各項活動分佈在四个球場 進行。从新鋪設的4號球場到HKUSB會所1號球場,我們佈置了不同攤位和美食攤檔, 歡迎大家光臨。据說今年還會有來自北極的神秘嘉賓來到現場! We hope you enjoy the wonderful Sandy Bay environment of HKU institute of human performance and thank them for allowing us to take over there facilities for the day. Thank you IHP we look forward to our continued collaboration with you in the years to come. Again, this year we have plenty of entertainment and activities for everyone to enjoy, our festival will be spread over all four pitches from the newly resurfaced upper pitch 4 by the stadium to the HKUSB Clubhouse pitch 1, so please do visit our stalls and F&B on offer. Rumor has it again we can expect a visit from a very special guest from the North Pole! This year we are proud to be supporting Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) based in Pok Fu Lam, Tuen Mun and Lo Wu. In keeping with the spirit of mini rugby please spend a few minutes reviewing the code of conduct and law variations that apply for the mini rugby games. I hope that as well as enjoying the games, everyone respects the great job done by our referees and maintains the highest standards of sportsmanship that will do both you and your club proud. Finally, a big thank you goes out to our festival sponsors, Lloyd’s Register and AGS Four Winds. Not forgetting our club sponsors, Leighton, Linklaters, White and Case, Arcade Cyberport, Stephen Harwood and Pinsent Masons whom we appreciate their contributions. 今年我們很高興能够支持設於薄扶林、屯門和羅湖的傷健策騎協會。 請務必花數分鐘閱讀小型欖球比賽的行為守則及賽例。我希望大家在享受賽事之 餘,亦能尊重裁判員,學習欖球運動要求參賽手擁有的崇高的體育精神。 最后,我們要特别感謝欖球節的赞助機構:劳氏船级社和AGS Four Winds。当然我們也 不能忘记感谢我们的球會赞助機構:Leighton 、年利達、偉凱、Arcade Cyberport 、羅夏 信、Pinsent Masons,我们的小型榄球節能如期举行,离不開你們的支持。 祝大家度過愉快的一天! Tim Threlkeld 香港大学沙灣徑欖球會小型欖球部主席 Have fun, play safe & have a great day Tim Threlkeld Chairman - Mini Section, HKU Sandy Bay RFC Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 2014 Official Festival Sponsor Festival Control Point and Chairman’s Tent Festival Control Point Water Point Water Point AM pitch configuration 2I AM 4D pitc h co 4C 3C 4B For PM , se e bo ttom 2F 1A urat 3B 2G ion 1B 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A For PM, see bottom right 3A righ t Pitch 2 PM pitch configuration HKU Sandy Bay RFC Girls Section Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay Colts Sponsor 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A Mini Rugby Festival Charity 2013 Pitch 4 4A nfig 2H Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Pitch 4 HKU Sandy Bay Tour Sponsor Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 HONG KONG RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION YOUTH RUGBY CODE OF CONDUCT CODE FOR COACHES CODE FOR PARENTS 教練的規章 • You have the responsibility for your team and supporters – EXERCISE IT! • Remember that young players play for fun and enjoyment. Don’t overload them with technical information and tactics • Be reasonable in your demands on young players’ time, energy and enthusiasm. Remember that they have other interests and demands on their time • Ensure that all players get a game.The ‘just average’ players need and deserve equal time • Players develop at different times and in different ways – make allowances for their physical, emotional and mental maturity and development • Winning isn’t everything – teach your players to enjoy taking part and performing to the best of their ability. Encourage each player to reach his or her potential • Never abuse, yell, criticise or ridicule children for making mistakes or losing a game • Remember that young people need a coach that they can respect. Be generous with praise when it is deserved and set a good example • Teach young players that the laws of the game are mutual agreements that no one should evade or break • Create opportunities to teach sportsmanship, just as you would in teaching the basic skills • INSIST ON FAIR PLAY. Do not tolerate foul play, fighting, or foul language. Be prepared to take off an offending player • Develop a team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgement of referees and opposing coaches • Do not force an unwilling child to participate – Young people are involved for their enjoyment, not yours • Encourage your child to understand and play within the rules • Teach your child that taking part and trying their best is more important than winning • Focus your child on practising skills, sportsmanship and being part of a team. Winning isn’t everything and not everyone can score the winning try • Support and encourage your child – never criticise them for making mistakes. Console them for losing, but encourage them to try harder next time • Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards skill improvement and good sportsmanship • Do not publicly question the referee’s judgement and never his/ her honesty.There is no place for ‘touchline rage’ in Youth Rugby • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from Youth Rugby • Young people learn best by example. Applaud good play by your team and by members of the opposing team • Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches, referees and administrators. They give of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child • • CODE FOR PLAYERS • Play to enjoy rugby, not just to please your parents or coach • Always try your best to improve your skills and play well • Play within the rules and laws of the game • Never argue with referees or coaches – their decision is final, even if you think that they are wrong. Let your coach or your captain ask match officials any questions • Control your temper – do not ‘mouth off ’ • Treat everyone as you yourself would like to be treated. Don’t bully or take unfair advantage of any player • Rugby is a team game – do your best for yourself and your team.Your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own •If you lose, accept it with good grace and try harder next time •Be a good sport. Applaud all good play, whether by your team or your opponents’ team •Cooperate with your coach, team mates, referee and opponents, for without them you don’t have a game. • • • • • • • • • • 教練須為球隊及支持者負責。 活動只為引起青少年運動員對欖球的興 趣,不需教授過多技巧性及策略性的知 識。 青少年運動員有不同興趣及時間安排,對 他們所能付出的時間、體力及對欖球的熱 衷程度,應有合理要求。 確保所有不同程度的球員於比賽中有相等 的參予機會。 必須體諒球員於體力、情緒、精神及技巧 上的進展各有不同。 使球員知道比賽的勝負並不重要,。只要 享受比賽的過程並盡力發揮自己的潛能。 當球員犯規錯或輸掉比賽時,不應辱罵、 叫喊、批評或嘲笑他們。 運動員需要一位寬宏大量,能在適當時候 予以鼓勵和讚賞,並受人尊敬的典範。 必須令球員清楚明白對等的遊戲規則及犯 規的嚴重性。 除了基本運動技巧引外,亦須教授體育精 神。 堅持公平公正的遊戲規則,切勿容忍球員 犯規、打架、及粗言穢語。當以上情況發 生時,請把該名球員抽謂調離場。 培養球隊對球証的判決、對方球隊的能力 及教練予以尊重。 家長守則 • • • • 不要強迫小孩參加 鼓勵小孩去明白規例 教導小孩去盡力參與比勝出重要 注意小孩的技巧、體育精神及成為球隊的 Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Official Festival Sponsor • • • • • • 一份子。勝利不代表一切,不是每位球員 都能取得致勝的一分。 支持及鼓勵小孩-切忌批評他們的過錯。比 賽落敗時應安慰及鼓勵他們再努力。 勝負關鍵在於幫助小孩去改進球技及體育 精神 不要質疑球証的判決。切忌在場邊叫罵 支持球場上嚴禁口角及動武 小孩最好由例子中學習。當有好表現時不 論是己方或對方都應予以讚賞 應了解自願性質的教練、球証及行政人員 的重要。因為他們付出了時間及資源去舉 辦活動 球員守則 • • • • • • • • • • 打欖球應該為了自己開心而不應為討好父 母或老師 應盡力改進自己的球技及表現 應遵守球例 嚴禁與球証及教練爭辯-縱使你不同意,球 証及教練會有最終決定。如有問題,應由 教練或隊長去詢問 應自律-不要叫罵 不要欺凌或不公平對代其他球員 欖球是團體運動-為自己及你的隊伍都應盡 力去比賽。隊伍取得好成績相等於自己取 得好成績 當落敗時,應勇敢接受及再接再厲 不論是己方或對方有好表現時都應予以讚 賞 應該好好與教練、隊友、球証及對方合 作,因為球賽缺一不可 Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Official Festival Sponsor Festival Services and Events Festival Reminders Time 時間 Event 節目 Venue 地點 08:30 Mini rugby play commences 迷你欖球賽開始 Pitches 1, 2, 3 and 4 一、二、三及四號球場 11:00 - 13:00 Fire safety demonstration by the Sandy Bay fire station 大口環消防局防火安全示範 Main Entrance – Car Park 正門入口停車場 13:15 - 13:45 The Hong Kong Sea School marching band 香港航海學校樂隊步操表演 Pitch 3 三號球場 13:15 Visit by Santa Claus for younger children 聖誕老人到访 Pitch 3 三號球場 16:30 Lloyd’s Register cup match U12 boys U12男子組勞氏船級社盃賽 Pitch 1A 1A號球場 16:20 AGS cup match U10 girls U10女子組AGS盃賽 Pitch 3B 3B號球場 17:00 The Lloyd’s Register and AGS Four Winds Cup and Plate presentations 頒發劳氏船级社及AGS Four Winds獎杯及獎牌 Pitch 1 一號球場 All day 全日 Vendor stalls 供應商摊位 Pitch 3 三號球場 All day 全日 Bouncy Castles 充气城堡 Pitch 2 & 3 二及三號球場 All day 全日 Food and drink 美食繽紛 Pitch 3 & 1 三及一號球場 All day 全日 Medical services: Qualified personnel will be in attendance and will be available at the main stadium and Main Entrance - unless required on the field 醫療隊: 提供合資格醫療人員於主場館及一號球場當值 Between Pitch 2 and Pitch 3 and between Pitch 3 and Pitch 4 二號球場與三號球場之 間和三號球場與四號球 場之間 Our grateful thanks to our trophy sponsors; Lloyd’s Register and AGS Four Winds, and to our other festival sponsors 鸣谢: 奖品赞助機構:劳氏船级社和AGS Four Winds 小型欖球節其他赞助機構 We are also indebted to the IHP, Stanley Ho Sports Centre staff for their support and assistance 感謝何鴻燊體育中心全體工作人員提供支持及協助 WATER – No bottles are being handed out this year. Water is provided by Bonaqua at the water stations, so bring your own bottle. PARENTS – please respect the referees! They are all volunteers and without them we have no games. LOST CHILDREN – parents, please assist us by writing your phone number on the arm of your child, so we can call you if your little one gets lost. ALCOHOL – please refrain from consuming alcohol on the pitch sidelines. Stay near the point of sale areas or away from the pitches. MOUTHGUARDS – please ensure your player brings with them their mouthguards. If they forget then new ones are available for purchase at the Control Point in the main stadium. PARKING – we have arranged 3 hours of free car parking at the Cyberport car park. Just take your player in uniform to the main Arcade information desk before you pick up your car. We also have a shuttle bus to and from Cyberport operating from 7.15 to 18.15. The pick-up point is opposite the cinema entrance. DO NOT PARK on Sha Wan Drive – this causes congestion and you will be ticketed by the Police. 活動須知 飲水– 今年不提供樽裝水,請自帶水樽到Bonaqua供水點取水。 提醒家長 – 裁判員均為義工,請尊重裁判! 謹防孩童走失 – 請家長協助將聯絡電話寫於孩童手臂,以便孩童走失時可 聯繫您。 含酒精飲料 – 球場周圍勿飲含酒精飲料。若飲含酒精飲料,請遠離球場。 護齒套 – 請確保球員帶好護齒套。若有人忘帶,可在主體育場報到處 (Control Point in the main stadium)購買。 泊車 – 我們在數碼港停車場有3小時免費泊車安排。取車前帶穿球衣的球 員到數碼港主問詢台即可。我們也在7.15 至 18.15之間安排有來往數碼港的 穿梭巴士,上車點在電影院入口對面。 沙灣徑勿泊車 – 以防交通擁塞,違者會收警方告票。 Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Official Festival Sponsor We are delighted this year to be supporting Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA). RDA was founded in 1975 by Lady MacLehose and is a non-profit organization to provide therapeutic and rehabilitative horseback riding for the mentally and physically disabled through rehabilitative riding programs and the training of Para-Equestrian athletes. All lessons are provided free of charge to the participants. Our riders’ have conditions ranging from Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy to Blindness and Autism. They come mainly from schools, NGO’s and day-care centres for those with special needs. Today, RDA currently operates close to 6,000 rides to disabled riders annually at 3 different service centres in Pokfulam, Tuen Mun and Lo Wu (at Sheung Shui). In recent years, RDA has ventured to embrace competition riding for the many talented riders who have been hand-picked from our rehab lessons. In 2008 and 2012, RDA athletes successfully qualified and competed at the Beijing Paralympic Games and the London Paralympic Games respectively under the Hong Kong flag, bringing tremendous pride and glory to Hong Kong. Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Team Colours Official Festival Sponsor Centaurs SGC Tung Chung TC Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Official Festival Sponsor Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Official Festival Sponsor Note • All distances may be adjusted to suit the size of the playing area, at the discretion of the Referee • When a Referee considers it appropriate to do so, he/she may ask a coach to substitute a player • The Referee has the right to suspend the game until unruly spectators have left the playing area • “Referees/coaches are encouraged to reinforce the essence of mini-rugby: “”It is not the winning but the spirit of fair play, enjoyment and safety that is paramount”” Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U6 Schedule Official Festival Sponsor PITCH Pitch 2A Pitch 2B Pitch 2C Pitch 2D Pitch 2E AGE GROUP Start Time U6 U6 U6 U6 U6 Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref 08:30 ABN vs VF6 HKU SCACWB1 vs SKS5 VF 08:39 HKU6 vs SKS4 VF USRC2 vs SKS6 SCACWB FC7 vs USRC4 HKU VF3 vs SSP FC USRC3 vs FC6 HKU 08:48 HKU9 vs VF1 SKS SKS5 vs VF7 USRC VF8 vs SCACWB2 FC VF2 vs SKS8 HKU FC3 vs ABN HKU ABN 08:57 FC8 vs HKU11 VF HKU8 vs USRC2 FC FC4 vs SCACWB1 SKS SSP vs USRC5 SCACWB SKS7 vs FC6 09:06 VF6 vs HKU6 FC USRC1 vs HKU7 SSP HKU10 vs FC7 SKS SKS4 vs POL SCACWB EKL2 vs USRC4 HKU 09:15 DBP6 vs SKS6 HKU DBP4 vs ABN SKS USRC3 vs EKL1 VF TC1 vs VF1 FC TC2 vs SKS8 USRC 09:24 HKU8 vs VF8 SKS SKS5 vs DBP5 ABN EKL3 vs VF3 USRC USRC5 vs FC8 DBP SCACWB2 vs FC5 TC 09:33 FC6 vs HKU9 VF HKU7 vs FC4 VF SCACWB1 vs VF7 SKS VF2 vs EKL2 USRC POL vs FC3 USRC 09:42 HKU11 vs SSP FC USRC4 vs HKU10 EKL USRC2 vs DBP6 VF SKS7 vs USRC3 POL SKS4 vs VF6 HKU 09:51 ABN vs HKU6 SSP DBP5 vs USRC1 HKU EKL1 vs TC1 HKU FC7 vs TC2 USRC EKL3 vs USRC5 VF 10:00 VF8 vs FC5 HKU POL vs DBP4 USRC SKS6 vs SCACWB2 EKL VF1 vs SKS7 FC SKS8 vs EKL2 HKU SKS 10:09 HKU7 vs SCACWB1 FC DBP6 vs HKU8 VF VF3 vs FC8 DBP USRC1 vs SKS5 EKL VF6 vs FC3 10:18 HKU9 vs TC1 SCACWB USRC4 vs VF2 FC SSP vs EKL3 SKS VF7 vs FC4 HKU FC6 vs EKL1 VF 10:27 HKU10 vs TC2 FC USRC5 vs HKU11 EKL FC5 vs USRC2 VF DBP4 vs SKS4 FC VF1 vs USRC3 SKS 10:36 HKU6 vs POL TC DBP5 vs HKU7 FK SKS8 vs FC7 HKU SCACWB2 vs DBP6 EKL SKS6 vs VF8 USRC 10:45 EKL2 vs HKU10 POL FC4 vs USRC1 HKU TC1 vs SKS7 FC FC8 vs EKL3 DBP FC3 vs DBP4 SKS 10:54 HKU11 vs VF3 EKL FC5 vs HKU8 USRC EKL1 vs HKU9 SKS TC2 vs VF2 FC SKS2 vs FC1 DBP 11:03 HKU1 vs MKY1 VF HKU2 vs FK2 FC TWR2 vs TP HKU VF7 vs DBP5 TC TWR1 vs TMS/HKE2 SKS 11:12 FC2 vs HKU5 MKY HKU3 vs FK3 TWR FK1 vs USRC6 HKU TMS/HKE1 vs DBP2 VF VF5 vs THT TMS/HKE 11:21 FC1 vs HKU4 FK MKY1 vs SLB USRC DBP1 vs SKS1 HKU FK2 vs USRC7 DBP TMS/HKE2 vs SKS3 THT 11:30 VF4 vs HKU1 TC HKU2 vs MKY2 SLB HKU3 vs TWR2 DBP TSW vs TMS/HKE1 USRC DBP3 vs TWR1 TMS/HKE 11:39 USRC6 vs MKY1 HKU USRC7 vs THT MKY SKS1 vs TP TWR SKS2 vs DBP2 11:48 HKU4 vs TSW USRC SKS3 vs HKU5 TP SLB vs FK1 THT FK3 vs DBP1 SKS TMS/HKE TMS/HKE2 FK2 vs FC2 DBP vs VF5 DBP 11:57 TP vs HKU3 TSW HKU1 vs USRC6 TWR MKY1 vs VF4 FK THT vs MKY2 DBP FC1 vs TMS/HKE1 FK 12:06 VF5 vs HKU2 TP FC2 vs DBP3 VF SKS1 vs TWR2 MKY DBP2 vs TSW FC SKS3 vs TWR1 HKU 12:15 HKU5 vs TMS/HKE2 VF HKU4 vs SKS2 TSW SLB vs VF4 DBP TP vs DBP1 SKS MKY2 vs USRC7 FK 12:24 FK1 vs HKU1 TMS/HKE THT vs HKU2 VF FK3 vs SKS1 DBP TSW vs FC1 HKU DBP3 vs SKS3 USRC 12:33 DBP1 vs HKU3 FK USRC7 vs VF5 HKU MKY2 vs FK2 SKS TMS/HKE1 vs SKS2 FC TWR1 vs FC2 DBP 12:42 HKU5 vs DBP3 SLB DBP2 vs HKU4 SKS VF4 vs FK1 USRC TWR2 vs FK3 MKY USRC6 vs SLB TWR 12:51 Please only time, print the pages this programme that you need. between matches 8 minute games, no half oneofminute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U7 Schedule Pitch 2F U7 PITCH AGE GROUP Start Time Pitch 2G U7 Ref Pitch 2H U7 Ref Pitch 2I U7 Ref Official Festival Sponsor Ref 08:30 FC6 vs HKU4 VF FC9 vs ABN HKU SCACWB4 vs DBP4 FC VF1 vs MKY2 HKU 08:40 DBP5 vs HKU8 FC MKY1 vs FC5 ABN FC2 vs SSP2 SCACWB FC10 vs DBP1 MKY 08:50 HKU3 vs THT2 DBP VF2 vs FC1 MKY SCACWB1 vs VF3 FC SSP1 vs SCACWB4 HKU 09:00 DBP4 vs SKS3 HKU FC9 vs VF4 HKU USRC1 vs FC6 VF SKS4 vs MKY2 SSP 09:10 HKU4 vs DBP1 SKS FC2 vs DBP5 VF ABN vs USRC4 FC VF1 vs FC10 MKY 09:20 HKU8 vs SSP2 DBP HKU7 vs MKY1 FC FC5 vs SSP1 USRC THT2 vs FC1 VF 09:30 DBP4 vs HKU3 SSP TP vs SCACWB1 HKU SKS3 vs VF2 FC VF4 vs TMS/HKE THT 09:40 SCACWB4 vs USRC4 HKU FC6 vs VF3 SCACWB DBP1 vs SKS4 VF TC vs USRC1 TMS/HKE 09:50 MKY2 vs HKU4 USRC ABN vs MKY1 FC DBP5 vs VF1 SKS THT2 vs TMS/HKE TC 10:00 FC10 vs HKU8 MKY SKS3 vs FC9 ABN FC1 vs DBP4 VF FC5 vs HKU7 THT HKU 10:10 SSP2 vs TC FC SSP1 vs VF2 SKS VF4 vs SCACWB4 DBP SCACWB1 vs FC2 10:20 HKU3 vs SKS3 SSP VF3 vs TP FC MKY2 vs FC6 VF DBP1 vs USRC1 SSP 10:30 USRC4 vs HKU7 SKS HKU4 vs SKS4 VF HKU8 vs VF1 FC TMS/HKE vs ABN DBP 10:40 FC1 vs HKU3 USRC SSP2 vs DBP5 HKU VF2 vs THT2 TP MKY1 vs VF3 TC 10:50 TP vs FC10 HKU TMS/HKE vs FC5 DBP USRC1 vs SCACWB1 VF SCACWB2 vs EKL FC 11:00 HKU5 vs SKS5 FC FC7 vs SLB TMS/HKE VF4 vs TC SCACWB USRC4 vs FC9 EKL 11:10 HKU2 vs DBP3 SKS HKU7 vs SSP1 FC SKS4 vs FC2 VF VF5 vs FK USRC 11:20 HKU1 vs SLB DBP EKL vs FC3 HKU USRC2 vs SCACWB2 FC SKS5 vs TSW VF 11:30 SKS2 vs HKU10 SLB DBP3 vs USRC3 FC VF6 vs FC7 USRC TC vs TP SKS 11:40 HKU5 vs DBP2 SKS HKU6 vs VF5 USRC FC4 vs HKU2 VF THT1 vs VF7 TP 11:50 HKU9 vs SCACWB2 DBP TSW vs VF8 HKU FK vs FC8 SLB TWR vs SKS6 THT 12:00 EKL vs HKU1 SCACWB SLB vs SKS1 HKU FC3 vs SKS5 FK SCACWB3 vs DBP3 SKS 12:10 VF6 vs HKU5 EKL USRC3 vs HKU6 SKS VF8 vs FC4 HKU FC7 vs USRC2 SCACWB 12:20 HKU2 vs THT1 VF VF7 vs SKS2 HKU SCACWB2 vs VF5 FC FC8 vs HKU10 SKS 12:30 HKU9 vs TSW THT SKS1 vs DBP2 VF USRC2 vs HKU1 vs TWR HKU 12:40 FC3 vs HKU5 TSW SKS6 vs VF6 DBP HKU6 vs FK USRC DBP3 vs FC4 SCACWB 12:50 SLB vs VF7 FC DBP2 vs EKL VF SKS5 vs VF5 HKU FC8 vs THT1 DBP 13:00 SKS6 vs HKU2 VF USRC3 vs SCACWB3 DBP HKU1 vs FC7 SKS VF6 vs TWR FC 13:10 SKS1 vs HKU9 FC HKU10 vs VF8 SCACWB FK vs SKS2 HKU TSW vs USRC2 TWR 13:20 TWR vs HKU6 SKS FC4 vs USRC3 HKU DBP2 vs FC3 FK THT1 vs SKS6 TSW 13:30 HKU10 vs SCACWB3 TWR SKS2 vs FC8 USRC VF7 vs HKU9 FC VF8 vs SKS1 HKU SCACWB SCACWB3 13:40 Please only time, print the pages this programme that you need. between matches 9 minute games, no half oneofminute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U8 Schedule Pitch 2A U8 PITCH AGE GROUP Start Time Pitch 2B U8 Ref Pitch 2C U8 Ref Pitch 2D U8 Ref Pitch 2E U8 Ref Pitch 2F U8 Official Festival Sponsor Ref Ref 14:00 SKS2 vs HKU5 VF TWR vs SKS5 HKU FC7 vs SKS4 HKU USRC3 vs FK2 FC ABN vs DBP4 VF VF5 vs FC6 MKY 14:11 HKU6 vs TP SKS SKS1 vs SLB TWR DBP2 vs MKY2 FC VF7 vs FC8 USRC FC1 vs HKU1 DBP THT vs VF4 FC 14:22 HKU2 vs SKS7 TP SKS4 vs TSW SLB MB vs POL DBP USRC1 vs EKL FC VF6 vs FK1 HKU FC2 vs MKY1 VF 14:33 USRC2 vs HKU7 SKS ABN vs THT TSW SKS3 vs FC6 POL FC5 vs SKS2 USRC DBP1 vs VF1 FK TC vs VF2 FC 14:44 HKU6 vs VF5 USRC DBP3 vs SKS1 ABN USRC3 vs HKU8 FC TWR vs FK2 SKS SKS5 vs FC8 VF DBP4 vs HKU5 THT 14:55 HKU1 vs TMS/HKE VF EKL vs TP SKS SKS6 vs POL HKU FC3 vs DBP2 FK SLB vs FC4 VF FK1 vs FC7 DBP 15:06 SCACWB vs HKU2 TMS/HKE FC2 vs DBP1 TP HKU3 vs VF2 SKS SSP vs MKY2 FC USRC4 vs FC1 ABN VF4 vs SKS2 FK 15:17 HKU8 vs VF7 SCACWB TSW vs USRC2 FC FC6 vs USRC1 HKU HKU7 vs FC7 MKY MKY1 vs SKS7 USRC VF6 vs SKS4 FC 15:28 EKL vs HKU6 VF FK2 vs SKS5 USRC HKU1 vs MB FC VF3 vs SKS1 HKU VF5 vs SKS3 MKY HKU5 vs THT SKS 15:39 DBP3 vs HKU4 EKL FC8 vs USRC3 SKS FC3 vs TC HKU DBP4 vs FC5 VF VF1 vs FC2 DBP SKS2 vs ABN THT 15:50 HKU8 vs TWR DBP FK1 vs HKU7 FC TP vs SKS3 TC POL vs TMS/HKE SKS SKS6 vs USRC4 VF DBP2 vs HKU3 SKS 16:01 HKU5 vs VF4 TWR DBP1 vs HKU2 FK FC4 vs VF3 SKS HKU4 vs SLB TMS/HKE MKY1 vs SCACWB USRC VF2 vs SSP HKU 16:12 USRC1 vs HKU6 VF FC7 vs VF6 HKU MKY2 vs FC3 HKU MB vs FC1 SLB FC6 vs EKL SCACWB SKS4 vs USRC2 SSP 16:23 HKU7 vs TSW USRC FK2 vs VF7 FC SKS7 vs VF1 MKY THT vs FC5 MB USRC4 vs HKU1 EKL SKS5 vs USRC3 HKU 16:34 TC vs HKU3 TSW SKS1 vs FC4 VF VF4 vs DBP4 SKS TP vs VF5 FC VF3 vs DBP3 HKU FC8 vs HKU8 POL 16:45 HKU2 vs FC2 TC FC5 vs ABN SKS TMS/HKE vs SKS6 VF SSP vs DBP2 MB SKS3 vs USRC1 DBP USRC2 vs FK1 DBP 16:56 FC4 vs HKU4 VF VF7 vs TWR FC POL vs USRC4 SKS VF2 vs FC3 DBP VF1 vs MKY1 FC SCACWB vs DBP1 HKU 17:07 HKU3 vs SSP FC TMS/HKE vs MB VF FC1 vs SKS6 USRC TSW vs VF6 HKU MKY2 vs TC HKU SLB vs DBP3 SKS 17:18 HKU4 vs VF3 SSP SKS7 vs SCACWB HKU 17:29 Pleasehalf only print the pages programme that you need. between matches 10 minute games, no time, oneof this minute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U9 Schedule PITCH Pitch 4A Pitch 4B Pitch 4C Pitch 4D AGE GROUP U9 U9 U9 U9 Start Time Ref 08:30 SKS1 vs 08:42 HKU7 08:54 HKU4 Ref HKU1 HKU4 vs THT vs SKS2 Ref vs FC2 DBP2 vs SKS4 USRC1 vs HKU2 VF1 vs FC1 DBP1 vs FC2 SSP1 vs USRC2 Official Festival Sponsor Ref VF3 vs SSP1 DBP3 vs FC3 DBP2 vs VF4 09:06 HKU1 vs VF1 HKU2 vs SKS1 FC4 vs VF3 VF2 vs USRC1 09:18 HKU5 vs SKS4 FC2 vs HKU3 DBP1 vs HKU4 FC3 vs FK1 09:30 FC1 vs HKU1 VF1 vs SKS1 THT vs VF5 FC4 vs DBP2 09:42 SKS2 vs HKU3 SSP1 vs HKU7 TWR vs TSW FC6 vs SSP2 09:54 HKU1 vs DBP1 FC1 vs HKU2 USRC2 vs DBP3 TC vs THT 10:06 FC3 vs HKU5 VF2 vs HKU4 HKU3 vs USRC1 VF4 vs SKS3 10:18 HKU2 vs VF1 SKS4 vs VF3 THT vs DBP2 SKS1 vs DBP1 10:30 HKU6 vs FK1 HKU7 vs FC4 TWR vs VF6 FC2 vs SKS2 10:42 TMS/HKE vs SCACWB SKS3 vs SSP1 SLB vs VF5 MKY vs SSP2 10:54 DBP3 vs HKU5 FC6 vs VF7 TSW vs SKS5 USRC1 vs FC1 11:06 HKU3 vs VF2 USRC3 vs EKL VF5 vs FC3 TC vs USRC2 11:18 HKU5 vs VF4 TMS/HKE vs TWR DBP4 vs SCACWB SKS4 vs FC4 11:30 VF3 vs HKU7 HKU6 vs SLB VF6 vs EKL FC5 vs MKY 11:42 SKS2 vs VF2 FK2 vs USRC3 FK1 vs SKS3 SSP2 vs VF7 11:54 DBP4 vs FC6 SKS5 vs FC5 VF6 vs TSW SCACWB vs TWR 12:06 USRC3 vs TMS/HKE MKY vs FK2 USRC2 vs SLB FK1 vs DBP3 12:18 VF5 vs HKU6 VF4 vs TC EKL vs FC6 VF7 vs SKS5 12:30 FK2 vs DBP4 SSP2 vs USRC3 TSW vs FC5 SCACWB vs VF6 12:42 SKS3 vs HKU6 SKS5 vs MKY SLB vs TC VF7 vs TMS/HKE 12:54 EKL vs DBP4 FC5 vs FK2 13:06 Pleasehalf only print the pages programme that you need. between matches 11 minute games, no time, oneof this minute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U10 Schedule Pitch 3A U10 PITCH AGE GROUP Pitch 3B U10 Start Time Pitch 3C U10 Ref Official Festival Sponsor Ref 09:30 DBP2 vs HKU3 HKU2 09:44 HKU1 vs USRC1 SKS1 09:58 HKU3 vs VF4 VF3 10:12 FC1 vs HKU1 VF2 vs FC3 FK vs HKU4 vs SLB vs HKU4 SGC vs FC2 FC4 vs vs FK HKU2 THT vs DBP2 10:26 VF1 vs USRC1 FC3 vs SKS1 FC2 vs DBP1 10:40 HKU4 vs SKS2 FK vs VF3 FC4 vs HKU3 10:54 HKU1 vs VF1 SLB vs SGC VF4 vs THT 11:08 DBP1 vs HKU2 FC3 vs VF2 DBP2 vs FK 11:22 FC1 vs VF1 SKS2 vs FC4 USRC1 vs SKS1 11:36 HKU3 vs VF3 HKU4 vs VF4 FC2 vs HKU1 11:50 HKU2 vs SLB SGC vs VF2 THT vs FC4 12:04 VF1 vs DBP1 VF3 vs DBP2 USRC1 vs FC3 12:18 VF4 vs SKS2 SKS1 vs SGC 12:32 VF2 vs FC2 SLB vs FC1 12:46 HKU5 vs MB 13:00 SKS2 vs THT vs FC1 DBP1 13:14 BREAK: SANTA, SEA SCHOOL BAND 13:45 MKY vs TSW 13:59 TMS/HKE vs HKU5 14:13 TSW vs ABN 14:27 MKY vs SKS3 14:41 TSW vs TWR 14:55 USRC2 vs HKU5 15:09 SKS3 vs TSW 15:23 TWR vs TMS/HKE 15:37 HKU5 vs SKS3 15:51 ABN vs TWR 16:05 SKS3 vs USRC2 16:19 ABN vs TMS/HKE TWR vs MB TMS/HKE vs USRC2 MB vs ABN USRC2 vs MKY MB vs MKY 16:33 Pleasehalf only print the pages programme that you need. between matches 13 minute games, no time, oneof this minute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U9/10G Schedule Official Festival Sponsor PITCH Pitch 3A Pitch 3B Pitch 3C U9/U10 Girls AGE GROUP Start Time Ref Ref Ref 09:30 09:44 09:58 10:12 10:26 10:40 10:54 11:08 11:22 11:36 11:50 12:04 12:18 FC3 vs HKU3 12:32 DEA vs HKU2 HKU3 vs FK DEA vs FC2 HKU2 vs SKS2 VF vs DEA HKU1 vs SKS1 SKS2 vs HKU3 DBP vs HKU1 FC2 vs HKU2 VF vs FC3 HKU1 vs FC1 HKU3 vs FC3 SKS1 vs DBP 12:46 SKS2 vs VF 13:00 13:14 13:45 BREAK: SANTA, SEA SCHOOL BAND FC3 vs FK 13:59 14:13 DBP vs FC1 FC1 vs SKS1 14:27 14:41 14:55 15:09 FK vs DEA 15:23 15:37 FC2 vs SKS2 15:51 16:05 HKU2 vs VF FK vs FC2 16:19 FC1 vs HKU1 SKS1 vs DBP 16:33 Pleasehalf only print the pages programme that you need. between matches 14 minute games, no time, oneof this minute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 U11 Schedule Official Festival Sponsor Pitch 1A U11 PITCH AGE GROUP Pitch 1B U11 Start Time Ref Ref 08:30 FC4 vs HKU6 SKS3 vs MKY 08:50 FC3 vs EKL FK2 vs DBP3 09:10 HKU6 vs USRC2 TWR vs TP 09:30 SKS3 vs FC3 FC4 vs DBP3 09:50 EKL vs TMS/HKE TP vs MKY 10:10 HKU6 vs FK2 TWR vs SKS3 10:30 TMS/HKE vs USRC2 TP vs FC4 10:50 MKY vs FC3 EKL vs DBP3 11:10 HKU4 vs FC2 FK2 vs USRC2 11:30 HKU3 vs VF3 TMS/HKE vs TWR 11:50 HKU4 vs VF4 THT vs HKU5 12:10 SKS2 vs HKU3 FC2 vs DBP2 12:30 VF4 vs SLB/USRC VF3 vs THT 12:50 HKU5 vs DBP2 HKU3 vs FC2 13:10 SLB/USRC vs HKU4 THT vs SKS2 13:30 FC1 vs HKU1 VF4 vs HKU5 13:50 SKS1 vs DBP1 VF3 vs SKS2 14:10 VF1 vs FC1 SLB/USRC vs DBP2 14:30 HKU2 vs VF2 FK1 vs USRC1 14:50 SKS1 vs HKU1 FC1 vs DBP1 15:10 FK1 vs HKU2 VF2 vs USRC1 15:30 HKU1 vs DBP1 VF1 vs SKS1 15:50 HKU2 vs USRC1 VF2 vs FK1 16:10 HKU1 vs VF1 16:30 Pleasehalf only print the pages programme that you need. between matches 19 minute games, no time, oneof this minute turnround Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! Festival Logistics Sponsor HKU Sandy Bay RFC Mini Rugby Festival Sunday 23rd November 2014 Activities and exhibitors at Sandy Bay 2014 Official Festival Sponsor Join HKU IHP in Pok Fu Lam! With state of the art sporting facilities available, including a 50-metre outdoor pool and gymnasium at Sandy Bay, plus additional indoor facilities at the Lindsay Ride Sports Centre (Pokfulam Rd), the IHP offers community memberships. Please visit the following link for further details: Escapade S.I.C. Sport Ltd Enjo Kukri Streamline Fifth Avenue Riding for the Disabled Freaky Faces Ciao Link Noella Concepts Lea James Noble Mandarin Swing Thomas Pink My Little Princess Not Only Olives Sing Your Name Imagination Land Lavanya Collections Convoy Financial Services SCSC Aroha Jewellery/ Bare Accessories Jade and Co. Playmore Sports products Scooters, learning bikes, flying shoes & helmets. Chemical-free cleaning products. Hong Kong replica team jerseys. Sports items and sports nutrition supplier. Fine fashion jewellery. Cards and gifts. Facepainting. Hong Kong farewell gifts. Handcrafted products. Purse organizers. Handmade Italian candles. Childrens clothes & homewares. Luxury shirts. Girls’ clothes. Homemade food. Personalised music & mutlimedia. Activities and art. Clothes and accesories. Independent financial advice. Children toys. Jewellery and pashminas. Hair spray. Sports clothing. A Big Thank You! to all our helpers and sponsors Please only print the pages of this programme that you need. Help us have a greener mini rugby festival! ONLINE SHOP 會員購物網站 by Adding more colors to your parties and special events. Freaky Faces paint faces, hands, arms, and legs. We offer full face designs, half faces, cheek art, eye art and temporary tattoos. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! Festival Logistics Sponsor
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