* • • * * -*r - *- a « EVENING RECORDER, AMSTERDAM, N.Y., TUESDAY, JUNE.12, 1962 PAGE TWELVE Littler Back-to-Back Open Titles Looms Possibility RECORDER DIAL VI S-1100 SeU New Mark Perron Hurls One-Hitter As Sportsmen Top PAV Yanks All Chris Perron hurled a neat one-hit shutout last the 525,000 first pri^e), he can dc night as Sportsman's Club handed PAV its first Prep it" League loss with a 3-0 triumph. • OAKMONT, Pa, UP>— A year ago, the soft-spoken Californian quietly tamed another —' • Perron fanned 13 batters and Back to back championfabled course like this one—the allowed only two walks in breezships in the Nati6nal Open Oakland Hills Country Club at ing past PAV. Mike Tuman got' Golf Tournament for Gene Birmingham, Mich.—for his first the losers' only hit, a clean sinOpen title. It, too, was a course gle which slipped past shortstop. Littler? that demanded great accuracy Perron, who was in command Draws Support off the tee and a sure putting all the way, aided his own cause Support was mushrooming totouch. with two hits and two runs battedday for golf's quiet' man in the Gary Player, the little South Afin. He had a triple and single. wake of Littler's brilliant play this year and more woe for tour- rican, and veteran Jackie Burke Clarence Carpenter lUtes the Bel Bradwell went the route for nament favorite Arnold Palmer, are others who like Littler's 16th hole at Antlers and the the losers giving up just three who severely gashed a finger on chances to become the first dehole seems to like him. hits, two to Perron and one to his right hand In a freak acci- fending champion to repeat since Ken Talmadge. For the second time in four dent just when he was confident Ben Hogan in 1950-51. years, the Antlers ace dropped Little Mel fanned 10 and walked Six Stitches he had shaken a cold that kept in his tee shot for a hole-inthree. Box score: him sub par physically for nearA doctor took six stitches in one. Sportsmen's Club ly two weeks. Palmer's third finger on his right Igor Tor-Ovanesyan of Russia The aoe came Sunday on a ab r h rbi "Littler's* my pick," said two- hand to close the wound he suf- smashed the world broad jump 5-iron shot on the 199-yard layj Davis, 2b .• 1 0 0 0 time former Open champion Gary fered while he was putting lugout mark with a leap of 27 feet, 3 iBuctek, ss 3 1 0 0 Middlecoff as he and the other gage in the trunk of his car late .Carp was playing with Ant2 1 0 0 Rusik, lb early arrivals relaxed after a Sunday night at the nearby La- Inches in a meet at Yerevan, lers' Pro Frank Stuhler, Harry 3 1 2 2 Perron, p practice round at the 6,894-yard trobe, Pa., airport. The gash went Armenia, June 10, Tass, the offiGibbs and Waliy Sheridan. 3 0 1 0 Talmadge, rf Oakmont Country Club course all the way to the bone alongside cial S o v i e t news agency, anwhere the 62nd U.S. Open cham- the knuckle. Kowalski, 3b 3 0 0 0 nounced. The recognized mark is l pionship begins on Thursday. Topping, cf 1 0 0 0 "It didn't hurt much," the Mas- 27 feet, l /4 inches by America's 0 0 0 Welch, c ........ 2 "You don't have to be. a big ters champion said after a prac- Ralph Boston, set last July 16 In hitter to score on this course," tice round late Monday. Palmer Moscow. (AP Wirephoto.) Nabozny, If 0 0 0 0 Niezgoda, If 1 0 0 0 said the Memphis dentist. "You seemed considerably relieved that Bryk, 2b 1 0 0 0 have to be able to drive straight he could hit so well despite the Chrzanowski, If 0 0 0 0 and putt well on these slick heavy bandage. Montagnino, If 1 0 0 u greens. Littler's playing beauti"If it doesn't hurt any more DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) - Gene,, 0 0 0 0 fully, has been all year. Unless than this," he said, "it won't be Littler, who will defend his title J*T «. 0 0 0 0 he has a big letdown after win- bad at all. We experimented with j , 1S10 i0 this week in the U.S. Open, has • 21 3 3 2 ning that big one in New Jersey a couple different kinds of bandmoved.into.a strong.second posiV.KM. Sunday--<the^$10(>;000-Golf-Classic | dges~and fbulid~orie~lhat lets me NEW YORK (AP)-The Tele- tion among professional golfing's at flintrtTl lilinrrt f tt+lnw n^il^/1 nnf t U A w w , U t f A l **.# 4 U M , . I . . U *' at Clinton, where Littler nailed get the right feel of the club. prompter Corp, Monday night top money winners. ab r h rbl made a bid of 51,700,000—the last Tuman, 3b 3 0 1 0 The $25,000 Littler won highest in history—for the ancil- weekend in the $100,000 tourna- Bradwell, p 0 0 3 lary rights of the Floyd Patterson0 0 Szala, ss 1 ment at Clifton, N.J., gave him Sonny Liston world heavyweight 0 0 Szydek, cf 2 total winnings for the year of championship bout Sept. 22 in 0 0 Shea, rf, c 2 $53,704, according to Professional Chicago. 0 0 Tomayo, lb 2 Golfers' Association headquarters. 0 0 Promoter Tom Bolan said two Ludwin, c 2 Arnold Palmer still is in first Hoefs, 2b \ 0 0 other companies had made bids 1 0 0 that did not match Teleprompt- place with a total of $60,311, even Mercandante, If 0 0 cr's. The company also handled though he won only $460 in the Niemczyk, 2b . 0 0 the third Patterson-Ingemar Jo- New Jersey tournament. Bill Cas- Hall, If . . . . . . . . 0 0 The Little Giants football sign up by returning an entry hansson bout. The price for that per Jr., won $950 to give- him a Dufel. If ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • total of $42,158 and third place Reynolds, 2b league will increase its Major- blank found on this page to one was $800,000. 0 ~t) 0 ••••••• ette corps to 50 young girls this Whitey Murray's gas station on Myers, rf ... Bolan. president of Champion- among the top 10. 0 0 0 Jack Nicklaus, who won the season and practice will start as Guy Park avenue as soon as pos- ship Sports, the promoters, said 0 1 0 j soon as school is out. sible. there was a possibility his group $10,000 second prize, vaulted" from Sportsmen's Club 003 000—3 eighth place to fourth with total might handle the ancillary rights P.A.V '.'.., 000 000-0 Girls interested in joining the A deadline for entries has winnings of $28,198. Rounding out themselves. The rights include 3B—Perron. Little Giants twirling group may been set Friday, June 15 the top 10 are: Gary Player $22,radio, television and movies. ip h r er bb so which gives only three days. 688. Phil Rodgers $22,330, Bobby Bradwell (L) , 6 3 3 2 3 10 The entry blank will be carNichols $20,975, Dow Finsterwald Perron (W) . . 6 0 0 0 2 13 ried each day until the deadRACEWAY $20,296, Doug Sanders $19,421, and line. Bruce Crampton $17,273. SELECTIONS It was explained by Little Giants officials that the makeup of the 1962 Majorettes corps will | Minor League Results j By Horseshoe Dean be 50 girls and one leader. • : • 1.—Runnymede Colin, Fleet NEW YORK (AP)-Roger Maris Once the group is filled, byBob, Social Security By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and Mickey Mantle are being laws will be drawn up and ap2.—Windale Tip. Old Smughounded by the same hoodoo that Pacific Coast League proved by the membership. gler, Sky Eden handcuffed all previous 50-homer Tacoma 7\ San Diego 1 In past seasons, the major3.—Demon Ben, Miss Unihitters with the exception of the Hawaii 5, Salt Lake City 2 ettes have been a colorful verse, General Sampson one and only Babe Ruth. Only games part of the gridiron league's 4.—Big Tree Joe, Taliulah Prior to 1961, when Maris American Association activities and has drawn the Wick. Red Rustler socked 61 home runs and his YanDallas-Fort Worth 6, Indianappraise of all who see it In ac5.—Sorority, Wayne C, Leal kee teammates, Mickey Mantle, olis 0 tion at the weekend Raines Hanover hit 54, just eight sluggers whacked Oklahoma City 2, Omaha 1 during the regular campaign 6.—Ted Hanover. Targetecr, INSTEAD bring 50 or more homers in a single Denver at Louisville, ppd, rain and at the Thanksgiving Day Lucky Annabelje season. Turkey Bowl. International League 7.—Cast Iron Jack, Vic Flanthem to us for Atlanta 10, Syracuse 1 Girls are reminded to get the Maris has hit only 10 home runs agan, I*ace Hanover EXPERT REPAIR Jacksonville 5, Rochester 2 in his team's first 52 games this blanks in as soon as possible. 8.—Marion E, Volo, Scotch Columbus at Buffalo, ppd., rain Auditions will be held to judge year. He had 18 through the same Brook, Witty Wick Richmond at Toronto, ppd., number of games last year. At talent. There is no age limit. 9.—Colonle Girt Traffic Manrain this pace, he will wind up with 31. ager, Red Bear Once chosen, the majorette will Mantle, sidelined for the past be furnished a uniform by the Best Bet — Ted Hanover, 6th 27 MARKET ST. —Recorder Want Ads Pay. three weeks with a leg injury, has league. race hit only seven home runs. By DON WEISS Associated Press Sports Writer By J "Beanb* Who, E That w; of the c night af1 that took fourth i more's 5New Yo 'preclpitai which . ; Ralph H< at Oriole Hitchcoc Carpenter Aces 16th at Antlers Highest Bid For Fight TV AHS OSCAR WINNERS — Seven Oscar winners for proficiency In athleticjLarfi--JhoAVU-aftor-re. . _— — ; »._ * —-™— *-TI-—»—. -. "-.*: * ' . . . -__ _ _. eeY^>TlwvardT"af J w l ^ dinner at the Elks Club. Front row, left to rlcht, Mike Burt, track; Ricky Cetnar, basketball( also Block A blanket) and Tommy Ferrara, baseball. Back row,'* from left, Joe Clccarlno, most Improved in football; Bob Nadler, golf; Gaiy Blongiewicz, most improved in basketball and Joe Sarline, football. Missing from photo is Larry Cardillo who won bowling oscar.. (Recorder Photo.) Cetnar Top Lettermen Honored at Award Fete I J * fit Frei the Ams meeting Twilight time is 6 Little Giants Seek New M re 8; Thre* While th at the Iocs seek to mi pion Krai: the Rugmi win agair chants at town. The T makers, Johnston knocked son ope Manage charges 1< Mohnstowi •fcggregati iolks wh< first look K Joe Ka; Eng twb-1 Sunday, • base for Ronnie man and be availa with the son Carl pitching Paul B and Bob outfieldei Hosner 1 AITa will ms at gam Terpen and B High a Meaner lineup. At Johj ager Ma to send DON'T let OTTAVIO'S Waterville Duo Leads Doubles ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)-A pair of Waterville men have taken over the scratch doubles leaderTOP AWARDS — Amsterdam Hli;h Athletic Director Jack Tracy, ship in the State Bowling Propriecenter, poses with top award winners at last night's AHS letter din- tors Association tournament Tom Aloi and Tom Berardi ner. IiOft Is Joe Sarline, recipient of the Oldttmers' football trophy as scored 1254 over the weekend and top AHS gridman and Kicky Cetnar, right who won the Richard ousted J. Ferraro and A. Corrado Blackwell trophy as most valuable player of the basketball squad. of Kingston from the top spot. (Recorder Photo.) Three weekends are left in the eight-week tournament which is the association's first In other changes, Gene Norris of Jackson Heights took over second place in the handicap Fort Johnson and Cranesville \ and Siwik; Frederick. Bacon (5) singles with a 739 performance. scored victories in Suburban Wee- and Quackenbush, Ryan. Ralph Scacchetti of Schenectady Men action last night Fort Johncopped fourth place with 729. son ran rouglishod over Perth. Tribes Hill 000 400 — 4 8 4 In all-events, Joe Parks of LivS L u"n ^ T n C S V i l l e d U m P O d I C r a d l e 340 13x - 1 1 6 2 erpool placed second with 2073 1T1DCS mil, n-4. j M o r a J | flnd S i n a t r a . C r o n s e > and Robert Leo moved Into fifth Fort Johnson used a 17-run j A v e r v ( 4 , a n c l Yryc singles—Du- with 2013. fifth inning to put the game out of \ Rari( Smeallie, Dunlavey. HannraJohn Varsoke and Ed Cionek sight of the home-standing Perth | h a n . Moran 2. Cetnar. DoublesFight Results responded briefly and Cionek was club. The home run was the prin- Hanrahan, Bryant, Crouse and cipal weapon for the Villagers as Cetnar. presented a token by Gary Brown on behalf of the varsity track F. Brooks, Babovich, Spike InBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gals, Kokocki and Siwik all hit team. BOSTON - Kenny Lane. 137»4, Practice Game Edwin Hardies. Nick Palotta, home runs. Paul t.esnicw-skl Muskegon, Mich., outpointed Tomrapped a round-tripper for Perth. Don Isburgh and the Rev. Paul Hosncr's of the Rookie League my Tibbs, 1324. Boston, 10. Cranessville'a victory was Strenge of the board of education will play a practice game with SYDNEY, Australia — Willie featured hy several good fieldWere guests. Rev. Strenge gave Lions Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Stevenson. 143, Boston outpointed ing plays Including Mike DuCoessens Park. the invocation. Sid Prior, 142, Australia, 12. gsn's bncktothefence catch » Chief Custodian Alfred BaranelAll Hosner players are requestof Bunny Avery's bid for * (o was honored at the affair. He ed to report at 5:30 p.m. Unithree-run homer. Dugan plays was presented a certificate for a Practice Game forms not necessary. fclook A In all sports and received for Tribes Hill. Floyd Bryant Hibernians and Jaycees of the and Dsvey Chriss also turned it gift from the athletes for exRookie League will play a pracin good plays. cellent work in keeping the fields Jaycees tice game Wednesday evening at (n shape. Gary Pearce had a homer for The Jaycees of the Rookie 6 p.m. at Senior High. All old Tribes Hill and Avery and Cet- League will practice this evening and new players on both squads { Letter winners follow: nar had triples for the winners. at 6 p.m. at Senior High. are requested to report "promptly. Football Line scores: The Hibernians will also pracManager Mike Skowronek re1 Joe Ciccarino, Mike Andolina, Ft Johnson . 010 7 (17) 0—25 14 1 tice at the high school field Thursquests all players to report im Campbell, Ed Wronowski, Perth 011 051 - X 7 7 promptly. day at 6:15 p.m. Jill Case, Val Gonstantine, Guido Paquin, Brooks (4), Ingalls (5) )cMaria, Mike Krochina, Bill fahl, Keith Smith, Paul ValaLinLI GIANTS hovic, Dave Wilson, Mike Burtt, china. Pierce Tolson. Dave Tuck. Track and Held 'om Ferrara, Clarence Hawker, Mike Burtt, Gary Brown, Rich Vte Kanches. Jim MeColl, Jim Sidlauscus, Clarence Hawker, tndlin, Richard Sidlauscus and Ernie Jurc7uk. Joe Ciccarino. Toe Sarline. Name Paul Ru,sso, Fred Partyka, Ricky Basketball \ Hayden Anderson. Tony Campo, Brooks, Dave Cionek, Val ConAddress. ................. .. stantino,. John Iwanskl, Bill MoCiccarino, Pete Noonan, LarNamara. Walt Messak, Tony MlPhone .'. Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olney, Ed Rabtnski, John Sa- lew ski. Don Opalka, Boh Pcnge, icJd, Phil Schuyler, Gary Blon- Tom Pikul. School % Jewicz, Ricky Cetnar, Tom KoGolf ine). John Laz&roti, Tom Ur> Grade or Home Room Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Kedik. Howard Aison. Jim Derrick, Robert Kluh, Robert i Am a Mcmocr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bssebsfl . Nadler. Ricky Cetnar, Bill Calhoun, Moulin* I Would Like to Become a Member , Ferrara, Wayne Lnllier, Jim Albright, I/»rry Cardillo, 'te Noonan, Jim Sandlin, Phil Cliff Cozncf: Robert Nadler. Bill Blonk* M a t t Bs Returned By June I S , l ? o 2 uryler, Tony Meola, Mike Kro- Przybylowicz, Ronald Schuttig. FIRST 1 and/or i winner* i Rdjusted four-ye»r Runnyi Gln«r Social ! Duke I Fedor Fle«t 1 JlmmW Harrv SKCONn mile. *5 Sky E Ohio 1 Wlnda Old ST Major' Mlkl N Twtlla1 Pappy THIRD and/or winners time adj and fou Paft Miss I Idean Pernor Checrl Gener* Guy's roi'RTl Fort Johnson, Cranesville Win r Chevrolet Flcdside Pickup et STOO lncs. 1 i Talluli l^onjjw Pleasa Hollda Dottle Bin T Not T Red F A'so c FIFTH mile, r Sororl Krslat l^al 1 Morto Frisks Rill's The truck that's as good as p u r word When you promise something wiU be there, a Chevrolet truck will help you keep your word almost to the point of monotony. It will do its job over and over and over again, with seldom any trouble, at very low cost. What more can you ask from a truck? Because of their reliability., people have put more Chevrolet trucks to work every year sines 1937. That's a strong vote of confidence* If good service is vital to your business, make your truck a Chevrolet and make your word more dependable than CHlVROltT ever. Call your neighborhood Chevrolet dealer soon. MAJORETTE APPLICATION I Rug n HR Hoodoo Haunts M-M Receives Blanket J Texl AHS AthleteS!n j f K Entry Deadline June 15 Ricky Cetnar, captain of the Class A League and Section Two AHS basketball champions and second baseman of the baseball team, was honored as Outstanding Senior Athlete of Amsterdam High School at last night's annual letter award dinner at the Elks Club. Cetnar received the coveted Block A purple and gold blanket award from Principal Robert G. Turner. He also will have his name inscribed on the Richard Blackwell Memorial Trophy as the most valuable player on the AHS cage unit The other top award of the evening went to Joe Sarline, halfback and quarterback of the Hilltoppera football squad, who was the recipient of the Oldtimera* grid trophy. AHS Oscars, given by the Student Council to outstanding performers, went to Gary Blongiewicz, most improved in basketball; Joe Ciccarino, most improved in football; Tommy Ferrara, for leading batting average In baseball (.519); Mike Burtt. for track in which he scored 75 points; Robert Nadler, for golfing (21H of possible 24 points during season) and Larry Cardillo, for bowling highest average of 173. Athletic Director Jack Tracy served as master of ceremonies and called on Roman Iwanskl, 'representing the board of education; Howard Rail, assistant principal at AHS, John Mcknight, principal at Roosevelt Junior High; rhil Spencer, vice president and general manager of Station WCSS and Art Hoefs, sports editor of the Recorder. St! Littler 2nd In Golf Waw SIXTH winners usted ' Ive-yea Krnnctl' (?A\ n Mttle Tarce Fedor J C o r a * K C o r a * . Thi* n tlit gtrrmo ran — lkt rm/jr MM With 4tmbU~*oti eondnutitm. Ha» air-cooled tnfim U* MOT. ecu* •Jsfii t» SeTl • Loda It's Golden Sales Jubilee time at your Chevrolet dealer's EC TESIERO CHEVROLET CORP » 106 GUY PARK AVENUE DIAL VI 2-7100 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com .'I AMSTERDAM, N.Y. • SKVF.X' 1 mile. Tatsy F.7ra Vie F J^re Walt* Adlos • Ca»t KHillTI of tTOO Inca 1 llarrj Diva Seotd Volo'i Marlr Clayti WIttj Valor Also X1NTH ,s
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