Western Iowa Synodical Women of the ELCA Margaret Stangohr & Carolyn Johnson, Co-Editors December, 2014 MESSAGE FROM WISWO PRESIDENT JUDY LANG! November 30th was the first Sunday in Advent, which is the beginning of the church year. Advent is a time of preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth on Christmas and also a time of preparing for the second coming. We find ourselves busy with the preparations for the parties, programs and other activities. I am challenging you and me to take the time to prepare through Bible study, prayer and meditation! Read your Gather magazine! Go to an Advent Bible study or worship! Find a place to spend some quiet time! Enjoy your family and remember to share your faith during Christmas! Epiphany, starting January 6 th, is a time to be enlightened! Many of you have already sent in your list of Unit officers. Thank you for being so prompt! We are still in need of updates. If you have not sent your list to Margaret Stangohr and Judy Lang, please do so soon. We want to keep our list of officers current for the Scribe and any other communicating that we need to do. We also need Cluster leaders for our list. In this Scribe, you will find the Cluster minutes or summaries that were shared with us. If your cluster report is not included, send it to Carolyn Johnson for the next Scribe. We like to read about what you are doing. It may inspire us to do something similar. Interchange, the newsletter from churchwide Women of the ELCA, has changed. It is being published only 6 times a year, instead of 12. There is only one copy sent to each congregation now. So talk to your church secretary or your pastor and ask about Interchange. Make copies for the leaders of your unit. These changes are because of the lack of funds. The Tenth Triennial Gathering of Women of the ELCA will be July 13-16, 2017 in Minneapolis, MN. That is close! We would like to have a great showing from Western Iowa! Pre-registration is open until December 31, 2014. The reduced price is $280. Triennial Gatherings are inspiring, informational, and challenging! Start planning now – bring your daughter, sister, mother, and/or friend, make it a family thing! Review the comments of our delegates for the Triennial last July in the September issue of the Scribe. The Tri-Synodical Convention and Gathering will be June 19-20, 2015 at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge. This includes Northeast, Southeast, and Western Iowa Synodical Women’s Organizations. Our theme is “Generations of Faith” and our Bible verse is Psalm 100:5 “For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever and His faithfulness to all generations.” Our keynote speaker is Rev. Wyvetta Bullock, assistant to Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. More information will be coming in the New Year. Mark your Calendar now! Each and every one of you is an important part of our organization! Together we form a great “choir of angels,” serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My prayer is that we continue to grow in faith, serve all God’s children, and share our gifts! As the apostle Paul says in many of his books, I thank God for each of you. May you have a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year! Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy! Judy Lang, WISWO President MESSAGE FROM WISWO SECRETARY MARGARET STANGOHR A big thank you to all who returned the unit and cluster officer information forms. If you haven’t returned the form, please do so as soon as possible. We want to make sure the right people are getting the SCRIBE and other communications. Mail the form to Margaret Stangohr, 707 Highview Dr., Storm Lake, IA 50588 or email me at [email protected]. Margaret Stangohr, WISWO Secretary The Scribe Page 2 MESSAGE FROM WISWO TREASURER BONNY CARLSON Greetings Hopefully this letter finds you all well and full of the holiday spirit as we await the birth of our Lord Jesus! I have just a few things I'd like to mention, please remember that you are to send your Thankofferings to Churchwide in Chicago not me. As you are getting ready to close your books at the end of the year and looking for places to give your support please remember the resolution we made at convention this summer to raise $24,000.00 for the Igumbilo Lutheran Girls Secondary School by convention time in June of 2017. As to date I have received $973.50 which gives us a good start!! Treasurers please remember to fill out an offering form whenever you send me any check and remember to include your phone number in case I would need to contact you with any questions. Well I'd like to wish you all a blessed holiday and remember Jesus is the reason for the season! Bonny Carlson, PO Box 865, Manson, IA 50563-- Phone: 712-830-7702 Yours in Christ, Bonny Carlson WISWO Treasurer RESOLUTION FROM JUNE, 2014: BE IT RESOLVED that the Women of the Western Iowa Synod respond boldly, with prayer and caring hearts, by raising $24,000 for the Igumbilo Lutheran Girls Secondary School by our convention in June 2017; giving dignity to women and glory to God. STEWARDSHIP/MISSION ACTION Blessing to all this holiday season. I know you all are sharing God's love in many ways. Thank you for your generosity. At our last board meeting the subject of why we report our missions work in May came up. We realize that some of you do your Lutheran World Relief giving in the fall and some in the spring. For years we have reported to the board in May. In looking back at our records we found that this has been the procedure for many years. The reason being that the information is tallied and then reported at our Western Iowa Synodical Women's Convention in June. That way we have the most complete and latest information. I know that if you do your Lutheran World Relief giving in the fall that this seems inconvenient, but please be patient and add all the rest of your giving together and send it to the appropriate people in May. However we do it, it will still be a year’s giving May to May. Looking forward to hearing from you in May 2015. Nancy Peter & Loretta Daisy, Stewardship/Mission Action JUSTICE/MISSION COMMUNITY Respond with Justice: a) Justice is faith in action; it addresses inequities in political, economic and social systems; b) justice is equity and impartiality, mercy and compassion; c) justice includes serving God in ways that bring healing and wholeness to the church, the society and the world. As Women of the ELCA, we engage in ministry; we take action through advocacy; we promote healing and wholeness; and we support one another in our callings. Women of the ELCA justice initiatives include combating commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking, domestic violence, and supporting families with special needs through our online resources. We advocate for racial and cultural equity through our anti-racism training and our cross-cultural programing. Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA, offered prayers, and hope in wake of the recent grand jury decision in Ferguson. She says, and I quote, “As a nation, we are struggling with and divided by the decision. It has affected so many of us in so many different ways. We want the assurance that all of this means something. We want to know that someone cares. Has not God created all of us to have inherent dignity, value, and worth?” Presiding Bishop Eaton’s entire message and other statements can be found at ELCA.org, under news and events. Please take a few minutes to read her entire message, and other statements issued by the ELCA. As a community of women, we are faced with many challenges. Together as Women of the ELCA we can make a difference. Sue Boblit, Dixie Peterson & Ilomae Meling, Justice/Mission Community The Scribe Page 3 DISCIPLESHIP/MISSION GROWTH Another year is coming to a close. Now is the time for reflection on the old year and anticipation of the New Year. With the New Year, let us look to God for guidance and wisdom. Cheryl Todd & Kathy Landgraf, Discipleship/Mission Growth Tenth Triennial Gathering Can't wait to get together again with Lutheran women? You can pre-register now for the Tenth Triennial Gathering to be held July 13-16, 2017, in Minneapolis, Minn. More than 500 women have already pre-registered! Why not join them? Pre-registration! Pre-register now for the Tenth Triennial Gathering, July13-16, 2017, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can pre-register now through December 31, 2014, for the reduced price of $280. Go to www.womenoftheelca.org and look under Triennial Gathering. MISSION STATEMENT OF WOMEN OF THE ELCA TO MOBILIZE WOMEN TO ACT BOLDLY ON THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! The Scribe Page 4 Highlights from the Clusters Dorcas Cluster The Dorcas Cluster is hosting the annual Spring Gathering on April 18, 2015 at St. Peter Lutheran in Pocahontas. Hosts: St. Peter Lutheran, Pocahontas; St. John Lutheran, Pomeroy; St. Paul, Palmer; Elfsborg Lutheran, Pomeroy. Deborah Cluster: Deborah Cluster: Our Fall event was hosted by the women of St. Mark Lutheran, Storm Lake, on September 27th with 15 women in attendance. Lynette Hyndman, of Bethlehem, Cherokee, shared a devotion on the “Wonder of Creation.” We sang hymns, accompanied by Gladys Eddie. Chris Prois presented our program, “Think Global-Think Green.” Chris spoke to us about Fair Trade and how it makes a difference to women and families in many parts of the world. She offered stories of some of the artisans around the world, and shared with us some of the Fair Trade items for sale at her business, Earthings. In addition she also shared video and spoke of her recent trips to Tanzania and Chile. Marlys Segar brought greetings from the synodical board. Marlys Segar and Sue Boblit shared their experience at the Triennial Gathering, in Charlotte, NC in July. The 2017 Triennial will be held in Minneapolis. They encouraged everyone to start making plans to attend. A short business meeting followed. Sue Boblit, Secretary Esther Cluster: - No Report Hannah Cluster- No Report Lydia Cluster- No Report Mary Cluster- No Report Martha Cluster- No Report Ruth Cluster- No Report Tabitha Cluster: The Fall Event of the Tabitha Cluster was sponsored and held at Emanuel Lutheran Church in Council Bluffs on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The meeting began at 9:00am with a greeting from Cluster Leader Carol Jeppesen. She then introduced Simone Weber, who with her husband Matt own Table Grace Café in Omaha. Simone sang a few inspiring songs she has written. She then explained the basics behind the creation of and purpose/ministry behind Table Grace Café. There is no cash register, only a donation box where patrons are encouraged to be generous. Patrons who cannot pay will be able to perform chores in the café. Their mission is to foster a healthy community by offering great food prepared and served in a graceful manner to anyone who walks through the door. They use fresh ingredients, often farm-to-table. Pastor Lowell Hennings then provided a bible study on the history and current application of Matthew 25. This reminds us that we see Jesus through ourselves and our actions in serving others. To love is to be vulnerable. Carol Jeppesen called the business meeting to order at 11:15am, with 19 members present. The spring 2014 Cluster Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer’s report was presented. The balance should be noted as of 10/17/14 instead of 10/31/14. The balance on hand is $264.68. Treasurer’s report was approved. Carol Jeppesen presented the report on Stewardship/Mission Projects in Mary Lou Hansen’s absence. This is an ‘FYI’ report, as approval will be needed for an ‘annual’ report at our spring 2015 meeting. Mary Lou asked all congregations to keep track of project numbers and provide these updates to her. There was no Old Business. Carol Jeppesen introduced Dixie Petersen from the WISWO Board. She brought greetings from the board, noting our mission is to raise money for the Tanzania Girls School. Please read The Scribe for the triennial delegate reports. There is a quilt at Emanuel Lutheran made from fabric from the women of Tanzania. It was suggested that this quilt travel around the Tabitha Cluster congregations. Carol Jeppesen suggested we coordinate a fundraiser for the “Give a Heart to Tanzania” campaign with the Bold Women event on February 22, 2015. Discussion on the spring 2015 Cluster event Our Saviors Lutheran in Council Bluffs will host. There will be an election of officers at this meeting: Cluster Leader to replace Carol Jeppesen, Mission Action Leader to replace Mary Lou Hansen, and possibly Member-at-Large as Loni Wilkinson has been ill. Upcoming Dates: February 22, 2015: Bold Women Event at Our Saviors Lutheran in Council Bluffs, IA .May 29-30, 2015: Western Iowa Synod Assembly in Spencer, IA. June 19-20, 2015: Tri-Synod Women’s Convention in Fort Dodge, IA July 13-17, 2017: 10th Triennial Gathering of the Women of the ELCA in Minneapolis, MN An offering was taken, half going to the WISWO and half going to Table Grace Café. The business meeting adjourned at 11:45am. A great lunch was prepared and served by Table Grace Café. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Stuckey, St. John Lutheran, Events Recorder Note: Please send me your cluster reports so I can put them in the Scribe. E-Mail: [email protected] or mail to: Carolyn Johnson, 504 West Elm Ave., Pocahontas, IA 50574 The Scribe Page 5 Cluster Churches-2014-2015 Deborah Cluster: Albert City, Our Savior’s Albert City, St. John Alta, Immanuel Alta, Trinity Cherokee, Bethlehem Craig, St. John’s Linn Grove, Trinity Marathon, Grace Marcus, Faith Newell, Nain Rembrandt, Our Saviors Remsen, St. Paul Sioux Rapids, First Spencer, Bethany Spencer, Trinity Storm Lake, St. Mark Odebolt, Faith Onawa, Faith Soldier, Soldier Hannah Cluster Adair, Good Shepherd Atlantic, St. Paul’s Audubon, Ebenezer Brayton, Brayton Carroll, St. John Coon Rapids, Ascension Exira, Exira Griswold, Faith Hamlin, Hamlin Jefferson, Christ Kimballton, Bethany Kimballton, Immanuel Dorcas Cluster: Lydia Cluster: Boxholm, Trinity Burnside, Immanuel Clarion, First Dayton, Emanuel Duncombe, Washington Eagle Grove, New Hope* Fort Dodge, Christ Fort Dodge, Ch. of Damascus Rd. Fort Dodge, Grace Fort Dodge, St. Olaf Gowrie, Zion Harcourt, Faith Humboldt, Our Savior’s Lytton, Emanuel-St. John Manson, Augustana Evangelical Manson, St. Paul Evangelical Moorland, Fulton at Roelyn Ottosen, Trinity Palmer, St. Paul Pocahontas, St. Peter Pomeroy, Elfsborg Pomeroy, St. John Renwick, St. Paul Rockwell City, St. Paul’s Rutland, Trinity Vincent, South Enes Webster City, Trinity Clarinda, Bethesda Creston, Salem Essex, St. John’s Northboro, St. Paul Red Oak, Bethlehem Red Oak, Fremont (Nyman) Shenandoah, Emmanuel Stanton, Mamrelund Stanton, Tabor Villisca, Strand Esther Cluster: Correctionville, Salem Cushing, St. John Holstein, St. Paul Evangelical Kiron, Bethel Moville, Trinity Mary Cluster Akron, Immanuel Akron, St. John Akron, Trinity Burnsville, St. Peter Craig, St. John’s George, Immanuel Hawarden, American Le Mars, Christ Le Mars, St. John’s Melvin, American Merrill, St. John Merrill, St. Paul Paullina, Siloam Primghar, Grace Rock Rapids, Immanuel Rock Valley, Our Savior’s Sibley, Trinity Sioux Center, Hope Martha Cluster Sergeant Bluff, New Life Sioux City, Augustana Sioux City, First Sioux City, Immanuel Sioux City, Riverside Sioux City, St. John Sioux City, St. Luke Sioux City, St. Mark Sioux City, Trinity Ruth Cluster: Algona, First Armstrong, Nazareth Britt, First Buffalo Center, Bethlehem Corwith, St. John Cylinder, St. John Emmetsburg, Bethany Estherville, Estherville Estherville, Trinity Forest City, Immanuel Graettinger, Bethel Kanawha, Kanawha Lakota, St. Paul Milford, First Rake, Zion Ringsted, United Ruthven, Lost Island Spirit Lake, Grace Thompson, Bethany Titonka, Good Hope Titonka, Immanuel Wallingford, Wallingford Woden, St. John’s Tabitha Cluster: Council Bluffs, Emanuel Council Bluffs, Our Savior’s Council Bluffs, St. John Council Bluffs, S. Sudanese Thanksgiving Dunlap, St. John Mineola, St. John Missouri Valley, St. Paul Moorhead, Bethesda Neola, St. Paul’s Oakland, Living Faith* Treynor, St. Paul Underwood, Underwood *Synodically authorized Worshipping Community The Scribe Page 6 PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS: Need a speaker for a program? Here are some suggestion to help you. Karen Weld, 2576 Quincy Ave., Clarion, Iowa, e-mail: [email protected]. Global Compassion Network, PO Box 193, 310 East Broadway, Eagle Grove, Iowa, 50533 E-mail: [email protected], phone: Home: (641) 829-3580, Cell :( 641) 210-9656. Mary Porter & Suzy Q, phone: (641) 332-2550 e-mail: [email protected] Companion Synod For information and help with programs contact: Cindy Wells 318 East 5th Street, Storm Lake, IA 50588 712-732-4968 ext. 441 cindy.wells @wisynod.org The Scribe $5.00 for one year/4 issues Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City_______________________________________________ Dates to Remember: May 29-30, 2015 Western Iowa Synod Assembly Clay County Events Center Spencer, IA June 19-20, 2015 Tri-Synod Women’s Convention (Northeast Iowa, Southeast Iowa, Western Iowa) State__________ Zip___________ Mail completed form and payment to: Bonny Carlson PO Box 865 Manson. IA 50563 Make check payable to WISWO. Iowa Central Community College Fort Dodge, IA July 13-16, 2017 Tenth Triennial Gathering Minneapolis, MN. Please don’t throw me away or stick me in a file! Instead, take me apart, copy me! Share me with the women of your church! Thank You!! Your Editors!! The Scribe Page 7 Women of the ELCA Resources www.womenoftheelca.org 800-638-3522 ext. 2730 GATHER (Formerly Lutheran Woman Today) has reading material, both informational and entertaining. This magazine also contains the monthly Bible study. Use this magazine, as it will nourish and strengthen you. The inside back cover contains information about web sites, email addresses and toll free phone numbers for your convenience. To subscribe: 800-328-4648 One year/10 issues - $15 www.augsburgfortress.org Café – Stirring the Spirit Within is a Web-based magazine for women who want to build Community, participate in Advocacy, strengthen Faith, and strive toward Enlightenment (CAFE!). Visit Café at www.boldcafe.org and sign up to receive e-mail alerts when new issues are posted. E-mail café’@elca.org www.womenoftheelca.org/cafe Phone: 800-638-3522 ext. 2745. BOLD CONNECTIONS is an e-newsletter for our women to receive regular timely news and information from the churchwide organization. No matter your role, you will find helpful news and information on programs, activities and insight into the churchwide organization’s part in total mission and ministry. Signing up is easy. Go to the home page www.womenoftheelca.org and fill in the BOLD CONNECTIONS box at the right. The LUTHERAN RESOURCE CENTER, Clear, IA, continues to gather and share material upon request. 800-638-3522 ext. 2730 or Clear Lake, IA. 641-357-4451 www.lutheranresourcecenter.org The SCRIBE is our own WISWO newsletter, is published four times a year and is sent to the president, the secretary and the treasurer of each unit. Others may subscribe to it by filling out the form and sending your payment to the WISWO treasurer, Bonny Carlson, PO Box 865, Manson, IA 50563. The Scribe is $5.00 for one year/4 issues. The INTERCHANGE newsletter is publish 6 issues per year is available by subscription. Interchange is sent without change one per congregational unit of Women of ELCA and to elected leadership in synodical women’s organization, conferences and clusters. Individual subscriptions are available for $8 per year, $15 for two years, and $20 for three years. To subscribe: 800-638-3522, ext. 2730 or send a check for $8 for 1 year; $15 for 2 years; $20 for 3 years to Women of the ELCA, 8765 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631-4101 www.sosumpd.org/Womenof the ELCA.html RESOURCES: Available free of charge from the Women of the ELCA website for one-time programs, multiple session resources, and resources for individual use. Western Iowa Synod Women’s Organization – (WISWO) The web site: www.wisynod.org/women-of-the-elca-html PURPOSE STATEMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. The Scribe Page 8 Western Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization Directory 2014-2015 PRESIDENT Judy Lang VICE PRESIDENT Marlys Segar 19903 225th St Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Home: 515-576-6810 Cell: 515-571-5737 [email protected] 312 Centennial Drive Cherokee, IA 51012 Home: 712-225-4146 [email protected] SECRETARY Margaret Stangohr TREASURER Bonny Carlson 707 Highview Drive Storm Lake, IA 50588 Home: 712-732-6336 [email protected] PO Box 865 Manson, IA 50563 Cell: 712-830-7702 [email protected] THE SCRIBE (Co-Editors) Margaret Stangohr 707 Highview Drive Storm Lake, IA 50588 Home: 712-732-6336 [email protected] Carolyn Johnson 504 West Elm Ave Pocahontas, IA 50574 Home: 712-335-4238 [email protected] STEWARDSHIP/MISSION ACTION Loretta Daisy Nancy J. Peters 123 S Woodlawn Ave. Lake City, IA 51449 Home: 712-464-3606 [email protected] 1020 9th Street Sheldon, IA 51201 Home: 712-454-4603 [email protected] DISCIPLESHIP/MISSION GROWTH Cheryl Todd Kathy Landgraf 4511 170th Street Correctionville, IA 51016 Home: 712-384-2442 [email protected] 50600 120th Ave. Laurens, IA. 50554 Home: 712-843-5770 [email protected] JUSTICE/MISSION COMMUNITY Sue Boblit Dixie Petersen Ilomae Meling 104 East First Street Spencer, IA 51301 Home: 712-262-8244 [email protected] 3415 510th Ave Cylinder, IA 50528 Home: 712-298-1435 [email protected] 2409 Littlefield Drive Exira, IA 50076 Home: 712-268-2482 [email protected] WESTERN IOWA SYNOD OFFICE 318 E 5th Street, Storm Lake, IA 50588 Synod Liaison: Pastor Lorna Halaas [email protected] Office: 712-732-4968 Office Coordinator: Lynn Egesdal [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Women of the ELCA Linda Post Bushkofsky 8765 West Higgins Road Chicago, IL 61764 1-800-638-3522
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