Nutritional Evaluation of Accelerated Hlpenea Cheddar Processed Cheese VEENA TOMAR and A.O. OEODHAR MATERI,\I.S & - - - - - - ABSTRACT - - - - - - S r\'\ff>LF.S fmm th'!.: ilhl~lln,,(j f r<1f1l "' ;I" eu, C01\iVENTIONAL RIPENING of Ch(.'ddar d~l:"e rcqu i rc~ 3 to 12 months dur<ltion to aC<-juirc desired physit'od lcmic:J1 ~nd s.cnsol)' cha[;.tctl.: ri<;t ics. Hov,evcr, 'i1J ch prohmgcd curing ;.td<l " subs.equcnlly to the cost of producl ion. especially in term .. (If have bc~ n made in recent ycm... to aC'<'ch,:r;jIl.' the proCCS'i. of ripen ing. TheM:: include addirion o f certain proreolytil.: and lipoly(ic enzymes (M:.IIJ.: ki <WId Mattson , 1979~ L~w and Wig - Pm:o; il1l.\Ce cornpo,>i ci(>Il w a_" J.;h:rm ill.:-J a,xorJing [0 Lhe k'lll,"in~ prmcin anJ m() i~ IUf'~ ('\OA C, l<.j~OI; tutal a'l.h IISf. {'96IU: Ld d~S I . !lJ6" L l u..:to~e IAo,;;ton. 1<.j17~: [lhll~phol'\l" f Ahu"(I~-I)"a {)(1a~' I<;' I'Jti9J ; ancJ r; ~kium rt);.J\' tcs aniJ 11.J(2) . V ifnm in A W;J' ('''Iim aled. ... p..."'I:lmphotumclricalll ~a:o rd i ng to the pn 'Co.:du tC' _~ : ~ hlkov, Authors To mar and Deodhar .are affiliated with lhe Di v. of Dairy Chemistry, National Dairy Re$earch Institute, Kamal- 1J200 1, India. D ;\' i~I(lfi of d',,·. . ove r long duration {Singh and Kalr.. , 1l)79J. SI!'\/I.'rai ,Jl[e mp[~ more, 1981), ill(.'rcascu propurtions ,) f thl:! 'it.artc r culture (.\ ·ton 1966). ::uJd'tion of cenain trace ma'[criab (Hofi c( al.. 1973) and ri~n i ng at clev illcd temperatures (Govuryu.tkin:J ~( aI. , 1975). Such mmJific3t ions. exhibit ccrtain limif3ti(1ns in that the ripening pmct!'is may con tinue uno..:-o nlrullcd, rc!o>u hing in aver ripened prodUr.:L Til i~ cou ld be! prc\'entc(! by rr.:fri ~{' r ating thl! ripened produc t, \I,.'h ich, in (urn . add ~ 10 the cost of production , Of all these trca[mcn t~. a,'ccicration of ripening by curing the homogenous slurry of unprcssl..'J ChcddM curd wJlh sterile sod i um chtoridi: ~ Iu(ion at 30 a C. ,l" reported hy Kristo ffcrsen ct al. (1967). appcurcd promis ing . because the desired consistency and f1;] vor could be ;lltaineu Wit hin an Sday period and (:01<.1 sotmnge '(;ould be by-pas$icd . The prwlIcl lhus oblalned was repo ned to hl,"C highly ac..:cplablc tlavor <;im il ar to co nventionally ripened cheese (Singh and. Knstofferscn. 1972 . 1974), The processed Chedd ar c hL.~s C m<lde from 11 also ha.d fl avo r a m! t~)(ture l.:omparabl.: [0 conVl.;·ntimt;1!1y ri~ned pmcesscJ chee se (S uluja, 19Xt,. Several biochemical rcac ti\ln'j wh ich pm f(lUnd ly intluc nce the Hav or uno nutritiiJna! compl)llc nt s in (hc~st! ,Ire I.:nll Wi1 to occur during ripening. Whik the dur:.uio n of ri pcn in~, moisturelevel ami incubation (Cmpcralurc would have L"ollsidcrabll.! in fluence t)f\ th e~ f<lClors, (ili lc j~ known abou.t nUlriti ()llal chur;,tcleristics of (Reese nbtaincd on accckruh.:t1 ripening . Thi s !\tudy was, therefore. dc.\ 'gncd 10 dCICrrLtinc nutrient ,OIHCn!S as well as proh.:in quality or accelerated ripen..:-d ,:hccsc and the prol'es:scd chCL!s.e mLll1e from il in i.:ol11pari~on to cQn· vcnt j () n ~lIy ripened. Cheddar chl,;e~.,;. In..:. '>.:1 11ing. the ~·urd wa s 1<.:1"1 o\"crn igh l in a ..:tN:c~ 1Ii11 for cumpletion o f I.,.. ti... a~'l d krll1o:nlJ tjnn . The (ul/owing JilY. lhe cu.rd ,"-.d!. ~hrcdded in " o,; hl!':~ shr..'<.Idc r T" ,tl p :J rb o t ~hrcddcil curd W('rC mixed with .me part " I" .... . Y,;: ~ t t;ri k .. tl ~l ium ~'hloriu~ ' ('juli,1M. til 45 ~C an" grtlun\.l in a mictnpuh cri/.cr . Thc '[UIT), .. ~a' iI1CUl1 11 1c!.l <It JO~ C f...-.r Ihe [X'nod of II uay~ "'ith :l ~ iI Jli[)n un ;;n\"h: d<t > ~ II , en' UTC prLlJX'r .ter-trid n .. nu 11) f<l...: illl ' It..! r ~rm::"''; I'I I<1tr \lC ~ ;tmp h n ~ tilr :l nal),,,;,, 011 In..: Ix.-ginnin.ll , In..: -htl a mI ~ I h iJ .. y 01' r i~ " i n:; . -rh~ Y-llHlnt h o lJ <':11m 'l:'ntillnaU), ri('X'n.:tl Ch~'diJilr t:hcl.''>C I Typt: 13 J .... ;I!' 'llk~·n <I" l·,mlml for';')IllI\lrl',lon . Pn ....."l.; ... ~e.J l'hct:"c ~'.IInrk-.; ....... n.' prt·P"Io.:J aCl'{lrtlirl~ h1 Ku" i\aJ","k.y j 19f1li l. In Ih-.; I::l'l.' "I Jl'cL!lcr'Lt.:J n~no.:J prn·,;c·w .:J ..:.t't':\J'MJ r T.H~ CJ. thrcc parts \If ;1I:,: ~· k n.LIc J ript;., ... d ~' hl!t:'c slurry "'er"C miH'd "'11ft ~.1nC pan I) r r'_rL\<ll'llh "ltl Ch.:J tlilr chcc,,,, (~In 1" , .. 1 ~I HJ bas is) "" ilh ~cl\lil.lm (-iHatl.' f ~.Y} I a.~ In..' ..'nLuhificr. In II\;: ca ..... o f 10001\"Cmi 'ln <J ll] npened flru~.:<: ~~ c,J ~ h .. ~, s c (T,pc O J. three r'lrt~ ~ If yo ung d .. \::e~c .... "'K rnucd ", ilh r.....o ran ~ .,f '1·1\1ontl1l1ld ' c , !\ ll 41Jol.'t~ (if ]')!", ....·c ..'cd ctk..~"c ~ al1l p)t: ~ \~c r.; frccf.... ·Jri...:i../ <lftd \,[ I.: ... n fo r It!.; p.-.: rlil rat il m ttl" u icl~ .n d)Co f.:cding 1riJ I" on "':!lpcriml) ntill ;m l lTlal .... Th..' ":onlpil\ilil)f1 o f the. c ... pc r i iHo.: nm1 ~lic l j... .gin'n in Tai'>k L Prot.:-jn in the Jict "'~~ 1Ql.~. INTRODLCTIO:"l ~toragc ~cra""ate b .\lc ~" or coo;pcrirnt!n ral chccw ""'CfC Da iry Tc...,hnu ltlg":-- of Ihc In ~t l luIC . T he Chr,;drJ;Jf curd W;JS rn;II'IUhll"Wfl' J fwlP tW*" ~ milk ..t ;mJarJ~7cJ to ~ ca-..:in;f;I[ r..' lj~, vI" 0. 7 h )' Ihc .~t,IfI1.lard pn ll"CU Ufl) llf D .. \·h IllJ7b, . LF, --Ul tl ',i I w a ~ u:...-iJ <I" ~ I artc r culturc _ ln lho: ...,,,~c of aco,;~lcr;JlcJ ripen.."" Chcudar c b ... e ~..: ("r;;po:: Al. after nollln.g. l ut O.5'if h.c lic addt ~ ntl Ace-derated ripened Cheddar (,:h.~c~~' Wi.l~ prermr..:t.I t-y bkruJillg fWI) <; urJ matk fmll) ,,1;m tia rd i/I.'Y (;U",' .. m ilk 'k ith on.:! ptlrt I l f 5.2':t NaCI ';(IhJl ;uTl;lM ripening at JO'C for X Jays On a dr~ m:"Ul,!r basis , plOfc in and fal of '1l',·ckratt.: J r i p..!n~d r..:nc<,;sc \·";e re ~i fl1il,lr It) Inal o f r,;l)fl vc ntional ly r ipcnL·J Cheddar <,;tl..:~ . . t: . \\hilo.: lac,:l o~c mId loud a~h wt!rc grClltt.'r. S u osc rv;lIiun tnad'\.' fo r prell·L·\.! oLhct; :tO: ~:1I111)lc s. !'oi(l Change In vil:nnin A o r in rib\ out .. fou r1'olJ i n(,: r~ o ~c in fn lu: 'Idd 'kU» I.b~cr"'l·d o lJ(in.g 'H.: r.;ckr-<.ItcJ ripening . Pmtl'l" dfir.: icnc y r d( i,l , net pfll,c in utili;;al i" .... a nJ Ji gc ~ll!)i' iIY L' (\j... tfl-,:lcnl by r ;.1 leSI<.; ",-ere ..;I ighll)' hut ~i!!nifi .... ~mly hlgho.: r f<!r ":lIn\Crll l(,na lly ri p.:!neJ pnx:~ _~ .~ eJ o,;h..::..:,,\:. HDwever. nIl J iff<;r'Cn.:c in b ll ll~ lJ.l i ..:,, 1 v alue part~ (If ~hfl..'ddl:d ""'iI!;. "b~C'r .... ~IETH()OS ;Jfld mclht,,! Hf (."~IT (l ~2nl . ami Prit·C' R ib !ll1 a "i~n a nd fllllr; ;Jo;;i~ were dc cc:-nn irt ..' cJ nL~l· m oi"l n~ i(·i..i U ;.' U ~t ng r..(I(-fobllciIIIO" ,Cml!1 (A iCC 7469J ;J.nJ St/"t'{HOI '(!I "!(_~ j llt'cali_I' rATCe X O~ J l rc~po,,:l· t l\cl y a C'-'I. mhng (~ procl!Llun.'~ Jt: ~crib..,tI by Fr.;.;J , 1')6f" Blulogka.1 e'·:.J hl atiol! Pf lll.:in ..:t·(il· ICr'Lt,,;~· ra lh l IPfRI '\,I~ llct ... rm in<."d JC\.w-..hng eu "OAt:' 2].Ja ) ~ uk! y"Uf\~ lItule albinO r;J I.. I ~I ;J.l n~iJ fn.m TnI:' t j<) 1-i(/). usmg ~lIK; k I:ll]U1IY uf Sma ll r\fl im:Ji H o u~ c ot Ih l) In .. 1111,1Ie . )'oJ>:1 pn.llem uliii ;o'ul it)1l j;..JpL' 1 wa ~ u..::tl'rmino:,j :_KC,lrJll1g 1(1 M ll1a and 8 c:oocr ( 1'; 55J u ~in!.= fe m ale Jlh inu filb ,,-dgh l n~ b ... t....-c ..' 1'1 50-55~ Biolv-g1cal valliC I B V I W~I '" lktc m l ~ ncu ::lu:nnJlng !v Ihe pn.x ,\..-uun! d ... ~o;.ri tacd. by' t\ l l ~ kr anI.! 1.:tct1ancc i 1?17J. I n I h~'~~' C)( r)f... rin~nt ~ . an i"':I I ~ " e re housed in.ul \·i "'~ ;! "y in cage, m;lIk " f a nuJ ill.~ ;.t luminlJm ;mJ gl .... en tO~ pr',1Ic:m J id:. auJ \oq lc f' Iihjw U/ Juring lhc \:::\pcri r11Cntal pcnud.> a" Tabl B I-Composilion of resf ptoreill and protein 'r!fJ drets (g.'l;gJ A ccelerate-d ripen.ed Il'Ig re di'ln ts p{I)(il)ct-Casein Sucrose Groundl1ut o il Ce llul os~ Vitam in fTl;X~ Salt m ile Corn sl ar.ctJ • F rij{l~ e · d", d ~ ~mp l e, Conventionally proces sed cheese 199.2" 70.0 10.0 10.0 40.0 670,8 we re u~l!d Prot&lrV-> ripen ed proceS$l!d che'JSe 191 .9" 70_0 Case in d iet 13J3 10,0 80.0 100 10.0 10 ..0 40.0 678.1 fe, 1M j:l re ~ra l ; ...... of free dil!:! 7{) .Q 80~ 10.:0 10_0 '-0 .0 4<]0 400 656.7 7110.0 di~ t (IS y lVe n W Eggum and J'n j!97SI : C<) IT'Poiition as gill M b.,. ~aAC (1'9801 " C., mpo~ ill!)n Volume 50 (1985)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCrENCE-I633 o/'IUTRIENTS IN ACCELERATED RIPENED CHEESE " ~~ _ _ ._ T'~_~O :Xl rqilt~ p, ot!!in 10 1 _ P rOd\l c1 r) / ,J_[(:!!" J ~:J r"d_:",n>/ I:CJ([ C/ii!'.'d, J(.r:" ~'''H· ~,'rHr" COi(lrW5iliW' F.U l<J Cto~ f~ T<"ltal i.a.h C .:Jltllo n\ PhO ~Dh orU$ 101 10 ' C. I i "'Ql Img ! Cht:ddar Ch9tJSfJ TV~A 3 7.9S"s Type 6 40.65 4'9.34I'OS :- 0.37 - 0. 24 ~ 0.29 -'- 0.34 Pnl.c~5stJd c h ~<'!st! 4S,02N9 ~ 0.34 Type C Type D 0 .5 9' • - 01 0 ". 5236 4S251'<s 41.871'<s 4 5.5O"t-:: - 0.29 = (},S1 ~ 0, 80 · • 0.4 9 0..3 7 1801·· 4552' 912H 1604 51.68 96 1 0.02 ",. 0. 13 - 0.29 +- 0,01 a.5'" ~ Il09 ~507· .~ 0.01 ~ 0. 13 t1 90 ~ 8.45'" 470 S,46 11 5£ • - 4]05 4530 I bprenltd on 100g solId bui,,_ Mt M 01 1;"8 obi\.erOlfriQnt : S .E. NS .. I'lQll ign ili'¥lt ·· · Slgl'I"ical'll ~t 1~'" leyel. Tabt" J-Riboflavill. folic ~cid. find viflfm in A (:ot1tems in IJcc~"~rared rip9110r;/ Chl:ddllf -CfI ~~j" Type (A) in dfff"rertr iMervals during rip.ning. f TvpeA Vitamin 0, 58 ~ 29_0 4 - Rib o flavin m g/ TOO 9 soli ds Folic add ",g.l1 DOg .solids I Mun 01 ji ll" 050 0.04 1.71 "!:: 0.03 8S.]0 · ;! J _4 7 1530 ., 30.55 Vito A I.U .:10Og :!Oo ll ds Type 8 BII'1 day Q day 1563 0.60 = 19.31 :: 0,03 113 . 50 ·~ 227 158 1 "": 18 18 0,69 - O.oJ 28.96 - 2 10 113 7 ~ 40 32 ...,bs el>'llfion, :::: S,E , O! m .... J1 • .. S i9"ifil;,1n1 • • 1'%0 kllI.1. Tdb le <1--Pr(Jr~i" Efficiency Rafio 'PER) fo! grolJP~ .eCl]iving exp.rtmenr"f diets' A-.,.erage in itial weight Ig) Diet ba:5ed on Typo C Type D A V£H.l g e Ave rage gai n in body weight in wllig ht piotei n il'1take in 28 ditys 28 days Allerage 101 '91 '9' 65.6 PER Ad justed PfA 2.53 :::: 0 02 "'~ 2.91 - 0,04" 2.61 - 0.09 2.42 - 0, 02 1 2.78 -::: 0'038" 2.0 -::- 0 .019 Avera ge finoll 36,0 33.9 34 .3 Casein • Meafl of o!Iil;lhl obslIN.n ioM :: S 101.8 l1 l .1 26,0 1114 29.S 27. 2 79.2 77.1 e. • Si !ilnl~C<1"' It 1".. Ie ...,," "'~ rlOt t ;9",tita l'l t TlJble 5--Bi o/rJgic:al v~/,,~ far g roup:t of fUtS receiving different ex.PfJrim~ntr:I' d illls'" A .... erage Average Diet based N Intake Fn·Fel:> A.v-erilge Un -U e< Digestibility CQII':!ffi~ient El lo logical Value 1%) [~.I lmg} (mg l (mgi Typ. C 901 .85 132 .,39 268.27 Type D iCo l'l'trol) 98.'.32 100,'52 29-6,'08 Q() t~.., 01 eo<Jht observatloM as .35 :!: 0.4' 65.23 ~ 1.05 as.76- "" 0-.2466,38·"8.., 072 S E.. ~ b F" _ nitr-o g • ., III fMC~1 of tnt group ; Fe .. -nilr09011n in f !tt<:U ot prole ln fril l! g roo.,.p. CUn _ n~lr~e" in OJri", of l~os.t gro\J~ ; U" _ nilrO(j:en in urin'! 01 pr<lflilln frill! grout;!. /'IS _ not s ; ~" IIic;ln t. Tabl e fi---.-Ntfl protem Uti#ration INPUj f()r groups ()f rats .ec~iving dlffefo!nr exptJf'imen tdJ di ets' Aver .. g~ N -i ntake N nuail'led Diel tlJlSed (mg) Imgl 1%1 Type C Type 0 1328 10 75 11 58 56,19 ~ O. J84 6145 :!: 1,266' 1342 A.ver ll ge NPU {con 'rQJI "M.,." 01 eigh t obnl>',UiO." ~ 5 .1: . ~ Sl",ni"~ant ~t 1~"'e"OjI ~t1 c aninl;!.1 W<l~ rnuinluinl.!u at 23 :!:: O,)"C, The influt!t'.('e of effecl of different tyjX!s of o.:hc~;>;c s<llT1p l~~ wa:i re~t ... J f or Tcmpcri:lture in S131isckal signifi cance by F le:,1. RESULTS & D1SCl:SSION DATA on the prox imate compositiun nf accdcra(cd ripened Cheddar ch e:c:~c slurry (Type A) and the proccsst":d cheese made ftom il (Type C) are given in Tab le 2. A comparisnn is made 1534-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 50 (7985) with the L'onvc nr ionally ripened Chcudar chccsl! (Type B, and the procc~scd produc t made from it lT ypc DI . It was ob-served that protein and fat w~rc similar for bmh type s of chcl!'ic. while h:H:ruse . hJl31 ;j::;h. ca lcium. and phosp horus were sign ificcH1rly hi£h er (p < 0_01) in OIccelcralcd ripened Cheddar cheese _ A ... imilar ubsl.:(vJ.tion wa;.- mauc for proL'cssed d",-c sc ~amp l e$ . Th-c im:n.:a~c In h)tal a",h wa:s: probab ly due to the usc uf o;.ali nc in the prcparatiiln of Type A cheese . Th¢ rclatilidy hlghl!r t~H.:tose Iev.::1 in lIccch:r.lted ripened i.:he-csc! (Type A and C, in comparison to conventionally ripened chee se (Type B and C) may be pos:,ibly due to its le:iser utllilalion b)' st<.lrter culture because of Ihe shun durJtjon of ripening. Changes in 1'itamin CQnlent during accelerated ripening Data on ccnil in viHlmin ,·ontcnts al differenl stages of acc.:cleratcd ripening an: given in Tabl¢ 3. The "'-;j l ut: ~ Jre presenred on dry matter bmiis to ovc-ro;;ome the inl1ucncc of mui~turc o n the trend of (:hanges . There was pr.ldically no change In ribofla vin at any Slate during ~ days of ripening. On the ot~r hand, th erc was an almo st fourfold increase in the folic acid le vels. The inc remc was more pronounced during Ihe fif''it 4 diJys of ripc:ni ng. Thougl11iu le is known about dangcs during acccicrJ.ted ripening. the trcnJ observed fur ribot1avin wilS slm· ilar [0 that rcpnrted e:1rliCl' by Dearden et ill . ( )l)J5 ) who found n() change in ribot1avin d uring curing ()f cheesc. The riboflav in contl.;nt in 8 d-"ys a("cc\crtl.!CO cheese was found to be comput".1bJe to tn .: l\!vcl observed in Ihc (;nn ventionally ripened cneeic (Type B). Likcw i~. the trend for folic acid was similar to that reponed by Ni lson cl ~ I . (1965) whu o bserved a :ih:lr'p increase in vitamin content (juring the first week of I•.'onvcnliona.l ripening of Cheddar cheese. {( ..... as further ob"ervN in [he present .;tully (hm folic acid in Type A chee se sa rnplcs was markedly high er thun in Type B 'SOJmplc:'i. A'!. regards vit amin A, co ntents were similar in TypL' A and TylX! B .sJmpk.; . BI()ln~ic.:1I1 • c'oaillatinf'l of processed I.:I1-.:ocw In \ kw \If pWh.'t ll yric reac(iull" n.:p"rr..:J JlIri n~ I..h....~M: fl P.... ning anJ a marK ed llin\.:n:n ~c in t h~ d m J l in ll 01 ri pcl, ing ht.:tw.:!cn 1.',jf'lv l.'l1!i on:11 .uno ll(;r.:clcriHcJ r ipened C hnh.t1r ch l:":~~ s..lll1plc~. fceuing [rials were Cllnduc[cJ 1I11 growing uJbino rat~ In dl!lcrminc Inc protein qUilliry of Ty ~ C chcc\L' . D<lla were obrLlin..:-d no procein cffli.:i..:ncy ral io (PER). bio]()gi-.:al v" ruc {BY) ami nct prote in utilizatiun value (NPC) <tnu arc pr;::,cnrcd in Tab le 4. 5. <.Inu 6, respectively. Regarding PER. the value o b~c rVc d for rnc convcnl ionally ripened c he~se (Type: D) ba5cd die t WI.!S signifi canrly higher than lhal for dIet based on accelerated ripened cheese (Type C). However, rnere was no significant diffcrence between PER value for the ca.-,:e in group and the Type C group (Table 4, . Data on the nitroge n bat:Jncc stuuy carried o ul on cxperimental an imals {Table 5) showed that the digestib ility coefficient (DC ) wa.'i ~Ijght ly but signl ficamly lower in the c a~ uf Inc Type C group when compared with Ihe Type D group However. there was no signi fi l'ant difkrcnce in rcspe<:t lO BY , though values werc sllghtly lo wer for 'fype C. Data 0 11 NPU ,m:: given in Tahk 6. which again shuwed: s-lighLl y but <;i1!nificandy h l gh~r V:1 luc ror T ype D in compotrison to Type C. From the data on biol ()gical cllalu'-Ir io n cxpt:rimcnts. pn.:!-.Cnled. it was o bserved {h;1t processed c heese made fro m (;o n· ventionall y ripcncJ Cheddar I.: hces.e had disrim:( superiority O\'er the one made wilh accelerated ripenin g process. T hi s wa :, eYident from hight:r PER, NPU and DC v<!!UC'i- for T ype D i,,;h..:ese. Tht: superiority of Type D (;hccse cannot be ascrlocd ro d ietar;' factors other than prolCtn. sinec alllhc dicl ary fac tors were the ~ame in both diels. It is pos sible that hetter utili zation of proteins in Type D chccsce wa~ due to more proteo lytic eh3nges rc'5.utting durin g prolongcd ripening in the coO\'cniionally r ipcnc:d chl!csc product in compa rison 10 the accc!crat;,;d ripe ned one. Th i'i was. evident from [he signirica ntly higher DC for Type D chcc~c . RJs ic et ill. (1971) reported ben..:-r nutriti \.:e \/alue of protein s in yoghurt due to proH':o lyric dcgr<ldation uf milk prm.: ins. Howe, the other pu<;.li ibilily for ;.t higher q u~n lily of intracellular growth stimulating fac.;tur in type D c.;hl.;{!se, secreted by the Slarter cultu re. aIm ca nnot be overlouked . [n .. recent !o.lud y, Wo ng cl a l. (198],) rcpvl1ed secret io n o f suc h fs'.: tor by Strep!O{·(}(TlI.l Ilu:,.mophUlu .. in yoghurt . De<;pit~ :-.uch sup'l:'riority. the o .... erall prol ein qll<llity for procc:.;scd cheese made from accc kr~t c d ripened Ox:ddar ,:hee"! d id not appear in any way al armi n g l ~' lo w_ s i nc~ 'Value!) for various parameters. nf prowin qualiry Ub'if!' vt:d in this s tu dy were wit hin the range rcpol1l!d by diIT~ r (' nt w()rk~pi. fur a 'Variety of convcntion:.tlty npe n~d chce"ie (Poman"ki and Sjutiak. 197 1; Delldha, and Dugal. 198 1: Sehgal. 1982). REFERE:-ICES Ac(.l)n. C .H 1911 'The d etermi nat ion of ladose Hl cht.!!se. A Ulitnl!ia l'"l J . DairyT~chnnl. 32: t Il . Aho ....O(a....a. J .K. and Odavic, R. 1969. A simple m l:'tt"lod (()r the qua nti tat ive &naiY:5ls of phospholipids lieparated by thi n layer chromatography . •J. Cr.rom3t.og. 40. 90. .\IJ .\I i: j ~ ' ··( lIrk l~ I .\! c ';·LJlL."I'An ,dY.'I <·lJt hed. A.dd()("li~hQrJ;()JOf ti'I«1 \ ~ .L iI '. Il. ,l (·t;. ·rr: l .. b . ~\.l ~ I-"IIn ~"t'm. 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