WEST BENoALL STATE ELECTRICTW DISTRIBUTTON COTAPANY (A Covt. of West Bengal Enterprise) LTAATTED Office df the Project Manager Suri RE Proj ect Suri Commerciol Estote Building (4tn Ftoor) Sura - 731101: Birbhuh, Fax No 03462 252008. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited by the SE & Project Manager, Suri RE Project, WBSEDCL, Suri Commercial Estate Building (4t1, Floor) Suri, Birbhum from experienced, resourceful, bonafide & working agencies of WBSEDCL/WBSETCL /WBPDCL/Centra1 Govt./State Govt./SemiGovt./Undertaking for the following works. Tender Notice No Name of the work Completion time Estimated value (Rs.) Earnest Money (Rs.) WBSEDCL/BRGF/I Dated: 03.06.14 Construction of Control room building and tube well with water supply arrangement at Margram in the District of Birbhum. lPackage -11 Construction of boundary waIl, Box culvert and land development works by earth filling at Margram for the proposed Margram 33 I lI kV Sub-station, Dist- Birbhrrm. (Package -21 Construction of equipment foundation, cable trench, Switch yard fencing and stone Chips spreading at proposed Margram 33 I lI kV Sub-station, Dist- Birbhum. 6 (six) Months 580 5776.00 2.5oo/o 5 (Five) Months 5459703.00 2.50% 4 (Four) Months 3B3BO22.OO 2.5Oo/" (Package -31 Receipt of application for purchasing of documents bid in between 09.06.14 &17.06.!4 and sale of bid document from 23.06.14 to 24.06.14 from the office mentioned above. Other dates will be available in the bid documents. Bid documents may be purchased @ Rs 6000/- for each package by the interested bidders through request in writting (in duplicate) with documentary evidence in support of qualifying experience. {. No bid document shall be issued through post * Purchase policy shall be followed. .:. / courier. Formation of any cartel may lead to cancellation of the tender either in part or full at the sole discretion of the company. a * For other details including qualifying requirements visit our website www.wbsedcl.in or office notice board. Details of description of items and WBSEDCL's specifications may be collected from Sri A. Chowdhury, Divisional Engineer (Civil) attached to Suri RE Project Office. WBSEDCL West Bengal Stot e Electricity Distribut ion Compony Limi t ed (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise) Tender Notice No. WBSEDCLIBRGF/1 Dated-03.06 .201.4 West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited invites sealed bids for the following Packages (Domestic Competative Bidding) for construction of 33/IL KV Sub-stations at Margram in Rampurhat-ll Block in the District of Birbhum relating to Special Backward Region Grant Fund Scheme. SI Bid Reference Completion Time No. Estimated Cost (Rs. In lakh) Margram Sub-Station L. I L4-Ls Rt/P K-2 I L4-1s Rr/PK-3 / L4-Ls WBSE DCL/BRG F/SU Rt/PK-1 2. WBSE DCL/B RG F/SU 3. WBSEDCL/BRG F/SU 58 6 months 5 months 55 4 months 38 Brief Scope of work: Construction of new spread-out type 33/11 KV sub stations on PCC poles with associated 33 KV bays with circuit breakers and control panels, 33 KV & 11KV Feeders with 1LKV VCB including Control Room, Cable Trenches, etc. and allied all civil works at different identified locations under the jurisdiction of WBSEDCLunder respective Packages. Receipt of Application along with credentials with all documents: from 09.06.2OL4to 77.06.2O14(accepting Saturday & holiday). Sale of Bid documents:ll.OO hrs to L4.00 hrs on all working days from 23.06.2014 to against draft of 6000/- only for each package under Sl No-1,2,3,4,5 & 6 in favour of Wbst Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited payable at Kolkata through request in writing by the interested bidders on proper letterhead with full address from the office of the Project submission of crossed demand Rs Manager, Suri RE Project, Commercial Estate building, 4th floor, Suri, Birbhu m,73LLOL. No request will be entertained through post/ Courier. Bid gurantee: Earnest Money deposit 25% (Two and half percent) of the Estimated Cost of each Package, as indicated above. Completion time: As mentioned above against each from the date of handing over of the site. Last date of submission of filled-in bids in in separate envelop (Earnest money in one envelop & Price bid in other separate envelop): Upto 14.00 hrs of 30.06.2014 N.B-No tender will be open without earnest money deposition. Opening of bids: On 30.06.2014 at 15.00 hrs for packages under Sl No 1to 6 at Suri RE Project office. Formation of any cartel may lead to cancellation of tender with penal measures. WBSEDCL reserves the right to accept / reject any offer / bid and / or to cancel the tender process entirely or in part at its sole direction without assigning any reason what so ever. Purchase policy of WBSEDCL will be followed. For details visit Website: www.wbsedcl.in [email protected]. . Contact office Phone No & Fax No- 03462-252008. E mail address- WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRTCIry DISTRTBUTION CO,IAPANY LIAAITED (A Gow of West Bengal Enterprise) Office of the Project Manager Suri RE Proj ect Suri Commercial Estote Building (4tn Floor) Suri - 731101: Birbhum. Fax No 03462 252008. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited by the SE & Project Manager, Suri RE Project, WBSEDCL, Suri Commercial Estate Building (4ttt Floor) Suri, Birbhum from experienced, resourceful, bonafide & working agencies of WBSEDCL/WBSETCL /WBPDCLICentral Govt./State Govt./SemiGovt./Undertaking for the following works. Tender Notice No Name of the work Completion time WBSEDCL/BRGF/2 Construction of Control room building and tube well with water supply arrangernent at Rajgram in the District of Birbhum(Package -41 Construction of boundary wall, Box culvert and land development works by earth filling at Rajgram for the proposed Rajgram 33lll kV Sub-station, Dist- Birbhlrm. (Packase -51 Construction of equipment foundation, cable trench, Switch yard fencing and stone chips spreading at proposed Rajgram 33llI kV Sub-station, Dist- Birbhum. (Package -6) 6 Estimated value (Rs.) Earnest Money (Rs.) Dated: 03.06. 14 59048 10.00 2.500h 5 (Five) Months 6157420.00 2.500/, 4 (Four) 3B3BO22.OO 2.5Oo/o (six) Months Months Receipt of application for purchasing of documents bid in between 09.05.14 & L7.06.t4 and sale of bid document from 23.06.14 to 24.06.!4 from the office mentioned above. Bid documents may be purchased @ Rs 6000/- for each package by the interested bidders through request in writing (in duplicate) with documentary evidence in support of qualifying experience. a * * No bid document shall be issued through post / courier. Purchase policy shall be followed. Formation of any cartel may lead to cancellation of the tender either in part or full at the sole discretion of the company. * .f. For other details including qualifying requirements visit our website www.wbsedcl.in or office notice board. Details of description of items and WBSEDCL's specifications may be collected from Sri A. Chowdhury, Divisional Engineer (Civil) attached to Suri RE Project Office. WBSEDCL West Bengal Stot e ElectricitY Distri bution ComPony Limited (A Govt. of West Bengal EnterPrise) Dated-03.06 .20L4 Tender Notice No. WBSEDCL/BRGt/2 West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited invites sealed bids for the following Packages (Domestic Competative Bidding) for construction of 33lLL KV Sub-Stations at Rajgram in Murarai-l Block in the District of Birbhum relating to special Backward Region Grant Fund scheme. SI Completion Time Bid Reference Estimated Cost (Rs. ln No. Ia kh) Rajgram Sub-Station L 2. 3. wBsE DCL/BRG F/SU RI/PK-4 I L4-Ls WBSE DCL/BRG F/SU Rl/PK-s / LA-L' 6 months 5 months 59 L4-Ls 4 months 38 WBSE DCL/BRG F/SU R|/PK-6 I 62 with VCB with 1lKV associated 33 KV bays with circuit breakers and control panels, 33 KV & 11KV Feeders including Control Room, Cable Trenches, etc. and allied allcivilworks at different identified locations under the jurisdiction of WBSEDCLunder respective Packages. Receipt of Application along with credentials with all documents: from 09.06.2014 to 17.06.2014(accepting Saturday & holiday). Sale of Brief Scope of work: Construction of new spread-out type 33/11 KV sub stations on PCC poles Bid documents:ll.gg hrs to 14.00 hrs on allworking days from 23.O6.2OL4to24.06.2014 against submission of crossed demand draft of Rs 6000/- only for each package under Sl No-1,2,3,4,5 & 6 in favour of west Bengal State Electricity Distribution company Limited payable at Kolkata through request in writing by the interested bidders on proper letterhead with full address from the office of the Project Manager, Suri RE Project, Commercial Estate building,4tn floor, Suri, Birbhum,T3LLOL. No request will percent) be entertained through post/ Courier. Bid gurantee: Earnest Money deposit 2.5Yo (Two and half of the Estimated Cost of each Package, as indicated above. Completion time: As mentioned above in in against each from the date of handing.over of the site. Last date of submission of filled-in bids separate envetop (Earnest money in one envelop & Price bid in other separate envelop): Upto 14.00 bids: on hrs of 30.05.2014 N.B-No tender will be open without earnest money deposition. opening of cartel 30.06.2014 at 15.00 hrs for packages under Sl No lto 5 at Suri RE Project office. Formation of any reject may lead to cancellation of tender with penal measures. WBSEDCL reserves the riBht to accept / any offer / bid and / or to cancel the tender process entirely or in part at its sole direction without assigning any reason what so ever. purchase policy of WBSEDCL will be followed. For details visit Website: www.wbsedcl.in [email protected]. . Contact office Phone No & Fax No- 03462-252008. E mail address- WEST BEN6^L 5TATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COTAPANY I,J,IAITED (A Govt of West Bengal Enterprise) Office of the Project Manager Suri RE Project Suri Commerciol Estote Building (4tn Floor) Sura -731101 : Birbhum Fax No 03462 252008. KEY DATES A B C D E Receipt of application from the interested bidders for purchase of bid documents Sale of bid documents Last date and time for submission of complete bid togather with bid gurantee in the manner stated in the bid documents Date and time of openning of bid Place of sale of bid documents, submisssion of bids & opening of bids From 09.06. 14 to L7.O6.L4 1 1-00 hrs to 14-00 hrs on 23.06. 14 & 24.O6.L4 On 30.06.14 upto 14 hrs On 30.06. 14 at 15.00 hrs Office of the Project Manager, Suri RE Project, Commercial Estate buildirg, 4th floor, Suri Birbhrrm. Tele fax No- A3462-252008 tf a bandh or holiday falls on any of the schedule date then schedule date shall be consider on next working day. (P. K Nag) Project Manager Suri RE Project WBSEDCL
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