1 May Minutes of the NAMI Dallas Board of Directors Meeting May 20, 2014 DATE: May 20, 2014 LOCATION: Green Oaks Hospital Three Forest building on the 4th floor. ATTENDANCE: Present: Sherry Cusumano, Paul Sloane, Herb Cotner, Kathy Forrester, Deborah Goodall, Leonard Keesee, Vincent Ramos, Ana Stan, Teena Adler Roberts. Also in attendance: NAMI Dallas staffMarsha Rodgers and Quita Williams. Absent: Lana Presley, David Whitley, Claudia Smith, Adama Samba, Mary Frances Hansen and Mary Berger. Visitors: Arlene Hoel and Steven Whitley CALL TO ORDER: Mrs. Cusumano called the meeting to order at 6:03PM and minutes were read. Mr. Keesee asked that the minutes be accepted and Mr. Sloane 2nd the motion. The minutes were accepted at 6:05PM by the board. REPORTS: Treasure’s Report: Presented by Mr. Sloane in oral and written format Total Expenses: $67,782.90 ($133.10 over) Total Income: $46,105.66 ($5,560.98 under). Ms. Adler Roberts approved and Mr. Keesee 2nd the motion. The board approved the treasures report at 6:09PM ED Report: Presented by Mrs. Rodgers in written and oral format: a) Grant requests Working on Meadows Foundation grant proposal for Spring 2014: Support, operations expansion and community outreach/education John and Marsha still plan to meet with Donald Test for financial support. In April a $5,000 request submitted to the Durham Family Foundation for walk. Still awaiting response. Rees Jones Foundation approved $30,000 grant request 1. Programs a) Support Groups: Currently: 9 Peer & 7 Family b) Education Classes: Currently- (1) FTF class; Completed- (4) FTF, (2) PTP classes & (1) Basics c) MHFA Training with APS on 5/20, 5/22, 5/27, 5/29 d) ETS Presentations @ Mesquite High School on 5/14, 5/15, 5/16 2. Activities/Outreach & Marketing Neil Diamond Tribute Fundraiser General Meeting & Hospitality Report: Lana was not present for this meeting (John and Mary Ann?) General Meeting Topic: Ask the Doctors with Dr. Ana Stan and Dr. Vincent Ramos Committee Reports: Finance –No Report This Month 2 Funds & Development- (No oral or written report provided) Vincent reported for any funds and development information to review the Walk goal and Rees Jones grant. Walk (oral report) - Met budget, but still attempting to meet online goal. $4,000-$6,000 short of $125,000 goal. Most people reported it was the best walk ever. Marketing/Branding- Media really helped increase NAMI Dallas’s visibility and walk turnout. NAMI Dallas now has 9-10 YouTube videos and an official YouTube channel which helps demonstrate our efforts visually to the public. Now connected to top social media sites. Public Policy- Values Prioritized in meeting: #1 discussion of highest values placed on open access #2 belief in peer recovery #3 need to reduce the stigma that surrounds MI or BH #4 educate through established organizations to decrease stigma. Also discussed was the need for evidence based care and bills that NAMI Texas supports. Primary runoffs in May. Mary Ann and Adama completed NAMI Smarts course. Education (oral report) - Meeting (5/28). Primary focus includes 2014 Conference & Call for papers. Education committee also seeking information on NAMI Dallas becoming peer specialist trainers like Via Hope. VAN – David Whitley not present Old Business: Neil Diamond Tribute- for board members who cannot attend, please purchase and donate tickets. John Dornheim and Mary Frances Hansen are leading this event with the help of NAMI Dallas staff and volunteers. Event held at the Dallas Children’s Theater: Baker Center July 10 @ 7:30. All proceeds go to NAMI Dallas. Motion to adjourn: Mrs. Cusumano called a motion to adjourn at 7:05PM. Mr. Cotner approved and Ms. Adler Roberts 2nd the motion Minutes submitted by Quita Williams substituting for Mrs. Presley- Board Secretary
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