Girl Scout Day at the Dallas Arboretum WOW! Wonders of Water

Girl Scout Day at the Dallas Arboretum
WOW! Wonders of Water Journey
Sunday, Dec. 7th 1-4pm
Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden
Reservation Form
Contact Name______________________________________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________________________
___________________________________Cell _________________________________
Program: WOW! Wonders of Water Journey
Date: Sunday, December 7th Time: 1pm-4pm
Scouts ________@$8 each=$_____________
Siblings _______@ $8.00 each =$__________
Adults_________@ $10.00 each= $__________
Total Tickets_______
Total $____________
Parking is not included and will be paid on arrival to the Arboretum.
Parking is $10 per vehicle, or $5 if pre-purchased online
Everyone age three and over must have a ticket.
Scouts must be accompanied by a parent or leader at all times.
There are three different entrances to the Arboretum. Park and enter at the
Children’s Garden entrance, at Gate #3
This is an entirely outdoor event. Please dress accordingly.
You will be notified at the phone number you provided if this event is rescheduled due to weather.
Amount due: _____________
Credit Card # _______________________________________ Exp:_________________________
Card CSV # _________
Name and Billing Address for Card:
Send your reservation request to: [email protected]
Mail to: Dallas Arboretum, Education Department. 8617 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218