FD-302 D FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIG 34-5 0 12/19/63 Date EDWIN L. STEIG, 713 Winifred Street, Garland, Texas, attended a meeting of the Student Directorate of Cuba he advised held on a Sunday evening at 8:00 p.m. some time during the month of October, 1963. There were about 75 persons present . at this meeting which was held. at the First Federal Savings and Loan Association Coafereace Room in the North Lake Shopping Village in Dallas, Teras. Sr. STEIG stated that he sat in the back of the room aLd listened to several speakers who talked about the situation in Cuba. STEIG stated that another individual sat in the back cf this. room who ,he believes is identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD. This individual spoke to no one but merely . listened and then left. Mr. STEIG stated that most of the persons present signed a guest roster which was taken. by a Miss SARAH CASTILLO who held some position with the Student Directorate of Cuba. on 12/18/63 by Special Agent Dallas, Texas at JAMES P. at74:vm # DL 100-10461 • Dot. dictated 12/19/63 property of the FBI and is loaned to This document contains neither recommendation■ not conclusions of the FBI. It Is the your agency; It and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. FD.302 (Ro r. )..3.50) ..2 aFEDERAL BUREAU OF INYESTIG -% ■ Date 12/19/63 1 hiss SARAH CASTILLO, 2177 Valley Ridge Drive, Dallas, Texas, advised she at one time was secretary for the Student Directorate of Cuba and on Sunday, October 13, 1963, at 8:00 p.m., her organization held a meeting in the assembly room at the First Federal Savings and Loan Association building in North Lake Shopping Village, Dallas, Texas. Miss CASTILLO stated among visitors present was /ormer General EDWIN A. WALKER. Miss CASTILLO stated she does . not recall LEE HARVEY OSWALD bein,7 present at this meeting but she did not observe all of the visitors. Miss CASTILLO stated that most of the persons present. signed a guest roster which has been forwarded to Miss ANNA DIAZ-SILVEIRA who is with the Cuban Student Directorate, whose address is Post Office Box 613, Miami 45, Florida. on 12/19/63 by Spacial Agent at Dallas, Texas JAMES P. ntTY:vm FII . DL 100-10461 Date dictated 12/19/63 Thi. document contain. neither recommendations nor conclu•lons of th• FBI. It go the property of th• FBI and la loaned to your orppncy; it and Ile aont•nte ore not te be ellatributed outeld• your agency. MM 105-8342 JJO:JMS Ou December 21, 1963 intervitw was conducted at.Miami, Florida in connectien with information that had been received from SYLVIA ODIO, A Cuban refugee at Dallas, Tpxa, who aAviged that in aelitamber or October, 1963, she bad bz?tan contacted 'by two membet8of the anti-FIDU CASTRO organi,lation Junta. Revolucionaria (JURE), in connectionwith a fundg drive they were conducting; ODIO stated they were accompanied by an individual whom they introduced au' LEON O,WALD, whom Mia.-4 OWO vtated to be identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Miea ODIO said that one of the rwo members of the JURE contacting her was named LEOPOLDO. On December 21, 19639 Mrs. ROGELIO CISNEROS, 347 N.E. 36th Street, Miami, Florida, stAted that her haAband 14 A member of the Executive Board of JURE at Miami, and that he 'was then in CentralAmovica. She .aid in approximately June, 1.963 ,her husband had traveled alone from Miami, to Dallae, Tnxaa, to net up a delegation of JURE in that city, and to her kn sledge no other JURE member had gone to Dallaelfrom MIAMI ginee that time. She said he could think of no JURE member named LEOPOLDO. She advi#ed that the jURE &legate in Dallas is JORGE RODRIGUEZ ALVAREDA, 1919 LLewellyn, Apartment A, Dallaa. She aid Mr. RODRIOMIZ would have knowledge of any JURE members visiting that city. , 1 1 Interviews at Miami, Florida,were $41, ? o con-; ducted pureuaut to infarmation that EDWIN L. gTEIG of Garland, Texas, had advised that an individual believed identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD had attended a meeting .48.. ti Mil 105-8342 JJO:JMS of the Student Directorate of Cuba, held in Dallas, '.Texez, at 8 PM on °etcher 13, 1963. It was further advised that a gust roster obtained at that meeting had been forwardsd to. Nlmis ANA SILVEIRA of the Student Florida. Directorate at -19- F0403 1-21-601 FLi)LRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . Date _14/N464 Mimi ANA SILVSIR:%, age 289 1309 Bri&mll Avenue, Miami, Flor144t, a of thn DiTnaterin Ravalueionario Eztudiantil - Staat992 Revoluticaary Directorate or Otunt's Diractoran of 4:',441ba)9 adviaed that she had gone to Dallas, Tema, from Miami, Florida, for an open inating of the ERE in rEnt city, held on Octol:er 13, 1963. She stated that an October 13, 196 a manting for Spanish speaking r.:::rsons was held at about 1 FM in the Dreyfus Club, Pallas, and' she estimated about 70 persona attended this meeting. Shc said a aecand mooting V0 held at 8 PM, October 13, 1963 in a conference room over a hank in a shopping canter at Dalles„ and this meeting was for Engliah spanking parsons,, and abo eatimatod about 30 attvadad. Sha stated that those meetings had previously been admrticed at Dallas in ordelr to give the interested public an opportunity to Lear discu@sion by DRE members of the Cuban sitmation. Miss SILVEIRA stated at the meeting on the evening of Octobelr 13, 1963 a shezt of paper uao pasood among thoga in attendance enJ thoos who 'ware intexastmd in receiving tho bi-tzekly English langnage publication TEE maw REPORT, which is composed by the DtE in Miauli„ pro requested to furnish tit it name and address. Sha stated she also made note of th4, llamas of thus individuals pre-* sent who made contributions to the DRS at the meeting. Miss SILVEIRA anted nhe had tha list at the Miami9 and she ma relatively ceroffice of the DRE tain that the narm of LEE HARVEY °LUAU) U0.3 not included in the list. She further stated she has neon many -200,12/21 & 23/6A Miami, Florida by EA -TAMSS J- O'CONNORamS File mm 105-8342 Date dictated 19 /23/13 Thle document conic: lne ns It her rucommendut Iona ttor conclus tone et the F01. 11. in tits property of the PBX and Is loonnd to your agency; 11 and Ile contents tore not to bu tut-Wonted outside your ounncY. - 2 MM 105-8342 'Ana* assaaJlinatim, .tod i relaphoro:;-5 cof: tivaly certain hat war rozbt amcarig those ronessnt at the =to ting On DeceLeper 23 4 19634 MiAg SILVEIRA was ccutacti at aim BRE officea D 1705 S. 70 3rd ATenue s Mitmi, Florida, at which timr, lAN trsaese available the lit of theaftlt vhoo attended t11 vontirrg i na11as1 o' the oveniag of Oeltober 13D 1963. Thi i a typewritten 1i ,t and Mi SILVEIRA axplainl.!,d that eha bad diapocad of the original paps r bearing the max"; and addressees which had been parsed in the audience at Dallas. The list made available by Mies SILVEIRA is as followag Mx. LES BAITER 1417 ',locoin g F.W. $250. MrS0 3G i'1 D. :GM= $15 Rt. 3 Box 1119 F.W. Mrs. J. ?A'trL D0110VAN 4721 atmItline Rd. 9 F.W. $5 Mrs. JAMES S. GALLAGHER 4117 Whitfield, F.W. 9 $5 Mr. I-kEMR GIFFORD Gif.frool Hill & Co. Fidelity llnio-n To;aer 9 D. $100 -21- 0 MM 105-8342 Mrs. ROZXMARY H. HAMBLETON 4012 Mervottp D. Mr. JIM TWOMIER 1218 Brookholow Dr. Irving Texas $5 Mr. and Mrs. PETER COLLORA 103105 LAM Cardans Dr.o D. 28 $5 Mrs. J. E. EVANS 5706 Boca Raton v D. $15 an EIVIN WALKER Co P.O. BOK 24/8, D. $5 Mra. BASSET WATSON P.O. Eic*IC 6331$ D. 22 . $5. Mr. and Mtz. DAUM 11219 Shaltorvood Lane Do $5 RICK KILGORE 2500 W. Newton Cr.i, D Mrs. W. A. LANFER 3309 Batland2 F.W. DOROTHY Nan 3101 6th &nap F.W. Mrs. MARLENE C. KELLY 2901 Westfield Ave.a F.W. -22- $11 $7 0 4 M4 105-8342 Fort Worth Freedom Center 5505 W. Rosedale, F.W. 7 Mra. JAMES L. MINAHAN 2311 Warner Rd., F.W. Mr. W. G. Clarckson Jr. 129 Williamburg Lane Fort Worth 7, Texaa Mrs. GORDON FITZGERALD 109 Wastrain, F.W. 7 FRANCES M. KENNA 1501 Hurley Fort Worth 7, Taxas Mrs. RENE M. srawr 3125 Major Street, Folior. 12 H. G. MILT ER 3560 TaInsend Dr. fy F.W. Jo J. BEWN 4004 Boyd Axe., FM. Dr. ANTHONY KUBEK'. P.00 Box 1330, D. 21 WAYNE GENTOSCH • 3213 Pecans Garlands Tex. CLIFFORD M. DERZAPP.s. "The Shield" 11000 Box 1330a Dallas -23- 5 NN 105-8342 VALE Ur. EK. 6731 Shadybrook apt.. 253, 14 31 STEVE DIMS 627 Kt 107 Lake:, D. Mrs. JAMES L. FREIMUTH 9640 Lynbrook: pir. D. 18 MAL ROUCH 4215 Live Oak, D. KAREN MARTIN, Duna Morn. News Mrs. AGUSTINA FERNANDEZ Dallas University P.O. Box 1330 Miss SILVEIRA pointed out that the last nine nm=ao on the list vare the names of individuals who attended a meeting by the DRE at Fort Worth, Texas, held at approximately 5 FM on October 20, 1963 at a be.:a near Fort Worth on the expressway running from Fort , Worth to Dallas, Miss SILVEMA said this meeting was also for English speaking parsons and had been requested by Irirs. W. A. LANFER, 5309 Rutland, Fort Worth, who had attended the meeting on October 13, 1963 at Dallaa. -24- FD-701 1-2s-60) —3ERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dote 12f26 3 J0!QUIN MARTINEZ E3 PINILLOS, age 22, stated he is in charge of publishing TEE CUBAN two= for the raw, 1705 S.W. 3rd Axenne, Miami, Florida. Ha stated that SILVEIRA, MANUEL SALVAT, the latter an officer of the ERE, and himaelf, traveled from Eiami to Dallas, Texas, in Octcber, 1963 for the purpose of holding public -meetings to inform those interested of the work the DRE has done and hopes to do with respect to the CASTRO ragias in Cuba. Mt. PINZLLOS stated that DEAN PERKINS, 11022 Ceametta Drive, Dallas, Texas, assisted the DRE in organizing the meetings and arranging the publicity attached to the meetings. Es said this publicity included an appearance on a television station at Dallas, and also contact with the DALLAS MORNING STAR, a daily newspaper published in Dallas. Er. PINILLOS stated Miss SILVEIRA and himself addresced the English soaking audiences which attended the DRE meetings. He said that in addition to the meeting en the evening of October 13, 1963, in Dallas, two meetings wars held at the University of Dallas, one at Scnthern Methodist University, Dallas, and one at some High School in Dallas. He estimated that at the meetings held in Dallas on October 13, 1963, approximately 50 to 60 persons attended the afternoon session, which was addressed by MAMEL SALVAT, and approximately 25 to 30 attended the evening session. He stated at neither of these reetinge did any one in the audience attempt to bring up any debate or agitation. H2 said that he did not give any close observation to any of the English speaking parsons present on the evening of October 13, 1963, and therefore could not state whether LEE HARVEY OSNALD may have been present. -25On 12/23/63 at Miami, Florida by SA ..f.!%:?4r.S J. la enumniz Q INS File# MM 105.8347 Date dictated 72/23/61 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be diet:it:Ivied out•id• your agency. 12•1 105-8342 Mr. PINILLOS stated that. tho PRE &legate at Dallas, Texas, who vas also present at the meetings held th' .,:re, is GUILLERMO OTHON, 3111 Flowerdals, Dallas, Texas, telephous FL 1-08736 -26-
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