Item No: 2 Reference: B/14/00907/FHA Parish: GLEMSFORD Ward Members: Rex Thake and Len Young Location: Windy Ridge, Orchard Way Proposal: Removal of existing polycarbonate conservatory roof and replacement roof to match existing. Applicant: Mr Rex Thake Case Officer: Steven Stroud Date for Determination: 16 July 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Grant Planning Permission This application is referred to the Planning Committee as the applicant is an elected Member of the Council. The Monitoring Officer has reviewed the application file and is satisfied that the application has been processed properly and correctly. THE SITE 1. Windy Ridge is a single-storey, detached dwelling that is sited within the built-up area boundary. Glemsford Conservation Area abuts the eastern boundary of the site. The application site is bordered by residential properties to the north and south, with additional properties across the access road to the east. THE PROPOSAL 2. The proposal for consideration by Members seeks to replace the existing polycarbonate roof that serves a rear conservatory with a tile roof that is commensurate with the host dwelling. The proposed work will incorporate part of the existing concrete-tiled roof that serves a separate extension. It is intended that the roof would follow the existing pitch and ridge-line of the host property. The facing gable end will be finished ‘eternit’ cladding in a cream or off-white colour. 3. The application documents can be viewed on line via the planning pages on the District Council’s website. RELEVANT HISTORY 4. S/63/337/M – Erection of bungalow and construction of access – Granted. 5. B/77/00155 – Erection of extension – Granted. 6. B/97/00238/FUL – Erection of a rear conservatory – Granted. NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 7. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains the Government’s planning policies for England and sets out how these are expected to be applied. Planning law continues to require that applications for planning permission are determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The policies contained within the NPPF are a material consideration and should be taken into account for decision-making purposes. Planning Committee 3 September 2014 12 PLANNING POLICIES 1) Core Strategy 8. The Babergh Local Plan 2011-2031 Core Strategy and Policies document was adopted on the 25th February 2014 and is now fully operational (for the purposes of planning decisions among other purposes). The following policies are relevant to this particular planning application:CS1 - CS15 - Applying the Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development in Babergh Implementing Sustainable Development in Babergh 2) Saved Polices 9. The Development Plan comprises the saved policies in the Babergh Local Plan Alteration No. 2 (2006). The Plan should be regarded as a material consideration in planning decisions. The following saved polices are applicable to the proposal:CN01 - Design Standards CN08 - Conservation Areas HS33 - Extensions The relevant policies can be viewed online. Please see the notes attached to the schedule. CONSULTATIONS 10. Glemsford Parish Council – Recommend approval. REPRESENTATIONS 11. No letters of representation have been received. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Main Considerations 12. In light of the above planning policy context, the following are identified as the main considerations in assessing this application:The Principle of Development; Impact on the Character and Visual Amenity of the Site and Area; Impact on Residential Amenity. The Principle of Development 13. The proposal relates to the alteration/extension of an existing roof within the built up area boundary (BUAB) where the principle of extensions or alterations to existing dwellings is acceptable, subject to the development being in accordance with the provisions of saved policies CN01 and HS33 of the Babergh Local Plan Alteration No. 2 (2006). Planning Committee 3 September 2014 13 14. On assessment, the development proposal is considered acceptable in principle, subject to no material adverse impacts on the character and appearance of the area or residential amenity. There are not considered to be any other considerations materially relevant to this application. Impact on the Character and Visual Amenity of the Site and Area 15. It is considered that the setting, scale, form, design and external construction materials of the proposed extensions adequately blend-in with those of the existing dwelling and are appropriate for the site’s setting and character. 16. Whilst the site is not within the Glemsford Conservation Area, saved policy CN08 requires consideration of the views afforded both in and out of the area. The proposal is not considered to have any detrimental impact on the conservation area as it sits within the silhouette of the host dwelling and would not be readily apparent from the public realm. 17. It is also noted that planning permission is only required in this instance as the proposed works would result in a ridge height of 4.5 metres which is 500mm greater than that permitted under Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended). Impact on Residential Amenity 18. Given the degree of separation between Windy Ridge and adjacent properties and the relatively minor nature of the works proposed (bearing in mind that the footprint will remain the same), there is not considered to be any detriment to the amenity afforded to neighbouring occupants. Other Matters Crime and Disorder 19. Consideration has been given to the provisions of Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, in the assessment of this application but the proposal does not raise any significant issues. Biodiversity and Protected Species 20. In assessing this application due regard has been given to the provisions of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act, 2006, is so far as it is applicable to the proposal and the provisions of Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations, 2010 in relation to protected species. STATEMENT REQUIRED BY ARTICLE 31 OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 2010 (as amended) 21. When determining applications the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 requires Local Planning Authorities to explain how, in dealing with the application they have worked with the applicant to resolve any problems or issues arising. In this case the application could be approved without negotiation or amendment so there was no need to work with the applicant. RECOMMENDATION That planning permission be granted subject to conditions including:Standard time limit; Development to be implemented in accordance with the approved plan; Planning Committee 3 September 2014 14
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