Management Board Minutes - Cathays Community Centre

Minutes of CCYCP Management Board Meeting – 18th November 2014
Trustees: Peter Wong, Andrea Heath, Jake Takel
Secretary/CCYCP Manager: Jon Wilson
Cathays High: Lauren Davies
Cardiff County Councillor: Sam Knight, Sarah Merry, Chris Weaver
Police: PCSOs Dave Lloyd & Loren Saunders
Development Officer: Amelia Thomas
Mentor Project: Gareth Speers
Inclusive Youth Provision: Debbie Davies
Students on Placement: Lyndsey, Jess, Megan, Chris
Volunteers: Daniel Mullett, Mia & Georgina (Enactus)
Apologies for Absence
Joel Beswick, Dave Andrews, Liz Doe, Meurig Hailstone
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the previous management meeting were proposed as being a true and accurate
record by
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Project Management – Jon presented team meeting minutes.
Centre Bookings
4.1.1 Community Centre Christmas Get Together – was proposed for December 19th, catering by
Simon/Geraint. People were asked to confirm whether they would be attending.
Building Maintenance
4.2.1 Roof Repairs – A response had been received from Steve Myers, who had mentioned feedback
from the recent roof inspection, but not whether repairs would be carried out. There was no
mention of the roof survey cost, and so Amelia would reply to gain clarification.
4.2.4 Roof join – water entering the join had again put the strip lighting out of order in the kitchen.
Embassy Cafe
4.3.1 Enactus – Mia and Georgina reported that Enactus had been researching a project targeting older
residents. They would be carrying out some door-to-door research and visiting Dalton Street as
people had been reluctant to engage by telephone.
4.3.2 Mentor Project – Gareth Speers presented a printed report. Student mentors would be running
the café, paired up with young people. They were due to be inducted next weekend and would be
carrying out training – Disability awareness, food hygiene, healthy eating and nutrition. Dan was
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volunteering on Wednesdays. Older members would be recruited in 2015 and Vision 21, Quest
and Adult services are all aware of the project.
Activities and Events
4.4.1 Film Club – Scrooged would be showing on 3rd December.
4.4.2 Under Construction Youth Music Project – was holding a gig here on 13th December with support
from student on placement, Lyndsey.
4.4.3 Future Cathays Youth Provision – A follow up meeting would be held next Tuesday, and the draft
document ‘CCYCP Youth provision plan 2015’ was presented. Quotes from young people would be
added. Gareth very kindly agreed to look through it and make comments. It was noted that: there
is a part time youth staff meeting next Tuesday at Eastmoors; a consultation document regarding
the proposed budget is now available; Youth activity centres around the city would bid for money
to directly employ staff.
4.4.4 Cathays High Partnership – A meeting with Lauren TBA.
4.4.6 Time Bank Credits –Under Construction members were to be asked if they wanted to accept time
credits at the gig on 13th December.
4.5.1 Audit – was being carried out by the accountant
4.5.2 Treasurer – Jake had been shown an overview of finance, and had been working on updating the
main ledger transactions. Peter and Jon were to sort out signatures.
(JW, PW)
Staff & Volunteers
4.6.1 University Student Placements – had all had three way meetings apart from Lyndsey who was due
to have one on Friday.
Project Development – Amelia presented a written report.
Long term building plan – an updated proposal for the whole site was presented (below), which
was a result of Development sub-committee meetings. Feedback and comments were welcomed.
Debbie was to pass on a VCS email about volunteering.
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Project Publicity – No report was available. Peter requested an email about the football
tournament so he could promote it.
Current Youth Provision
Embassy Youth Club – No report was available
Inclusive Youth Provision – Debbie presented a written report.
7.2.1 Holiday Provision – October provision had gone well with shared trips and activities including The
BBC Children in Need and Cardiff Blues visit which was covered by the South Wales Echo. The next
provision will be February 2015.
7.2.2 Friday Night Provision – Sherman Cymru access was being developed, and Winter Wonderland
trips planned.
7.2.3 Weekend Social Break – had taken place to Coventry and Birmingham.
7.2.4 Families First – a compliance meeting had taken place, Debbie has complied.
7.2.5 Accreditation – Andrea would speak to Debbie about Agored Cymru.
7.2.6 Funding - £500 has been secured from VCS for horse riding. A bid was to be submitted to BBC
Children in need before January for staff members, and funding for hosting students was being
explored with Cardiff Met.
Under Construction Youth Music Project - No report was available
Any Other Business
Date of next PACT meeting – Monday 1st December.
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