PETITION NO. 2014ZM-0001 SFC 2014VC-0001 SFC Project: St. Joseph's Subdivision, Cedar Grove Road Location: St. Mark Way, St. David Street Applicant's Intent: To modify zoning condition 2.a. to revise the site plan in order to combine lots 88 and 89 on St. David Street for an amenity area and to modify condition 3.b. to reduce to the minimum lot width for lot 79 on St. Mark Way from 60 to 51 feet. In addition the applicant requests a 3-part concurrent variance for the proposed amenity area as follows: Part 1. Reduce the landscape strip along St. David Street for the proposed amenity area from 40 to 15 feet (Article 4.23.1 ) Part 2. Reduce the 25-foot undisturbed buffer and 10-foot improvement setback for the proposed amenity area to a 15-foot undisturbed buffer with no improvement setback along the west property line and a 15-foot landscape strip planted to buffer standards along the east property line. (Article 4.23.1 ) Part 3. Reduce the 50-foot undisturbed buffer and 10-foot improvement setback along the north property line for the proposed amenity area to a 25-foot undisturbed buffer with no improvement setback. (Article 4.23.1) Existing Petition No.: 2005Z -0063 SFC Existing Zoning: CUP (Community Unit Plan) Overlay District: Cedar Grove Overlay Owner: LGI Homes Georgia, Inc. Applicant: LGI Homes Georgia, Inc. Representative: LGI Homes Georgia, Inc., Seth Yurman MME(P:IPlanAnalysisIPlanners/14ZM-001 Printed: 2125/2014 S .02) PETITION 4-1 NO. 2014ZM-0001 SFC BOC Meeting 03105/14 Department of Planning and Community Services Recommendation APPROVAL CONDITIONAL: 2014ZM-0001 SFC APPROVAL CONDITIONAL: 2014VC-0001 SFC Conditions To Be Modified: 2. To the owner's agreement to abide by the following: a. 3. To the site plan received by the Department of Environment and Community Development on June 28, 2005. Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Resolution and these conditions prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations: b. The applicant's proposed minimum setbacks and design standards are as follows: Minimum Front Yard Setback 20 feet Minimum Side Yard (Interior) 7.5 feet Minimum Side Yard (adjacent to street) 10 feet Minimum Rear Setback 20 feet Minimum Lot Width 60 feet Analysis and Recommendation: The subject site is the St. Joseph's subdivision on Cedar Grove Road. The applicant seeks to modify the conditions of zoning as follows: Modification of condition 2.a. Request to revise the site plan in order to combine lots 88 and 89 on St. David Street for an amenity area. The applicant seeks to revise the site plan in order to combine lots 88 and 89 on St. David Street for an amenity area. The proposed amenity area would be a passive park which would include a playground and a pavilion. The applicant has indicated that he is the majority lot owner of the subdivision and declarant. He will record covenants in regards to the maintenance ofthe amenity area. Given that St. Joseph's subdivision does not currently have an amenity area, Staff supports the applicant's request to revise the site plan in order to add an amenity area. MME(P:\PlanAnalysis\Planners/14ZM-001 Printed: 2/25/2014 S .02) 4-2 PETITION NO. 2014ZM-0001 SFC BOC Meeting 03/05/14 In addition to the modification request, the applicant seeks a 3-part concurrent variance request to reduce the required landscaping around the proposed amenity area as follows: Part 1. Reduce the landscape strip along St. David Street for the proposed amenity area from 40 to 15 feet. Part 2. Reduce the 25-foot undisturbed buffer and 10-foot improvement setback for the proposed amenity area to a 15-foot undisturbed buffer with no improvement setback along the west property line and a 15-foot landscape strip planted to buffer standards along the east property line. Part 3. Reduce the 50-foot undisturbed buffer and 1 O-foot improvement setback along the north property line for the proposed amenity area to a 25-foot undisturbed buffer with no improvement setback. In the letter of intent the applicant notes that the minimum required widths of the buffer and landscape requirements restrict the placement of the proposed pavilion and playground area, and do not allow an adequately sized pavilion and playground to such an extent that it would impede the use and enjoyment of the amenity for the neighborhood. The applicant states that he has carefully reviewed the placement of the playground and pavilion to minimize the impact to the surrounding homes. Staff notes the proposed amenity area is adjacent to one single family lot to the west and the back yards of two lots on the east side. The rear of the amenity area is adjacent to common area. The applicant requests to grade along the east property line to improve drainage and to replant the area to buffer standards. Staff notes that the lot has been graded and there are no trees in the side or rear yards of the lot. The applicant will be required to plant both buffer areas to buffer standards. The applicant is of the opinion that the addition of an amenity area would benefit the subdivision and the relief would be consistent with Article 22.3.1.A. which states that relief, if granted, would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Resolution. Given the amenity area would benefit the subdivision, Staff supports the request provided additional conditions are required. The rear of the lot is adjacent to common area, but the side yards are adjacent to single family lots. To mitigate any impact to adjacent property owners, Staff recommends a minimum 6-foot high fence be required along the side and rear property lines. Staff recommends that the fence along the side yards which is adjacent to single family lots, be opaque to add additional screening. In regards to the fence material, Staff recommends a vinyl, composite or similar type material. Staff has included these provisions in the recommendations. The applicant also seeks the following modification. Modify condition 3.b. to reduce to the minimum lot width for lot 79 on St. Mark Way from 60 to 51 feet. Lot 79 on st. Mark Way is on a cul-de-sac. Due to the lot configuration and the location of the lot on the cul-de-sac, the applicant requests that the minimum lot width at the building line be MME(P :\PlanAnalysis\Planners/14ZM-001 Printed: 2/25/2014 S. 02) 4-3 PETITION NO. 2014ZM-0001 SFC BOC Meeting 03/05/14 reduced. Reduction in the lot width at the building line would allow the house to be placed closer to the street while maintaining the front and rear setbacks which are required perthe conditions of zoning. Due to the hardship due to the unique lot configuration, Staff supports the applicant's request. CONCLUSION Should the Board of Commissioners approve this modification and concurrent the conditions should be revised to read as follows: 2. variance request, To the owner's agreement to abide by the following: a. To the site plan received by the Department of Environment and Community Development on June 28, 2005 and amended site Qlan for amenit~ area (lots 88 &1 89 received on Janua 27,2014L Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Resolution and these conditions prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. 3. To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations: b. The applicant's proposed minimum setbacks and design standards are as follows: Minimum Front Yard Setback 20 feet Minimum Side Yard (Interior) 7.5 feet Minimum Side Yard (adjacent to street) 10 feet Minimum Rear Setback 20 feet Minimum Lot Width 60 feet, exceQt 51 feet for lot 79 ----------------~ I. Reduce the landscape strip along St. David Street for the QroRosed amenity are from 40 to 15 feet. (2014VC-0001 SFC, Part 1 ~ m. Reduce the 25-foot undisturbed buffer and 10-foot improvement setback for th proposed amenity area to a 15-foot landscape strip planted to buffer standards along the west and east property lines. Install a minimum 6-foot minimum high opaque fence along the property lines. Said fence shall be constructed of vinyl, composite or similar type material. The finished side of said fence shall face the exterior property lines. All fences shall reguire a seRarate Building Permit. (2014VC-001 SFC, Part 2) n. educe the 50-foot undisturbed buffer and 1 O-foot improvement setback along the Inorth property line for the proposed amenity area to a 25-foot landscape stri~ planted to buffer standards. Install a 6-foot minimum high fence along the rean roperty line. The finished side of said fence shall face the exterior property lines. ~II fences shall reguire a seQarate Building Permit. (2014VC-001 SFC Part 3) I PI MME(P:\PlanAnalysis\Planners/14ZM-001 Printed: 2/25/2014 S.02) 4-4 PETITION NO. 2014ZM-0001 SFC BOC Meeting 03/05/14 ; ,/ l ,/ / /I ,1/'.' / \ ,\ I ' l \ ----'" ,,,", PNl/(WAY TO s, FULTON ~ ROAD o ~ 0 23 '-- o e:::g 2;C/) C/)~ ~~ h--.. S 27'24'28" E 125.00' TO RfV[RTOWN ROAD ~ :li ce ~ '-' V> ;;; ><>: '"'-' \ ~ ';). \ \~ \ \ ~ ~ """ ~ <, a lQ h ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 I ~ N en en CO CO CO s:....: ~ ~ Q =It: Q e-: en t/) +' 0 ..J +' ._ e Q) E <C "'C Q) t/) o o L- o, ._...., ::::s CJ "'C Cl) ~ s J: ...., "'C ._ ...., o ...J e• ._ :E . , _____ , ;.~~~~5~~~a~~~~~o~O -4- L '~L ~ '" ~:g "" g g; s ~ t; 3~g~ Q~8~ :g~§ " ~ ~:: H-S$.-SS.-s.s.- IOOO-WZtIOZ J ~--_-----J>_-- --H 00'05'34" W 113,75' ~-s.s.-
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