GOVERNMENT OF INDIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Form No. 17 Phone : 2321661- A.P & M. Div. Fax : 0522-2376407 1851-2014 Epabx : 2326488, 2378796 INVITATION TO TENDER 163 Years of Glorious Service to the Nation. Extn. : 149,142,176,177 Gram : Geosurvey E-Mail Id:[email protected] NO.229 P/ D-19018/5/2013/26 From, The Dy. Director General, Geological Survey of India, NR, Sector-‘E’, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024. By Speed post Dated 09 /06/2014. To, As Per List Attached. Dear Sirs, I shall be obliged if you kindly submit sealed tender for the stores listed below. The invitation to tender is subject to the conditions as for schedule below : Sl Description of Stores Unit Qty. Amount(`.) Standard Reference Materials (SRM) Details as per ANNEXURE-”A' & 'B' Note: 1. Free delivery at GSI, Lucknow for items mentioned at ANNEXURE 'B' & items mentioned at ANNEXURE 'A' to be supplied at Faridabad. 2. Payment on normal credit basis (bill basis)ie after satisfactory supply. 3. All techno-commercial T&C should be mentioned in the quotation failing with your quotation is liable to be cancelled. Following details must be provided along with quotation for payment through ECS:A) Correct name of Vendor(as mentioned in Bank Account) B) Bank Account No. C) Type of Bank Account. D) Bank & Branch's Name (with C.B.S Facility) E) Full address of Branch. F) I.F.C. Code of Branch. G) M.I.C.R Code. Yours faithfully, (A. K. Singh) Stores Officer For Dy. Director General, NR, P.T.O -21. The cover containing quotation should be sealed and super scribed “Tender for (SRM) due date of opening 30.06.2014 (1600 hrs)” and posted in the Tender Box kept in the office of the Deputy Controller of Stores, Assets Procurement & Management Division, Geological Survey of India, Northern Region, No.-2 Sector-‘E’ Aliganj, Lucknow-226024 not later than 1500 hrs. on 30.06.2014. The bid will be opened at 1600 hrs on the same date. Covers not so super scribed are liable to be ignored. 2. It is the responsibility of tenderers to see that tenders reach the office of the Geological Survey of India at the above address by due date and time. The fact of having posted an offer in time will not bind the G.S.I. in case such an offer is delayed in post or mislaid/misdirected due to incomplete or incorrect superscription or other causes to consider the offer. 3. An authorized representative may remain present at the time of opening of the tender. 4. The offer should remain open for Three months from the date of opening of tender. 5. It should be specifically stated whether Sales Tax / Packing / Delivery / Insurance charges, etc. are payable in addition to the price quoted otherwise, the price quoted will be assumed to be all inclusive and no separate tax or charges will be paid the event of the offer being accepted. 6. The earliest date by which delivery can be completed should be mentioned in the tender, Failure to effect delivery by the stipulated date may render the tenderers liable to pay liquidated damage at the rates prescribed by the Govt. 7. Time for and date of delivery of dispatch will be the Essence of the contract. 8. The stores will be inspected by Inspection Committee of the G.S.I. before and / or at the time of delivery and unacceptable stores will be subject to removal/ replacement at the risk, cost and responsibility of the supplying firm. 9. A sum of `11,300/- will have to be deposited as call Deposit in any Nationalized Bank in favour of the Deputy Director General, NR, Geological Survey of India, No. 2 Sector ‘E’ Aliganj, Lucknow 226024. Bidders who are registered with NSIC under single point registration of stores as per Tender Schedule are exempted from furnishing BID SECURITY. The Bidders who are registered with DGS&D for supply of the particular stores proposed to be purchased are exempted from furnishing BID SECURITY. For availing such exemption mere registration with DGS&D as Indian Agent or so will not be sufficient. The Bidder has to be registered as a supplier and continues to receive and execute contracts, from DGS&D to avail exemption in furnishing BID SECURITY. 10. An amount representing 5% of the Value the purchase order (if placed) will have to be deposited into the nearest nationalized Bank as performance security deposit within 10 days of the receipt of information regarding the acceptance of an offer for due performance of the contract 11. As there is no foreign exchange available with the G.S.I, the stores are to be supplied against the quota license. If necessary, of the supplying firm. 12. The persons signing the tender should duly authenticate any errors or correction. Overwriting should be avoided. The stores are to be securely packed and delivered to the consignee at above mentioned address . 13. Rectification of any defects of cracks etc. noticed during a period of one year from the date of supply shall be the responsibility of the supplying firm at their own cost and risk. 14. The G.S.I., reserves the right to receipt or reject any tender without assigning any reason. 15. Further details, if required, can be obtained from the office of the Deputy Controller of Stores, Northern Region, Geological Survey of India, Sector ‘E’, Aliganj, Lucknow-226024. 16. In the event of any dispute of difference arising out of or in connection with this tender, the same shall be settle amicably by mutual consultation. If such resolution is not possible than the unresolved dispute are difference shall be refer to the sole Arbitrator appointed by The Dy. Director General, GSI, NR, and shall be conducted at the Lucknow court. 17. The prices, terms & conditions mentioned in quotation are taken as firm & final. No addition or alteration in quotation shall be entertained at a later stage. Details of Standard Reference Materials (SRM) ANNEXURE-'A'. Sl No. Standard Qty.(Grams) Limestone 1 1008B 100 2 3192-85 100 3 3192-89 100 4 3193-89 100 DWA-1 50 JDO-1 100 KALKSTEINKH 50 Rock 1 SARM42 100 2 UBN 30 3 ANG Anorthosite 30 4 BEN Basalt 30 5 DRN Diorite 30 6 MAN Granite 30 7 ACE Granite 30 8 BR Basalt 30 9 GH Granite 30 10 GSN Granite 30 11 JA-1 Andesite 20 12 JA-2 Andesite 20 13 JG-1a Granodiori 20 14 JG-2 Granite 20 15 JGB-1 Gabbro 20 16 JR-2 Rhyolite 20 14 STM-1 20 ANNEXURE-'B' No Qty.(Grams) Standard Reference Materials 1 GSD- 9 NCS DC 73307 (GBW 07309) Stream Sediment 1X70 2 GSD-11 NCS DC 73309 (GBW 07311) Stream Sediment 1X70 3 GSD-12 NCS DC 73310 (GBW 07312) Stream Sediment 2X70 4 GSS-5 NCS DC 73323 (GBW 07405) Soil 1X70 5 GSS-6 NCS DC 73324 (GBW 07406) Stream Sediment 1X70 6 GSS-8 1X70 NCS DC 73326 (GBW 07408) Stream Sediment (A.K. Singh) Stores Officer
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