929-7041t043 MAY , 4 2015 ADMINiSTRATiVE ORDER No 2015-08 SUBJECT: DECLARTNG THE LOON_MARTBOJOC UpLtFTED COAST AS A GEOLOGICAL MONUMENT WHEREAS, _ Environment Executive Order No. 192 mandates the Department of and Natural Resources (DENR) to Ue tne primary'g;";r;;";i agency responsible for the conservation, management, developme.i;.J use of the country's environment and natural 6.orr""., specifically torest anO grazing rands, minerar resources, incruding those in reservation ano *atersneo areas, and rands of the pubric domain, as weil as the ricensing ano regutation of all natural resources as may be provided for by taw in oroer t6 ensrre"eqriiaore sharing ofthe benefits derived therefrom for the welfare ofthe present and future generations of Filipinos; ;r;;;; WHEREAS, Section 16, Chapter 3, Tifle XlV, Book tV of Executive Order No. 292 or the Administrative code of 1987 provid'es that the Mines ano Geo_ Sciences Bureau (MGB) shail advise the oEtriR secretary on matters pertaining to, among olhers, geology and shall recommend poticies, ,eguLiio;s oi programs pertaining to geology; WHEREAS, Section 9 of Repubtic Act No. 7942 or the philippine Mining Act of 1995, provides that the MGB shall, among others, undertake geologicai researches and geological surveys; WHEREAS, in undertaking geological researches and surveys after the 15 o-ctober 2013 7.2 Magnitude earthquake in Bohor, among othei provinces, the MGB has determined that ce(ain coastal areas of the Muiicipalities of Loon and Maribojoc of the said province rose from the sea and were Jplifted by up to about 1.2 meters, thereby forming unique geological features; WHEREAS, such uplift constitutes an irreplaceable segment of earth,s history and geological heritage and should, therefore, be pres-erved, protected and maintained for scientific, educational and tourism purposes; WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the uplifted coast of ihe Municipalities of Loon and Maribojoc, province of Bohol, is hereby declared as a Geological Monument, to be known as the Loon-Maibojoc -Geologicat Monument, under the following guidelines for the compliance of all concerndd: 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ﹁ 妻 劃 網 萎一 訂 詳齢 Section 1. Statement of Policy It is the policy of the State to recognize, protect and preserve the country's unique geological features for scientific, educational and tourism purposes, and enhancing consciousness on the richness ofthe country's natural heritage. Letos Go Green 2. Section Objectives The objectives of this Administrative Order are as follows: a To provide a regar framework for the recognition, preservation and protection ot the Loon-Maibojoc Geotogicat uoniien'i.-"' b. To encourage further '' -geological researches and studies on the Loon_ MTnbojoc Geotogicat Monum-ent otn"igeofliicat phenomenon, for the o .and advancement of geosciences in the country.- 3. Section Technical Description rhe Loon-Maibojoc Geologicar Monument qvers a totar area of 137.003.r hectares as shown in the attach6d (ann"" nltr Loon and Annex B for Maribojoc), subject to private rights, Taps if grouno .u*"y, which metes and bounds are particurarry described i. th" rechnicar Description (Annex Said Annexes form as integrat parts oiitii, norini.tr"tive order ilt '";;i; "tt";;d c) The MGB shail undertake ground verification of the above Technicar Description wiihin thirtv (30) days t,i*in" 'i,r"ce norinistrative order. During the ground verification, the rrace "tr""iiilv"oitni. .h;ri the necessary corner monuments to mark the boundary of the Geological Monument. Section 4. lnstallation of Markers The MGB shar, within thirty (30) days from the compretion of the above ground verification, instafl the ,,Loon-Maribojoc o'ectairng ine rhe .mari<er Geological Monu ment." Thisshal "i"" nistory, Oescripil;;;; contain th" S'J"J"If significance of the Geological Monument. ". Section 5. Management of the Geological Monument _ .A: a Geological Monument, the area bounded by the above Technical -", D.escription shall be preserved and protected p"rf. For this purpose, the MGB, in coordination with other government " and Locar Government Units concerned, shall prepare and implementl "g";"Lo r"n"g"r"nt plan that shall, among others, consider the following: The conduct of geological researches and studies to further enrich the understanding and appreciation of the geological phenomenon. b. The promotion and maintenance of the Georogicar Monument as an ecotourism destination. 〓 ■ 一ヽ¨ いOJ0 0く 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 芽 ﹁ 萎 熱畿 霙鰍 a. 2 Section 6. Funding The MGB shail initialry ailocate funds for the ground verification of the boundary of the Geotooicr, s"rr.irg for the imptementation Pian shall be u"."i "ii:,;ds ;:lL".T;l;t:moent "n'it""aireemenus reached by the yqlii* Section 7. Repealing Clause A', orders or circurars inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of this Administrative Order are hereby repealed, modified accordingty. ;;";il; Section 8. Effectivity order-sha' take.effect.fifteen (15) days after its comprete pubrication a newspaperof general circulation anO'nfteenltS) '-' A"ys " the Ofilce of the Nationat Administrative "tt"r,regbi;;,;;;; R;S'i.i;;l rn J.「 PA」 E ― 暑 ヽ 0く ヽ000 〇一く000 = ・ , 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ¨ 摯 一 ︵ “ ︼ 一 一 一 蓄 一 ︼ 中 W 工 “ ﹁ 理 だ ヽ 一 徊 % ﹁ 哺 一 ﹂ ﹁ ・ Recommё nded by: し ア研 LEO L.JASARENO '・ 憮ζ ndGeottiencesBureau 3 ― ‐ ■ 一 口ヽL ● ヨ 1 1 ●“ 瑯● 一 ヨ ●■ 一ヽ ヨ ”一●● ” ■ 羹 難鞘■難 ”0”“ 一 ■ 一 __ “ 0 ●一疇い.■ __■ “ L ●N ヨ F 一 ●r 〓● ぉ 、﹁ ” 口i¥■or . 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MAR:BOJOC GEOLOGiCAL MONUMENT Tota:Area:137.0031 hectares Parce1 1:Loon 2 S00。 59'E 2 3 S7201 5t W 3 4 4 5 S72015'W N0104S W 5 6 N47028'W 6 7 N19。 47'E 7 8 N07● 55'VV 8 9 N39011'VV 9 10 N29016'E 10 11 N34039'VV 11 12 N16。 16'E 12 13 13 14 14 15 N04049W N01021'W N47031'W 15 16 N18。 30'E 16 17 N31013'E 17 18 N31052'W 18 19 N30。 07'E 19 20 N10。 57'E 20 21 S05。41'E 21 22 S05041'E 22 23 S07● 23'E 23 24 S06051'E 24 25 S05037'E 25 26 S06。 53'W 26 27 S10° 15'E 27 28 S07025'E 28 29 S27039'E 29 30 S29020'E 30 31 S15034'E 31 32 S10032'E 33 S10034'E 34 S1504α E 2 3 1 3 3 1478m 35884m 4161m 78650m 22400m 34874m 40974m l1530m 8788m 17601m 9913m 62622m 22441m 22201m 67097m l1832m 6890m 17729m 15291m 13965m 92973m 21410m 20527m 2521m 2347m 3950m 7282m 3932m 833m 9146m 7754m 18588m 4921m 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3708m 36 S05006'E 7499m 37 S07●24'E 12169m 38 S05029'E 6869m 39 S18027'E 12055m 40 S01021'E 15130m 41 S14。 52.E 13476m 42 S32055'E 4143m 43 S220381E 4901m 44 S13004'E 14380m 45 S09006'E 10976m 46 S02。 01'E 4974m 47 S09030W 6914m 48 S04。 151E 14861m 1 S09。 23'E 17503m AREA=970,380SQ M 35 S20。 13'E TIE LINEI S 00008'E 339375M FROM BHL 5421 TO coRNER・ 1・ Parcei 2:Ma百 boiOc 1 2 S38004'E 2 3 S36● 32'E 3 4 S53028'E 4 5 S24002'E 5 6 S33044'E 6 7 S08038'E 7 8 S33028'E 8 9 S04040'E 9 10 S06。22'E 10 11 S001541E 11 12 S23009'E 12 13 S42038'E 13 14 S54005'W 14 15 S43。 43'E 15 16 S18● 53'E 16 17 S56。 15'E 17 18 N44014'E 3892m 12442m 4860m 12521m 4075m 3497m 3980m 2095m 1424m 3775m 2142m 1383m 1312m 537m l188m 290m 1390m つ4 18 19 S59027'E 19 20 N69007'E 20 21 N43。 16'E 908m 2533m 3517m 21 22 S45020'E 341l m 22 23 S79002'E 23 24 S35047'E 24 25 N83036'VV 25 26 S84052'E 26 27 S63040'E 27 28 S82046'E 28 29 S71046'E 29 30 N78。 17'E 30 31 N36008'E 31 32 N75。 13'E 32 33 N73042'E 33 34 N15。 49'E 34 35 S25°35'E 35 36 N66° 04'E 36 37 N51052'E 37 38 S61023'E 38 39 S22。 17'W 39 40 S61013'E 40 41 N33。 10.E 41 42 S37● 12'E 42 43 S55042'E 43 44 S57053'E 44 45 S85059'E 45 46 S80。 58'E 46 47 S79。 31'E 47 48 S79031'E 48 49 S79031'E 49 50 S79052'E 50 51 N85。 39'E 51 52 S57。24'E 52 53 S68041'E 53 54 S75。21'E 54 55 S71018'E 55 56 S77● 56'E 56 57 S74056'E 57 58 S64034'E 1321m 1798m 3073m 663m 4443m 5032m 3063m l194m 1527m 3048m 2124m 3035m 1912m 2066m 1394m 722m 895m 715m 724m 238m 1835m 2020m 3586m 579m 490m 490m 490m 2112m l18m 566m 3745m 803m 760m 642m 880m 761m 3 58 59 S56030'E 59 60 S68。 59'E 60 61 S63005'E 61 62 S73。 01'E 62 63 S69006'E 63 64 N82048'E 64 65 N87● 56'E 65 66 S76009'E 66 67 S86022'E 67 68 N70046'E 68 69 N73001'E 69 70 N88。 51'E 70 71 S62045'E 71 72 S62049E 72 73 S86014'E 73 74 N74033'E 74 75 N81036'E 75 76 S89。 53'E 76 77 N80。 47.E 77 78 N78010.E 78 79 N76。 59'E 79 80 N83。 45'E 80 81 S81011'E 81 82 N83。 44'E 82 83 N86032'E 83 84 N63059'E 84 85 N65。 58'E 85 86 N61044'E 86 87 N68。 16.E 87 88 N83011'E 88 89 S89040'E 89 90 N75021'E 90 91 N76。 59'E 91 92 N8804S E 92 93 N80。 39'E 93 94 S63°21'E 94 95 N73006'E 95 96 N73006'E 96 97 N74015'E 97 98 N74015'E 813m 4760m 3559m 9325m 3390m 5432m 6342m 3056m 1883m 1933m l161m 13817m 2128m 2077m 3197m 6191m 6595m 6716m 27306m 6833m 2289m 2334m 7653m 3904m 3023m 4201m 721m 603m 804m l1070m 7460m 5181m 1667m 5120m 5035m l135m 4862m 2196m 855m 2881m 4 98 99 N78043'E 99 100 N36048'E 100 101 N64044'E 101 102 N79。 59・ E 102 103 N71。 20'E 103 104 N81016'E 104 105 N77● 22'E 105 106 N78025'E 106 107 N52021'E 107 108 N55。 58'E 108 109 N58040'E 109 110 N58040'E 110 111 N72021'E 111 112 S78。 56'E 112 113 N77008'E 113 114 N84。 06'E 114 115 N71045'E 115 116 N68052'E 116 117 N75。 51'E 117 118 N77049'E 118 119 N74000'E 119 120 S87。 33:E 120 121 S77056`E 121 122 N70000'E 122 123 S81037'E 123 124 N74020E 124 125 N48013'E 125 126 N05。 14'E 126 127 N81007`E 127 128 N29。 24'E 128 129 S86005'E 129 130 S84027'E 130 131 N33023E 131 132 N61038'E 132 133 N72052'E 133 134 S88056'E 134 135 S83002'E 135 136 N88053'E 136 137 N81008'E 137 138 N51040'E 3586m 1647m 3578m 6376m 3734m 3472m 2341m 1957m 1853m 2537m 3191m 4225m 1938m 1322m 1040m l144m 1949m 2024m 1723m 15612m 2912m 4214m 784m 3923m 1995m 3275m 3137m 2343m 1821m 969m l152m 1882m 998m 759m 2252m 1633m. 2696m 1678m 3000m 3630m 5 138 139 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 02'W S33001'W S89052'W N69。 55'W N40003'W S39029'W 144 145 S73003111V 145 146 S40023'W 146 147 S22052'VV 147 148 N89021'W 148 149 N60。 16'VV 149 150 S53°34'VV 150 151 N76。 27'W 151 152 S85。 08'W 152 153 153 154 154 155 155 156 156 157 157 158 158 159 159 160 S20032W S65006'W S67035'W S81055'W S47047'W N69000'W S34。 39'W S81012'W 160 161 S86。46'VV 161 162 S76。 57'VV 162 163 S88033'VV 163 164 S82025'VV 164 165 S79038'W 165 166 S87045'W 166 167 S82054'W 167 168 S72045'VV 168 169 S74。 18'VV 169 170 N84036'VV 170 171 S89031t W 171 172 N730531W 172 173 S850361 VV 173 174 N76。 56'VV 174 175 175 176 N79012W N64021'W 6952m 1354m 2110m 1837m 1417m 1013m 2783m 1940m 3207m 1493m 1584m 3107m 932m 778m 3563m 25455m 4961m 15544m 1626m 2910m 2990m 22894m 4093m 9406m 37525m 61213m 12351m 6468m 24247m 10301m 4602m 15634m 7067m 10898m 7702m 7080m 8474m 7767m 176 177 N68002'VV 91 1l m 177 178 N42001'W 6082m S ll° 6 178 179 N47020'VV 179 180 180 181 N15011'W N76043'W 181 182 S28057'VV 182 183 N49041'W 183 184 N37037'VV 184 185 185 186 N50013'W N33005'W 186 187 187 188 N52003'W N33046'W 188 1 N56030'E AREA=399651 3659m 1815m l106m 2125m 4170m 18106m 19222m 10714m 5151m 9672m 16649m SQ M TIE LINE FROM BHL-5515 PUNTA CRUZ,MARIBO」 OC TO CORNER“ 1" 7
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