Cooper University Hospital One Cooper Plaza, Camden, N.J. 08103 Transfusion Medicine Services New employee Training Checklist Employee Trainer Date 1. Specimen Labeling Requirements and Handling of mislabeled specimens. 2. Patient History Check - computer and downtime proc. 3. Rack set-up and Tube labeling 10 x 75 or 12 x 75 4. Preparation of Red Cell suspensions Manual washing of rbcs, if necessary 5. Reading, Grading and Recording Reactions Centrifuge for appropriate time Checks for hemolysis Use of optical aid (viewing lamp/microscope) Use of chart for comparing size of button Correct operation of serofuge 6. Manual Gel Testing - Inspection/Labeling of Gel card - Appropriate reagents (0.8%) for gel system - Operation of MTS Pipettor, Incubator, and Centrifuge - Reading and grading reactions in gel - Preparing 0.8% suspensions (for auto control) and from 3% suspensions for selected panel cells 7. ABO grouping, Rh typing (Du when necessary) # performed ____ # correct ____ 8. Direct Antiglobulin Test - poly, IgG, C3 # performed _____ # correct______ 9. Antibody Screen # performed _____ # correct ______ 10. Immediate-Spin & Antiglobulin Gel Crossmatches # performed _____ # correct _____ 11. Antibody Identification - panel # performed _____# correct ______ 12. Antigen Typing - Direct & Indirect (including controls) # performed _____ # correct _____ 13. Prewarm Technique - computer reporting # performed _____ 14. Rosette Test for Fetomaternal Hemorrhage KB test for positive result - follow-up in BB # performed ______ # correct ______ 15. Saline Replacement for Rouleaux 16. Red Blood Cell Preparation (from whole blood auto) Labeling and computer (salvage plasma) Correct use of the centrifuge 17. Blood Component Aliquot Preparation Dividing neonatal/adult rbc’s # Done ______ Documents/Commendable Practices/2010 Aug - Commendable Practices/Ch. 2/Training/ch 2, tr, 12/New Employee Training Checklist.doc 1 of 5 Cooper University Hospital One Cooper Plaza, Camden, N.J. 08103 Transfusion Medicine Services New employee Training Checklist Employee Trainer Date 18. Pooling Platelets/Cryoprecipitate # Done _______ 19. Neonatal platelets, volume reducing # Done _______ 20. Thawing Fresh Frozen Plasma Helmer # Done________ 21. Operation of Sterile welder Inspection of Weld 22. Component modification book 23. Operation of the Irradiator video, test, and badge # observed ______ # Done _______ 24. Evaluate minimum inventory 25. Acquiring blood and blood products from the suppliers ARC and CBCNJ how to find codes ?? 26. Acquiring “other” products - factors, VZIG etc. 27. Perform confirmation testing on units from outside suppliers and Cooper donor units # performed ______ # correct _______ 28. pH testing of random donor platelets 29. Shipping (return to supplier) procedure for all products Appropriate packaging 30. Elutions # performed _____ # correct ______ 31. Cord blood evaluation # performed _____ # correct _____ a) Distinguish between ABO HDN, HDN due to anti-D and “Other” HDN b) Elutions and testing required for each type 32. Pre and Post natal evaluation including issuing RhIG 33. Demonstrate complete understanding of Neonatal Transfusion Practices, Exchange Transfusion and special requests for Hematology/Oncology patients. 34. Demonstrate complete understanding of Trauma Response Must attend at least 3 a) procedure and computer functions b) Restock trauma units c) Emergency release forms # attended (dates) _______ _______ ______ Documents/Commendable Practices/2010 Aug - Commendable Practices/Ch. 2/Training/ch 2, tr, 12/New Employee Training Checklist.doc 2 of 5 Cooper University Hospital One Cooper Plaza, Camden, N.J. 08103 Transfusion Medicine Services New employee Training Checklist Employee Trainer Date 35. Demonstrate complete understanding of Massive Transfusion Crossmatch Procedure 36. Emergency Release of Blood (form) 37. Selection of Components when ABO Identical Units are not available (chart) 38. Procedures and paperwork for short and long term down time. 39. Transfusion Reaction Workup Appropriate use of form (nursing and lab requirements) 40. Autologous and Directed donor information 41. Daily Quality Control Procedures (day shift) 42. Specimen Release Documentation procedure 43. Issue blood and blood components # issued ________ 44. Use of Safe-T-Vue for OR Blood 45. Criteria for Reissue of blood and components 46. Cooler Policies/Procedures Documentation on Cooler Log 47. Storage requirements for all products What to do if alarms sound 48. When to Quarantine blood and blood product 49. Computer Functions- separate checklist Satisfactory performance demonstrated _____ (Y/N) If NO, explanation and documentation is required. Reviewed ____________________ Date ___________ Technical Specialist Documents/Commendable Practices/2010 Aug - Commendable Practices/Ch. 2/Training/ch 2, tr, 12/New Employee Training Checklist.doc 3 of 5 Cooper University Hospital One Cooper Plaza, Camden, N.J. 08103 Transfusion Medicine Services New employee Training Checklist Performance Standard Training must be completed and competency attained (satisfactory) prior to starting work in the Transfusion Service. Training will take place in a sequential fashion so that skills mastered in a prior procedure are needed and used in subsequent training activities. Related SOPs Related SOPs shall be reviewed by the trainee prior to actual performance of the procedure. At the end of the training period, the new employee shall be given a “quiz” in order to determine their understanding of the policies and procedures. The “quiz” is open book. Trainer Responsibility - directs the employee to the appropriate procedure manuals and reference materials - ensure that the trainee has the appropriate supplies and reagents - correctly demonstrate the procedure according to the SOP - prepares an appropriate number of unknowns - the number is to be based on previous experience and demonstration of competency - conveys the performance standard and learning objectives (checklist) to the trainee - directly observes the trainee’s performance - suggests remedial action and/or retrains when necessary - documents training progress - communicates trainee’s progress with the Technical Specialist Performance Standard - ABO-Rh Minimum of 10 with 100% accuracy - Antibody screen Minimum of 10 with 100% accuracy - Antibody identification, basic may be “dry” exercises Antibody identification, complex Antigen typing, direct and indirect with appropriate controls Prewarmed technique Rosette test Saline Replacement technique RBCs from WB Minimum of 8 with 100% accuracy - Minimum of 5 with 90% accuracy Minimum of 3 each with 100% accuracy Minimum of 2 demonstrations of technique Minimum of 2 each with 100% accuracy Minimum of 1 demonstration of technique Minimum of 1 demonstration of technique Documents/Commendable Practices/2010 Aug - Commendable Practices/Ch. 2/Training/ch 2, tr, 12/New Employee Training Checklist.doc 4 of 5 Cooper University Hospital One Cooper Plaza, Camden, N.J. 08103 Transfusion Medicine Services - Direct Coombs Test New employee Training Checklist Minimum of 3 with 100% accuracy - Component Preparation Dividing adult unit/neonatal rbcs Pooling platelets or Cyroprecipate Concentrating neonatal platelets Thawing FFP or Cryo Minimum of 2 procedures each - Elutions - rapid acid Minimum of 2 procedures - Elutions - neonatal Minimum of 1 procedure - Cord blood evaluation Minimum of 5 procedures - Issuing blood/blood products Minimum of 10 products - Irradiation of blood and components Minimum of 5 procedures - Processing outside components Minimum of 15 units - Processing Cooper Autologous blood (Day shift) Minimum of 5 units - Processing Single Donor Platelets/ Random Donor Platelets Minimum of 2 units - Sterile Welder Minimum of 2 procedures 100% accuracy required for all of the above procedures. ISBT 128 Complete competencey assessment with a score >/= 80% Documents/Commendable Practices/2010 Aug - Commendable Practices/Ch. 2/Training/ch 2, tr, 12/New Employee Training Checklist.doc 5 of 5
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