INFOSESSIE / SÉANCE D’INFORMATION & SYMPOSIUM: OPTIMAL USE OF BLOOD COMPONENTS 5 JUNI / JUIN 2014 BeQuinT infosession 2014 BeQuinT organisation and activities Q2014 second national survey Rik Schots President BeQuinT BeQuinT ? October 2011: Begeleidingscomité/Comité de pilotage January 2013: Nationaal platform transfusiebeleid (NPTf) Plateforme nationale de politique transfusionelle (PNPT) Belgian Quality in Transfusion BeQuinT Aims 1) To improve the quality of transfusion 2) To improve the use of blood components in Belgian hospitals Financial support bij FOD VVVL/SPF SPSCAE Action plan 2013 - 2017 BeQuinT composition Participation based on Participating organisations Expertize Adequate representation of steakholders in transfusion Rode Kruis Vlaanderen/Croix Rouge de Belgique FAGG/AFMPS FOD VVVL/SPF SPSCAE University hospitals: presidents of transfusion committees Scientific organisations RIZIV/INAMI Hoge Gezondheidsraad/Conseil Supérieur de Santé Project coordinator (50%) [email protected] BeQuinT organisation BeQuinT general assembly (n= 38) Meeting 1x per year Amendment/approval of annual report, action plan and financial balance Validate activities of steering committee Election of chair and vice-chair or continuation of functions Steering committee (n= 17) Meeting every 4-6 weeks Prepare annual report and action plan Keep BeQuinT participants informed Collect data on transfusion activity in Belgian hospitals Organize national surveys Organize annual infosession and symposium Newsletters to the hospitals Facilitate & control activities of working groups Project: “single unit policy” WG Prescription WG Guidelines WG Education BeQuinT organisation and participants Newsletters Newsletter 1 – February 2014 Presentation of the new platform Announcement of 2nd national survey (+ deadline) Announcement of infosession and symposium 2014 Comment on internal audits Focus on data collection (nr. of transfusions, patients transfused) Newsletter 2 – April 2014 Infosession: online registration open Comment on reporting and managing of transfusion-related incidents Focus on multidisciplinary transfusion team (+ reference person) Citation RBC transfusion triggers Working groups Education and formation (n= 15) Chr. Gérard & V. Deneys Develop educational documents and E-learning program Guidelines (n= 15) B. Ickx Develop “Patient blood management” guidelines By adapting existing guidelines to Belgian situation Electronic prescription (n= 10) R. Schots & T. Devos Define standard requirements for electronic prescription As a tool for rational use of blood components National surveys BeQuinT 3. Identification of “priority items” 4. Benchmarking 5. Report with recommendations Survey 1. Sensitize hospital managements 2. Provide hospitals with “standards” General transfusion policy Prescription Tracing Reporting of reactions/events Hospital sites 6. Measurable improvement of transfusion practice in hospitals Q88-2011 national survey recommendations 1. Optimize functioning of transfusion committees 2. Appoint reference person for transfusion 3. Register transfusion activity (numerical data) 4. Include transfusion history in medical file of patients 5. Prepare electronic prescription 6. Provide written procedures for transfusion in urgent situations 7. Provide written procedure for pretransfusion tests 8. Organize internal auditing for important procedures 9. Optimize procedure for the “cold chain” 10. Optimize management of storage of blood components 11. Prepare electronic tracing + electronic patient identification 12. Provide written procedures for long term follow-up after transfusion What’s different in the Q2014 survey? Basics were not changed To keep comparability with Q88-2011 Clarifications were made To avoid ambiguity/misinterpretation More detailed questioning Redundant questions eliminated To keep persons completing the questionnaire happy Glossary added To explain terminology Evaluation of the survey itself was added Very important! Where can we improve? Print out possible after completion Basics not changed for Q2014 One questionnaire per transfusion committee 4 domains Semiquantitative answers Has to be completed 100% to allow submission Anonymous Allows for scoring benchmarking Fully electronic Transfusion general data Prescription Tracing Reporting Trusted third parties = RKVL and CRB Deadline: 30th of September 2014 (24h) Start collecting data on time! Clarifications Data on transfusion activity Clarifications Data on transfusion activity Clarifications Reference person Prescription by MD? Glossary Ziekenhuisbloedbank Banque de sang hospitalière Pretransfusietesten Test pré-transfusionel Referentiepersoon transfusie Personne de référence en transfusion Programma bijscholing Programme de formation Transfusiehistoriek L’historique transfusionnel Procedure Procédure Interne audit Audit interne Onbruikbare eenheden EC Unités CE inutilisables Evaluation of the questionnaire Evaluation of the questionnaire Evaluation of the questionnaire Evaluation of the questionnaire Q2014 timing Pdf has been distributed by mail: 30th of May 2014 Small corrections can still be included in the electronic version During month of June 2014: Hospitals will receive a message form the RKVL or CRB providing them with a unique code Q2014 will be electronically available Deadline for completion is September 30th 2014 (24 hrs) Analysis of Q2014 Dr. Sc. Katrien Beeckman (UZ Brussel/VUB) General report with recommendations Individual benchmark for each hospital (closed envelope sent by RKVL/CRB) Presentation of report: infosession June 2015 Thanks! Project coordinator: Jana Vanden Broeck Infosession 2014 program 13hr30-14hr00 BeQuinT organisation and activities & Q2014 R. Schots (Dpt Clinical Hematology UZ Brussel) 14hr00-14hr15 Transfusion activity in Belgium L. Muylle (Expert hemo- biovigilance FAGG/FAMPS) 14hr15-14hr30 Update WG Prescription T. Devos (Dpt Clinical Hematology UZ Gasthuisberg) 14hr30-15hr00 Update WG Education Chr. Gérard (Head Bloodbank CHU Liège) V. Deneys (Head Bloodbank & Cellular Therapy unit CHU Dinant Godinne)
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