5th Non Challenge Screening

KÿW Indqÿendeÿl 8drool lÿMrid
Alenc [ indluy
,,\NP AI)V,\N(_ kD ACAI }F',,II( ' S'I iJ!llEb
September' 2014
Dear Parents of Students in Grade Five:
Smdeÿlis in :l]fth ?fade who ÿuv m-ÿt cu/v'uni,{)' iJc'm'!ikÿd./bl" llÿc' c!ÿ*mcntm), C'lJÿ7/lutÿyx, lu'o,!,ÿumn have
the opportunity to be screened tbr Gi!led arid Talented Piogram service to begin in flÿe lY.I1 o1" sixth
,ÿrade. Secorÿdary gJ Fled program options are awdlable in EngJislL readir% mathematics, scienceÿ and
social studies. Students may be screened in any or all of' these content areas.
Districts in Texas aÿe/equil'ed/o collect multiple measmcs when screening students [o1" gifted
pl°ograrns. Students reibÿred lbr screeÿling will have the *bllowing tbur measures evaluated: an ability
test, an achievement tesL a parent cl-ÿecklint, and a classroom observatiolÿ. Testing will take place on
campus over the course oK seveÿa! school day:; duritlg the month oF October.
If you would like to rc fbr your child for secondary (ill'ted and Talelÿted scrccni ng, complete a
Secolÿdary Parent Checklist and return to your child's elemeÿtary canÿpus by Seplember 19: 2014.
Paÿ'eÿ{ (,]-ÿecMÿs{s 'wHÿ ÿot be accepted after" Septembmÿ 119th.
You may obtain a Parent Checklist fiom your child's campus counselor beginning September 4. You
may also access the checklist on the Katy ISD website at
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When contpleting the Sec
)ndary Pa|cnl Checklist, you must indicate the cement areas for which you
are requesting GT screening. Also note that if you circle the ram,bet "3" or ÿ4." lbr an indicator, you
must provide a brief-" example.
lfyou reRtr your child tbr screeningÿ you will be notified of the placement decision by U.S. mail in
If you do rÿot wish to retÿl" your child %r screelfing at this time, the next oppolttmity tSr GT screening
will be in the spring of sixth grade for possible service to begin in the [all of seventh grade.
Ret:ÿer to tlÿe Frequently Asked Questions on side 2 for more in!:bm-mtion. Contact the Challenge
teacher at your child's elementary campus if you have additional questions.
Alene Lindley
Director off Seconds7 Curriculum, Gifted & Talented and Advanced Academics
0301 South Stadium Lane • PC Box 159 . Katy Texas 77492-0159
281-396,2383 • f4x: 2814ÿ44-1816 • alenelindfey(o)katyisd,org
lFreque dy Asked Question, s Regardh g Seco dary GT Service
f/'I do t, ot reqlÿesg GT screeHiÿgJbr #ÿV child, are thence other optiolÿs /br advaÿced academic
cmÿrses injÿiMor high ?
Yes; 6th grade students who are ready lbr the challenge of advanced coursework may enroll in
Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) courses in English, reading, math, science, and/or social
studies. These courses oftÿr advanced curricula and are designed to prepare students for future
success in Advanced Placement courses in high school.
Does #ty child tteed to be tested to elwotl i,t Pre.ÿAP cog#wes il, 6a' grade?
No, enrollment in Pre-AP classes is a decision made by the parent and student after carefld
consideration of tÿmtors such as successful mastery of 5th grade coursework, state assessments,
work and study habits, and extracurricular time commitments. Students who enter Pre-AP
courses COlnmit to staying in these courses [or at least one semester.
What is the d{/.'ferel,ce between Pre-A P aÿd GT?
In Katy ISD, students who are identified as gifted in a particular content area are served through
the delivery of Pre.AP cuwicÿ,dmrÿ wMch is appropriate for the rÿee&', oÿ"gi[ted learners. They
enroll in courses tided "Pre--APi(}T." UsuaJly, sttÿderfls in a Pre-AP/GT cour:;e are ch.mtered
within a larger PreÿAP class, although occasionally campuses are able to schedule classes which
consist entirely of identified GT students.
Teachers of Pre-AP/GT courses have received the required training in the education of the gifted,
and are aware of the unique learning needs of" gifted students. Identified GT students often form
close bonds with other identified students, providing them with a means of meeting some of their
unique social and emotional needs.
Lÿ' there a £,radeopoiÿ,t d{/."/ereHce hetweel, Pre,°AP aÿd t, (JoAI-/G I corn ,ÿ,ÿo
No. Both types of courses receive what is called a weighted grade poinL meaning that a grade of
A in the course counts for five grade points rather than the ttaditional l'onr grade points. A grade
of B would count as [bur grade points, and so on. Grade point averages are not. usually
significant in junior high, but become more important with high school credit courses.
How caÿ* / fix,d out tÿo,'e aboÿ¢t adwmced coÿrsewor/{ iÿLjuuior h{gh ?
Parents of 5ÿ1 graders are invited to attend a Pre-AP hÿ./brmatioÿ Sessioÿ on January 12, 2015.
Parents may choose to attend a morning session at 10:00 AM, au afternoon session at 1:00 PM or
an evening session at 7:00 PM. A flyer with details will be sent home with 5ÿh grade students in