Notes of meeting at HDC Offices to discuss the Vindis Site in Fen

Notes of meeting at HDC Offices to discuss the Vindis Site in Fen Stanton on
2nd September 2014
Meeting attended by representatives from Fen Stanton PC, Hemingford Grey PC, St Ives TC,
Savills, CCC and HDC.
Vindis have appointed Savills to produce a development brief and obtain outline planning
permission for the site which is included in the draft HDC Local Plan. Planning can be sought
before the Local Plan is adopted in accordance with the National Planning Policy
The purpose of the meeting is to provide an update from Savills on the issues raised at the
July meeting.
Issues raised at previous meeting
Vehicle Access – Consultants have reviewed the access arrangements and confirm that use
of the existing site access is the best option. Access from the roundabout or from the A1096
would not be acceptable to CCC. Mitigation to reduce rat-running on Low Road to be
Pedestrian access – Dropped kerbs to be provided on Low Road to allow connection with
existing path adjacent to boat yard. A short section of new pavement to be provided along
London Road to connect with existing pavement. CCC intent to renew the pedestrian
crossing on London Road next year, it could be moved closer to the site to be more usable
to the new development without affecting existing users.
Bus stop – It is not practical to put an additional bus stop adjacent to the site. Residents will
have to use the existing stop on London Road. Savills will confirm distance from the site.
Flooding – All agreed that the pond should stay. Drainage survey indicates that there are no
inlets and outlets from the pond. The current site rainwater discharges to the ditch by the
boat yard. Money and method for ongoing maintenance for the pond to be included in any
planning application.
Parking – The draft HDC Local Plan does not contain general parking standards.
Development Brief will include requirement for adequate designated parking spaces,
generally with building plots, for residents and visitors. The aim is not to have parking on the
site roads.
General – HDC still reviewing how to adopt the Development Brief and the level of detail to
ensure final development is consistent with the Brief.
Next Steps – Public consultation likely early October with exhibition on the site 16.00 to
20.00. Savills to advise date with 2-3 weeks notice. The development brief will be submitted
in November followed by outline planning application before Christmas. Vindis will sell the
site to developers once outline planning is agreed.
That the report be received and its content noted.
Nick Dibben
2 September 2014