THIS IS AN INDICATIVE MASTERPLAN DIRFT III – the proposal to extend the unrivalled Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal is fully consented and we anticipate delivering the first buildings by the end of 2016. We are able to cater for requirements from 100,000 sq ft to 1.65m sq ft. In line with National, Regional and Local government objectives DIRFT III provides the step change for more occupiers to benefit from being located on the UK’s premier rail served logistics park. The DIRFT III proposals will include: n A rail link from the existing terminal to a n A lorry park (for some 300 vehicles and replacement rail terminal which includes new transhipment sidings, container storage and an HGV reception area free to use for drivers servicing DIRFT III) n Up to 7.86 million sq ft (731,000 sq m) of rail served storage and distribution floorspace n Minor highway works n Operational facilities including rail control building and staff facilities n Expected to employ around 9,000 people n Strategic open space n 173 acre (70 hectare) landscape and ecology zone known as Lilbourne Meadows 8 32 500,000 £100m+ million sq ft trains per day containers infrastructure fund of rail connected distribution space located in the Golden Triangle capacity to handle up to 32 freight trains in and out per day new terminal will have the capacity to handle over 500,000 freight containers per annum intended to be funded from Prologis in-house resources M1 4 £1billion 2.7 junction 18 miles from projected value million labour pool is immediately adjacent to the development and is accessible within 3 minutes the M1 / M6 / A14 interchange with fast access to the National motorway network buildings developed are intended to be held by Prologis funds available within 45 minute drive time of the development 6,300 24 9,000 B8 TEU’s hour security people warehouse / distribution new terminal will have capacity to store 6,300 twenty foot equivalent units (TEU) fully managed on site with mobile units patrolling the entire development are expected to be employed in the completed development facilities totalling 7.86 million sq ft with total flexibility and choice To Hinckley To J19 & Leicester ZONE B : 824,000 SQ FT ZONE A : 375,000 SQ FT ZONE B : 370,000 SQ FT ZONE B : 768,000 SQ FT A5 ZONE B : 347,000 SQ FT ZONE G : 672,000 SQ FT ZONE B : 433,000 SQ FT ZONE B : 282,000 SQ FT ZONE G : 927,000 SQ FT ZONE B : 250,000 SQ FT ZONE C : 183,000 SQ FT ZONE E : 474,000 SQ FT DIRFT II : 420,000 SQ FT A5 ZONE F : 824,000 SQ FT ZONE F : 474,000 SQ FT A428 ZONE F : 243,000 SQ FT M1 A5 A428 ZONE H : 185,000 SQ FT OPTIMA LOGISTICS A428 J18 West Coast Main Line To J17 & Northampton THIS IS OUR VISION CL O IFT N BR OO R KT IBU TA RY 70m SSD Pond C li f to B n ro ok 167 Lilbourne Meadows STOP Lorry Park Amenity Building STOP aces In addition to extensive landscaping around and throughout the site, a new 173 acres (70 hectare) area of open space will be created at the northern end of the site. g sp arkin car p STOP Pond Pond EE R Def OUT OUT OUT d Co Co M1 an HGV Park ns dy tB Dra in De f ZONE G : DC672 ZONE A : DC375 P STO P 375,000 sq ft Zone A 19.39 acres P STO 672,000 sq ft STO The Meadows De f 33.02 acres Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond 1. 22 Pond m RH STO A secure Lorry (HGV) park will be provided on site, providing space for some 300 HGVs. This will make it one of the largest in Northamptonshire. It is intended that its operation will be funded via the estate service charge, encouraging drivers serving DIRFT III to use it at no charge. P P STO STO P es ing ark rp ZONE B : DC824 P STO ac sp a 8c 28 1. 22 824,000 sq ft H m R aces g sp rkin r pa ca 354 38.42 acres Zone G Def RH STOP 1. 22 m STOP STOP ing ar 9c aces es ac sp rk pa g sp rkin r pa Railfreight Terminal ca 423 The DIRFT III proposals will include: a rail link from the existing terminal to a replacement rail terminal which includes new transhipment sidings, container storage and and an HGV reception area; up to 7.86 million sq ft (731,000 sq m) of rail served storage and distribution floorspace including rail control building and staff facilities. The development is likely to be completed over approximately 15 years. The proposals are also expected to employ around 9,000 people. ZONE B : DC370 26 370,000 sq ft 20.15 acres Pond ZONE B : DC347 347,000 sq ft 22.93 acres aces g sp arkin car p Mast 638 Heritage Art Site Rugby Radio Station DIRFT III Pavilion Ponds P STO Zone B P STO t en D Pond ZONE G : DC927 aces g sp arkin car p 5 595 EE 927,000 sq ft R an ZONE B : DC433 d Co STOP 43.91 acres Co ns d tB Dra STOP in y De 433,000 sq ft f A Ce M1 Issues De e rain in tat es of Pond l da roa Dra ine el ntr m ign Dra in P STO STOP P STO P STO P STO f 1 .2 22.93 acres Dra in 2m RH treli Cen in Pond in rki pa f esta ar Dra 6c ne o 33 Dra W sp te ro ng t men lign P STO STO P es 1 .2 ad a ac D rain STO P 768,000 sq ft Pond De f Shenley Farm aces g sp arkin ar p c 295 282,000 sq ft PE E OF URE ar 8c 21 rk pa P STO ING STR TO SLO BAS UCT AIN RET 1 .2 RFT Fueling/ Maintenance Area 15.42 acres in y 1:1 SLOPE APPROX 36.77 acres Dra Bd RFT Staff Welfare Building ZONE B : DC768 ZONE B : DC282 2m ard RH 2m RH P STO ing P STO ac sp 3m aces es + 11 +1 10 m +1 AO 0 +1 5m A D 00 OD m AO D AO D c 404 P STO P Pond Rail Hub Building STO Dr ain +1 0 +1 0m 05 AO m + AO D +1 110 14 m D m AO AO D D g sp rkin a ar p STO P Rugby Radio Station ZONE B : DC250 1.22m RH Dra Pond M1 Pond CLIF TON BROO IB K TR UTAR 250,000 sq ft Y 19 2m rd Wa Dr 3c ain 1 .2 12.40 acres m RH 1.22 y Dra in Dra in rk pa ing R d ac sp an Co ain ns es Co ain y Dr d tB Drain Bd Zone D ar EE Dr 70m SSD Pond D RH in New House Farm rain Pond OUT OUT d OUT Co Co 183,000 sqC ft Zone 10.51 acres f M1 an ns De f y Dr t Bd f IF Dra in CL ain Dra in De TO N f STOP STOP ZONE F : DC824 P STO 824,000 sq ft 39.86 acres 3c OO Ponds ar K Pond P STO 14 BR Pond Pond P STO R De EE Def De Zone A Indicative Primary Substation ZONE C : DC183 Pond STOP Lorry Park Amenity Building in rki ng sp m RH es ac 1.22 Pond Dra pa Pond Pond Pond 1.2 2m Zone G Def RH Dra ZONE F : DC474 6121 Pond Zone F in STO P 1.22 m Proposed rail link from DIRFT II to DIRFT III RH STO P 474,000 sq ft P STO Pond Pond STOP STOP D Drain 27.12 acres Pond STOP in ra ZONE E : DC474 Pond Rugby Radio Station Ponds Zone B 28.08 acres Pond Dra in in ain in Dr Dra Dra Pond aces g sp rkin a car p 230 474,000 sq ft Pavilion A M1 Issues 5 EE c 188 aces g sp rkin a ar p R Pond an Zone E De y f f 100.44 100 100. Def De .48 34 100. 30 100.20 Pond 100. 32 De f Cottage 0 A5 100.29 08 2 ) No 100.1 100. (T RH 14 99.7 24 100. 21 3 99.7 99.8 100. A lk 31 50 4 P/Wire Ash Trees 98.30 99.7 St one- f aced 54 ind ZONE F : DC243 243,000 sq ft 12.44 acres 98.31 0 KO 65 P/W 100. 98.37 99.8 es Ash c pa 100. 98.44 5 100.05 99.8 53 98.50 69 100.0 100. 7 2 62 78 3 RS 98.55 7 82 5 36 67 P/Wir e 100.5 7 100. 5m 8 Bush 100.8 8 101. Bro ok 53 ton 3 ent Clif 101.1 Ea100.5 sem 43 98.70 Haythog Farm Crick Covert 7 98.63 s 101.9 250m Radius Ash 100. 100.4 98.58 09 98.55 100. 100. P/W 100.3 rp a 8c RS 100. 100.4 100. 98.49 99.99 St r aight 74 KO 100. Bush 98.57 ing ark 0 100.2 58 98.48 99.9 100. 98.74 PE 98.85 5 Wa ll Weir Wei H/ 98.6 99.6 98.74 98.76 nc 500mm Co 5 B/Wal l St r aight r St r aight ic Cr of ne rt ve Co 64 100. 98.40 8 PE 100. Drain R an d Co in Co Proposed eli ntr Ce 64 98.26 6 100. 99.7 ok KO Bush G r a s s 99.98 Bro 8 50 Clif ton Pond 99.6 r einf or ced s o il s lope (70de g) PE 100. in 1 54 Dra 99.6 45 New House Farm in y 100. 98.12 100. Bd k KO 99.8799. Ash 1 100.4 rail link 37 Dra RH Zone D EE Dra Crick Lodge ns ain y Dr t Bd N DA ES W AY Pond De f Zone C f Dra CL in IF TO N ZONE F : PLOT 1 - 474,000 SQ FT f OO De BR K Ponds Dr Siding No.1 Siding No.2 Gabion r et ain ing s t r uct ur e Zone F Drain Pond Ups t and Pedes t r ian w alkway St one- f aced r einf or ced s o il s lope (70de g) ain Pond El Sub Sta El Sub Sta Drain D ra in Pond St r aight Pond Pond St r aight Drain Pond Pond Pond Zone E ED & Ward Bdy Pond Haythog Cottage M1 Haythog f CL De f Def De Dollman Farm 5 Balancing A ain 100. 2m W ard ain 5 1.2 Dr 100.3 Dr De P/W Pond In contrast with the indicative masterplan, this Parameters Plan highlights the complete flexibility of this proposed development, with the Development Zones shown in white. .26 Pond Flexible Plot Sizes Ponds 98.29 99.76 ain RH 99.7 98.35 RFT Fueling/ Maintenance Area 2m 9 1 98.37 Dr 1.2 99.8 99.7 5 100 f 99.5 98.17 De Shenley Farm 9 9 tiv ica 6 C/Lin 99.91 99.8 1:1 SLOPE APPROX s cce te ou sr ea 5 RFT Staff Welfare Building 100. rth 100. Haythog Cottage Haythog 100.1 Dr m Pond 2 y 100.2 1. 22 ain rk pa 5 Bd .55 ar d 34 100 ain W IC Dr 100. Pond ing ar 8c 36 A C/L Drain ED & Ward Bdy M1 RH STO P 2m P t Bd 1.2 Drain es ac sp STO ns Def Co ain P Co Dr STO d Pond Cottage IFT A ON 5 Ponds BR Balancing Pond Pond Sl OO Haythog Farm K ED Dra Crick Covert Tanks & in W ar d SW y NE Bd DA AY Pond DIRFT I De St r aight St r aight f ED and Ward Bdy E E R a nd C o C ons t Bdy El Sub Sta El Sub Sta Balancing 5 A NE Pond DA 377m Rad 210m Rad Und CD Pond .O. 1/4 L.H.T Sl OO Cv 9 Tanks ED K & d Bd DIRFT CD D 215 m Rad y ROA .25 ar Spring CK 106 W Pond AY BR Drain El Sub Sta SW ON f IFT Def Balancing Pond Pond CRI De CL Straight Pond Pond Pond DA NE Depot Depot f AY De SW Depot Pond 21 5m CD Ra d Spring St St raig ra ht ig ht Pond Depot Shelter Depot re P/Wi 1.2m Ht 6 105.7 Pond 105.65 s 13 105.54 105.48 Cv 105.38 105.32 105.23 SNP Sl 105.12 105.02 104.94 BT IC 104.91 P/Wire Ht 1.2m 104.74 ra Pond A 42 8 St A 428 Pond R.H .T.O 105.82 Pond 1.22m RH DIRFT II . 106.49 ht 106.40 ig CD 1.22m RH Sl Ht 12m 104.76 104.74 EE R 22 m RH B dy an d AC CE DO OR S TP P/Wire DO OR S m RH TO P SS BU RH PA L nd A W 1. 22 & El Sub Sta 5 m ar m EL RH AC CE A SS 5 R PA K SIDE TRAC DO OR S 0 RH 1. 22 El Sub Sta EV 2m 92 2L ESS 1 .2 y Hotel 8 DIRFT II : DC420 M 1 Bd RH d DO OR S ESS NB SIDEASES ED DO CK Po MA WA NA STE G AR EME NT EA M 21 A 5 El Sub Sta S AN BARBTO G AB Y LANE IO 65 Garage Pond RK D AN PL HU B Ponds 42 G 5 DO CK (PH) A G Ht 1.2m ESS 1. 22 Halfway House 2m El Sub Sta Ht 10m 21 1 .2 Ht 6m SI SS st B dy A Co C on in 1. 104.84 G 5 DIRFT II st Bdy 104.89 EL A Co Con 104.84 EV ra and 2L D Bdy A 428 420,000 sq ft KL AN DS TIC M 1 Junction 18 AY Garage El Sub Sta Hotel y 8 A in A 5 42 M 1 Bd RH SID ING 5 d 2m RH ar ESS 1 .2 OPTIMA LOGISTICS 5 2m RH El Sub Sta 117. 88 117 .17 116 .95 Pond A 428 Nortoft Farm DIRFT II provides over 2 million sq ft (185,000 sq m) of rail served logistics accommodation. Occupiers include Sainsbury's and Tesco. Strongs Farm Pond A 5 Balancing Pond CE LT IC W M 1 Junction 18 AY The original DIRFT I estate includes 16 warehouse buildings and a rail port (the ‘intermodal area’) with associated rail sidings. As part of the proposals for DIRFT III, the current intermodal area will be closed (able to accommodate a unit of 185,000 sq ft), with the sidings remaining. DIRFT I has a range of occupiers including Tesco, DHL, Malcolm Group, Royal Mail, Eddie Stobart and an IBIS hotel. Cloverlea Nortoft Lodge Farm CE LT IC W AY N 0m 100m 500m RA RO AC H El Sub Sta ED Pond Tank PP El Sub Sta TA Operated by Malcolm Rail OR Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal ILP Pond Pond & in y RH Pond Bd Nortoft Farm d 2m ar 1 .2 W THIS IS AN INDICATIVE MASTERPLAN Dra m 2m 22 W 1 .2 1. A A & FU LL LE NG TH CA NO PY TO RA IL nd A 428 ra L CE W ED 23.62 acres Po A 5 Balancing Pond D RH Ponds Strongs Farm 1 .2 EER Prologis is the leading global provider of logistics real estate. Working with retailers, manufacturers and 3PL operators the company owns and manages 20 million sq ft of industrial space in prime locations across the UK. Across the Americas, Europe and Asia, Prologis’ modern facilities in 21 countries are leased to more than 4,700 customers with properties and development projects of 574 million sq ft. Prologis operates as a publicly traded real estate investment trust (REIT), managing $51.1 billion in combined total assets and is one of the few real estate companies able to take a leading role in both global and regional markets as a property developer, owner and manager. Prologis offers the development expertise required to manage complex infrastructure projects and build bespoke facilities to high standards of sustainability, designed to meet customers’ precise needs. DIRFTIII.COM 020 7493 4933 0121 643 6440 020 7499 8644 0121 634 8400 Conditions under which particulars are issued: Burbage Realty, JLL and Savills for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they give notice that: (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for guidance of intended purchasers or lessors, and do not constitute nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the employment of Burbage Realty, JLL or Savills has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Photographs are indicative only. All dimensions are approximate. July 2014.
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