8. 学会賞等
呉 国忠、日本放射線化学会賞奨励賞(高温放射線化学反応研究の展開とその特異性の解明)
岡本 孝司、可視化情報学会 論文賞 (2001)
杉井 康彦、4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry 2001 Best Oral Presentation Award
Apr. 5, 2001
Department of Medicine, Nuclear and Radiobiology, University of Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Canada
Dec. 18, 2001
Recognition and DNA Damages Onset of Successful Repair: Computational and
Experimental Approach, Ibaraki, Japan.
Jan. 5, 2002
Pune University Workshop on Radiation and Photochemistry, Pune, India
Jan. 8, 2002
The 3rd Asian Photochemistry Conference, Mumbai, India
K. Okamoto, "Quantitative Visualization for free-suface turbulence and reacting interface," Invited Talk at Sung Kyun Kwan
University, Korea (2001/6/1)
岡本 孝司、
「ビジュアルデータマイニング」 第 29 回可視化情報シンポジウム(2001/7/23)、新宿、基調講演
M. Stanislas, K. Okamoto and C. Kaehler, "PIV Challenge 01, preliminary results of the first workshop," Invited Lecture at
the 4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Goettingen, Germany (2001/9/17)
岡本 孝司、
「レーザとデータマイニング (定量可視化の発展)」日本機械学会関東支部第8 期講演会(2002/3/15)、
K. Okamoto, "Quantitative Visualization Challenges," Invited Talk at Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea,