BANK OF MAHARASHTRA SC/ST & OBC EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION Regd. No. 655/97 : Pune Central House Bank Office Regd. Office E-mail Website : : : : : 81, Shankar Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Mehadia Square, Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440012. 1501, 1st Floor, BOM, "Lokmangal", Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411 005. Flat - 11, Shantikunj Co-op. Hsg Society, S. No. 14/15, Wanowadi, Pune. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] {X. 5TH Aà¡c 2014 g§X^© : BOMSCSTOBC/EMP/ASO/GS/2014/01. g^r gXñ¶, ~¢H$ Am°’$ ‘hmamï´>, Eggr/EgQ>r EÊS> Amo~rgr Eåßcm¶rO Egmo{gEeZ {චghH${‘©¶m|, ""O¶^r‘'' {df¶ : ^maVaËZ S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a Or H$s 123 dt O¶§Vr Ho$ Adga na hm{X©H$ ew^H$m‘ZmE§ & h‘mao Xoe Ho$ g§{dYmZ Ho$ aM¶oVm ^maVaËZ S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a Or H$s 123 dt O¶§Vr ‘ZmZo ‘| h‘| Agr‘ AmZ§X Ed§ Jm¡ad H$m AZw^d hmo ahm h¡ & Xoe Ho$ ì¶mnH$ {hV Ed§ Om{V, n§W ¶m Y‘© H$mo ܶmZ ‘| Z aIVo hþE CgHo$ ZmJ[aH$m| Ho$ H$ë¶mU H$s ~mV gmoMZodmco do EH$ AmXe© ZoVm Wo VWm CÝhmoZo h‘oem AnZo g‘¶ go ~hþV AmJo H$s gmoM aIH$a H$m¶© {H$¶m & nX-X{cV, H$‘Omoa, Cno{jV, CËnr{S>V, Jar~, Z§Jo-^yIm| Ed§ emo{fV dJ© Ho$ do ‘grhm VWm Eogo cmoJm| H$mo C~maZo H$m H$m¶© CÝhmoZo ~S>o hr Iwco {Xc go {H$¶m & CZH$m ì¶{º$Ëd ‘¥XþcVm, gö¶Vm d g‘¶mZwgma H$R>moaVm H$m {‘lU Wm & CÝhmoZo gX¡d AnZo cmoJm| H$mo g§Hw${MV Ñ{ï>H$moU go D$na CR>H$a amï´> Ho$ ì¶mnH$ {hV H$s ~mV gmoMZo H$m AmdmhZ {H$¶m & {dœ Ho$ do hr àW‘ Ed§ A§{V‘ ^maVr¶ h¢ {OÝho CZHo$ emoY H$m¶© ''àmãco‘ Am°’$ énr'' na AW©emó ‘| S> H$s {S>J«r go gÝ‘m{ZV {H$¶m J¶m Wm & CÝhmoZo Bg ~mV na ~c {X¶m {H$ Xoe Ho$ Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ {cE ¶h Amdí¶H$ h¡ {H$ g^r ^maVr¶m| H$mo g‘mZ A{YH$ma àXmZ {H$E OmE§ & Eggr/EgQ>r Ed§ Amo~rgr Ho$ gXñ¶ hmoZo Ho$ ZmVo h‘Zo AnZo {චg§ñWmZ Ed§ Xoe Ho$ {hV ‘| n[aUm‘H$maH$ ¶moJXmZ {X¶m h¡ & h‘mao Egmo{gEeZ H$m na‘ CÔoí¶ h¡ {H$ h‘ Bg g‘mO/g§ñWmZ H$mo g^r àH$ma Ho$ njnmV/^oX^md go ‘wº$ H$a| Vm{H$ h‘mam g§ñWmZ Ed§ Xoe CÎmamoÎma àJ{V na AJ«ga hmo & AnZr {ejm, ~wpÜX Ed§ AZw^d Ho$ AmYma na h‘ AnZo Egmo{gEeZ Ed§ g§ñWmZ H$mo Am¡a A{YH$ geº$ Ed§ àJ{Verc ~Zm gH$Vo h¢ & h‘Zo gX¡d ‘mZdVm go ñZoh {H$¶m h¡ VWm gm‘m{OH$ Agm‘ZVm, Aݶm¶ Ed§ emo{fV cmoJm| H$mo ‘wº$/CÝ‘y{cV H$aZo H$s H$mo{ee H$s h¡ & Bg nmdZ Adga na Amn g~go ‘oar göX¶ JwOm[ae h¡ {H$ ñd¶§-Ho$pÝÐV Z ahVo hþE AnZo {චgXñ¶m| H$mo {dœmg ‘| c| VWm CÝho ñd¶§-àoaUm go H$m¶© H$aZo hoVw àmoËgm{hV H$a| & h‘ g~na AnZo ‘hmZ ZoVm S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a Or Ho$ AmXem] H$m nmcZ H$aZo H$s ‘hV {µOå‘oXmar h¡ VWm Bg H$m¶© H$mo h‘| AnZo AWH$ à¶mgm| Ed§ B©‘mZXmar go hm{gc H$aZm h¢ & h‘mam ‘w»¶ cú¶ Ed§ CÔoí¶ h¡ AnZo gXñ¶m| H$mo D$na CR>mE± Ed§ CÝho AnZo A{YH$mam| Ho$ à{V OmJéH$ H$a| & {ejm, EH$mË‘Vm Ed§ Am§XmocZ h‘mao ‘grhm Ûmam h‘| ^oQ> {H$E JE {gÜXm§V h¢ {OgH$s ~w{Z¶mX na h‘ Am¡a A{YH$ AmË‘{dídmg Ho$ gmW {Z^©¶ hmoH$a H$m¶© H$a gH$Vo h¢ & A~ g‘¶ Am J¶m h¡ {H$ h‘ g‘J« én go AnZo Egmo{gEeZ Ho$ {hV H$s ~mV gmoM| & ^maVr¶ JUVÝÌ Ho$ OZH$ Ed§ ^maVr¶ g§{dYmZ Ho$ {eënH$ma S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a Or H$mo {dZ‘« Z‘Z H$aVo h¢ & ^dXr¶, AmZ§X Eg. ahmQ>o ‘hmg{Md. s.shende/p.meshram/j.waghmare BANK OF MAHARASHTRA SC/ST & OBC EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION Regd. No. 655/97 : Pune Central House Bank Office Regd. Office E-mail Website : : : : : 81, Shankar Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Mehadia Square, Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440012. 1501, 1st Floor, BOM, "Lokmangal", Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411 005. Flat - 11, Shantikunj Co-op. Hsg Society, S. No. 14/15, Wanowadi, Pune. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] TH Ref.:BOMSCSTOBC/EMP/ASO/GS/2014/01. Date: 5 April 2014 To All Members of Bank of Maharashtra SC/ST & OBC Employees Association. Dear Colleagues JAIBHEEM, Sub.: Glowing tributes to Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on the occasion of 123rd Birth Anniversary. rd It gives us immense pleasure and honour to celebrate 123 Birth Anniversary of our founding father of Constitution of India Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. He was a true leader always in terms of the larger interests of the country and welfare of its people, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and is always ahead of its time. He was Messiah of the downtrodden, oppressed, depressed, naked, hungry, neglected and exploited people in a rare jubilant mood. He was a combination of softness, bitterness and softheartedness. He always asked his people to shed narrow outlook and think in welfare of the Nation as a whole. He was the first and last Indian to achieve degree of D.SC. in Economics, with his thesis on 'Problem of Rupee- Its Origin & its Solution' in the World. He emphasised on equal rights to all Indians for economic development. We being the member of SC/ST and OBC have effectively contributed in the interest of our beloved Institute and Country. The main objective of our Association is to make our society free with all discriminations that will take our Institute as well as country on the path of progress. With our education, intelligence, knowledge and experience we can make our Association and Institute more powerful and progressive. We always loved humanity and tried to emancipate and eradicate the inequalities & injustice. On this pious occasion, my humble request is to initiate and liberate our beloved members without being self centred. The great responsibility has fallen on our shoulders that we should endeavour to follow our great leader Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar sincerely and always keep in view the position it had once attained. Our aim and object is to arouse our members and make them conscious of their rights. Educate-Unite-Agitate is only the prime principle gifted by our messiah that will make us work more confidently and fearlessly. Now the time had come to think in wider interest of our Association as a whole. We salute to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Father of Indian Republic and Architect of Indian Constitution. Yours faithfully, Anand S. Rahate, General Secretary. s.shende/p.meshram/j.waghmare
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