The Iva Chimes - April 2014

The Iva Chimes
Zion Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan
April 2014
What’s Inside
Prayer Corner
Page 2
Page 2
Easter Flowers
Page 2
Pastor’s Page
Page 3
LWML Spring Rally
Page 3
Board of Education News
Page 4
The Peacock’s Symbolism
Page 4
Page 5
Loons Baseball
Page 5
93rd Annual Chicken Dinner Page 5
Stewardship Update
Page 5
Youth Activity
Friday, April 11
6-9 pm
Movie & Game Night
Come watch
“Ring the Bell”
Test your talents at our
version of
“Minute to Win It”
What’s Inside
Maundy Thursday Worship April 17—7:00 pm w/Communion
Good Friday Worship April 18—1:00 pm w/Communion
Easter Sunrise Service April 20– 6:30 am w/Communion
Easter Breakfast following until 8:30 am
Easter Festival Service April 20 –9:30 am w/Communion
April 2014
The Iva Chimes
Prayer Corner of the World…
April 2014 Calendar
Iran…is the ninth ranked country of the world in
severity of persecution of Christians. Since Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s warning in 2010 of the ever-expanding influence and numbers of house
churches, the treatment of Christians has rapidly
worsened. The regime tries to destroy those
who reach out to converts and seekers by monitoring services, arresting converts, banning Farsi language services and closing some churches. Attacks against Christian communities have
increased, and the prohibition of house church
activities is enforced more strictly. Yet, the
regime’s harsh treatment of Christians only further fuels the flames of church growth.
Pray, that because preaching, evangelism and
publishing Christian books in the Farsi language
is illegal, there would be protection for those
seeking to spread God’s Word inside the country.
Pray that because it is said that children of political and spiritual leaders are leaving Islam for
Christianity, that more Muslims will discover the
truth of the Gospel.
Pray, that because there are at least 40 Christians who are in prison for their faith, that the
Lord would sustain them.
Praying with you,
Pastor Paul Hauser
April 1
9:00 am LWR Quilters; NO Church Council Meeting
April 2
10:30 am Bible Study; 5:30 pm Soup Supper; 7 pm Lenten Worship
April 6
9:30 am Worship/Communion, fellowship following
10:45 am Sunday School, 11:00 am Confirmation Class, Choir
April 8
9:00 am LWR Quilters; 7 pm Evangelism/Stewardship, Trustees
April 9
10:30 am Bible Study; 5:30 pm Soup Supper; 7 pm Lenten Worship
April 10
10:00 am Prayer Chain; 7:00 Elders
April 11
6-9:00 pm Youth Movie & Game Night
April 13—Palm Sunday
9:30 am Worship/Communion, fellowship following
10:45 am Sunday School, 11:00 am Conf. Class, Choir
April 15
9:00 am LWR Quilters
April 16
10:30 am Bible Study
April 17—Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service w/Communion
April 18—Good Friday
1:00 pm Good Friday Service w/Communion
April 20— Easter Sunday
6:30 am Easter Sunrise w/Communion
7:30 am Easter Breakfast
8:30 am Easter Festival Service w/Communion
April 15
9:00 am LWR Quilters
April 27
April 29
9:00 am LWR Quilters
April 30
Altar Guild
Forms to order Easter flowers will be
available in the narthex. Tulips, hyacinths, and lilies will be available for $7
and azaleas will be $12. Please make
checks payable to Zion Lutheran
Church. Please have orders turned in
the church office by April Sunday, April
6th so we can place the order.
The Iva Chimes
April 2014
Pastor’s Page…
When a loved one comes close to death, as our granddaughter did this past month, or someone
you love actually dies, the resurrection of Jesus Christ means a whole lot more as He is the Great
Physician who heals the sick, dying, and dead by His resurrection power as the Son of God! A
greater grip of appreciation for who Jesus is, runs through our veins to rejoice more now and when
future threats try to rob us of our joy.
Pastor Paul Hauser
Without the resurrection, St. Paul reminds us that our hope is in vain. We are like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus
with nothing to feel but self-pity and sadness. But, with the resurrection of Jesus Christ everything changes. The blind see.
The lame walk. The dead rise, and we have hope that is sure in this life and for the next. Jesus has risen to remind us we
are adopted by baptism as His for a lifetime, an eternity! Jesus has risen to remind us that His body and blood can help us
rise above the valleys of shadows in life and death. Jesus has risen to speak Words of comfort and reassurance in His
promises, and to listen to our breaking hearts that need His ear, His heart, His life for ours.
People without hope commit suicide. People without hope who live, have lost their joy and are like the walking dead. What
has brought you to the brink of depression and wondered if life is worth living anymore? Who has died, and made your life
seem like a shell of its former self? What sickness has dropped a weight on your shoulders that seems more than you can
bear? He is risen! He is risen! He is risen! Indeed! Hallelujah! I know we are still in the season of repentance, Lent, and
we need to fight the good fight of faith by trusting His promise to forgive us and empower us. But, Easter is coming, and our
joy is within us by faith already, to remember when anything seeks to sink our boat. Jesus is with us, Immanuel. He saves,
and He is for us, our God and Savior, and nothing can separate us from His love! You can bet your life on it! So, rejoice
with me over relatives coming home from the hospital and friend’s faith in the face of life threatening diseases, and whenever
you are hurting because of someone or something in life. Soak up His Word that is alive for you to appreciate your everpresent God and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose hands we are in, whether we live or die!
Thank you for all your prayers for Miriam!
Pastor Paul Hauser
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League 2014 Spring Rally
of the Saginaw Valley Zone
Saturday, May 3, 2014, Zion Lutheran Church, Hemlock
A continental breakfast will be served at 8:30am with the worship service and Rally at 9:00 am.
Lunch to follow meeting. Registration is $6.00
Our guest speaker will be Alison Couturier, our Young Woman Representative to the
National Convention. She will be speaking on how God transformed her from baby to adult.
In-gathering items will be for Abortion Alternatives.
Their current needs are:
Girls 6-9 months through 4 Toddler clothing, all seasons, Boys 18 months through 4 Toddler clothing, all seasons, Baby
wipes, Diapers size newborn, 1,3, & 4, Infant Toddler socks, Pajamas in sizes newborn through 4 Toddler, Onesies in sizes
newborn through 24 months (or 2T). (See Annette Berger with questions)
April 2014
The Iva Chimes
From the Board of Christian Education
Michelle Beyersdorf, Carol Little, Janice Hingston, Becky Kumar, Carmen Rowe
All congregational members and their families are invited to attend Zion's Easter breakfast which will be held immediately following the 6:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service on April 20th and end at 8:30 a.m. Free will donations will be accepted.
Donations of 13 breakfast casseroles and other breakfast items, such as mixed fruit,
pastries, and coffee cakes, are needed to be served at the breakfast. Please consider donating a breakfast casserole or other breakfast item by signing the sheets in
the narthex. Casseroles should be fully cooked and brought to the kitchen before
the 6:30 a.m. service to be kept warm until the breakfast begins. Volunteers are
also needed in the kitchen and dining area. Sign up sheets are also in the narthex. Thank you for your consideration in donating food or your time. See a member of the Board of Christian Education with questions.
Zion Lutheran congregational members who are interested in sending their children to a local Missouri Synod Lutheran
school for the 2014-15 school year and are seeking tuition assistance, please contact any member of the Christian
Board of Education. They can provide you with a copy of the tuition covenant offered by Zion Lutheran Church.
Congregational members who have received tuition assistance in the past and wish to
receive assistance for the 2014-2015 school year, please check your mailbox beginning
April 6 for the covenant. Please review the covenant in regards to the expectations of
each family to receive tuition assistance. Please return your completed covenant to the
Board of Education by May 4, 2014, so budgeting for the upcoming school year tuition
can be completed in May. Completed forms can be turned in to Carol Little's church
If we do not receive the signed form by the deadline, we will assume you will not be accepting tuition assistance for the
2014-2015 school year. Thank you for your passion to provide your child with a Christian education.
The Peacock’s Symbolism
The beautiful peacock is likely one of the lesser-known Christian symbols. Based
on an ancient myth that its flesh doesn’t decay after death, early Christians appropriated the bird as a symbol of immortality. The molting of its tail feathers
each year to be replaced with supposedly more beautiful ones led to use of the
peacock as a sign of resurrection and glorification.
Additionally, the eye-like pattern in the peacock’s tail feathers made it a symbol of conscience and of God, who
sees all. However, the peacock also represents arrogance as it struts to show off its plumage. During the Baroque period, the peacock was often part of artwork at the 10th Station of the Cross, depicting Jesus stripped
of his clothing—atoning, according to some teachings, specifically for our sin of vanity.
Early Christians believed peacocks shriek when they catch sight of their feet, which they consider ugly. Christians took this as a reminder that we, too, should lament our spiritual imperfections that detract from the
beauty of life lived in Christ.
The Iva Chimes
April 2014
April Birthdays
2 Penny Brown
Ariana Duma
Alena Duma
4 Dennis Osmond
Amber Richnak
5 Mary Hollingsworth
8 Ryan Frost
9 Ryan Hilbrandt
10 Beth Hagarty
Adam Beyersdorf
11 Jim Dietrich
Carol Card
Travis Yell
13 Robin Diebel
Chelsea Gath
Sharon Hyatt
Bridget Stange
14 Jessalie Flores
15 Carl Roggow
Cash Kruth
Larry Kade
16 Wilma Wolgast
Steve Kumar
Rebecca Hodges
18 Sierra Yell
Kimberly Rose
19 Megan Rich
20 Jordan Hingston
David Berger
Jonathan Berger
Jim McQuiston
Marsha Pretzer
22 Natalie Schultz
23 Shirley Fraser
Sierra Hanson
25 Bruce La Londe
26 Dick Gofton
Mark Richardson
Katie McCoy
Thomas Hollingsworth
27 Delia Winslow
29 Neil Beyersdorf
30 Jacob White
April 9
April 16
April 21
April 22
April 24
April 26
April 29
John & Carrie Gardner
Chris & Jerry Farrar
Elmer & Barb Willman
Jerry & Julie Keel
Bruce & Pauline La Londe
Laurel & Kevin Ross
Jim & Geri Hingston
93rd Annual
Chicken Dinner
April 27, 2014
Adults $10
Children 5-12 $5
Under 5 are free
Tired of Old Man Winter?
Think Summer!
It's time to "Play ball!"
Come join Zion Lutheran for
Faith/Fireworks Night on
Saturday, June 14th.
We have reserved 100 seats in
Section 102. Look in the coming
weeks for the sign up sheet in
the narthex.
Contact Mike Hingston
if you have any questions.
Offerings Received
for the Lord’s Work
As of March 23, 2014
Income received from:
Loose Plate
General Fund Envelopes
Misc. Other Income, Rent
Total Income
Income 1/1/14 thru 3/23/2014
Expenses 1/1/14 to 3/23/2014
Income minus Expense
$ 45,161
$ 49,638
Amount needed weekly $4,303 per budget
Amount needed thru 3/23/14 (12 wks) $ 51,636
Amount received thru 3/23/14
$ 45,161
Shortfall per budget thru 3/23/14
($ 6,475)
Zion Lutheran Church
17927 Dice Road
Hemlock, Michigan 48626
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Zion Lutheran Church — Hemlock
Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor: Rev. Paul Hauser
Church Office - 989-642-5909
Secretary Office Hours Tues. & Thurs. 2-4 pm
Fri 9 am-11 am
Pastor’s Cell Phone
Zion Prayer Chain
Zion’s E-mail
Zion’s Website
[email protected]
Zion’s newsletter, “The Iva Chimes” is published monthly. Information to
be included in the newsletter is due on or before the 23rd of the month
and can be emailed to the church.
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30 A.M. Divine Worship Service
10:45 am Sunday School (Sept—May)
(Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)
The mission and vision of Zion Lutheran Church is to
share Jesus with all people as we
J~oyfully worship
E~ducate all people
S~hare God’s Word
U~tilize all gifts
S~erve all souls