ZION’S MISSION STATEMENT We are claimed, gathered, and sent forth to serve and witness in Jesus’ name. MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, February 7th, 8:00 a.m. at Amor Rumors. Bring a friend or neighbor! JOIN THE CHOIR! If you like to sing, the choir is the place for you. The Zion choir will begin its 2015 season with rehearsal on Wednesday, February 11th at 6:30 p.m. Please remember that if you do not use your voice, you lose it. Celebrate the New Year by serving your church with your voice! NEW MEMBER SUNDAY The next new member Sunday is March 8th. Contact Pastor Jim, Intern Pastor Keith or the office if you are interested in membership or associate membership. ZION WEST Valentine Party Inside this Newsletter 1-2 General News 3 Pastor’s Paragraphs 4 Intern Offerings 5 Musically Speaking/ Library News 6 Sunday school/ Equal Exchange 7 God’s Acres/Lent 8 Financial Reports 9 Council Minutes Summary 10 February - Birthdays, Anniversaries, Action Group lists Calendar is on the Tidings Wrapper If you plan to attend the Zion West party get together on Saturday, Feb. 14th in AZ and haven’t notified the Westlinds, please call them at 480-802-0994. Turn out the lights! We have noticed several Sundays and evenings when the lights at Zion were left on. Please be sure to turn off all the lights when you leave. Ash Wednesday is February 18th Service at 6:45 p.m. No soup supper this year before the Ash Wednesday service. Lenten Services Wednesday Lenten Services are Feb 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 at 6:45 p.m. Our scheduled speakers are: February 25th – TBD March 4th - Kat Melchior March 11th – Mission Jamaica Participants March 18th – Pat Garza March 25th – Karen Zell A soup supper will be at 6:00 p.m. preceding each Lenten service. The signup sheet to provide soup and/or bread and milk is in the Narthex. If you provide soup or bread, we would appreciate if you would help serve and clean up. Thank you! As part of your Lenten journey we have placed Lenten coin folders on the table in the narthex and in the Tidings for those who would like to use them. Each day, as you place a gift in this folder, make it a time for deciding how you may make the day one that reflects the spirit with which Jesus Christ lived His life and came through victoriously. 1 FROM THE OFFICE Volunteers are needed to work occasionally at the Battle Lake Food Shelf. The Food Shelf is open Thursdays from 2 – 6 p.m. Work shifts are 2 -4 p.m. or 4 – 6 p.m. Contact Pastor Jim if you would like to help out! Copies of the Annual Report and Directory are available in the narthex. THANK YOU NOTES The office has received thank you notes from the following: - Faith Haven for our continued Support. - Lutheran Social Service for the donation to Camp Knutson. - Lutheran Social Service of MN of the donation of winter items. - Lakeland Hospice for the recent gift of money. - Someplace Safe for gift of money -Waters of Grace in Frazee for the donation. OTC LYO Sunday & Monday Feb 15th & 16th Ski at Andes and overnight at Faith Haven. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. Prayer Rookies February 8th at 6:30 p.m. CONFIRMATION CLASS Wednesday, February 4th 6:00 p.m. ---------------------------------- February Book Discussion The Walk Richard Paul Evans Wednesday, Feb. 5th 1:30 p.m. QUILTING Zion quilting takes place on Monday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at Zion. Everyone is welcome to come. There are many ways you can help. No sewing experience needed. THANK YOU! The Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve offerings totaled $5,566.00. Thank you for your gifts. It was divided among Camp Knutson, Helping Hands of Zion, ELCA World Hunger, The People’s Church of Bemidji and Humble Walk Lutheran Church. God bless your stewardship. Please join us for a book discussion of The Walk. It is about the physical and spiritual journey of Alan Christoffersen who lost everything at the same time. Taking with him only the barest of essentials, he leaves behind all that he’s known and heads for the farthest point on his map: Key West, Florida. The people he encounters along the way, and the lessons they share with him, will save his life—and inspire yours. The book can be purchased on Amazon. Quantity is limited in Zion's library. The Walk is also available at public libraries. ALL ARE WELCOME! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE OPEN DOOR ALL CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY The Open Door Youth Center is looking for volunteers. Their goal is to be open each day after school until 6:00 p.m. but can’t due to the lack of volunteers. The Open Door is located behind the Baptist Church in Battle Lake. Call Rich at 864-5004 for more information. --------------------------------------------- Wednesday, February 18th at 1:30 p.m. at Zion. Mary Circle will be serving. Due to the difficulty in finding enough soups during lent, we do not plan on having soup suppers on Ash Wednesday or Maundy Thursday. OUR SYMPATHY in the death of their loved ones: MARY CIRCLE will be serving communion on Sunday Feb 8th, 18th and 22nd. Bev Brandt and her family on the death of her sister. Meet Margi Preus – Award Winning MN Author. Ms. Preus will be at the Battle Lake School on Thurs, Feb 26th. Prepare your children with these wonderful books: Celebrate Trees West of the Moon Shadow on the Mountain Each of these books is in our Zion Library. 2 Pastor’s Paragraphs Dear Members and friends, Wow! What a response to the suitcases for Jamaica! Our group is overwhelmed at the response for suitcases and for items to fill them! Thank you so much for the donations. We have also received a number of generous monetary donations for which I thank you. Your support of this mission endeavor is gratifying. We are going to build/remodel another house this year as well as work at Westhaven. We will have a presentation at one of the Lenten Services so you can see what your gifts have accomplished. Thank you again for your generosity. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and work. Your thoughts and prayers mean a great deal to us and to the people of Jamaica. Making the trip this year are: Duane & Nancy Hanson, Craig & Nancy Johnson, Duane & Rose Hovland, Le & Barb Boyer, Andrea Hanson, Deanna Hanson, Teri CusickWetta and daughters Katie, Taylor, & Lauren, Kris Zyskowski –(Boyers children/grandchildren), Linda Scott and friends Deb Kallevig, and Linda Marten. Susan Hodder, a friend of Andrea Hanson is also going with us. All together we are a group of 20 representing Zion! Lent is fast approaching! This year we are trying something a little different: we are not going to have soup suppers on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. The hope is that it will be easier to fill the soup supper volunteers list with fewer days to bring soup. Let me know what you think. I am very excited about our Lenten Services this year! Like last year, we have lined up members of Zion who will be sharing their faith stories and talking about how their faith relates to their work, family, and daily lives. Martin Luther emphasized that we are all a part of “the priesthood of all believers” which really means that in every aspect of our lives we are ministers-priests. A person doesn’t have to be a pastor to be a minister—our bulletins state that every week! We are all ministers. We share our faith with those around us through all the things we do. Our scheduled speakers for this year are: March 18th – Pat Garza March 25th – Karen Zell-Verhelst I hope to see you at the services as well as the soup suppers. Start thinking about when you can bring soup/chili and the tasty kind you’ll be bringing! Thank you, Santa! Once again, I have to say “Thank You” to that special Santa who leaves a gift bag for me on Christmas Eve! Thank you so much for the nice gifts! The nuts, candy, canister and peanuts, and the wine were just great! Thank you so much for the gifts and for remembering me at Christmas! In Christ’s Service, Pastor Jim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A New Spin on the Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I’m clearly not you, God. At least not the last time I checked. And while you’re at it, God, please give me the courage to change what I need to change about myself, which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect. It’s better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people. Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they’re talking about except me, or that I alone have all the answers. Basically, God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I’m not you. Amen." February 25th-- TBD March 4th – Katie Melchior March 11th – Mission Jamaica Group 3 INTERN OFFERINGS Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Even after 11 years, I can still feel the heat of the fire, smell the burning wood, hear it crackling. Tim and I were sitting alone in front of his fireplace on a late Sunday evening. Beside me was a neatly-piled stack of notecards arranged in chronological order; on each were written a single word, phrase, sentence, or name that referred to something in my life that had made an impact on me. I went through each card and talked about it, revealing the deepest, and sometimes the darkest, moments of my life – things I had never told anyone else. Tim listened patiently, and rarely spoke, but, when he did, he said things that opened my eyes to unrecognized patterns in my life, and he spoke words of comfort to painful secrets. That night in front of the fire was when I did what’s called a Fifth Step inventory, and it is employed by Twelve Step groups of all stripes. But it’s also very similar to what the Christian church calls the confession of sins. Scripture tells us in many places that God wants us to confess our sins for our own good: by it we receive mercy and forgiveness (Proverbs 28:13, James 5:16, 1 John 1:8-10). And doing so is the first step towards repentance, which is another way of saying, “turning one’s life around from the way of sin” (Mark 1:15, Luke 24:45-47). Although confession has been a part of our faith since the beginning, it has changed somewhat over time. Until the Reformation, confession was seen as a sacrament. But Luther argued that confession is actually an extension of our baptism. Moreover, while the Church of his day required confessing of every single sin, Luther said this put too great a burden on an imperfect memory. No, he said, only confess those sins which trouble you the most. Until the 19th century, the Lutheran church practiced individual (private) confession, but the practice began to wane until the 20th century when it became virtually non-existent. In its place came corporate (public) confession which we practice at the beginning of our worship services (“We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed…”) And make no mistake: whether you confess your sins publicly or privately, each one is equally valid. But individual, private confession has an added benefit that is not really spoken about in the Bible: comforting a troubled conscience. You see, we are only as sick as our secrets, and when we open our lips to reveal those things troubling us most, we begin the process of healing. Even though what I said to Tim was not properly a Christian confession, still it created for me tremendous peace in my life. And, later, I was also able to give similar solace to those giving their own Fifth Step inventories at Hazelden in Center City. In Spring 2013, I interned at Hazelden on a women’s unit as a Spiritual Care Counselor. My primary ministry there was speaking with patients regarding their spirituality as it related to Steps Two and Three of AA/NA, but I also had the privilege of listening to their Fifth Step inventories. These times were very sacred for them and for me, and we often discussed “the God thing” as well as what issues bothered them most. I am honored to have been able to serve in that role, and it has well-prepared me in my own pastoral ministry. Knowing how important it is to be able to speak to someone about one’s sins or spiritual issues, I will be holding regular “office hours,” beginning on Ash Wednesday (2/18), for anyone to drop in without an appointment. Because it is a penitential season, Lent is the perfect time to think about turning or returning to God to receive His forgiveness and the strength to do His will. Also, be on the lookout soon for an informational flyer about spiritual care and confession. If you have any questions or want to know more about these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me. God’s Peace, Intern Pastor Keith Walk-in Office Hours: (Begin 2/18) Mondays 10:30a-12p, Wednesdays 4:30-6p *If these times don’t work for you, contact me via email ([email protected]) or phone (706-207-0235) to set up a more convenient time. 4 MUSICALLY SPEAKING The Delight of Mastery The holidays are long over, and many people who make resolutions may have already abandoned them. However, winter is far from over, so along with its length comes some time for reflection. The Saturday after New Year’s, I had coffee with a former English student who will graduate this spring with a teaching degree in music. As she anticipated her upcoming student teaching assignment, I listened, smiled, and nodded at her enthusiasm. Since she’s a gifted vocalist, I assumed that was her placement. Early in the conversation, I asked, “Just exactly what will you be teaching this semester? Her reply, “Well, on Monday, I start with 5th grade band.” My surprise was obvious as I quickly blurted, “BAND?!” (What? How could this be? She’s a singer, not an instrumentalist!) “Oh, yes,” she said, “Mr. ________ gave me a trumpet.” (I was too startled to catch his name.) “A trumpet?” Acquiring a trumpet seemed simplistic, yet, she appeared unworried, which both puzzled and impressed me. As she continued talking, her voice rose and fell, moved by an undercurrent of passion I soon sensed was the source of her calm. What I witnessed during that conversation was a confidence rooted in discipline and training, in hours of lessons and practice and its resultant successes. Now, not only was she undaunted by upcoming challenges, she was eager to embrace them. Such assurance is certainly not exclusive to musicians. It can be developed by any individual or group proficient in a craft or task. Zion’s choir practices weekly in order to attain a mastery that makes singing its own reward and, more importantly, a true delight. If you’re seeking a challenge and want to share the choir’s experiences, we welcome new members. It’s as simple as joining us when rehearsals resume on February 11th at 6:30 p.m. ~ Sandra Sedivy 218-495-2139 LIBRARY NEWS Love is patient, love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. 1 Corinthians 13:4 As I read In the Company of Others, Jan Karon’s latest Father Tim novel, I could not help but recall this Bible verse. The love and respect that Father Tim and Cynthia Kavanagh have for each other glows in this book. Father Tim is taking Cynthia on an anniversary/vacation trip to his beloved Ireland. The reader will enjoy reading about their relationship as well as the hospitality, culture, and green landscape of Ireland. A good read for March 17---St. Patrick’s Day. A new Mitford novel by Jan Karon is Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good. After their challenging visit to Ireland, the Kavanaghs return home to Mitford. Read about Father Tim’s restlessness in retirement, his relationships with his adopted son Dooley, and Dooley’s brother Sammy; and other familiar residents of Mitford. The editor says that Karon’s characters have never been more sympathetic, bighearted, and engaging. A good Valentine’s Day read. Unless you change and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18:3 In Like a Child by Rev. Timothy J. Mooney the reader is invited to boldly explore the realm of grace. He equips the reader with navigational aids in the form of biblical understandings, spiritual practices, and stories from those who’ve undertaken the journey. The book inspires hope and faith by restoring the awe, wonder, joy and resiliency of the human spirit. It is highly recommended in “The Lutheran.” These three new titles are available in our church library. February Book Discussion The Walk by Richard Paul Evans Thursday February 5 at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served Betty Johansen 826-6834 5 AMOR ROCKS! AMOR ROCKS! Calendar for February 2/1-Sunday School, Spirit Sunday (wear your Pro/school's favorite team gear) 2/8-Sunday School, celebrate Valentine's Day, sing in church 2/15-Sunday School, celebrate President's Day *a President as a guest speaker 2/22-Sunday School, Slipper & Socks FuNday, First Sunday of Lent 3/1-Sunday School, Mission project (Cupcake Walk after church) This year the AMOR ROCKS! Sunday Schoolers, Youth Group, staff, and helpers received these fun M&M treat bags with a sweet message attached. Thank you Ann Gibbs and many more who put them all together-really cute! Christie Fleischauer FOR ALL WHO LOVE MAKING A DIFFERENCE Equal Exchange Sunday is February 15th Equal Exchange has been an ongoing mission project here at Zion for a number of years. It is one of those projects that we have just taken for granted. If you need a bag of coffee, you know that you can pick one up at Zion in the fellowship hall, or if you need a quick chocolate fix you can stop in Lynn’s office and purchase a chocolate candy bar. On February 15th we will be promoting the Equal Exchange project. It is that time of year that chocolate hearts wrapped in red foil are in all the stores. So why not bring those red hearts to Zion for our fellowship hour? There will be Equal Exchange chocolate hearts available on Sunday, February 15th for all of us to sample. The February action group will also be providing other love day treats along with our coffee. Pink lemonade for lemonade lovers. The Sunday School children will be making special valentine’s for love day. Since 1996 the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Coffee Project has collaborated with Equal Exchange and LWR to involve Lutheran communities in supporting small farmers around the world. Equal Exchange buys directly from small scale farmer’s cooperatives, owned and run by the farmers themselves. Equal Exchange is committed to supporting sustainable farming methods that help green the earth through reforestation, natural resource conservation and organic practices. Please join the Zion community on February 15th for a fair deal to build a stronger community. Equal Exchange coffee and chocolate bars will also be for sale. TO ZION Thank you for your support and prayers. Because of them we were able to keep faith that Calvin would be healed and come home the happy and healthy baby boy we knew he could be. The Branson’s: Leslie, Jesse and Calvin 6 God’s Acres We are starting a new year and as we look back on the past year, many great things have happened in God’s Acres. The good Lord and his helpers (many of you) have helped make a remarkable 2014. The committee has set goals for 2015 which include finishing the softball field and painting striping on the basketball/pickleball court and fencing around it. Much activity is also being put forth in developing more activities in the children’s play area. Mark Sand & Gravel has donated 30 plus yards of sand for under the playset and for a mound of sand in the sandbox. Byron Hensch has donated dimension blocks for the sand box area. Hancock Concrete Company has reduced $4,500.00 of culverts and cave material for $400. We will put dirt and rocks on top for climbing. Should we have a flag for Fort Amor or Fort Zion?! Ernie and Lucy Duckwitz have donated 500 feet of chain link fence to start fencing around the .9 acres play area. We need posts, rails and gates plus more fencing to complete the project. Small poles have been harvested to create a teepee and rebar will be purchased to complete the formation of a wigwam. A mud or dry kitchen (depending upon the mom) has been made and ready to be placed. Lake Region Electric has donated 70 feet of poles for a walking chunk area. A 16 feet balance beam is ready to be located. More than 40 tires are collected for climbing and crawling structures. We do need some smaller 8-10-12-13” diameter tires to complete some projects. Plans are to get water to the playground area. How about a small cistern pump that kids can pump water like the pioneers did? There are many more items to put into the play area as time and finances will determine what can be accomplished in 2015. The good Lord, Santa’s elves, grants and personal gifts have been wonderful. To complete more projects, we need to look towards the Easter Bunny for some help and hopefully we may find a number of geese who keep laying those golden eggs through grants and gifts. Keeping you informed and please ask questions. God’s Acres Committee by Chuck Erickson 2014 God’s Acres Monetary Donations (Does not include donations less than $100 and Thrivent funds designated by member giving) Amor 4-H Club–softball area $ 300.00 Farmers State Bank Underwood $ 500.00 First National Bank Foundation $ 2,500.00 Lake Region Electric Foundation-horseshoe $ 250.00 Ottertail Lions-disc golf $ 1,645.00 Harlan & Inga Nelson $ 1,000.00 Pancake Breakfast $ 813.00 Thrivent (Regional)-basketball/pickleball $ 2,000.00 Thrivent Action Team-workday $ 250.00 Thrivent Action Team-play area sand $ 250.00 Zion Family (anonymous)-arbor entries $ 500.00 Total $10,008.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------Mortgage Report Payoff balance as of 1/20/2015: $49,087.10 Daily interest: $ 6.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------"Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over, and over again, expecting different results.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- So Lent is starting……… The word ”Lent” comes from an Old English word that simply means “long.” So why do we use this word to speak of our period of preparation for Easter? Lent always comes during that time of the year when the days are getting longer and we are seeing more and more sunshine. And that’s what Lent is supposed to do for us -- to shed more and more light in our lives so that the darkness disappears. Sister Joan Chittister has said that "souls die from lack of reflection." Lent is a good time for 40 days of reflection, 40 days of spiritual evaluation--an annual check-up, as it were. It gives you a chance to prayerfully reconcile with the Lord. 7 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMOR TREASURER’S REPORT December 2014 Income Sunday Offering Special Offering Other Income Total Income December Year-to-date Annual Percent of Actual Actual Budget Budget 26,750.00 5,261.00 -188.26 266,615.80 7,979.50 924.84 273,744.00 4,850.00 2,075.00 97.40 % 164.53 % 44.57 % 31,822.74 275,520.14 280,669.00 98.17 % 2,433.67 6,707.63 8,133.06 268.80 2,655.75 75.00 500.70 0.00 3,638.94 0.00 3,098.18 -46.80 157.86 0.00 0.00 1,294.11 125.23 0.00 23,712.96 16,229.50 97,596.72 4,091.35 30,681.74 547.90 7,955.01 400.00 15,698.96 331.12 33,808.71 150.00 13,269.06 352.99 382.50 28,000.01 1,959.28 0.00 23,880.00 13,100.00 98,099.00 5,100.00 31,147.00 800.00 7,644.00 400.00 15,493.00 500.00 32,404.00 150.00 11,712.00 550.00 674.00 36,416.00 1,600.00 1,000.00 99.30 % 123.89 % 99.49 % 80.22 % 98.51 % 68.49 % 104.07 % 100.00 % 101.33 % 66.22 % 104.33 % 100.00 % 113.29 % 64.18 % 56.75 % 76.89 % 122.46 % 0.00 % 29,042.13 275,167.81 280,669.00 98.04 % Expense Our Benevolence Missions Pastoral Compensation Pastoral Expense Intern Expense Evangelism Education Library Music & Worship Altar Secretary Salaries Stephen Ministry Office Stewardship Planning Property & Management Maintenance & Repairs Capital Improv/Emerg Op Total Expense ATTENDANCE/CONTRIBUTIONS Date 2013 December Attendance Contributions 1-Dec 8-Dec 15-Dec 19-Dec 22-Dec 24-Dec 29-Dec TOTAL Flowers Improvement Fund Designated Giving Food Shelf ELCA Malaria Sunday School World Hunger Building Fund Cemetery Fund Library Fund 148 159 150 53 162 356 106 1,134 270.91 1113.97 184.72 1,184.63 0.00 1,883.32 25.00 173.40 0.00 367.46 $5,420.00 $6,973.15 $5,580.62 No offering $3,638.00 $3,163.00 $5,081.00 $29,855.77 December 2013-2014 Date 2014 December Attendance 7-Dec 14-Dec 21-Dec 12-21 Longest Night 24-Dec 28-Dec TOTAL Restricted Funds December 2014 Memorials & Gifts 1,385.26 Music Fund 6,571.39 Youth Group 1,772.60 Debt Reduction 97.49 Found. Pass Thru 0.00 Military Support 414.90 Sunday School Projects 461.00 Stephen Ministry 355.64 SM-Bertoch Tree Fund 0.00 Fair Trade Coffee 336.26 Organ Fund 5,692.77 Contributions 140 165 158 55 440 138 $5,853.50 $5,213.50 $4,983.00 No offering $5,141.00 $6,375.00 1,096 $27,566.00 Pancake Breakfast 64.14 God’s Acres 175.00 Men’s Group Funds 151.82 Mission Jam Pass Thru 0.00 Building Gifts 128.77 Courtyard 247.44 Twins Game 0.00 Helping Hands 4,437.59 Jamaica House 0.00 Total $27,495.48 8 Seconded and approved. Yvonne Erickson moved to reduce the cemetery fund contribution to $750 for the 2015 budget. Dave seconded the motion – approved. Yvonne moved to approve the amended budget. Carol seconded the motion – approved. Yvonne moved to have the council recommend the Music and Worship committee move the organ fund balance to the building fund or bring the question to the congregation for a vote at the 2015 annual meeting. Seconded by Dave and approved. Summary of Zion Council Minutes January 14, 2015 These are condensed and not approved Lynn Melchior called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The agenda was approved with additions. Guests: Zion Foundation (Dave Willey & Wayne Jones): Their policy statement was amended to maximize amount of money that can be paid out each year for projects. Dave Willey and Dan Thorson (leading this process) are the investment agents for two new accounts. There are four people to oversee the money with restricted access. Investments spread across 18 larger, stable companies. Two accounts should provide $11,000.00 in annual dividends barring major changes in company value. Committee Reports: 1,288 visitors this year with over 600 repeat visitors. Announcements: Craig Lindberg has resigned effective May 17th. Old Business: Finalize 2015 budget – forewarn the congregation that the budget is optimistic in spite of close trimming in the attempt to balance it. Attendance and income are down. This may become a problem during the year if income lags behind projections. Dave Willey moved to approve the budget pending congregational approval. Annual meeting agenda & draft of annual report review and discussion. Nominating committee status – in progress. Sabbatical questions? New Business: Pam Hedstrom’s term as auditor is up. She’s willing to continue. Amy Drake moved to re-elect Pam to a new term. Seconded and approved. Internship 2015-2016? Carol Gealow moved to recommend to the congregation at the annual meeting that we continue the internship program for another year. Seconded and approved. Housing allowance for Pastor Jim will be set at $20,000.00 for 2015. Approved. Discussion Items: Retreat – when, where, and topics: Feb. 22nd from 2:008:00 p.m.; Erickson cabin; program church, committee structures and descriptions, open music positions? Treasurer’s Report: Debt reduction money continues to come in. The daily interest has dropped to $6.11/day. Duane Hovland moved to approve the Treasurer’s report pending review. Seconded by Neil Johnson and carried. Secretary’s Report: Yvonne Erickson moved the December report be approved. Seconded and approved. Council meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. closing with the Lord’s Prayer. --------------------------------------------- 2015 Council Executive Committee President…Yvonne Erickson VP…..Carol Gealow Secretary….Amy Drake Treasurer…Virgil Hoistad Thank you for your service! FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2 Barb Bjorgo 2 Chris Thompson 2 E J Duckwitz 2 Dale Johansen 2 Brad Saunders 2 Chris Thompson 3 Helen Solberg 4 Henry Gibbs 8 Nancy Adams 9 Erma Carlson 10 Larry Albright 10 Alma Fournier 11 Connie Hanyzewski 11 Lori Holmgren 12 Roger Shelstad 14 Kay Erickson 15 Wilma Haring 16 Jan Tubandt 17 David Carlson 17 Kristen Draeger 18 Terry Krumwiede 19 Pat Wilson 19 Mary Lou Zimmermann 20 Michael Charest 20 Nicholas Loots 21 Neal Johnson 21 Gloria Luick 22 Bob Roberts 23 Chase Janu (Barry) 24 Larry Krohn 25 Jon Wahlgren 25 Morgan Jacobson 25 Peggy DePretoro 26 Dianne Witkowski 27 Linda Amundson 28 Karen Frederick 28 Mateo Lopez FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary! 9 Jack & Judie Leitch 13 Wayne & Patricia Jones 14 Gary & Debbie Stone 15 Tom & Karen-Zell Verlhelst 28 Keith & Marlene Falconer 28 Orlynn & Jana Rinke WINTER C SPRING A February 2015 LEADERS: Byron & Tanya Hensch 864-5473 ___________________________ Albright, Larry & Ardyce Bladow, Andy & Tara Ava, Layla, Vance Bladow, Brian & Peggy Nate, Chad Bladow, Jeremy & Tina Laiken, Bricker, Marlie Bope, Rob & Kathy Erickson, Dennis & Deb Gibbs, Ann & (Brian) Henry, Eleanor Hildebrand, Mark & Brenda Abby Lehne, Floyd & Nellda Long, Ray & Bev Lopez/Moen, Ramon, Theresa Ramon, Mateo, Kayetana Olson, Jim & Nancy Nelson, Harlan & Inga Saunders, Brad & Stephanie Miletto Skylar, Ethan, Payge Stone, Gary & Debbie Tweeter, Jim & Rhonda Willey, David & Carol Zion Lutheran Church of Amor 36051 Co Hwy 74 Battle Lake, MN 56515 218 495-2563 Fax: 218 495-3123 Web site: www.zionamor.org e-mail [email protected] This newsletter is sent monthly to members and friends of Zion for the purpose of information and inspiration. Residing in a predominately Norwegian community, my brother, at a very young age, came home from Sunday School and inquired, “Who is Ole Ghost?” David Smedal PRAYER REQUESTS Have a prayer request? Call the prayer chain: Bob Roberts 495-3524, Barb Bjorgo 495-2152, Betty Johansen 826-6834 Yvonne Erickson 495-3321 March 2015 LEADERS: Karen Zell & Tom Verhelst 731-6836 _______________________________ Frederick, Butch & Karen Haack, Mike Casey Hagemeister, Ross & Kelly Jonas, Mae, Quinn, Jude Harrington, Gary & Karalyn Krohn, Larry & Sue Krumwiede Terry & Barb Lankford, Keith Loots, Robert & Janelle Nicholas Olson, Kevin & Linda Osland, Jeff & Stacey Matthew, Eli, Sawyer Osland, Nancy Sherbrooke, Chuck & Cheri Wing, Marc Woessner, Vickie & Darold ZION-AMOR CHURCH STAFF Pastor................James O. Gronbeck Intern Pastor ….……....Keith Lankford President .................Yvonne Erickson VP……...…....................Carol Gealow Secretary..........................Amy Drake Treasurer.......................Virgil Hoistad Office Manager…......….Lynn Melchior SS Superintendent…..………..Christie Fleischauer Organist...................LaVerne Nelson Choir Director.................Marc Wing Contemporary Dir.......Craig Lindberg Custodian/Janitor...........Karen Umland You know you are Lutheran when….. You hear something really funny during the sermon and smile as loudly as you can. You serve jello in the proper liturgical color of the season and think that peas in a tuna noodle casserole add too much color. 10
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