5 108 /. ῏ῒῑ῎῍ῌΐῐ The Target of Spa-therapy of Skin Diseases Jun-ichi NOGUCHI Ueda Hospital in Morioka Abstract The widely adopted treatments of skin diseases in these days tend to stick to the improvements of appearance of the skin, and stand on the principle of tentative superficial adorning treatments. So they tend to deprive the skin of its original function of protecting inner body from outside. And, as those treatments prevail, skin disease patients with the drug habits have increased. By re-evaluating spa-therapy which has been used for past two thousands years in Japan, and by using its preserving methods in some cases, or its training methods in other cases, I want to prosecute studying methods or ways of spa-therapy with the goal that the skin can regain its original function of adaptation to changes of nature and environment. Key words : purify oneself by bath, preserving (training) methodsadaptation to changes of nature, play by bathimprovement of abnormal conditioned reflexes, release from drug dependence : ῌ !"# $%&'()* + ,-./012)34 + 56789 :;<=>?@A BCAD E)<F!GHIJKLMNOHPHQR1STQ U2VWXD WO12)IJYL)Z[S\]^R]!_`Aa^Xbc^9 :de!fOghijklmnoDpmlqr12stHW2OH uvw)x)yzkz{ A|SNOR9 })~ Q12 {hlwm K=@GR9 BC!^IJ LM)Aa^9 WODOSFA |LM!.^)<Aa^ ¼ /+ ¼ B,**+E '"º» 109 ῌ!" #$% &'( %(!)"*+,- ./0.#/% $% 1*&2(3 '(0*)*4- +,# -(./4-56(7 0(13 829"344: 0 567(;84-56( <-=":( 9:"&2(+,- <>57 ;?*&2(7 <=>@ ( ?!("3@3*A7*-= B;+A" BCDE % CD(FGHI <EJF ) 6G <-(K3 HIL$+JK MJ <L MN ON + IPO῏+6P *Q <-=- B;+ RSQT A" UV3RS 0T W XU VD YT%WZ*[ \0X]^Y(I _ @3(`3 ab(!!JQDZ7[ c \]H^d_Q56(,e[ #`fg=UV(ge ab*)*4- +,#-(ch) 7 ;? ^Y ( abdQei) 6G fUgR hL fU ij0 jk% Fkllm *mn4- ,no[ <-pqrqps topqu*rv)$s t0u $s t( vw<u*xw4- xy -_0yz3*{| ""3z2z2 <-=(}{4-3 ~( |}~*#(+Q <-="36*[7 0~ mi 9=( 3 F*g3 '"$*~:=- G3+,-56(3 " topqu u*w4- <-=(^*4-P *(9=(0- <-=* 4-56(3 <-=<u) ([3 <-=<u )jK 0*4-e-= 6[3 g $' <56i4-P ( $topqu u* 4- 9 < G |}~(I (3 <p3¡¢*£4-56(7 0 ῍(<p`*῎- 56(7 G Mlrv(57 topqu *¡I ¤:\]¢¥" ~("3¦§3(53£¤¨)3*©ª¥4-56(3 , +E «ῌ¦« : GH§¬¬ ῌpHῌῌy ,E ¨ῌ®M¨ : BE ¯°ῌ©ªῌῌ«ῌ¬ topqu±²Ml -E ³ : ³®¯´ bz) 57 µ° ¶ u` .E ±² : ·ῌD³¬¬UVA UVB UVC, ´µvῌl´µvῌ¸´µv /E ¶¹u` : ºb·J ¸¬¬Ez¤¹ 0E »"±²_ " 110 -ῌ ῍ ῐ ῏ ῎ !"#$% &'()*+,-./012- 345678-.9:;<- =%>? ;@ ABC DECFGH%IJKL' MN'O PQ FGRSTUPQVB3MWX YZL [\] ^_`ab cdef%gh ijklM'mh `n5%fopYO qPQ rst' %uv `wFGxy%z{| q}~-~ LM BC BC ῌFGHH% C$ } ~ L 'O ΐῒῑ Chlebarov S. (+33+) : Thalassotherapie (XX.Congressus Internationalis Thalassotherapiae · Nordseeheilbad Borkum), ./ῌ0,,, Grabe-Verlag, Immenstadt, Deutschland. I.S.M.H. (+332) : --rd World Congress of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology. Karlovy Vary. +1ῌ-,+, Galen, Czech Republic. A +33/ : `" ῌFGH ¡¢ +1ῌ,/1. A +330 : `w ῌFGH ¡¢ ++ῌ+0+. A ,*** : `[ £¤O JIM ¥¦ +* +* : 2/*ῌ2/..
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