THE ATTICA NEWS PAGE TWO ATTICA, N. Y. THURSDAY''. JANUAKY 15. m i Waternort was engaged by the Board M. Dusins to Win. E. Wratten; Miss Miss Eleanor Vickcry took first place of Education to fill vacancy caused Nancy J. Barone to Wm. Kohl; Miss fpr the scholarships offered m Wyoby resignation of Cynthia Steward. Lucile M. Felton to Wm. J. Lauser; ming county by the state. Mr and Clarence Rood moved h:s family Mrs. Lillian Strykcr to Guy Wight of Mrs. Morris Minowitz moved from ,'i i «;i'from the Whaley house Main street. Alexander; Miss Violet R. Goetz to the Romasser house to the Blom to Schafer house Market street. Wesley A. Stringham; Miss Louita house in North Walnut street. Miss For SATURDAY only. July 3rd—Engagements announc- M. Higgins of Springwater to How- Marguerite Shreder underwent an CHEVROLET ed- Miss Elizabeth Johnson to Lucius aid L. Sands of New York city Aug. operation for appendicitis at BataB Davis- Miss Geneva Dating to 16th. Births: A daughter to Mr. and via. Miss Helen Dahlgren entered PORK LOIN ROAST William Wratten. Mr. J. T. Arnold Mrs. Raymond Donnelly of Varys- the Wassaw training class. Miss MaReg. 30c lb. 9%p retired June 30th after 25 years of burg; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tilda Slack left for Linbrpok. L. I., to Special . . . . . . . . . ,*7f** service with the Westinghouse. Mar- A.'Hawker. Alexander. Deaths: John teach school. Misses Helen Spink ria^es- Miss Dorothy E. Schnabel of M. Nelson of Washington street; Mrs and Mary Richert entered the DeaBuffalo to Elmore BeicUer of Lancas- Nicholas Teachen of Bennington Cen coness hospital in Buffalo for a R E G . H A M S - W h o l e or half ter June 24th- Miss Eva R. Vander ter; William A. Chick of Los Ange- nurses training course. Mr. and Mrs. •a •** * _• •» Reg. 35c lb. Hayden to Donald W. Schmelzle of lea. Calif. Mr. Louis Friedman re-. Ahnon Skellenger moved to Clarence. Special . . . . . . . . Cowlesville; Miss Harriet E. Martin ceived a broken arm from cranking ! Miss Helen Slack entered school at to Mr. Leon P. Oram; Miss Fiances a car. Work on new standpipe near Rochester to study art. Makowski, Darien Center, to Wm. J. the village reservoir was started. Miss S e p t - nth—Marriages: Miss Mari- H U B B A R D S Q U A S H Ilodge of Alden. Charles Winters, a Mary Wolcott accepted a position as a n j . Koppe. West Middlebury, to Mr Small size The 11*111 StmidaM .*• — $1**1*5 prison employee, underwent serious clerk in the Morse-Vickery store. Mrs Lawrence Taylor of Fulton; Miss Reg. iVic lb. operation. W. E. Smeltz with wife and F. L. Scott underwent an operation E v e i y n Carroll of Java Center to Mr. Special <on of Philadelphia, Westinghouse at Batavia. Trainmaster Scott of the r j e o r g e stedman of Rochester; Mrs. uodater *** • O »i—low Cuape . . . * « * ^ « « » N foreman, rented Hiller house. Mr. Erie with his wife and two sons mov- j ^ ^ sallberger of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Ralph King moved into the ed into the new Hiller house, North t o J o n n pflaum of Dale. A son was M A P L E S Y R U P - B e s t Quality Sport Coupe Sport K»ud.l«r $ A ffc "C with rumble rate"teat . . « • • « * > Snyder house on Windsor street. Mr. Pearl street. Mr. Oscar Breither, a ]Mrn t o hfr ftnd M r s L a verne Schilteilh rumble teat . . "m€w*29 Kenncth Hauck, graduate of Albany former resident of Attica, was fatal- i l e r Misses Mabel and Lena Lewis of College of Pharmacy secured a posi- ly injured in LeRoy. g a s t Main street returned from trip \ tion at East Setauket L. I. , Aug. 28—Engagement announced: abroad. Miss Dorothy Yerden enter- P A B S T E T T C H E E S E July 10th—The engagement of Miss Miss Beatrice I. Dewey of Batavia to ed St. Jerome's hospital for nurses' Reg., Swiss, Brick a n d Prm. Winifred Morrison of Pulteney to Mr Alfred Radder of Attica. Marriages: training course. Otto Falsoni of AkSpecial equipment extra. 4i! price*/. o. b. Flint, Michigan Reg. 25c b o x ^ 1 Norman Cogswell, Attica, was' an- Miss Dorothy M. Tozier to Robert R. ron, an employee at reservoir site, nounced. Births: Daughter to Mr. shadbolt; Miss Leona Vosburgh to was injured when he was pinned unY o u r choice, 2 for „ .T and Mrs. David Airth of Byron July Maurice M. Powers of Cleveland, O. der a tractor. Clarence Gilliatt has 6th. Deaths: Mrs. Eugene Lord; Mrs. Deaths: David Cochran of Alexander; bought residence of Rev. H. P. Blan- S U P E R S U D S - B e a d s of s o a p Haiold P. Blanchard; Daniel O'Herin Dr. Samuel Kennedy of Buffalo. The chard in North View park. Elon Glor M a k e s clothes white of Market street. Mrs. Geo. Ungerer chamber of Commerce and Retail bought the house of the late Mrs. underwent a minor operation. Miss Merchants held their annual picnic Geo. Lawrence. Mrs. Geo. Seagert Reg. 10c p k g . OCDorothy Wood was taken to a Ba- at Emery Park. A daughter was celebrated her 80th birthday Sunday, Special, 3 for ***• tavia hospital for observation and born to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Myers, i Sept. 18th—Engagements announcBefore investing your m o n e y i n a n e w a u t o .treatir.ent. Miss Caroline Bower un- The barn and shed located on the ed: -Miss Virginia R. White, Attica, derwent an operation for appendicitis cfoas. Bowen farm Darien road, was to Buford Scott of Rocky Mountains, P E A R L H O M I N Y m o b i l e , y o u wUI find i t w o r t h w h i l e first t o T h e old fashioned s a m p . Word was received of death of the iestroyed by fire. James McMahon Va.; Miss Clara M. Kirsch, Benningfather of Rev. Frank S. Patterson, .noved from the John Dunham house ton, to Theron E. Dohse of Attica. Reg. 12c b o x (La l e a r n w h a t Chevrolet h a s t o offer. Miss Verna Brooks left Monday for n Buffalo street to the Althouse res- Marriages: Mrs. Matie Dean and Mv Special *^* Rochester to take up a business idence in Jackson street. Leo L. Charles Cornell at Dale. Mr. and Mrs E a c h o f t h e n i n e n e w m o d e l s is a fine car—a course. Gelse bought of Miss Eva Leland Harry Wortzman and son were serij July 17—Deaths—William Roche he Leland house and lot in East ously injured in an automobile acciq u a l i t y product t h r o u g h o u t . E a c h is d e s i g n e d , ,of Five Corners; David Foley, Erie avenue. Murlih Seligman graduated dent Sunday. Three Attica prison em b u i l t , finished and e q u i p p e d t o s t a n d a r d s t h a t conductor, at Hornell; Rev. Frank "rom Brvant & StrattOn Business col-, ployees were seriously injured in an Reigle of Ray; Mrs. C. A. Bell of Buf- lege.. The new standpipe is com- auto collision near Lancaster. Mrs. Phone: 211 Africa are e n t i r e l y n e w i n t h e l o w - p r i c e field. Y e t falo. Marriages: Miss Margaret E. Jie.ed. 1 he chimney for the power Charles Slack underwent a serious Philipps, Attica, to Albert Pauller of ; .louse at the prison site was up in operation at Rochester. Danley Ran Chevrolet's reduced prices are n o t only t h e • Alien; Miss Freida E. Elchenberger he air about 75 feet. A miniature ger underwent a tonsil operation. to Edward Klossner at Alexander; ;olf course was started at L. L. Miss Ruby Balhiser underwent an Sr., Charles Henry Snyder, both of l o w e s t i n Chevrolet h i s t o r y , b u t arc a m o n g Frederick M. Timm of Exchange St. Xing's Service station. operation at Batavia. Mr. Charles Orangeville; Mrs. Fred Harder of W. to Mrs. Mary Z. Warren of Batavia. t h e very l o w e s t i n t o d a y ' s m o t o r car m a r k e t . Sept. 5th—Births: A son to Mr. Werner entered the Rochester Busi- Main street. Births—Son to Mr. and Gerald Sennott suffered a severe in- a n d Mrs. H. Donald BrOwn of Alex- ness Institute. The A. Wheeler cir- Mrs. Albert Marscke of Avon. Marjury to his arm while at work at the ander; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. cus played in town Tuesday. Her- riages: Miss Beatrice Dewey of BaC o m e i n . See t h e n e w C h e v r o l e t Six. Drt#*1t; Front View of Chevrolet Sport Mouel Erie depot. Mrs. Raymond Dunham Henry Kuppinger of the Gulf road, man Werner entered University of tavia to Alf*- \ Radder of Attica. "Con C h e c k t h e prices*-and y o u will realize w h y underwent an operation at Batavia. Deaths: George Shearing of Stry-1 Buffalo for a course in pharmacy. tracts were received for cell block *:. Ernest R. Nei.zen of Alexander was fcersville. Bert Blaszak, 22, who es- Mrs. Henry Bower underwent an op- "B" at the prison. State officials were ( N, i t hi called the Great American Value,' appointed acting postmaster at Alex- caped from the Attica prison camp eration for the removal of a cataract in Attica to inspect prison site. Miss ande, succeeding J. M. Curtiss. The Aug. 30th was captured at his home on her eye at Batavia. \ town of Attica purchased new truck. m Fletcher Chapel, town of Shelby. Sept. 25th—Deaths: George Snyder (Please turn to page Three) • Monica Conway assumed a position I . . . . . . . . ' ns clerk in Morr"-Vickery store +<•> succeed Elizabeth Gatgen. Mrs. Harry Spink of Creek road entertained at a variety shower in honor of Wini" fred Morrison of Pulteney. Sam Weid " _ — rick, an inmate at the Attica pris;4 ion, completed his sentence. 1 July 24th—Deaths: Henry Radder % Civil War veteran; Miss Carrie A. Babbitt of Dale; Miss Sophia Toms, 67, July 25th; Harry Wilder, Attica native, at Detroit, Mich.; William ALSO DEALERS IN CHEVROLET SIX-CYLINDER TRUCKS, $355 to W95, f. o. b. Flint. Michigan Althouse 7S, Monday July 28.h. . Births: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. • R a l p h Spaulding of Alexander; a i daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Conomikes, July 18th. Gov. Roose• velt visited Attica prison site. Tele-! phone linemen finished a job of run- | ning a special line from Buffalo to prison site. Raymond Dunham was taken to a Batavia hospital for appendicitis. George Petz was taken (Continued from issue of Jan. 1) BEING SOLD AT June 5th—Deaths: Mrs. Fred Burr to St. Jerome's hospital for an opeof Orangeville. on Tuesday; Mrs. ration on his arm. Miss Harriet Bush Mary Reynolds an old resident of At- of Walnut street assumed a position tica. Monday at the home of her: as office assistant in East Pembroke, Measured either in dollars spent for extension and improvement or in daughter; Dr. Samuel S. Nesbitt at Vivian Bower was struck by a car terms of what they produced, 1930 was a year of definite progress in serving his home in Parpon, 111.; Miss Irene driven by W. A. Joiner. Mazure 6, of Linden at Batavia hosJuly 31st—Engagement announced our customers and preparing for their larger requirements of the future. Phone: 173 W . R A N G E R 8C S O N S Attica, N . Y . pital; George K. Evarts, father of Miss Nancy Barone, Attica, to Wil- ! Mrs. Robt. Lewis at Silver Creek; Mr liam Kohl of Batavia. Births: Son. This company expended approximately $100,000,000 in 1930 on addiClarence Paul. 65, a former resident to Prof, and Mrs. Clarence E. Flint of tions to plaht and equipment in the territory which it serves. Into its of Attica, in Buffalo, May 2Dth. Vir- Batavia. Marriages: Capt. Wm. Os~ T-"WTginia Jensen, 8 years old, was bitten terman of Prison camp to Miss Ber- i program also went the best efforts of its entire personnel, developing and in arm Saturday by a dog. Miss Cyn- nette Woodhead of Auburn. Mr. H. applying methods to increase the quality and dependability of the service. thia Steward, teacher of 4th grade in B. Weir of Springville bought out the • •li'sfl".,/'. Attica high school for 11 years re- Wolf. Bros, store in Varysburg. Mrs. ••i-rrffvivif •"• signed and goes to Corning school. Melvin Ncwcomb submitted to an Of the tangible results of this expenditure of energy and dollars during Miss Margaiet Dun won the county operation for appendicitis. Wm. H. 1930, the following features are representative: W.C.T.U. essay con.est with a prize Seligman suffered a bad shock that of $5 in .gold. Ketrow Bros, circus effected his right side. Mr. Lyle Wise nlayed in town Monday. was engaged to teach school on Dar"NewBuUMntis: 10 completed, 0 en- Vaster Out-of-T6wn Service: V June 12th—Births—: Daughler to ien road for coming year. Mr. and largcd—an increase of 1,332,000 square Handling of out-of-town calls, whHe the Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Richter; daughter Mrs. Henry Sangbush moved to new feet of floor space. In addition 8 other customer remains at the telephore, exto Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Feitshan.s home near Indian Falls. S. E. Davibuildings started. tended to many more of our central of East Bethany; daughter. June 6. son of South Philadelphia rented the offices. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lippold. Deaths oangbudi home in North street. A' N e w Central Offices: 20 added; 132 Ain. 7th--Jacoh Conrad, resident -Judron V. Oair;e of Warsaw June Increased Business Office Servenlarged, 11 replaced with new equip6th; Georpe S. Smith of Darien on of Strykersville died at the Gowanda Wednesday; Joseph Fisher of Ben- hospital; Mrs. Arthur Dellinger of ment. ice: 18 offices added,to facilitate connington. June 4. Marriages—Miss Geneva died: George W. Burdick of venience of customers in their business Helen Adelaide Mandeville of Ash- Lancaster died; George Giviskl of rebtionships with the company, bringAdditions to Wire System: Nearly land, O.. to Fred L. McClintock on Silver Springs died. Marriages: Miss ing total to 196. 950,000 miles added; over 98% of the May 29th. W. A. Joiner was elected Ida Mae Stroh to Rev. Herbert W. 13 ^million mites of wires now enclosed Cory of Greenwood: Mrs. Lora Rechtpresident of Attica C. of C. Mrs. Wm Installation Tim*. Reduced: Aver-' in storm-proof cable. Hol.'.hu of Jelterson street, was seri- ter to Mr, Edward B. Strathearn. En age time between ord^er and installation ously ill. John Kovacevick of Buf- Raiments: Miss Lucile M. Felton of falo moved his family to the Doran Sheldon to Wm. J. Lauser of Buffalo; Toll Cable System Enlarged: of service substantially cut downj plan Miss Margareta Carlson of Linden to house. North street. of making instalkffcm: on appointment 275,500 miles of toll wire added; total £ . W. Beverta of Buffalo. A slight June 19th Deaths: Mrs. Elmer S. with customers has gained wide apnow about 1,400,000 miles, nearly all na'it;1?. Batavia. June 141 h; Frederick blaze was discovered in the basement proval and has been largely extended. in cable. Heckler. 69, a native of Attica. June; of Clar-ell's dry goods store. Fred 7th; John F. Redanz, Buffalo, in Baldwin 53, received a fracture of Trouble-Prevention Methods Brooklyn. Engagements announced— four ribs and a shoulder the result Vndergronnd Plant Extended: Extended: Marked improvement has OADS that cost less to build cost more Miss Marjory P. Lawtbn, Attica, to of p, tree falling on him near Attica's 785,000 miles of the wire added during been made in discovering possible serRichard Ayres of Penn Yan; Doro- new reservoir. Ruscell Wesseldine. »to maintain. You can't expect anything 1930 placed in cable underground. vice interruptions before they Occur. thy Sloan of East Rochester to Eu- convict, who escaped fromthe Attica else. T h e first ye*r or two everything's fine srene Cohen: Miss Bemice McBridc prison camp was captured in Omaha, ' Alexander, and George Baehman of Neb. Mrs. Albert Simons moved from - m o r e miles of road are built, because the Telephone progress does not begin and end with any one year. Buffalo were married. A variety Hornell to the Bifarella house in 1 per mil' cost of building is low. It is part of a larger and continuous program, which must conshower was held at the home of Mrs Market street. Miss Ruth Wheeler of A thgh tr*t\ onrrrtt Clifford Steele in honor of Miss Ma- Oran.eville was engaged to teach in Tted utlhfiovtmtnt in Bat what happens later on ? Maintenance stantly look forward to the increasing requirements of the public tht ttnlrr, smd wide bcl Olor Of Varysburg. Mrs. William rchool Dist. No. 3, Dale. tteVel tmottldtri te costs eat a hole in the paving fund. Before while it cares adequately for their needs of the present. Our proEnglish of Rochester bought, the Aunc. 14th Births: Daughter to Mr frmittmtypeutnt. Conway hCftttt in Walnut street. Miss and Mrs. Ross Stalford; daughter to, long, the whole paving fund goes for maintegram of plant expansion and improvement will go on, seeking Bertha Mcllvenna suffered a broken Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith of nance. Not so with single track roads of portresults in the greater convenience and usefulness of the service foi wttst nu-SMnday. Edward Caswell of Spencerport; daughter to Mr. and.. Alden underwent a serious operation. Mrs. Homer Wolfley of Alexander, j land cement concrete. Each year the paving all of our customers. Just as 1930 was a year of pr< gress— ^ June 26th Births: A daughter to Deaths: Mrs. John Klossner of Darfund builds more miles of new road — and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Evans of Ba- ien Center. Fred Richter Jr., of Kantavia June 21st: son, June 23rd to ; ur. City, Mo., Marriages: Miss Elizakeeps on building them indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alimn of G n u d beth Johnson to Lucius Davis. Mr. Pave with concrete for most mileage. Pit road, n m i h s : Jacob Glossev of Arthur Calkins received notice of his Oranr.cville; Francis c . Higgins of appointment to position of rural earPORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION D:ilc: Mrs. Fred Herbst of Wolcotts- ner on Route one. Work was started ville; David E. Vroman of Rome; on the pow?r house chimney at the 147 MadUoa Av«., N E W YORK '"hiii les Incilert of Dunkirk: Frank prison site. Mrs. Carl Stutzman unRcfeel, 40, brick layer at prison site. derwent a surgical operation. Prin. M a r i n e : Miss MabH F Glor. Varys- and Mrs. B. II. Root and two daugh?OHT1AKOTCRMENT burg, to Robert Beglirnvr of South ters left for their home in Rochester. AM,en. Pnulv Bros, sold their green Marguerite Shreder accepted a posihoure in JctTcrson street to JftRisa tion with Dr. Edward Doran of BufClark of '^riitnrfrlphin. Peter Bifa- falo. John M. Nelson suffered a serella moved his family Friday to vere shock liir.t Friday. Aug. 21st--Marriages: Miss Geneva. Sprin'tvilk'. Miss Dora H. Edwards of SPECIALS M Consider these outstanding Chevrolet values 2c fi* »545 IKf g3S-f . . . . ...•B35 »6SO I t£M*i: $1-69 Young Brad. See your dealer below • -Y.\) Gilliatt-Housenger Sales Co., Inc. ^ • Building Material 1930 was a go-ahead year Summary of Last I Year's Events in extending and improving your telephone service Sacrificed Prices Read the ads and thereby save money! Ti^.....» •>,•>. Money Spent For Upkeep Doesn't Buy NEW Roads R So will 1931 be !! CON CRETE tO K P E R M A N E N C E NEW Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY
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