CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICE Matt Brown, General Services FEBRUARY 2014 SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE Coming Soon! Illinois Procurement Gateway VENDOR PORTAL Chief Procurement Office Small Business Team David Freeman Small Business Specialist, Editor [email protected] (217) 557-2430 Scott McKinnery Small Business State Purchasing Officer [email protected] New Coding System! Procurement in the State of Illinois will get a little easier! NaƟonal InsƟtute of Individuals and businesses that are interested in obtaining a State Of Illinois Governmental Purchasing contract may use the soon to be launched Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) With launch of the Illinois Pro‐ vendor portal to receive approval for mee ng administra ve procurement curement Gateway, the Small requirements in advance of responding to solicita ons. Registering in the IPG Business Set‐Aside Program minimizes the risk that the State disqualifies a vendor (especially the lowest cost (SBSP) will be transi oning or most qualified) for administra ve errors at the me of bid opening, and from use of the current com‐ creates an electronic company record that may be updated at any me from an modity codes to NIGP Codes. internet connec on. This will double the number of (217) 558-3723 available commodity codes. Once live, the Portal will be located at: hƩp:// Project Manager In the Illinois Procurement Gateway, current and poten al contractors will The new 7‐digit NIGP Codes [email protected] provide informa on required to bid on State contracts, including company provide a be er descrip on of ownership, poten al conflicts of interest, Department of Human Rights public the products & services the contract number, State Board of Elec ons registra on number, and a variety of state is solici ng, reducing the cer fica ons. By including the IPG registra on number with their bid, vendors number of irrelevant email need not send duplica ve informa on in paper with each bid thereby saving the solicita ons a vendor receives. Joe Kim Small Business (217) 558-3853 SBSP VENDORS QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PORTAL? vendor me, money and effort. Update Your Illinois Please email any ques ons you Current SBSP Qualified Vendors may have about the IPG to the Must Register in the Vendor Portal following email address: Procurement Bulle n Profile All vendors registered in the IPB To con nue to receive small business set‐aside solicita on opportuni es via will need to update the commodi‐ [email protected] email from agency buyers, current Small Business Set‐Aside Program vendors ty codes in their IPB profiles. Please email by Feb. 07, 2014 will need to create a profile in the IPG and provide the expira on date of their Upon transi on to the Illinois SBSP will communicate all current SBSP qualifica on. To receive email no ce of solicita ons in the 120 Procurement Gateway, all State set‐aside categories, SBSP vendors will need to update the commodity codes in ques ons with answers by Feb. 14, 2014. Find SBSP on Facebook! agency procurements will begin their Illinois Procurement Bulle n profiles using NIGP codes. Upda ng Bulle n u lizing the NIGP Codes. To profiles may start February 12, 2014. update your profile click: Visit the Chief Procurement Office at: w w w 2 . i l l i n oi s . g o v / cp o Small Business Set-Aside Program, 401 S. Spring, 515 Stratton Office Building, Springfield, IL 62706 To Unsubscribe send email to: [email protected]
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