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N.I.F: B35440585
Your review at HolidayCheck
Thank you for spending your holiday in one of our houses in Lanzarote. We would appreciate if you
publish your experience with IVV.SL. You can write a review for our vacation houses at HolidayCheck.
HolidayCheck is a leading travel website where users can easily share their holiday experience.
To offer you the easiest way to write your review we have created links that lead directly
to the review page on HolidayCheck. These links can be found on our “Overview” page in the Website
navigation. Here you can see the links for the three categories of our houses
“Vieja”, “Sargo” and “Agua Viva”.
Please click on the link “write a review” and choose the house you want to rate. We would like to
thank you once again for staying with us and we would be very happy to welcome
you back soon.
Best wishes from the sunny South
Your team of IVV.SL
IVV-SL | Ruperto Gonzalez Negrin 3,
ES-35500 Arrecife, Lanzarote