Year 9 Homework Project MFL Holidays Differentiated learning

Year 9 Homework Project MFL Holidays
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
demonstrate ability
demonstrate ability
to use present
to use the past
ability to use 3
tense and opinions.
tenses and
Levels 4c – 4a
Levels 5c - 5a
Levels 6c – 6a
Week 4 Students use
four time frames and
independent research
skills. Levels 6/7 –
Differentiated learning objectives :1.
To be able to describe a typical holdiay. This can be totally made up and can be in this
country or abroad. Use present tense to describe where you normally go, what you
normally do, how you get there, where you stay. You could choose a celebrity and
research where they normally go and use this person instead of yourself. (Levels 4c –
2. To be able to describe a past holiday (real or imaginary) Use the past tense to say where
you went, where you stayed, what you did, what the weather was like. Use a range of
expressions and description – include pictures if possible.
(Levels 4c – 5a)
3. To be able to describe an ideal holiday using the conditional tense. Imagine that you have
won the lottery and say where you would stay and what it would be like. Describe what
you would do there and who with. Use your imagination and research a place you would
really love to visit. Include pictures of this place in your project.
(Levels 5c – 6a)
4. To be able to describe a future holiday. Use the future tense to say where you will go
next year (Again this can be imaginary and doesn’t have to be real). You should now be
aiming to include four different time frames (present, past, future and conditional), and
adapting structures learnt to relate them to their personal research on another country
and include where you will go, when, who with, where you will stay.
(Levels 6/7 – exceptional performance)
Range of levels :The project ranges from levels 4 to exceptional performance, and all students are expected to
achieve at least a level 4, many will achieve a level 5 by including two different time frames,
some will go on to achieve a level 6 by including 3 different time frames and opinions. A few will
achieve exceptional performance by including more than 3 different time frames, and
undertaking independent research to allow them to apply their language knowledge to another
country or place that is unfamiliar to them.
Task :Over the course of 4 weeks students will produce a project and should aim to include the
following information as detailed as possible. The final version of the project will be collected in
week commencing 24/03/14. Students are free to use any format they wish to present the
information as long as they ensure they follow the checklist carefully. Projects can be produced
by hand/electronically/or through any means students choose.
Week 1
A detailed description of where you normally go on holiday. (real or imaginary) Present
A description of who you go with, how you get there, where you stay.
A detailed account of what you do on holiday, activities. Remember to add connectives
and opinions throughout.
Week 2
A detailed description of a past holiday. Past Tense
Include where you went, who with, where you stayed, description of hotel, what you did
Remember to include connectives and opinions throughout
Week 3
Write about an ideal holiday. Conditional Tense
Detail where you would go, what you would do, who would you go with etc
Use your imagination and describe your ideal holiday
Week 4
A detailed account of your future holiday plans. Future Tense
A description of where you will go, where you will stay and what you will do.
Students may also wish to undertake independent research to describe a country of
their choice and say what they will do when they visit.
The final projects will be assessed by your class teacher who will review and level your work.
An opportunity will be given during the 2nd week for students to self- assess their own work
and to peer assess another student’s work to allow advice to be given on how to make
progress. Your class teacher will also check your on-going project in class and give oral