^ie^e^Bi 12 -a« THE PHTLADELPHTA IXQUTRER". TUESDAY MORN'IXG. DECEMBER 9. 1952 fT" FOR THE MOST FITTING GIFT . FIRST NIGHTER PAJAMAS He'll sleep or lounge in casual comfort. Trousers ere solid color pleated broadcloth (with pockets) and the contrasting shirt is a striped pullover knit. Handsomely packaged. Brown, blue, maroon, green. Sizes A-B C D . $ 5 . 9 5 . Mail and phona ordars |RI 6-5680) filled promptly. : Luxurious as well as practical, this beautiful bag will delight the most discriminating lady on your list. Golden Brown, Dark Brown and Red Alligator. $14.98 plus 2 0 % Fed. tax. ©r the young " p i l o t " w h o wonts to e k e to the atr in a hurry. (A) C o m p e t e plastic eeromite w i t h motor, 5 9 . P 5 . B) AJ Ftrebaby complef* w i t h Spitfire M o t o r , $ 7 . 5 0 . W i t h W a s p M o t o r , $7 85 Or . . . give a Q u a k e r City Gift Certificate a n d let the " p i l o t " choose. DANS SHOES JACKSON & MOYER e 1 1 0 2 C h t i t n u t St. 0 4012 l o m a i u r A... e 4 6 2 7 Frankford A v e . 1 6 0 8 - 1 0 - 1 2 Chestnut S t r e e t QUAKER CITY HOBBY SHOP N. E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts. Phila. 6. Pa. ; S i ^ ^ ; « ^ ? « ^ e « ^ j « ; Optn Evt'j 'til Humming Bird nylons, scientifically knit to fit knee, ankle and calf, with specially proportioned heel heights! In glamorous holiday shades. Stardust (misty mauve) or Rose Petal (beige], beautifully boxed in sires 81/? to I I . . 15 denier, 60 gauge, 1.50; 15 denier, 51'gauge, 1.35; 30 denier, 51 gauge, 1.35. Hosiery, Street Floor. OPPENHEIM COLLINS Philadelphia Germantown H e d d o n f i e l d , N. J . W i l m i n g t o n , Del. Christmol 70*' "<^''M • • : / \ \ vi 7 \ \ ' -' '. ^^H |sS§i ,^ THE CONTOUR CHAIR FURS OP GREAT BEAUTY LOUNGE rests you best because it fit's you best. The perfect Christmas Gift for the one you love most. A life-time of complete comfort and relaxation because of Orthopedicafly correct design. Available in wide selection of plastic and fabric coverings. Budget terms available. In the Philadelphia area sold only at CONTOUR CHAIR-LOUNGE CO Give "her" the most complimentary STOtf OPEN M O N - W E O - F U I . 9 {as pictured) or a soft, lustrous neck- • ' • ' ' * "• M • Hemlock 5-3527 Po»e«ttd Ani'settle Can play the new Hammond Chord Organ without a lesson, without piece of fine sables, stone marten, reading a note of music. Creates its awn chords. All the glorious Ham- baum marten or mink. mond tones, solo and combination. An «ma:ing reyelation to all who i M o m Dtngntr Int. MORRIS RUDNICK 1211 Chestnut Street MERRY CHRISTMAS AT HOME! Tier Tray of polished wood, $8. Cheese Board with chrome handle*; Eng- love music but heretofore could not play. Only $91 down; convenient til 9 30—TUES - T H U * S . - | A T 1007 H a m i l t o n St., A l l e n t o w n , Pa. YOU AND ALL YOUR FAMILY gift this year—a luxurious mink stole 1320 Wolnut Street—PE 5-1941 (FHtlA. "A CORDIAL GIFT" terms. Open Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30 to 9. *0 "'ee» 3 ^ ^ lish Sheffield with dull brass pierced gallery and claw feet. $19.75, (Open Monday and 45 l/J Wednesday evenings). a' + WRIGHT. TYNDALE & van RODEN. Inc. 1719 Chestnut Street Available at All State Stores Spatola Wines, Inc., Phila. JACOBS BROS., 1718 CHESTNUT ST. steel knife included. $8.50. Waste Basket, of gold-tooled leather in green, brown, wine, blue, $10. Kidney Chairside Table, mahogany CTf^A G U L I E N K I A N R U G IS T H E G I F T SUPREME! Ther. it nothing finer! There is nothing more beautiful nor more acceptable in ony home— and it will qrow more treasured as the years go on and on. Here you will find the famous Kazvin, the Kerrran, the Sarouk, the Aubusson in the richest of patterns and colors and all sizes from a 27"«54" throw rug to magnificent I I'3"i37' carpets: also stairways to match. A typical value it a 9x12' for only $209.50. Budget terms if desired. Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Eveninqs. AMERICAN ORIENTAL RUG CO. 6760-64 M a r k e t Street, One Block f r o m 69th St. Terminal FINE WRITING PAPER "A CORDIAL GIFT" THE GIFT OF CHEER 'ROUND THE YEAR Blackberry Flavored Brandy $ 7 0 pioof Availabl* 4 A Gift Certificate for a course of ballroom dancing at the famous Arthur Murray School of Dancing. Ideal for «n individual or c»upies. Stop in any time and ask for one of these attractive certificates reedy to mail. 25 M~ A 5 qt. ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing at all State S/ores Spatola Wines, Inc., Phila. 1520 WALNUT ST. • PE 5-5103 A. 2-Dmwer Ouiltrd »had«» 12 q u i r . i l , Cobin*t in $?35.9 B . . P a i > l * y C o b i n t l 13 quires) J, 72 t n v . l a p s i . $7 7 5 . 72 HOUSE OF KASSER CORDIALS poit.l th*«ti C. Cnbinot el Pastel P o p m 3-quir« b » « , S3.00—4-quir« box, $3.50—5-quirt, box, $ 4 . 0 0 . DECKERS STATIONERS 902 CHESTNUT ST. 1624 CHESTNUT ST. 9 SO. 15TH ST. Peach, Apricot, Cherry and Ginger Brandies, also—3.35 4 / 5 quart. A T ALL STATE L I Q U O R STORES a>^.. THE GIFT THAT'S ALWAYS FITTING! anfy possible thing to be exchanged is "compliments" when you give handy, ' Chib Size Pfctlodelphia Whisky, every drop of whisky in Philadelphia it 7 years eld, blended w e me finest gram neutrol spirits. In a beoutifvl gift carton at no eetra eset. (86.8 proof. 3 5 % straight whiskies. 6 5 % grain neutral spirits.) Available Al AR State Stores—$2.59 Fufl 16 o t PHILADELPHIA WHISKY CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHttADftPHIA, »A. A. Blazing Crystal "TV" Heart, hand set, sterling silver, attractive gift box. $6.95, tax inc. B. 17-jewel water resistant, shock absorbing Watch, famous mate. $19.50 plus tax. C. Baby's first earrinqs for pierced ears. I0K gold. $2.95. Easy terms FAMILY GIFT IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HOI Custom made slip covers, beautifully styled, carefully tailored including zippers, cords and pleats. Interior decorator will call to show slipcover fabrics in the home. Sofa and two chairs prices range from $69, $79, and $89. Easy Terms. M A 4-2667, DE 3-7793. LOUIS LEFKOE CO. 27 S. Nth St. R.S. SLIP COVER CO. Open Eves. Till Xmas S. W. Cor. Cortman and B r a d f o r d Sts., East of Iststleton Ave. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Automatic Gas W a t e r Heater ends rusty water. 10-year Warranty. 20g a l , $ 4 9 . 9 5 ; 30-gal., $ 5 9 . 9 5 . Extra heavy galvanized steel tank with fiberglas insulation. 36 mos. to pay. OWL SUPPLY CO. 1003-05 G i r o r d Ave.. Phila. 5402-4 Garmanfowa Ave. 54 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore 844 Main St., Darby, Pa. GIVE YOUR HOME A CHRISTMAS GIFT! Save up to $100. Add beauty and practicability to your living room with e Simmons Hide-a-Bed Kroehler decorator-styled sofa that opens into « most comfortable bed. All spring construction, with assorted covers in boucle, tapestry, mohairs. Many Styles to choose from: Regency, Lawson and modern. Cash or easy terms. Free Delivery. Open every evening 'til Xmas. COOPER'S Furniture and Appliances 1521-25 Ridge Ave., ST 4 « m 3 4417-21 Frankford Ave., JE 5-3391
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