Mission Giftsfor Christmas nAtionAL PREsBYtERiAn CHURCH Mission Giftsfor Christmas “Freely you have received, freely give.” M AT T H E W 1 0 : 8 Christmas is coming and our annual Mission Gifts for Christmas event is here! Mission Gifts for Christmas enables you to give meaningful gifts instead of giving another “thing,” by supporting God’s work locally and internationally. Each donation you make gives two gifts: one to help a person, family, or group of people you may not even know; the other to honor your family, friend, teacher or co-worker. I hope this will bring us back to the reason we exchange Christmas gifts in the first place. We reflect the gift of grace that we have received in Jesus Christ when we grace others at Christmastime. We remember the worshipful gifts brought to the newborn King when we bring special gifts to strangers or loved ones. Through Mission Gifts for Christmas, you can be introduced to NPC mission partners and other great organizations, be inspired to get involved personally, and help to raise significant funds for Kingdom work. Use this catalog to learn and pray, as well as to order gifts! You can shop in Stone Hall on Sundays, December 7 and 14 using the order form in the back of this booklet. (We will also have a cashier on Sunday, December 21 for last minute shoppers.) Be sure to speak to the representatives in each themed display area to learn about the missions you can contribute to, and how your gift helps. You can also shop online throughout the month of December at www.nationalpres.org/mission-gifts May your gifts be a blessing to your loved ones, and to those in need in our community and throughout the world. Let Christ’s light shine in you by making Christmas different and more meaningful! In His service, Donna Marsh SPREAD GOD’S WORD TO THE WORLD Bethlehem Bible College trains Arab Christians to serve the minority and dwindling Christian communities in the Holy Land, while engaging in reconciliation activities with their Jewish neighbors. Many of its students face travel restrictions and unemployment. Examples of how your gift may be used: educational supplies ($10); books ($25); or tuition support ($1,000 per student per year). www.bethbc.org The College of Theology and Education in Moldova prepares Christian men and women to serve as pastors, evangelists, Sunday school leaders and social workers—a very great need in that region. They provide special support to students from countries where it is difficult to receive a Christian higher education. Examples of how your gift may be used: educational materials ($25); room and board ($1630/yr./student); or tuition support ($3000/yr./student). www.keyscolleges.com The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Croatia is a flagship evangelical school for both Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It is dedicated to ministries of reconciliation, evangelism and continuing humanitarian relief in the Balkans, a region troubled by sectarian strife and still recovering from war in the 1990s. Examples of how your gift may be used: Bible for new believer ($7); scholarships ($3500/student) www.evtos.hr/en/ McGilvary College of Divinity in Thailand trains students for ministry throughout Southeast Asia, where there is a desperate need for pastors. Students come primarily from poor, rural communities. More than onethird are from tribal minorities. Example of how your gift may be used: food assistance for underprivileged students ($40 for 1 month). www.mcd.in.th/en/ New Hope International works in Eastern Europe to equip churches to do youth and family ministry, as well as evangelistic outreach to their communities. Examples of how your gift may be used: Christian camp scholarships ($85 per camper for Orphan Care Camp); Sunday school training and materials for teachers ($32). www.newhopeinternational.org SHARE GOD’S WORD WITH THE WORLD Our Missionaries in the Middle East – Chris and Greg Callison minister with the PC(USA) to Kurds but also to Christians fleeing violence. Evangelism and discipleship for Kurds and assistance and fellowship for Christians are central to their ministry. “The Jesus Film” has been especially effective in outreach. The Callison’s develop relationships through teaching English to adults and summer English Camps for children and youth. Examples of how your gift may be used: showing of “The Jesus Film” ($8); summer camp for 1 child ($25). The Wycliff Linguistics Library in Burkina Faso, West Africa serves Bible translators and researchers with 4000+ volumes, including linguistics books, Bibles, commentaries and local anthropological and cultural information. The Library needs updating with modern resources and library school training for an employee. Examples of how your gift may be used: multi-lingual on-line catalog upgrades ($200); basic supplies to facilitate book check-out ($20), one week’s tuition to train new librarian ($40). www.wycliffe.org Our Missionaries in Burkina Faso, West Africa – Stuart and Cathie Showalter are NPC-supported Wycliffe missionaries living and working in Burkina Faso. Their team has just completed translation of the New Testament into the Kaansa language. Your gift will be used to print copies of the brand new Kaansa New Testament for the Kaan church. Examples of how your gift may be used: $15 for a Kaansa New Testament www.wycliffe.org Young Life Middle East , Holy Land Region, leads relational outreach to Arab and Israeli Christian, Jewish, and Muslim teenagers, young adults and families in the West Bank and Israel. They provide Christian summer camps and teen clubs with fellowship and a Christ-centered message, including one club for the mentally and physically disabled. They share the love of Christ across the cultural, religious and ethnic boundaries of this troubled region. Examples of how your gift may be used: Bible for a new Christian ($10); resources for a student fellowship meeting ($40); fund a summer camper ($125) SHARE GOD’S WORD WITH THE WORLD FEED THE HUNGRY AND HOUSE THE HOMELESS The Crèche is an orphanage in Bethlehem. It has been serving and protecting abandoned and vulnerable children in the Holy Land since the late 1800s. The Crèche cares for over 40 orphans and provides free day care to over 70 children of poor families, with a focus on children newborn to age six. Examples of how your gift may be used: Christmas gift for a child ($10); medical check-up for an orphan ($30). http://saintvincentguesthouse.com/en/guest-house/creche Central Union Mission in Washington, DC provides for the physical and spiritual needs of underprivileged and disenfranchised men, women and children. During the holidays, the Mission provides gifts for impoverished children and their families via Operation Christmas Miracle. Examples of how your gift may be used: helping a homeless person move into an apartment ($100); Christmas gifts for a family in need ($50). www.missiondc.org Friendship Place in Washington, DC empowers men and women experiencing homelessness to rebuild their lives, reconnect with others, and move toward self-sufficiency. A leader in its field, FP provides a continuum of services to the homeless including transitional housing, psychiatric care and job placement. Examples of how your gift may be used: outreach to homeless veterans ($10); psychiatric consultation for homeless person ($30); 1 week of services for a woman in transitional housing ($72). www.friendshipplace.org Habitat for Humanity– Washington, DC is the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Their mission is to eliminate poverty housing by building affordable, energy-efficient homes. Homes are sold to the working poor at affordable prices with no-profit mortgages. Examples of how your gift may be used: home-building tools such as a ladder ($60) or drill ($120). www.dchabitat.org FEED THE HUNGRY AND HOUSE THE HOMELESS Martha’s Table in Washington, DC feeds the homeless and hungry 365 days a year and provides many other services to break the cycle of poverty. Programs include day care, educational programs and food to individuals, families, seniors and veterans. Examples of how your gift may be used: soup containers ($20); baby formula ($10); writing materials for children ($15). www.marthastable.org New Endeavors by Women in Washington, DC helps homeless women and children transform their lives. NEW provides 200 women and children with transitional and permanent housing, life skills training, adult education, employment support and youth enrichment activities to lift women and children out of the cycle of homelessness. Examples of how your gift may be used: education and employment support to help a homeless woman prepare for a job interview ($35); one week of academic support services for a child in transitional housing ($79). www.nebw.org Project Mercy is a relief and development agency in Ethiopia. Its efforts include a Women’s Skill Program, which teaches a marketable skill along with basic literacy and math, and a School Meal Program. These programs care for physical needs while laying the foundation for the Gospel to be seen and shared. Examples of how your gift may be used: 1 month of skill training for 1 woman ($25); 1 month of school meals for 1 child ($16). www.projectmercy.org Solar Household Energy (SHE) strives to unleash the potential of solar cooking to improve social, economic and environmental conditions in sunny areas worldwide, especially in Africa. SHE partners with governments and the private sector to offer an affordable and sustainable alternative to fires. Examples of how your gift may be used: cooking instruction at a refugee camp ($25); 1 oven, delivered with training ($150). www.she-inc.org Women to the World (WTW) is a Christian organization in Afghanistan empowering women and children to overcome poverty, dependency, and abuse. For more than thirty years, WTW has established relationships with unreached peoples through literacy, micro-loans, healthcare and spiritual support, demonstrating the love of Christ by relieving suffering in one of the poorest areas of the world. Examples of how your gift may be used: fabric ($25), literacy books ($21), disease prevention ($35), sewing machines ($69). www.womentotheworld.org FEED THE HUNGRY AND HOUSE THE HOMELESS CARE FOR THE SICK AND VULNERABLE The Armenia Gospel Mission works in Armenia, one of the poorest countries of the former Soviet Union. This relief and development organization provides humanitarian gifts-in-kind from the United States and other countries. Through local churches, it shares God’s love and the Gospel as it helps children and the elderly with daily needs. Examples of how your gift may be used: milk for 1 child for 1 month ($8); FoodPaks ($30 per family). www.armeniangospelmission.org Beacon of Hope (Wycliffe) in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators. It brings God’s love to orphans and widows who are victims of inter-ethnic and civil wars. It provides education for orphans, conducts Bible-based trauma healing and helps widows develop income-generating activities to care for their children. Examples of how your gift may be used: school uniforms for 1 child for 1 year ($50); school supplies for 1 child ($10). www.wivenhoemethodist.btck.co.uk/ BeaconOfHope ByGrace Children’s Home in Kenya was founded in 2005 by Stephen and Rosemary Mbogo to provide a loving environment for orphaned children in the slums of Nairobi. ByGrace has partnered with Foundation for Peace to build a three story school that houses 70+ orphans and educates an additional 70 paying students. The school has one of the highest exam pass rates in Kenya. Examples of how your gift may be used: meeting all the monthly needs of one child ($45 elementary and middle school, $90 high school). www.bygracetrust.org NPC Deacons’ Assistance Fund provides funds to NPC members who are in crisis and need short-term financial help. These funds are used to help with utilities, food or other unforeseen expenses. The fund is designed to help recipients transition through a time of temporary financial difficulty (such as a period of unexpected unemployment) and restore their lives. People who are positively affected by this ministry are encouraged to donate back to the fund, allowing for someone else to receive assistance in the future. CARE FOR THE SICK AND VULNERABLE The Foundation for Peace works in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Kenya hand-in-hand with the local church to provide educational support, healthcare, economic opportunity and hope in the name of Jesus Christ. The ministry produces sustainable and successful initiatives that relieve the effects of poverty, encourage personal growth and overcome injustice. Examples of how your gift may be used: 1 week of food and supplies for an HIV patient or caregiver ($20); Bibles and school supplies for 1 student ($10). www.foundationforpeace.org International Justice Mission is a global Christian organization that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors and strengthen justice systems. In nearly 20 communities throughout Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Southeast Asia, IJM combats slavery, sex trafficking, rape, police brutality, property grabbing and other forms of violence. Examples of how your gift may be used: aftercare package for a survivor of sex trafficking ($30); freedom training for a family rescued from slavery ($111). www.ijm.org Samaritan’s Purse meets critical needs in global crisis areas in Jesus’ name. Their work in Liberia began in 2003, recently focusing on the Ebola outbreak. Their innovative program reduces Ebola transmission rates through home-based interventions. Families receive training to provide supportive care to infected loved ones, along with a home care kit that includes head-to-toe protective gear, medicines, hydration items, disinfectants and a sprayer. Examples of how your gift may be used: glove set ($2); reusable goggles ($7); reusable rubber boots ($20); complete hygiene kit for a family ($62). www.samaritanspurse.org Unsung Heroes mentors and equips Christ-centered servant leaders in South Africa who pursue visionary community programs. Four projects within the Gauteng and North West provinces provide education and care to orphaned and vulnerable children and teenagers, many of them orphaned by AIDS. They also provide home-based care to those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, and offer Food and Garden programs. Examples of how your gift may be used: funds for students’ meals ($5); school supplies ($5); books ($10). www.unsungheroes.org.za CARE FOR THE SICK AND VULNERABLE YAKKUM Rehabilitation Center in Indonesia offers scholarships, medical services, education and vocational training to physically disabled children and young adults from poor families. Disaster victims and families of disabled children are also given the means to support themselves through small business loans and training. Examples of how your gift may be used: a wheelchair ($50); 1 month of vocational training for 1 young person ($25). www.yakkum-rehabilitation.org The Yayasan Bina Kasih Foundation (YBK) in Indonesia provides transitional housing to former patients of mental hospitals. It is the only ministry of its kind serving the Christian minority in Indonesia. It serves 64 clients with a staff of 26. Examples of how your gift may be used: food for 1 person for 1 week ($35); psychiatric visit for 1 person ($40). CARE FOR THE SICK AND VULNERABLE NURTURE YOUTH AND FAMILIES Birzeit Senior Citizen Center in the West Bank (Palestine) offers medical and nutrition assistance as well as socialization to needy or isolated seniors in Birzeit. The elderly are often alone and vulnerable because younger members of their families have left to seek work elsewhere. Examples of how your gift may be used: clothing ($10); medical check-up for 1 senior ($25); toiletries ($15). www.hcef.org Committed to Freedom offers abuse recovery solutions from a Christian perspective to help people move beyond abuse, exploitation and sexual trauma. They offer weekly recovery articles, seminars and retreats and develop resources, many of these at no cost. A media conversion project will make seminars more accessible through audio/video production and online platform development. Examples of how your gift may be used: book or CD for abuse victim ($15); contribution to media conversion ($50). www.committedtofreedom.org Ecole Renaissance des Sourds in Dakar, Senegal, serves profoundly deaf children from ages 6 to 21. Students receive instruction in all academic subjects, religion and vocational skills. NPC missionary, Angela Bednarczyk, works in teacher training and curriculum development at ERS. Examples of how your gift may be used: hairdressing instruction for 1 student ($5); computer instruction for 1 student ($15). http://ecoledessourds.wordpress.com/about/ Hope Unlimited for Children in Brazil provides transformational residential care for street children and comprehensive day programs for gravely at-risk children of poverty. Hope Unlimited offers these children a home and hope for the future. Examples of how your gift may be used: meals for 1 house of children for 1 week ($100); discipleship kits for 10 children ($50). www.hopeunlimited.org NURTURE YOUTH AND FAMILIES in Moldova (Eastern Europe) is a partnership of NPC and the Moldova Baptist Union. The goal this year is to support regional leadership couples teaching “The Marriage Course” in Romanian-language and Russian-language churches. Couples in Moldova struggle to support their families in a difficult economy and cannot afford the course. Example of how your gift may be used: course materials for 1 couple ($10), registration ($5). www. nationalpres.org/international The Moldova Marriage Ministry National Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry is here to help our middle and high school students discover and follow Jesus Christ. Drawing young people and families from across the metro-DC area, the NPC youth program also helps our kids to discern their call to serve others in Christ’s name. Your support helps them to take life-changing, relational mission trips and to participate in local mission efforts. Examples of how your gift may be used: medical supplies to take on a mission trip ($50); materials to teach cross-cultural VBS ($15). www.nationalpres.org/teens Our Lady Queen of Peace’s Parish School in the West Bank (Palestine) offers quality Christian education to children of all denominations, including children with cognitive or emotional difficulties. Examples of how your gift may be used: consultations with special education teachers ($40); textbooks ($20); tuition assistance ($100). www.birzeitchurch.ps The Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan is a consortium of 14 schools. Christian teachers witness to the Gospel by treating each student as a child of God and helping each one to achieve his or her potential. A women’s empowerment program also teaches literacy, numeracy and marketable skills to village women. Examples of how your gift may be used: uniforms for 1 student ($25); 1 month’s tuition for 1 student ($20), desk & chair for 1 student ($50). www.friendsofpeb.org Unique Learning Center (ULC) in DC’s Shaw community is a ministry providing critical support to inner-city children. ULC empowers children and youth through its after-school program and summer youth program. Both include literacy, project-based academic activities, recreational and cultural outlets, family support and opportunities for Bible study. Examples of how your gift may be used: snacks for 1 child in after-school programs for 1 month ($10); local/regional college visit for one inner-city student ($100). www.ulcdc.org NURTURE YOUTH AND FAMILIES Young Life–NY is part of an international organization that presents the Gospel to adolescents in greater New York and helps them grow in their faith. One of every eight teens in the US lives within 100 miles of the Empire State Building, and these teenagers are the focus of Young Life NY. This rapidly growing ministry is reaching kids across the New York region. Example of how your gift may be used: help send a kid to Young Life summer camp ($25). www.greaterny.younglife.org Young Life–DC is part of an international organization working in the District to present the Gospel to adolescents and help them grow in their faith. DC has over 50,000 young people who need to hear the Good News. Caring adults meet kids on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of friendship. Example of how your gift may be used: help send a kid to Young Life summer camp ($25). www.metrodc.younglife.org/ NURTURE YOUTH AND FAMILIES You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 CORINTHIANS 9:11-12 Mission Giftsfor Christmas 4101 NEBRASKA AVE. NW WASHINGTON DC 20016 202.537.0800 www.nationalpres.org
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