1t- a t t t t q q q q t 4q t t i t t t - t - --- - t t t - t - - - t - a q | 2q t q t t t - t - a STRATHFIELDSAYEDODGERSBASEBALL CLUB i I D t ErsBrrr.cr.ur No. 84 Jtt tzl t-t- tt i i t t- t a aa t a t at t a t a t tt t aa ll Juiy 29. 1995 | t l l l t rL Not too wet for our Under 12s Too Yrelto play? Notilyou ask DodgersUnder12 whenthey b€at Shspparton18-7in glorioussunshine. Playingsolidbas€ball,eventhough not in theirregularpositonsand hustling,Dodgersshowodtheir vorsatrhty. HarleeBarclayled the battingwitr hroo hitsfromthreeat bats. Unfortunately only hree innings were playedbecauseShepparton did not knowhow to hustle,leaving Dodgerslrustratedwhile Sheppartonambledabouttheir bustness. Lachlanand HamishN4cGauchie bothgot on base and ran the bases hard(sometimestoo fast). Kyle Phillips,catchingonlyhis secondgameshowedgreatskjlls blockinghe ballcontinually provontingnumerouspassedballs. LukeOxladeand JoshuaDavies Great night assuredfor Trivia and Auction Our club wlll hold a Trlvlaand Auctlonnlght next Saturday, August5 trom 7,30pm at the DlckConroyPavlllon. Th€feare few vacanciesleft for th€ tw€lvetables,so got in conhct with JoanWhittle(49-3370)or Val Skipper(39-5485)to bookyour seat or your team. Cost is 56 per headwhichincludes a lightsupperof sandwiches,slices plusBYOdrinks. andnibbles, A few teamsfrom eachgrade, parenF,supportersand young ladieshaveentered,so comealong and €njoya great nightout and help your club raisoa l€w dollars. werecongisl€nt asugualin thefi€ld appearedto give Easta hellof a andwiththebat. lright but they only managedto scote ttr€e runs. Anolherbigteameflortfrom everyone, congratulatons AgainAs battingfailedwh€n it was Pilchersr LukeOxlade, 2 digs,5 Ks; reallyne€ded. Andrew Oxlade 1/2innings, Harlee With a double-h€aderlhis we€k€nd Barclay, 1/2innings. againstScotsit is rmporativethat A Saf€hits(12):Harlee Barclay,3; gradepick up winsin bothgames. Rememberwhen the mind says, I Luk€Oxlade, Joshuaoaviesand can,youwilldo itlll AndrewHoward, 2 each;Hamish lvlccauchi€, KylEPhillips and Ahdore4 innings,9 PitchersrGary AndfewOxlade,1 each. h i t s , 2B B s , 2K 2 s , 6E R A C ] aii Sheppadon ............................,.4 7 7 - 18 Tuckernan,9innings,3hits,1 K2s, Dodgels 2 ...............................0 0 7- 7 2 B B s , 2E R A . Safe hits (6): CameronBelland Cail Tuckerman,2 each;Luke Barkmeyerand DannyWhittle,1 each. Fielding: Errors0, wildthrow1. Batting lets A grade down DearOh dea.,A gradewere lullof .nthusiasm and vigor and played against a team that did not really want to play In tho wet and muddycondlllons. How€verA grade's€nthusiasmand vlgordid not go intothe battingbox withthem. For the b€stdefensiv€perlormance all yearwe couldonly managesix scatteredhits. To furtherembarrassour poor oflensowh€n runnerswere on base, battersfailedto recogniseand activatesignals,i.e. coveringhe stealand not beingaggressive (again)to forcethe oppositioninto maKtngerrors. A gradeagaintrieda changedline up whichcertanly madea dillerence to our fi€lding. GaryAhdorepitched,at the beginningand held Eastfor two innings, thenCailTuckerman held themior alrnosttwo innings,wrth goodsupportfrom LukeBarkmeyer at cenhefieldand SconBurtonat shortstop,Eastneverreallyfiooded homeplatewith runs. In the eighthinningswith bases loadedand no outs,the A s This dugout is brought to you by the courtesy of AUSLEC ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS 19 D€borah Strset Phone 43-1511 00d9srs,...,..,..,....,...0 0001 0030- | East..........................3 0030 020 -8 NeilShaws scofingtwicsin B grades bigthirddigandBrett Eitchie's walkingdisplay with three outof four. TrentBlackwell, 4 digs,10 Pitchers: Ks,t hit,2BBsiColPithie,2 innings,3 Ks,2hits,2 BBs. Safehits(4)rKurtLackovic 2; Col PithieandN€ilShaw,1 each. 00d90rs.,.............,..,..,....01 I 0 20-12 E a s i . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . 0. .0. .0. -. . 1 .....001 I I I I I 2teaaaaVo.6 Which Dodgercoach,untillastyoar had neverplayedin a grandfinal? Answernext issue. Answerto OuestionNo 5l Jefi Southby. I I I I I Many thanks Morale boosting oo'dgers wouldliketo thankKen for his hosoitalitu and he use win for B grade Martin ol his shed lastweekendto holdthe A moraleboostlngwin aftera tlghtstartsawB gradetake controlof thegam€In thethird Innlngs. Withdisciplined battingand aggressive bas€running theyforced ninerunsacrossthoplato. Eastdidn'twantto play,fiey didn't likef\e mudandl\4rElackwell certainly rubbedtheirnosesin it with tenKsoutol litteenbatters. ColPithiekepluptheprossure by fanningthr€eoutol th€sixoub. Highlights wefe:thepitching display by bothpitchers; KurtLackovic's and Junior Bat-a-thon next Saturday Next Saturday,August 5 f.om 10,30am wlll bo tho timo and dat. for Dodgors Junlor Bat.a.thon. Alljuniorsar€ urgedto try out and qualityfo. somegreatprizes.which will includespecialbaseballcaps, vouchersand othsrgreatprizes. Therewill be prizesfo{ the firee highestoverallmoneyrais€rsand a priz6for the personwith the most sponsorsp€r moneytarsgd. Aft€rth€ Bat-a-thonbor€ will be a Hot Dog lunchfor playersand helpers,so kidscome alongand showyour mateshow goodyou are with he bat. Spil Floast. Despitethe rain,it turnedout lo be a goodnightwith an attendanceof abouteightyjuniofsand s€niorswho help6draisea l€w dollarsfor the club. WANTED!!!! 40 HU't'GRY PEOPLE For detailsse€ nsxt week'sDugout SENIORS Round15- Auguet6 A grade v Shepparton at Strathfieldsaye. Bgrade v Shepparton at Strathfieldsaye. Cgradev Eaglehawk atAlbertRoy Reserve, diamond L JUNIORS Round14- August6 under 16v Sheppanon at Strathfieldsaye. at Under 14(1)v Shepparton Strathieldsaye. Under14{2)v Eastat ouarryHill. Under 12(1)v Shepparton at Strathfieldsaye. Under12(2)v Eastat0uarryHill
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