uly 27 2014 - St. Patrick Catholic Church

St. Patrick Catholic Church
July 27, 2014 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message from Fr. Wayne:
Today’s Music:!
Last week I wrote about the importance of daily
prayer and once again this week, I would remind
you how important it is, how essential it is for each
of us to spend time each day in prayer. The first
reading today, however, asks to examine not only
how much we pray, but what we pray for. Solomon
did not pray for a long life, or for riches, or for the
downfall of his enemies; he simply prayed for
This week as we sit down to pray, let us look at the
content of our prayer. Are we praying to God with a
to do list, as if God needs us to tell him what we
need or what our friends and family need? Or are
we praying like Solomon for God to tell us, tell us
what we should say, tell us what we should do, help
us to understand the world and the people around
us, help us to see his plan, even in the events that
seem so wrong, help us to see the proper response? God knows what you need better than you
ever will. So like Solomon, pray for understanding.!
Fr. Wayne
Gathering - # 753 All Are Welcome!
Psalm 119 - # 117 Lord, I Love Your Commands !
Offertory - # 572 For the Beauty of the Earth!
Communion - # 507 I Want to Walk As A Child!
Communion 2 - # 669 The Servant Song!
Recess. - # 682 God Has Chosen Me!
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
(RCIA) - The RCIA is the process where the
Catholic Church welcomes new adult members into
the Church. This process helps adults reflect on
their faith journey & discover how Catholics live the
Christian faith. Adults wishing to learn more about
the Catholic faith and the RCIA please contact the
St. Patrick’s Office at 804-737-8028 or e-mail Fred
Powell at [email protected] or Ryland Paxton at
[email protected].
Readings for the Week of July 27, 2014!
Next Sunday:
Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Rom 8: 28-30/ Mt 13: 44-52 Jer 13: 1-11/ Mt 13: 31-35
Jer 14: 17-22/ Jn 11: 19-27 Jer 15: 10, 16-21/Mt 13: 44-46
Jer 18: 1-6/ Mt 13: 47-53
Jer 26: 1-9/ Mt 13: 54-58
Jer 26: 11-16, 24/ Mt 14: 1-12
Is 55:1-3/Rom 8:35, 37-39/Mt 14:13-21
Office: 804-737-8028 Emergency: 804-677-1854
Community Life- Michelle Dawson
Baptisms and Adult Faith Formation:
Summerfest, July 27th, 11am- 4pm
CatholicRVA invites Richmond-Area twenty- and
thirty-somethings to the 1st annual SummerFest, on
July 27th 11am- 4pm hosted at St. Michael’s parish in Glen Allen. The event kicks off with mass at 11:15 and continues with an afternoon of grilling, enjoying
music from local bands, water balloons, and more! No cost to attend! Come see what CatholicRVA has
to offer. Check out many activities in the Richmond area for
more info go to the CatholicRVA.com.
Faith Night at the Diamond: Come on out
To Family and Faith Night at the Diamond!
Thursday August 7th. Contact Michelle Dawson
If interested [email protected] For details on events or ideas we can do as a
community…please contact Michelle at
[email protected].
Senior Trip -Dinner and Live Music at Rare Olde
Times - Please let me know no later than Sunday
August 3, 2014 if you will be joining the Senior Trip
on August 22, 2014 to Rare Ol’ Times for dinner and
the music of Cindy Jennings. Please call or email:
Heather Coleman
[email protected]
Children’s Religious Education
Registration: It’s that time of year again! We are
starting registration for the 2014-2015 Children’s
Religious Education classes. The classes will be held
Sundays from 9:45 to 10:30 AM, and will begin in late
September. We are also looking for help with
teaching the classes, so if interested, please see Donna
Baird after mass or email at donnahbaird
@yahoo.com, or phone (804) 346-9476 (h), (804)
888-3470 (mobile). Kathy Buttner
Baptism Registration - If you are interested in
having your child Baptized, please access our website
and click on the link for Baptism. The website gives
information about infant Baptism and the
responsibilities of godparents. Please also click on the
"Initial Survey" link and complete the survey. If you have additional questions, please contact the Office.
Bible Study - The Adult Faith Formation class will
take a break from our Bible Timeline study this
summer and start a five-week video series by Fr.
Michael Renninger on The Joy of the Gospel,
Evangelii Gaudium, and the Apostolic Exhortation
of Pope Francis 2013. We have two sessions
remaining and will meet at 10:30am on Thursday,
August 7 and Thursday, August 21. All are welcome
to join in for the remaining sessions. !
Shut-Ins? If you or someone you know is a shut-in
and would like to receive holy communion, please
contact Kathy Buttner at 804-737-6199, or via email.
Contact & Follow Us at:
Twitter: @frwayneball
Facebook: SPChurchHill
Fr. Wayne’s Blog -Daily Reflections:
Fr. Wayne: [email protected]
Office: [email protected]
Michelle: [email protected]
Donna: [email protected]
Kathy: [email protected]
Heather: [email protected]
Bryce: [email protected]
Willeen: [email protected]
Paulita: [email protected]
Mike: [email protected]
Mailing address:
St. Patrick’s Church, 813 West Nine Mile Road
Highland Springs, VA 23075.
Office: 804-737-8028 Emergency: 804-677-1854