St. George Church Worcester MA J A M U A R Y 2 0 1 5 ST. GEORGE CHURCH 40 Brattle St. Worcester MA 01606 PHONE Homemade Holiness 508-853-0183 FAX: 508-854-0864 Office email [email protected] Facebook St. George Church Worcester MA Website Edward Hayes, Catholic priest and author calls the faith life of the family “homemade holiness”. Reflecting on the everyday ways that God is at work within and around us is the first step toward becoming faith generators for our children. Each family has its own unique spirituality, not marked by incense and bells or organ music, but a spirituality that is manifested in cooking meals, shopping for clothes, playing games and making house payments. When Jesus separated all those who would be with him in eternity from those who would not (Matthew 25: 31-45) one of the measures he used for faithfulness was feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and sheltering the homeless. You do these things every day. You may not recognize making a house payment or paying the rent as “sheltering the homeless”, but most American families would be homeless if someone wasn’t working to make those payments. Your spiritual life is enfleshed with all night stints at lowering fevers, spreading lotion on burns, and packing ice on sprains. Your spirituality is sexual with embraces and intimate moments that reconcile differences and reinforce covenant love. Your spir- itual life is sacrificial when putting personal desires aside for the good of your children and the family as a whole. Many of us feel that we can’t possibly generate enough energy at the end of the day to pass a bowl of popcorn, let alone pass on faith. We find ourselves low on energy and unable to practice faith as we did before we had a family or even when the family was small. We simply cannot find the time or energy to attend daily Mass or read Scripture or say the rosary on some regular basis. Yet when we show love for our children, when we forgive or are forgiven, share faith. Many of us sincerely feel that the most responsible thing to do is leave the spiritual development of our children to others who know more, appear holier, or even seem more religious. After all, we don’t even have time for our own faith development. Where are we going to get the energy and time to share faith with our children? The deep relational life of mothers, fathers, siblings, and extended family members, however is the fertile soil into which the seeds of faith are planted. The Second Vatican Council emphasized the nature of believers. In this first and basic community, families and individuals get their first opportunity to break bread together, to forgive and be forgiven, to wash one another’s feet (and hands and face!), and love one another as Christ did. Understanding how all these things work together in our home—the domestic church—is to realize that sharing faith is just what we do every day and in doing that, our own faith is deepened. It takes little physical exertion or time to reflect on this “homemade holiness”. A simple prayer in the morning, offering our day to the glory of God, puts the whole day in proper perspective. It also reminds us that the Holy Spirit walks with us. (from Sharing Faith With Your Child—From Age Seven to Fourteen by Mary Jo Pederson and Joan Burney. Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori MO 63057-9999) PAGE 2 Solemnity of Mary Mother of God In addition to being New Year’s Day January 1 is also the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, a holy day of obligation. Masses for the holy day at St. George’s are Wednesday, December 31 at 4 pm and Thursday, January 1 at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. World Day of Peace - January 1 The theme of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace message this year is “No Longer Slaves, But Brothers and Sisters”. The theme is intended to guide Catholics and all peoples away from acts of violence toward lives in harmony with the Word of God. Violence today is not restricted to that associated with Isis and wars on other countries. The most present signs of a “culture of violence” are much closer to home and include the destruction of human life in all its forms, the violence associated with street gangs in our communities, affronts to the dignity of others based on race, gender and social class, violence found in some video games, television programming and popular music, child abuse, domestic abuse, angry words that hurt, lack of forgiveness, the destruction of natural environment and most certainly the indifference to the needs of others. “How much damage human indifference causes” (Pope Francis) To help us mark the World Day of Peace and be more mindful of our need to turn from violence in all its forms in the year ahead, St. George’s Faith in Action Ministry seeks suggestions from parishioners of all ages as we work on programs and events for the coming year. Your thoughts are welcome as to topics for future programs, panel discussions, authors, speakers, as well as quotes from Scripture and/or recent Popes that address the subject of peace. Your suggestions may be left on the Faith in Action table in the church hall after weekend Masses where CRS coffee and chocolate bars and Hope for Housing grocery cards are sold on weekends. Thank you for taking a step against violence by helping with the planning process and may we all be blessed with peace in the coming New Year. Prayers for Peace ST. GEORGE CHURCH PAGE Feast of the Epiphany January 4 More about Epiphany here. January 2015 Meetings and Events ST. GEORGE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Monday, January 5, 2015 7:00 pm in the Conference Room (Church Hall) Pizza followed by continued discussion of Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter by Michael White and Tom Corcoran with special attention to Chapter 9. Fr. Niccolls will be able to attend and join this discussion. All are welcome. For more information contact Eileen Charbonneau at 774-345-4032. ADULT CHOIR REHEARSALS RESUME Tuesday, January 6, 2015 6:45 pm in the church choir loft Preparations begin with hymns for Holy Week/Easter! All interested parishioners are welcome. No auditions, just a love of singing for the Lord to enhance our liturgies. There is also a need for regular cantors with training provided. For more information see either Bill White or Alice Bucca after any weekend Masses. Or email Bill at [email protected] or Alice at [email protected]. 3 More January 2015 Meetings/Events FAITH IN ACTION Wednesday, January 7, 2015; 7:00 pm Conference Room in the Church Hall GRANDPARENT PRAYER GROUP Friday, January 16 at 11:00 am in the Conference Room in the Church Hall Join us as we pray for the safety and well being of our own grandchildren and those in our parish. Includes prayers to Saint Anne and St. Joachim, grandparents of Jesus and the Rosary. In the event of snow/ice the group is cancelled. Copies of the prayers used are available on the Welcome Table in the church hall for anyone unable to attend the group at the church and who wish to pray from home. For more information contact Ruth Viens, Family Ministry Coordinator at [email protected]. NEXT BAPTISM PREPARATION SESSIONS January 25 & February 8 Come focus on the Baptism of your child and get to know other young families in the parish. For more information contact Carrie Rocha ([email protected]) Baptism Coordinator for information and application forms. VISITATION HOUSE - BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER Baby bottles will be distributed at the end of each of our Masses the weekend of Jan. 10/11 and will be collected the weekend of Jan. 31/Feb.1. Wicker baskets will be found near each entrance of the church. Please take a baby bottle and fill it with spare money that will benefit homeless women facing a crisis pregnancy. MARCH FOR LIFE INFORMATION JANUARY 22, 2015 January 2015 Building Faith – Strengthening Families Activity Calendar Is available as a link on the homepage of the parish website. Hard copies can also be found on the Welcome Table in the church hall. Feel free to share with family and friends. Each successive month will also be available in these same locations. Compliments of St. George Family Ministry. WORTH A CLICK….. Growing Up Catholic Grace Before Meals
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