In This Issue: Our Church: Pastoral Candidate Bio

Volume 58 l Issue 1 I January 2015
In This Issue:
Latest News
Birthdays &
Pastoral Staff Info
Page 2
Pages 3, 4, 5
Page 6
The Vision of EBC
Glorifying Jesus,
Growing in Grace,
Going by Faith
The Mission of EBC
United with Christ to advance God’s kingdom for His glory
Our Church: Pastoral Candidate Bio
On January 10, 2015 at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary, we will have a Q & A session with the congregation and our Pastoral Candidate.
On Sunday, January 11 he will be preaching the Sunday morning sermon. Below is his Bio.
Christian Profile:
“I am a weak person who believes in the mercy, grace, and love of Jesus Christ. I’m called to serve the Lord as a minister of the gospel.”
Family: Married with one child, who is in fifth grade; wife is a psychotherapist currently working at UVA.
Ministry Experience:
Senior Pastor - 6 years.
Emphasis on ministry of the Word, prayer, pastoral care, mercy ministry, and outreach (feeding, tending and caring for the Lord’s sheep).
By God’s grace there has been growth and development in the congregation – first internally then outwardly. We have also had steady
increases in baptisms, children’s ministry, attendance, facilities, resources and participation in off-site ministries. Recently launched a
year around Bible School and Youth Ministries centered on Jesus Christ, and characterized by gratitude.
Pre-Senior Pastor Experience:
Pastoral intern at First Baptist Charlottesville with Dr. J. Lindsay Sadler, Jr.
Speaker at FBC weekly soup kitchen.
UVA Hospital: Conducted church services and pastoral care at annual camp for HIV children
and their parents.
Educational Experience:
Currently enrolled at Westminster Theological Seminary;
Graduation date of December 2015
B.A. – Williamson College, Boston, Mass.
Double major: Political Science and Philosophy
Languages: Fluent in Greek Language
The Messenger
Don’t Forget:
January 4, 2015
Youth starts back up
5:30 pm
January 7, 2015
Ladies Bible Study,
“Best Yes”
7 pm
Room 160
7 pm
Family Life Center
January 10, 2015
Pastoral Candidate
Q&A with Congregation
Page 2
from His Word
Faith is not faith until it is tested.
Hebrews 11:6 – “and without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever
would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those
who seek him.”
January is our start to a new year. Let’s make 2015 to be a year of great
faith and jubilee. Our motivation for this is found in our text. The Word of
God tells us that we must have an eye of faith (Now faith is the assurance of
things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen—Heb. 11:1). The Lord
grants sinners faith to believe (Ephesians 2:8-9). Then our believing faith leads
us into followship with the Lord Jesus. The old hymn tells it best, “Wherever
He leads I will follow.” The first stanza expresses the biblical text, Luke 9:23.
I can hear my Savior calling, take thy cross and follow, follow me. The
refrain, Where He leads I will follow. Jesus gives us the desire to go, to do, and
to love in areas that are foreign to us. The eye of faith leads us to test faith At
night our car headlights only brighten the road so far ahead of us. We reach our
destination because we trust the light lighting our trip each section before us.
Jesus, the light of the world, teaches us to follow Him even though we journey
in unfamiliar territory. The only way to please Him is to follow Him wherever
He leads us.
January 11, 2015
Pastoral Candidate
Sunday Morning Sermon
10:45 am
First Place 4 Health
“God’s Purpose for You”
5:30 pm
Bailey Hall
Prayer Groups
January 18, 2015
Sanctity of Life Sunday
Baby bottles returned
By this date
These steps of faith are not new because others have gone before us in
faith. Chapter 11 of Hebrews is the great Faith Hall of Fame of those who
have tested faith. Our eye of faith looks to the examples of faith which says to
our hearts, we can do this too! Missionary William Carey stated, “Expect
great things from God; Attempt great things for God.” God takes ordinary folk
and does extraordinary things through them. He could call you to be a
children’s minister, homeless worker, loving unwed mothers, etc. All of our
loving others is done by faith.
The eye of faith which looks to the examples of faith can have an
expectation from faith. Our text tells us that God rewards those who seek Him.
God promises that He will pardon, provide, and protect us as we go with Him.
In the going He promises the abundant life. Not that we will have all the
material stuff of the world, but we will have what we need. More than that, we
will have Him. He is our peace, our joy, our hope, our faith and our love.
Contentment in life is the wonderful by product of a life with Jesus.
This year Jesus is calling you to surrender and follow Him. By faith
EBC will call their next full time pastor. By faith you will invest in advancing
the kingdom of God by giving generously to fulfill EBC’s 2015 budget. By
faith you will seek the Lord on what ministry you can be involved in or lead.
Oh, my fellow believers, the beloved of God, live this coming year with your
eye of faith encouraged by the examples of faith knowing there are expectations of reward coming.
Grace2U and a Faith Filled New Year,
Pastor Lindsay
The Messenger
Page 3
“The Ways of the Along Sider”
Discipleship Training sessions begin January 18, or the
following week, and will last for 10 weeks. The training
will be provided by our three Lay Elders: Frank Pablo,
Jeff Killen, and Dave Melander.
Please contact the Church Office at(703.368.9206) or
Ruthann Barton at ([email protected]) or Jeff Killen
at ([email protected]) if you are interested in
attending the training sessions. Please indicate if you
would like to attend sessions on Sunday morning during
Sunday School or a session during the week at another time. Please indicate which day and time will best fit your
schedule. We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!
We N eed Help !!
We have an urgent need of volunteers in the following
areas of service. Please pray about helping out in
these vital ministries.
Helpers for Cubbies class, T&T (3rd/4th grade) class,
and T&T (5th/6th grade) class.
Bread of Life is open Sundays from 2:30 to 4:30 pm
and Thursdays from 12:00 to 2:00 pm.
The Food Closet is open on Sundays after Church
and Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm to
all church members who have a need.
We need MALE helpers in our Youth Ministry on
Sundays from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
“Change for Life”
Opportunity to Minister to our Community.
Carenet is asking that we come alongside with them to help
teach Baby Care, Parenting, and Pregnancy classes in an effort
to reach our community for Christ. They also are in need of
volunteers to work at the center also. If you are interested or
would like more information, contact Mrs. Nydia Figueredo by
email at: [email protected].
Fill your bottle with your daily change, bills, or
write a check as a donation. When you fill a baby
bottle you are helping CARE NET PREGNANCY
CENTER provide help, hope and healing to
women and men affected by an unplanned pregnancy.
In-gathering for filled bottles
January 18, 2015
Sanctity of Life Sunday
Page 4
The Messenger
Children’s Mini str y
Family Life Center
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
AWANA starts back up January 7, 2015!
Student Ministry
Jeremy and Erin Owens
[email protected]
Join us at 9:15 AM every
Sunday for
Sunday School!
Join us at 5:30 PM
for fellowship,
followed by food
at 6 PM and
student worship service!
YOUTH starts back up
January 4, 2015!
January 7
Beach Party
January 14
Super Bowl Night
January 21
Nerd Night
January 28
Have a Heart Night
Prayer Teams
Teams start back up
January 11, 2015.
Emmanuel Christian School
Enrollment has begun.
For reservations for
enrollment or
re-enrollment, please
call the School Office at
For inclement weather delays and or closings
for our School and Church campus, please use
the following: Channel 9 (WUSA9); Channel 5
(Fox5), email from our church office or our
website at:
Page 5
The Messenger
Adult Sunday School — 9:15 AM
College Class
Young Adults
Families (with young children)
Married (with middle age children)
Married (with older children)
Adults (Seniors)
Ladies (30-50)
Ladies (40-60)
Ladies (50-up)
Men (All ages)
New Members
(Discover Emmanuel)
New Believers
(Walking With Christ)
Bailey Hall
A. Pablo / D. Figueredo
F. Pablo
O. Figueredo / Holloway
Lee Sadler
Dr. J. Lindsay Sadler
Choir Room
Connection Time
10:15 am on Sunday
Connection Time is an important ministry that enables the body of believers to greet each
other and welcome visitors. We need people, small groups and Sunday School
classes to help provide refreshments for the Connection Time on Sunday morning at
10:15 am. Please contact Michelle Sasser through the church office if you would like to
Ladie s’ Bible Stud y
Wednesday Night
Bible Study resumes on
January 7 @ 7pm
Room 160
We will be studying
Lysa Terkeurst’s book,
“The Best Yes…
Making Wise Decisions
in the Midst of Endless
We resume on January 11, 2015 at 5:30 pm in
Bailey Hall. This 12 week study will help you
discover and evaluate qualities that produce growth
and success. Full and abundant life begins with
seeking God’s dream for our lives.
Facilitator: Robyn Johnson
Facilitator: Ruthann Barton.
The Messenger
Page 6
January Birthdays
Emmanuel Baptist Church
And School Staff
May God bless your special day...
January 3
Carolyn Holman
January 15
Mamie Bowen
January 25
Andrew Harker
January 4
Leydu Cabrera
Bart Hunking
Anastasia Jacobsen
January 16
Mark Quinn
January 29
Nathan Penaranda
January 20
Heather Fitzgerald
January 30
Deborah L. King
January 11
Susan K. Williams
February 4
Ben Foster
June Reading
February 5
Evonna Andrews
February 7
Shane Bittner
Sherry Garner
February 9
Virginia French
Rev. Scott David
Pastor of Worship Ministries
[email protected]
Mr. Dave Melander
Director of
Education & Discipleship
[email protected]
January 22
Samantha Delacruz
Ruth LuRee Flatt
February Birthdays
February 3
Luis Mendoza
Dr. J. Lindsay Sadler Jr.
Transformational Pastor
Lead Elder
[email protected]
February 19
David Melander
February 11
Ron Bottomley
February 21
Shirley Coulter
February 15
Luis Alvarez
Mitzi Penaranda
February 24
Ruthann Barton
Jeff Killen
[email protected]
Frank Pablo
[email protected]
Mrs. Michelle Pablo
Head Administrator
Emmanuel Christian School
[email protected]
February 17
Marjorie Davis
Online Giving:
Visit our website: and click on the “Give” tab. Choose which fund you
want to give to and follow the prompts.
For more detailed information on our ministries and events held throughout the
week, please visit our website at