CARROLLTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 252 THIRD STREET N.E., CARROLLTON, OHIO 44615-1236 Board of Education Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Dellroy Elementary School District Records Commission will meet at 5:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. To Be Read by the Treasurer The notice requirements of Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code and the implementing rules adopted by the Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education pursuant thereof, have been and will be complied with for this meeting. 3. Roll Call Gotschall Little Moment of Silence Pozderac Roberts Seck 4. Approval of February 11, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Motion by Seconded by . G L P R S Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ 5. Welcome of Visitors 6. Visitor Participation 7. Superintendent’s Report – Dave Quattrochi: Kelli Pridmore, FFA Activities presentation 8. Director of Programs Report – Ed Robinson 9. Financial Report by the Treasurer - Roxanne Mazur Total Board Bills: $ 631,817.64 Total Payroll: $ 786,780.89 Beginning Balance All Funds $5,182,707.82 Ending Balance All Funds $4,819,541.13 Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 2 AGENDA March 11, 2014 9. Financial Report by the Treasurer - Roxanne Mazur (concluded) Payment of Bills Motion by Seconded by G L P R S Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ . 10. Student Achievement Report – Wendy Gotschall 11. Buckeye Career Center Report – Mike Pozderac 12. Legislative Report – Bonnie Little 13. District Groups: 14. Committee Reports 15. Old Business 16 . New Business If it appears that the Board is moving quickly on the various agenda items, it is because members have been given background information several days prior to the meeting. Board members have had the opportunity to study this information and to acquire more data if necessary before coming to the meeting. A. Acceptance of Resignations (See enclosures) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board accept the resignation of the following individuals: Individual Position Reason Effective Date Barbara Erb Teacher Retirement August 8, 2014 Wayne Baughman Mechanic Resignation March 11, 2014 Motion by Seconded by . G L P R S Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ B. Proclamation Honoring Volunteers throughout the District for the 2013-2014 School Year As a part of the district’s recognition of volunteers who work without pay in our schools, a proclamation has been prepared and the week of April 6-12 has been set aside as National Volunteer Appreciation Week in our district. (See enclosure) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board adopt the official proclamation presented and encourage all employees to show their appreciation to the 300 volunteers who work in our district for our students. Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 3 AGENDA March 11, 2014 16 . New Business (continued) C. Request for Family Medical Leave (FMLA) (See enclosure) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board approve the request for FMLA for the following individual: Individual Position Beginning Date Ending Date Jessica E. Rodgers Speech-Language Pathologist March 5, 2014 May 23, 2014 Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ D. Requests for Unpaid Leave of Absence RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Board approve the requests for unpaid leave of absence for the following individuals: Individual Position Date Lisa L. Baker Teacher April 3, 2014 E. Arthur Glenn III Teacher February 13, 14, 26, 27, 2014 Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ E. Ohio Development Service Agency Ohio Enterprise Zone Program (See enclosure) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Carrollton Exempted Village School District Board of Education enter into an agreement for an Enterprise Zone Tax between the Carroll County OH Commissioners and Aurora Gold Limited and Seven Ranges Manufacturing Corporation as presented. Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ F. Jefferson Health Plan (JHP) Claim Run-Out Agreement (See enclosures) Due to exceptional return on investments of the internal pool, and due to stop loss insurances rebates, the JHP is using these positive conditions to stabilize the consortium and to avoid future run-out claim conflicts. The JHP is offering long term members in good standing, the opportunity to transfer their runout claim liability to the consortium. Should we decide to leave the consortium after July 1, 2017, the consortium would pay our claims incurred prior to the termination date, for a 6 month period. This offer for Carrollton Exempted Village School District currently amounts to approximately $1,000,000 worth of claims. As time passes, the dollar worth of this offer will increase as the cost of healthcare increases. If we would decide to leave the consortium prior to July 1, 2017, we would be responsible for our runout claims, which is the current agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board enter into the Jefferson Health Plan Claim Run Out Agreement as presented. Motion by Seconded by . G L P R S Motion Carried: YES NO _______ Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 4 AGENDA March 11, 2014 16 . New Business (continued) G. Agreement with the Carrollton Education Association (CEA) (See enclosure) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board enter into an agreement between the Carrollton Exempted Village School District Board of Education and the Carrollton Education Association effective September 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015, as presented. This agreement was ratified by the CEA Union members on February 19, 2014. Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ H. Increase in Bus Driver’s Annual Physical Exam (See enclosure) According the School Bus Driver Handbook the cost of the annual physical will be paid by the Board of Education up to an amount determined by the Board. In the past that amount has been $70.00. Carroll Medical Management is requesting that amount be increased to $100.00 per physical. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board increase the rate for the bus driver’s annual physical exam from $70.00 to $100.00. Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ I. General Board Policy Changes (See enclosures) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board make the following changes to the Carrollton Exempted Village School District Board of Education Policies: Policy Number Policy Name 7455 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FOR FIXED ASSETS 8310 PUBLIC RECORDS/page 3 8210 SCHOOL CALENDAR Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ J. Revision to 2013-2014 School Calendar (See enclosure) Due to the amount of calamity days required this school year, it is necessary to revise the Board adopted 2013-2014 School Calendar. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board adopt the revisions to the 2013-2014 School Calendar as presented. Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 5 AGENDA March 11, 2014 16. New Business (concluded) K. Awarding of Supplemental Contracts RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board award the following individuals a supplemental contract for the 2013-2014 school year, pending the receipt of proper documentation. Individual Position Joshua DeCarlo Freshman Head Baseball Coach (split) Michael Miller Freshman Head Baseball Coach (split) Ronald Colaprete Freshman Head Softball Coach Motion by Seconded by . GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ L. Appointment of Substitutes RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board appoint the following substitutes for the remainder of the 2013-2014 fiscal year pending the receipt of proper documentation: Individual Position Effective Date Megan E. Aubihl Teacher March 12, 2014 Cassandra B. Nicholas Teacher March 12, 2014 Courtney R. Walter Teacher March 12, 2014 Frank M. Cernava Classified March 12, 2014 Kristen M. Green Classified March 12, 2014 Michael Morgan Classified March 12, 2014 Motion by Seconded by . G L P R S Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ M. Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board move into Executive Session for the following reason: Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes. Motion by Seconded by . G L P R S Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ 17. Board Participation 18. Motion to Adjourn Motion by Seconded by GLPRS Motion Carried: YES___ NO___ 19. . Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 6:00 P.M., Carrollton High School Fine Arts Multi-Purpose Room Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 6 AGENDA March 11, 2014 Enclosures: 4. February 11, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes 9. Financial Reports 16.A. Resignations 16.B. Proclamation Honoring Volunteers 16.C. Request for FMLA 16.D. Requests for Unpaid Leave of Absence 16.E. Ohio Development Service Agency Ohio Enterprise Zone Program 16.F. Jefferson Health Plan Claim Run-Out Agreement 16.G. CEA Master Contract 16.H. Letter from Carroll Medical Management 16.I. General Board Policy Changes #7455 #8310 #8210 16.J. Revision to 2013-2014 School Calendar Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 7 AGENDA March 11, 2014 EXECUTIVE SESSION O.R.C. 121.22 WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of the quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters: A. To consider one or more, as applicable, of the check marked items with respect to a public employee or official: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Appointment Employment Dismissal Discipline Promotion Demotion Compensation Investigation of charges/complaints (unless public hearing requested) B. To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding. C. Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action. D. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment. E. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes. F. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Carrollton Exempted Village School District Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on items as listed above. Carrollton Exempted Village Board of Education Regular Meeting Page 8 AGENDA March 11, 2014 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS Ohio law defines Board meetings as a meeting of elected officials, held before the public. However, the public does not participate in these meetings, except for the portion of the agenda noted as “Public Participation”. The Carrollton Exempted Village School District Board of Education has a sincere interest in all public opinions. If members of the public have a desire to express opinions, they are encouraged to do so during the Public Participation portion of the meeting, within the guidelines of Board policy pertaining to length, order, and conduct. Responses from individual Board members (which do not necessarily reflect the consensus opinion of the Board as a whole), dialogue, and/or questioning between the speaker and the Board are all discouraged. Please know that all comments are heard and considered, even when there is no direct response to those comments. Once the Board has moved out of the Public Participation segment of the meeting and into the regular Board meeting, comments from the public are considered to be out of order and a disruption of the meeting.
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