SEPHIG - South East Public Health Observatory

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
City of Westminster Archives Centre, London
Chair: Jo Watson, SEKIT
Local area round up
Round up
Karol Abramczuk,
Public Health Intelligence
Hampshire County Council
Sid Beauchant,
Public Health Information Advisor
Berkshire Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust
Working on a dashboard to visualize Public Health Outcome Framework indicators. Using spine
charts to compare with CIPFA statistical neighbours for upper tier LAs; Lower tier to follow.
Concept has been well received.
 Suicide audit
 Support to Better care fund submission
 Profiles on urinary tract infections, hip fractures and respiratory diseases
 Updating NCMP reports, interested in the school feedback tool and if there are any plans to
produce this again. Noted that 3 year rolling averages most useful at this level.
 Hampshire County Council subscribes to HDIS so using that for HES data access. Have had a
few access and performance issues with this
 Access to registered populations on Exeter has been revoked…
 Hampshire Health Record – analysis for secondary uses for research & public health purposes
 PNA is in stages of consolidation, looking at Derbyshire model
 Children and young people health visiting modelling
 Trying to get data for school nursing needs assessment
 Large new housing developments in Berks which will need new services; undertaking gravity
modelling to look at future pressures
 Output area classification tool & mapping using geo-demographic segmentation tool
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Athena Chown
Public Health Intelligence Analyst
Knowledge & Intelligence Team
(South East)
Angela Draper,
Public Health Support Officer Kent,
Surrey and Sussex PHE Centre
Round up
Just completed a briefing document on dementia prevalence data
Working on years of life lost project for regional team
Starting work on cancers in older people
Supporting health improvement team with health checks, tobacco control and sexual health
Working closely with Sanjana Jio
Graham Evans
Head of Public Health
East Sussex County Council
Del Herridge,
Public Health Data & Product
Kent & Medway Public Health
Nicola Higgins,
Public Health Senior Analyst
Buckinghamshire County Council
Have access to pseudonymised data via DSCRO. Have had access to IP/OP annual data for
last 5 years with LSOA codes attached but access for next year uncertain.
 Have requested GP registration extract data set so able to provide look at pupil forecasts
 Have access to the Public health mortality and birth files but latest year’s extract was missing
deaths occurring within East Sussex but resident elsewhere which is a particular issue for
analysis of suicide data in the patch. Have requested from ONS.
 Just signed off DPH annual report – asset based approach
 JSNA update
 Support to new commissioners with data for sexual health, tobacco control and weight
 Have submitted NCMP data but data upload tool issues & only able to submit 900 rows at a time
 Child health data have been moved to a new Child Health system which had issues but data
flows now sorted; Graham’s team no longer have direct access.
 Appointed new head of health intelligence Gerard Abid several analysts posts are in recruitment
 Using instant atlas to produce school level score cards and currently producing children’s centre
 Have been looking at whole systems modelling around frail & elderly care pathways & linking
social care data
 Working on needs assessments around CAMHs, winter deaths, substance misuse, children and
young people’s survey, social isolation and preventable mortality with CCGs
 Currently receive weekly pseudonymised data on DOB, LSOA of postcode
 Have a new physical activity practitioner & providing support re: ROI physical activity tool
 Support for PNA
 Picking up teenage pregnancy reporting as teenage pregnancy co-ordinator has left
 Providing aggregated births & death reports to CCGs
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Round up
Fefe Ma,
Quality Improvement Lead –
Informatics Thames Valley Area
Team, NHS England
David Lemon
Dorset County Council
Ross Maconachie, Health
Economist West Sussex County
Provides analytic support to clinical networks (mental health, dementia, CVD, diabetes, stroke,
cancer, child & maternal)
 Working on HES data to look at cancer data and report on service quality issues in TV
 Some issues with NatCanSat system outputs & lack of comparability with methods used by
NCIN e.g. for mortality re: use of different versions of European Standard pops to produce
DSRs; also issues with age function
 Can’t get access to radiotherapy and chemotherapy data as specialist commissioning under
 An event is planned for November supporting the children transition programme
 Have been linking with PHE via Thames Valley Centre and SEKIT about CVD commissioning for
value packs
 Appointed new staff – data analyst and data support officer
 PNA complete & out for consultation
 Had 3 posters at the PHE conference
 DPH wants an annual public health report this year
 Level 2 IG toolkit application has been submitted, waiting to hear outcome
 Access to SUS on an ad-hoc basis & legacy access to birth data
 Has a new job working for NICE so this is last SEPHIG
 There a lot of analyst vacancies and posts will be advertised shortly
 Annual public housing report
 JSNAs & HNAs on substance misuse, sexual health, PNA
 Supporting CCGs
 Support to social care
 Have access to births and deaths data
 Health inequalities - supporting CCGs looking at the cost of admissions across different
deprivation deciles
 Commissioning lifestyle survey
 Had a poster at the PHE conference
 Has been doing a supply & demand analysis with social care data & looking at how changes in
demography will affect costs
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Dr Ash More,
Head of Public Health Intelligence,
Buckinghamshire County Council
Isobel Perry,
Senior Public Health Analyst
Jeremy Speed,
Health Improvement Manager
Wessex PHE Centre
Round up
 Ash recently appointed as new head of public health intelligence, happy to share work
 Lots of new work programmes in progress
 Just completed maternity needs assessment which produced more questions than answers
 Annual public health report due out next month - focus on young people and early years. This
also has supplementary analysis of outcomes for adults and young people.
 Working on men’s health profiles & gender differences
 Health visitor and family nurse partnerships workshop on 2nd October which will be about
modelling and budgeting
 Support to PNA
 GP locality profiles to support CCGs - aiming to influence commissioning strategies
 Currently scoping for social care needs assessment – how to use social care data to add value
 Undertaking children and young people’s survey using Lancaster model
 Scoping sexual health needs assessment
 Planning similar project to Kent linking social care data & NHS
 Data access is still an issue for confidential data. Considering pseudonymised data, have SUS
feed from Oxford
 Looking at school allocations but unable to access registered/resident populations
 Do get mortality & births extracts and are IG Level 2 compliant though have some problems with
N3 connection
 Would like to explore the potential for data linkage at a regional/centre level
 Working half time on local analytical support and the rest on childhood cancer analytic work
 HES request for Wessex on unintentional childhood injuries and causes of mortality for
 Childhood cancer database is transferring from Oxford University to Cancer Encore – this has
been delayed. Once this is running will be working with Professor Charles Stiller on the analysis
 Public health improvement lead function in PHE Wessex
 Currently working with mental health SCN on smoking prevalence in people with serious mental
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Sarah Spencer,
Research Associate
University of Kent
Nana Wadee,
Information Analyst
Bracknell Forest Council
Jon Walker,
Advanced Public Health Analyst
Surrey County Council
Dr David Whiting,
Senior Public Health Intelligence
Manager Medway Council
Dr Kirstin Williamson,
Public Health Intelligence Analyst
Medway Council
Denise McCoy
Health Protection Practitioner
(Knowledge Management)
Kent, Surrey, Sussex PHE Centre
Round up
Research on links between water fluoridation & hyperthyroidism
Input to various research funding bids
Part of Berkshire public health shared services team based at Bracknell Forest Council.
Working on ward profile and JSNA updates
Have a new SQL server locally
Picking up lead role re: information governance, about to do a course on this
Application for IG toolkit level 2 has been approved
Still some issues with access to SUS
Application for ONS data hasn’t been approved yet
Working on the better care fund, PNA, public health report and supporting CCGs.
Annual public health report - focus on older people, falls, housing, dementia and social isolation
Developing a social isolation index at LSOA level
Modelling urgent care system, hospital flows to support Medway Mental health Trust
Looking into possible data issues around breast feeding continuation rates
Have had data access issues for registered/resident children under 5
Automation of reports & evaluations e.g. on workplace health via a snap survey (asking
employers and employees what systems are currently in place); using R to read in responses
and produce automated reports
Communicable disease surveillance
TB strategy has been delayed
Looking at producing a briefing on the health protection domain of the Public Outcomes
Framework – due next month
Vaccine prevention disease information sharing with PH teams
Information sharing on HCAI
Moving away from basic reporting of data towards more exception reporting with a description of
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SEKIT Contacts:
Jo Watson
Principal Analyst, SEKIT
[email protected]
Isobel Perry
Senior Public Health Intelligence Analyst, SEKIT
[email protected]
Athena Chown
Public Health Intelligence Analyst, SEKIT
[email protected]
Susan Koffler-Sluijter
Local Specialist for the South East, Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network
[email protected]
Sanjana Jio
Knowledge Transfer Facilitator – Kent, Surrey & Sussex
[email protected]
Cathy Lines
Knowledge Transfer Facilitator – Thames Valley
[email protected]
Rebecca Wilkinson
Knowledge Transfer Facilitator – Wessex
[email protected]
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