Laptops for local medical students

28 November 2014, PLATINUM BUSHVELDER, Tel: 081 309 3876 / 072 026 0414, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]
Laptops for local
medical students
/HSKDODOH 7KH ¿YH VWXGHQWV ZKR ZHUH FKRsen among thousands to represent Lephalale
as part of the Fidel Castro-Nelson Mandela
medical Scholarship programme, were each
given a laptop on Friday, 14 November ahead
of their departure for Cuba.
Altogether nine laptops were sponsored by
Eskom as part of the Medupi Corporate Social
Involvement (CSI) programmme.
The remaining four laptops will be handed over
to four students from Lephalale who joined
the programme previously and are already
studying in Cuba. Sarah Maxwell, Medupi CSI
manager, attended the event at the municipal
council chambers and wished the students all
the best. “Eskom has previously generously invested in medical equipment and clinics, but
invest in medical students and our future local
doctors,” she said.
Maxwell thanked the Municipality for involving
them in the project.
On behalf of the Department of Health, Cllr M
On her way to Cuba - Mary
Motebele receives her laptop
from Medupi CSI Manager,
Sarah Maxwell.
E Dinale wished the students well and encouraged them to stay focused on their studies.
Acting Mayor, Cllr W M Motlokwa thanked Eskom, Exxaro and the Department of Health for
assisting the municipality in this endeavour.
Mpho Ratsoma, Thapelo Motadi, Violet
Masekoameng, Mary Motebele and James
Sefufula are all local residents who recently
matriculated from schools such as Molautsi
Secondary School, Mananye High School and
Letupu High School.
They will join 106 Limpopo learners who will
soon depart for Cuba for the next two and a
half years, whereafter they will return home for
a short break. They will then go back to Cuba
for another two and a half years before returning to South Africa to complete a two year residency programme.
This collaboration with Cuba forms part of the
South African government’s drive to address
the critical shortage of medical doctors in the
country, particularly in rural areas.
Thapelo Motadi from Kopanong village receives his laptop
from Cllr W M Motlokoa and Medupi CSI Manager, Sarah
Community reacts powerful
to Bethlehem Project
Thabazimbi - “The community of Thabazimbi is reacting very positive to the requests on blessing the precious children
of Bethlehem this coming Festive Season,” the coordinator of the Bethlehem
Christmas Project said on Wednesday
26 November. Platinum Bushvelder reported in previous editions on the Pick a
aims to cater for 500 destitute children to
receive their very own Christmas box this
year. Approximately 100 children have
DOUHDG\EHHQµERRNHG¶7KLVSUR¿OLQJHQsures that each child will receive exactly
what he/she might need - the right size
clothing, shoes and whatever other necessity on their customized list.
“Already about 40 gifts was received.
The parcels consist of blessings such as
T-shirts, caps for the boys, cold drinks,
chips, biscuits and toiletries.” The inforPDWLRQFRPSLOHGIRUWKHSUR¿OLQJRIHDFK
child, shows that about 50% of the children grow up without a father and 30%
without a mother. It’s furthermore shocking that about 25% of these children have
to grow up without the care of both par-
Rra Ditau Game Lodge entertained 20 children from the
Bethlehem Project on Saturday 22 November.
SAVF reik uit na Skierlik nedersetting
Thabazimbi - Die SAVF Maatskaplike
Dienste se Thabazimbi-span het op Dinsdag
11 November ‘n rit na Skierlik onderneem om
tweedehandse klere te gaan uitdeel.
Skierlik het honderde inwoners van wie die
meeste nie ‘n vaste werk het nie. “Daar is ook
baie klein kinders wat nog nie in die skool is
nie,” het SAVF se woordvoerder gesê.
Die SAVF poog egter om in hierdie uitsiglose
situasie hulp aan te bied deur vir hulle so ver
moontlik, een maal per maand klere te neem.
Dié tweedehandse klere word met groot
geesdrif en dankbaarheid ontvang.
‘n Amerikaanse onderneming het ook al aan
dié inwoners kospakkies voorsien, maar
steeds is die nood hoog. Enigiemand wat
by hierdie projek betrokke wil raak, kan die
SAVF se kantoor skakel by 014 777 1093.
ents. “They share a 3 room - not 3 bedrooms - house with between 3 and 14
other people!” These children are in need
of daily necessities right through the year
as 90% of them on a daily basis go to
Bethlehem for their meals, a lot of them
dressed in the same clothes every day...
On Saturday 22 November 20 children
of Bethlehem between the age of 12
to 16 were “spoiled” by the Rra Ditau
Game Lodge. They were taken to the
lodge by bus in the morning and later,
after games, a swim and a good lunch,
they were brought back to their homes in
Regorogile, “where they most probably
dreamt all night about their unforgettable
experience.” The coordinator told Platinum Bushvelder that a very generous
man offered to sponsor a child for the
entire year.
Anyone who wants to get involved with a
privileged children, feel free to contact
the coordinator at 082 893 4208. “If every
well-blessed person just takes one poor
child under his or her wing, poverty will
be history!”
SAVF Thabazimbi Maatskaplike Dienste neem een maal per maand
klere vir die inwoners van Skierlik.
Krismis Kuiermark
hierdie naweek
Thabazimbi - Die inwoners van Thabazimbi
en omgewing kan uitsien na twee lange dae
van kuier en koop by vanjaar se Krismis
Kuiermark wat op Vrydag 28 November en
Saterdag, 29 November plaasvind.
Twee dae is opsy gesit vir dié gesogte
maandelikse kuiertjie by Pondok, slegs ‘n
paar kilometer uit Thabazimbi, onderweg na
Marakele Nasionale Park.
Die organiseerder, Nicolette Coetzee, vra
dat kuiermarkgangers ‘n speelding bring
as toegang sodat ‘n kinderhartjie hierdie
Kersseisoen daarmee verbly kan word.
Bring jou ma, jou vriendin of jou man en
kom kuier saam! Daar wag ‘n heerlike sny
die mark bywoon.
Vir navrae, kontak Nicolette by 079 493
4599 of besoek