ŁÓDZKIE CENTRUM DOSKONALENIA NAUCZYCIELI I KSZTAŁCENIA PRAKTYCZNEGO WOJEWÓDZKI KONKURS PRZEDMIOTOWY z JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO DLA UCZNIÓW GIMNAZJÓW 2014/2015 TEST ELIMINACJE SZKOLNE Numer identyfikacyjny JAG – 14/15 – Wypełnia Szkolna Komisja Konkursowa Imię i nazwisko ................................................................ Wypełnia Szkolna Komisja Konkursowa Ćwiczenie Punkty do uzyskania 1A 6 1B 6 1C 8 2 10 3 20 4 10 5 5 6 5 7 10 80 Razem w % Punkty uzyskane Czas trwania testu: 60 minut bez przerw Test liczy 6 stron wraz ze stroną tytułową. Przed rozpoczęciem sprawdź czy strony są ponumerowane we właściwej kolejności i czy test jest czytelny. W ćwiczeniach wyboru (zakreślamy odpowiedzi A, B, C, D) jeśli się pomyliłeś/aś, przekreśl błędną odpowiedź znakiem X i zakreśl właściwą. A B C Punkty 0) (oznaczone kursywą) stanowią przykładowe rozwiązania. Nie są one uwzględniane w punktacji i uczestnik Konkursu powinien wykorzystać je jako dodatkową informację. Członkowie Komisji sprawdzający test eliminacji szkolnych: (Imię i nazwisko) …..……………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………. 1 Zadanie 1. Przeczytaj uwaŜnie wypowiedzi sześciu osób na temat ich wakacji, a następnie wykonaj podane poniŜej zadania zgodnie z poleceniami. 0) We were very satisfied with service and the staff were attentive and ready to help at all times…… 1) The resort was gorgeous with a beautiful sandy beach. The only thing was that everything cost a fortune. Restaurants, excursions, jetskis, they had everything, but we did nothing at all because we just couldn`t afford it. After a few days we were broke so we ended up having sandwiches and watching everyone else enjoying themselves. 2) I was dead by the end of it. I`d always wanted to go so I thought I`d better make the most of it. We didn`t do much during the day, just try to catch up on our sleep, but in the evenings we saw three musicals and went clubbing to all places in town every night. Absolutely fabulous. Can`t wait to get back. 3) Well, it was absolutely brilliant. The hotel was a high-rise damp; they hadn`t even completed plastering it. The food was wonderful if you like raw eggs and stale bread, and the service was as friendly as you could expect from a prison camp. It was a perfect destination for your worst enemy. 4) When we got in to the check-in they told us there would be a slight delay. Six hours later we finally got on to an ancient plane and when we were airborne I just closed my eyes and prayed. Later it turned out that we were too late for the train and our baggage had got lost somewhere. 5) On the first day we went down to the restaurant and it was truly revolting. Some inedible fish with a spicy sauce! Eventually, we decided to check out other places in the town and we were really spoilt for choice. I just couldn`t wait for dinner time to arrive. 6) The funny thing is that although it was really freezing, I got sunburnt. There had been heavy snowfalls just before we got there and conditions were tremendous. I couldn`t have hoped for anything better. If only it`d been the same last year. The text was taken from Macmillan/Heinemann ELT 2001 1.A. Zaznacz, która z osób była zadowolona z wyjazdu ( wstaw V) a która była wyjazdem rozczarowana (wstaw X). 0) ……V… 1)……… 2)…….... 3)………. 4)……… 5)……… 6)……… ………/6pts(6x1) 1.B. Znajdź w tekście słowa/zwroty których znaczenie jest poniŜej podane: 0) a group of people working together staff 1) it was difficult to decide - …………………………………… 2) to get the best advantage from - …………………………………… 3) to examine sth to learn the qualities - …………………………………… 4) no longer fresh/good to eat - …………………………………… 5) to do what needs to be done to come up to date - ………………………………….. 6) ironically – the worst place ever …………………………………… - ……..../6pts(6x1) 2 1.C Zdecyduj, które z poniŜszych zdań są prawdziwe (T) lub fałszywe (F). Wstaw odpowiednią literę obok zdania. Numery zdań odpowiadają danej wypowiedzi. 0) They liked the quality of the service …………T……… 1. They ran out of money. ………………. 2. The holiday was very exhausting. ………………. 2. They needed to take a nap during the day. ………………. 3. The waiters were very attentive. ………………. 4. The plane was only a little late. ………………. 4. They missed the train. ………………. 5. They didn`t enjoy their first meal. ………………. 6. The weather had been better the previous year. ………………. ……… /8pts(8x1) Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim czasownikiem złoŜonym w poprawnej formie. Dwa czasowniki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do Ŝadnego zdania. break into, close up, take off, take back, look up, clear out, drop out, seal to, drop in, close down, clear up, set down, take up 0. The thief _______broke into_____ the house and stole the money. 1. ________________ what you said about my sister, or I will never speak to you again. 2. We normally ________________________ at midnight unless it’s a really busy night. 3. After retiring, my father ______________________ fishing to keep himself occupied. 4. You wouldn’t believe who ____________________________ at my place yesterday. 5. The organisers hope the weather will __________________________________ soon. 6. Why did you _____________________________________without saying good bye? 7. I want you to _____________________________________ the junk in the basement. 8. Could you please _____________ me _________________________ at the bus stop? 9. The funfair was ____________________________________ because of the accident. 10. She argued with her parents because she decided to ___________________ of college. ………./10pts(10x1) 3 Zadanie 3. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie w kaŜdym podpunkcie wykorzystując podane słowo tak, aby znaczenie tego zdania było jak najbardziej zbliŜone do zdania wyjściowego. Nie wolno zmieniać podanych fragmentów zdań. Nie wolno zmieniać podanego słowa. CARRY 0).You must do exactly what the manager tells you. You must carry out the manager’s instructions exactly. STARED 1. I don`t like it when people stare at me. I ________________________________________________________________ at. HAVE 2. It was wrong of you to take that money. You ______________________________________________________ that money. 3. “I didn’t give the money to him,” said Mr Smith. DENIED Mr Smith ____________________________________________ the money to John. 4. What a pity I forgot to buy a lottery ticket last night. WISH I _________________________________________ to buy a lottery ticket last night. 5. My mother made me feel bad about what I’d done. MADE I _______________________________________ by my mother about what I’d done. 6. I would rather play volleyball than football and tennis. PREFER I would _______________________________________________ football and tennis. 7. My English exam starts at eight tomorrow morning. TAKING At ten past eight tomorrow ________________________________ my English exam. CONFESSED 8. “I had a plastic surgery,” Ann said Ann _____________________________________________________________ surgery. ASKED 9. Have you got anything to eat? Mary___________________________________________________________ to eat. 10. As soon as I left, I realized I’d forgotten my keys. THAN No _________________________________________ I realized I’d forgotten my keys. ……./20 pts (10x2/1/0) Zadanie 4. W poniŜszych mini-dialogach dopasuj odpowiednie reakcje językowe (A-L) do podanych wypowiedzi (1-10). Dwie reakcje językowe pozostaną niewykorzystane – nie pasują do Ŝadnej wypowiedzi. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How do you do! Are you very busy now? Are you ready to order now, madam? How about a good film? Do you mind if I visit you tonight? Could I speak to Jack, please? Next time lunch is on me. There are a couple of things I’d like to ask about. 4 ______X_________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 8. I’m moving to Australia next month. 9. Oh, no, you’ve destroyed my best suit! 10. Ok, so see you tomorrow? ________________ ________________ ________________ X. How do you do! A. No, not yet, just a minute B. Cheers then C. That sounds great! D. You’ve lost me. E. Not at all F. Shall we? G. You lucky thing! H. Just let me see, if he is in. I. Blast it! J. It’s a deal! K. A bit L. Sure, go ahead. ……/10pts(10x1) Zadanie 5. Uzupełnij idiomy odpowiednim wyrazem. Trzy wyrazy są podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do Ŝadnego idiomu. cry, bundle, sound, slip, take, still, make, skate, do 0. If you cry____ over spilt milk, you despair over something that can’t be changed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you ______________ the bull by the horns, you face a difficult situation bravely. If you ______________ on thin ice, you are in a risky position. If a missing child is found safe and ________________, they were alive and healthy. If someone loses their job, they are a(n) _________________ of nerves. If you ______________a mountain out of a molehill, you pay too much attention to trivial things ……../5pts(5x1) Zadanie 6. UłóŜ pytania do podkreślonych fragmentów zdań. 0). John is in the garden - Where is John? 1. The explosion was caused by a bomb ? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Martin is thinking about his holiday. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. The Smiths have bought a new dog. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Peter`s brothers are good at swimming. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. I had to wait for him. …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………/5pts(5x1) 5 Zadanie 7. Odpowiedz na pytania zaznaczając jedną odpowiedź (A, B, C lub D). 1. Gibraltar has long been the subject of an argument between the UK and: A. Portugal B. Spain C. Ireland D. France 2. The capital of Scotland is: A. Glasgow C. Dundee B. Edinburgh D. Aberdeen 3. A maple leaf is on the national flag of: A. New Zealand C. Canada B. South Africa D. India 4. Which country did the USA buy Alaska from? A. China C. France B. Canada D. Russia 5. The outback refers to the countryside in: A. the USA C. Great Britain B. Australia D. Canada 6. Where is Stonehenge located? A. Suffolk C. Wiltshire B. Berkshire D. Cheshire 7. Ben Navis, the highest peak of the British Isles is in: A. Ireland C. England B. Wales D. Scotland 8. To see Alcatraz Island, which was a federal prison, you need to go to: A. San Diego B. San Antonio C. San Francisco D. Santa Fe 9. New South Wales is in: A. England C. Australia B. Canada D. New Zealand 10. The national symbol of Wales is: A. the daffodil C. the thistle B. the red rose D. the shamrock ..……/10pts (10x1) THIS IS THE END OF YOUR TEST HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE NEXT STAGE 6
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