HealthBytes Stress reliever tip Inflate a balloon Not only will this probably make you smile a bit, which is also known to reduce stress, but inflating a balloon forces you to breathe deeply. So next time you go to your office, place a few balloons in your drawer and remind yourself to blow one up whenever you are beginning to feel stressed and when people laugh at you, just know you are also helping them reduce stress by making them chuckle. October 2014 NHP gym rebates 1 Do we have your correct banking details 2 Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2 NHP Fingerprint Enrolment 3 IQS Stop Smoking Promotion 4 NHP gym rebates As from 1 January 2015 members making use of the gym rebate facility should please note the following: • No gym rebates will be paid if a member does not submit proof of gym membership for himself/herself and/or dependants and their monthly contributions. Such proof of membership must be submitted on an annual basis. As most of the gyms are not prepared to confirm a members monthly contribution, this has now become necessary in order to correctly calculate a gym rebate. • Failure to submit proof of gym membership and contributions will result in rebates claims being rejected until such time that the member has complied with this requirement. • Rebates will not be back dated and will only qualify from the month that such proof has been submitted. • Members exercising more than once per day should please note that only one gym visit per day will qualify for rebate purposes. • Members may not claim rebates for more than one gym. • Valid gym sessions must be at least 30 minutes in duration in order to qualify. • Members subscribing to gyms where swipe card devices are installed must ensure that they swipe upon entering the gym and again when they exit. Failure to do so will result in an invalid gym session being recorded and which cannot be reimbursed to the member. If you have any queries or would like to supply us with any feedback regarding our articles in the HealthBytes please do not hesitate to contact us directly on tel +264 61 285 5439 or email [email protected] 1 Do we have your correct banking details? In our continued drive towards service excellence, NHP kindly requests that when you are updating/changing your banking details, to please complete the change of banking details application form found on our website and either fax to +264 61 230 465 or email it to us at [email protected]. To prevent any fraudulent behaviour NHP will no longer be allowed to accept email notifications/requests. Members must be aware that NHP also no longer issues cheque refunds. All refunds are processed via electronic funds transfer (EFT). Thus we request you to please complete the necessary application form and send it to us. Please note that we cannot process your application if it is incomplete, incorrect or if you have not attached the correct documents. Please provide us with any of the below supporting documentation with your application form: • A copy of the account holder’s ID with a copy of bank statement / cancelled cheque / letter from the bank / bank letterhead confirming the new banking details; all with a bank stamp. Breast Cancer awareness month in October The Breast Cancer awareness month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease. There are about 1.38 million new cases and 458 000 deaths from breast cancer each year (IARC Globocan, 2008). Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women worldwide, both in the developed and developing countries. In low- and middle-income countries the incidence has been rising up steadily in the last years due to increase in life expectancy, increase urbanization and adoption of western lifestyles. Currently there is not sufficient knowledge on the causes of breast cancer, therefore, early detection of the disease remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured. If detected late, however, curative treatment is often no longer an option. In such cases, palliative care to relief the suffering of patients and their families is needed. The majority of deaths (269 000) occur in low- and middle-income countries, where most women with breast cancer are diagnosed in late stages due mainly to lack of awareness on early detection and barriers to health services. WHO promotes comprehensive breast cancer control programmes as part of national cancer control plans. The recommended early detection strategies for low- and middle-income countries are awareness of early signs and symptoms and screening by clinical breast examination in demonstration areas. Mammography screening is very costly and is feasible only in countries with good health infrastructure that can afford a long-term programme. Visit the Pink Ribbon International website for more information regarding Breast cancer awareness month. Support the Cancer Association of Namibia by visiting their website where you will find information about their events, projects and more. Reference: 2 NHP Fingerprint Enrolment!! Date: Time: Venue: Saturday, 11 October 2014 08:00 to 13:00 Maerua Mall, in front of Mr. Price GET ENROLLED NOW! NHP is enroling all of its members and their dependants’ fingerprints onto the biometric system. Six reasons why you should enrol: • Immediate identification of you as an NHP member when arriving at a healthcare provider; • Real time claims processing; • Identification and access to benefits even in an emergency; • Possibility of fraud on your account is minimised; • More money for healthcare services; and • Easy co-payment calculation. Feedback from yet another happy member: ice v r Se roes He Graag wil ek hiermee vir Walter Hays, van Namibia Health Plan, baie dankie se vir sy uitmuntende, flinke en vriendelike diens wat hy aan ons betoon het, met die goedkeuring en verwerking van die eis van bostaande pasient. Hy het persoonlik geskakel voor die chirurgie en aan my die bedrag bevestig wat die fonds op elke tarief kode gaan betaal. As daar 'n onduidelikheid was, het hy, onmiddellik geskakel en ons het dit kon uitsorteer, wat dus die betalingsdatum van die eis net versnel. Die diens het ek ongelukkig nog nie by veel andere fondse beleef nie. Walter Hays Client Service Agent 3 Toe ons pasiënt in 2013 vir sy eerste besoek na Dokter gekom het, was ons baie skepties om van Namibia Health Plan te eis, eerstens omdat dit nie ‘n Suid Afrikaanse fonds is nie, asook omdat ons aanvanklik 'n privaat praktyk is en nie gereeld met mediese fondse direk kontak of eis nie. Tog het hierdie NHP lid my wel oorreed om hulle te kontak en van die eerste dag af was ek baie beindruk, waar ek toe reeds met Walter begin kontak maak het. Baie dankie Walter, doen so voort! N$500 Off to NHP members IQS uses auricular therapy to help you quit smoking comfortably. This entails the use of a light electro impulse on the energy points of the ears which assists in blocking withdrawal symptoms and cravings. IQS provides coaching and advice on how to change your habits and manage the memories of smoking. For more information, please visit our website: We are also on Facebook where you can read about our customer’s success: IQS Namibia. IQS is offering a N$500 saving for NHP members who want to quit smoking. Therefore members will only pay N$1,950 for the full program which includes 4 treatments and 6 month’s support. This promotional offer is valid until 31 December 2014. To make a booking Windhoek Centre: Email Sanet on [email protected] or call me on: 085 544 3322 Walvisbay Centre: Email Yulandi on [email protected] or call her on: 081 765 5446 Looking forward to help YOU become Smoke Free! Sanet Mohrmann / IQS Namibia / Therapist / Owner SSISA Certified Health Profile Assessor tel +264 61 285 5400 email [email protected] We’re about you Disclaimer The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any ailment and is aimed to provide information of a general nature only. The information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Should you require any medical advice and/or attention, please contact your Healthcare Practitioner. E & OE. (Errors and omissions excepted). Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information in this document is correct, errors and omissions may occur and the Fund cannot be held accountable for any reliance placed on the information contained herein. The Fund’s Call Centre may be contacted to confirm any information contained in the document. 4
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